Chapter 31

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Ryker's point of view     I was in awe of my mate in how she handled the speech and giving the pack a choice. She was so confident up there, a natural born leader. As she was handing the mic over to my father, out of no where Kelly stomps her way to the front of the stage. Mentally rolling my eyes and waiting to hear what she has to say. Turning around to address the crowd and waves her hand in the direction of Lea. "You all heard her, she is not who we all thought she was. She disguised herself all these years, how do we know she is not making all this up. She probably has her aunt over here casting spells to make her look like that. Hell she probably put a spell on You Ryker, to think you are her mate." She said that last part looking up at me. My fire had been lit and the more she spits on my mates name, the more I want to rip her head from her body. "Calm down Ry, and please let me handle this. Act as if nothing is bothering you, learn to control your emotions or they are gana cause you to loose control. I got this" Lea told me through the link. Taking deep breaths to calm myself, breathing in my mates intoxicating scent helped alot, I was finally calm.      With a smile on her face Lea ask "Hey Ryker, in any way do you feel like the mate bond is fake, in any way does it feel forced or fake, does the mate bond make you feel sick?" Was her question to me. I furrowed my brows in confusion, "Of course not why would it?" With a sly smile on her face she replies with a hint of annoyance and something else in her tone. "You see do to my own interest, I have done some studying on mate bonds. In my studies I had found that there is a way to make a fake mate bond to another. It takes a whole lot of energy, some vary rare ingredients to make a special elixer. Then after all that it is possible to do but the bond will never feel like a true bond, it will always feel fake or forced. So that is why I asked you those questions, and you have your answer Ms Kelly."      Kelly snarled out "You know so much about it, did your studies and you probably put a spell on him to make him think it is real." Looking toward the pack now she proceeded. "She admitted to knowing how to do it, can't you see she is a fraud and a lier. The former king and queen would be ashamed that someone like you are claiming to be their daughter." The air just got so thick so fast at that last comment. I look over at Lea, she is shaking with rage and I backed up slightly, I knew she was about to shift. Just like that she was in her beautiful lycan form, but this time it was majorly different. She was her normal lycan but with enormous black bat like wings with red veins all through, sticking out of her back. Her pitch black eyes set on one person, as I look over to Kelly her eyes are about to pop out of her head, and she was actually shaking.      A menacing growl ripped from my mates throat and even I wanted to submit to her. She is so powerful, it actually turned me on so much I had to put my hands in front of me like I was standing there with my hands casually crossed in front of my growing. Her silver teeth bared to Kelly, I was about to intervene so there were no casualties here today, but that voice stopped me.      "You will NEVER speak of my parents again as if you knew them. You will give up on your claim to my mate, he will NEVER be yours. If you EVER come at me again with any claims of me being a fraud of misleading my people, I will take it as a direct threat to not only me but my kingdom and we will battle to the death. I WILL NOT repeat my self ever again, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR! She said that last part with a yell and growl together. I think this time I was actually shaking in my britches, and the worst part is I was even more turned on. "Guards take this little pup to the dungeons until she can learn some manners." And with that said she shifted back to her beautiful self.      I was staring in awe cause for one she was amazing and for two I had never seen a wolf talk like they were in human form before, the most we do is mind links. Leave it to my girl to be unique and just plain badass. "I am sorry about that everyone, I would like to add one thing. If any of you feel the same way as Kelly does, then please come talk to me in a better manner then that, I really don't like biting peoples heads off like that. So again I will hand the mic over to Ahpha Thane." She walked back over to me and I wrapped my arm around her with comfort. My dad starts his part of the speech.      "Well I'm not gana start by thanking you all for being here cause you have been thanked enough already," and with that the tension in the air had been severed and everyone was now laughing. "So not wanting to make this any longer then needs to be, We were hoping that Beta Josh would do us the honors of being the alpha when time comes." He said in a tone like it was no big deal. Looking at Josh I could tell he was surprised to say the least. He walked on stage as people were patting his back and congratulating him. My dad handing him the mic.      "Are you sure about this alpha, I mean it's me your talking about here. But on a serious not I would be so honored to take that position, if your absolutely sure that is." We all started laughing again and Lea took the mic from Josh. "Ok enough of all this talk and sappy stuff, I'm ready to get this party started." As if on cue the music started playing and the crowd broke up and we went our separate ways. Some to food, some to games, and others to dance and mingle. Maliha's point of view     As everyone was going their marry little ways, I was about to walk off the stage when I noticed Zek my merman guardian was standing there with his head slumped down. Telling Ry I'll catch up with him in a min, I walked over to Zek and put my hand on his shoulder. "Are you ok Zek, you want to tell me whats bothering you." He looked up at me with hurt and anger flashing in his eyes. "Why didn't she recognize me?" Confusion crossing my face "Who are you talking about?" "That girl that you were arguing with, I think you said her name is Kelly. She is my mate and she didn't even recognize me." Shock and understanding is what I was thinking. Shock being I can;t believe his mate is that tramp, and understanding for him looking sad. I was never one to hold grudges, cause if I was I would not tell him this next part.     "The wares can start to find their mates at the age of 17, that is to other wares. The thing is if you are mated to another fae it could take a few encounters for both parties to notice each other. You noticed her right away, but her being busy yelling at me, I don't think she was  paying much attention to anyone else." He looked so depressed and at that bit of news he perked up just a little and I could see hope in his eyes again. "I'll tell you what, how about you go down to the  dungeons  and see her, see if she recognizes you as her mate. Just for you, if she does I'll allow you to take her to the cabin and get to know each other better. But let me warn you, she can be pretty annoying and stubborn. She has had her eye set on Ryker for as long as I can remember. If anyone can bring out the good side of her, it will be you. Just no she has had her warning, I will not allow anyone to disrespect me or my family." With that said he perked up an almost ran out of there before turning around. "Thank you so much my queen, you will make a fine ruler. Your parents would be so proud of you."     I might not care for how Kelly had always treated me, but I am not one to hold a grudge as I said earlier. I really hope that she will accept Zek and can be happy. With him on his way to find his mate, I turn to go find my own. I finally see him talking with his father so I make my way over. Before I get to him, an older man walks over to me. I see sorrow and pity in his eyes as he begins to speak." My queen, I know you probably do not know who I am," he began with his head bowed. I interrupted him just then, "Max I do know you, I know all my people in the fae world. Perks of being the soon crowned queen." I said the last part with a slight smirk. He looks up at me with a surprised look on his face but then masked it quickly.     "I am sorry queen, pardon my ignorance I was not aware." I shook my head slightly, "look Max please do not think yourself ignorant you did not know, and please call me Lea and stop with all the formalities. You can talk to me, no need to be nervous, I am still an always will be me." I told him and I saw him breath out like he was relaxing a little. "I am sorry Lea, I am still taking it all in. I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry for how my daughter had talked to you back there. Kelly has not been herself for some time now. Ever since her mother had gone into that coma, she started getting angrier and angrier. She does not want to be a warrior like her mother, she is afraid that she will end up like her. Please don't kill her she will come around." He all but begged of me.     I put my hand on his shoulder and with my best smile I told him. "Max listen to me well, I am no monster, killing her was never on my mind. If I was going to kill her do you think I would have sent her mate to go get her and take her some where to bond?" I said that last part with a huge smile on my face as I saw his forming into one as well. He smiled so bright that you would think he was a kid in a giant candy store and you told him he could have whatever he wants. "She found her mate, really?" He asked "Well not really, it's more like her mate found her. She was to busy doing , well you know her, and didn't recognize him. He is one of my guardians, his name is Zek and he is a merman. That is another reason she didn't recognize him, with mixed fae mates it can take a few times of meeting for them to recognize each other as mates."     His smile was contagious, as I was smiling. He looked very happy and then he hugged me as I hugged him back. He pulled back and a look of surprise and horror took over his face. "I am sorry my queen, I don't know what came over me." I just laughed and told him it was fine. He took off and I went to my mate. I reached him and wrapped both arms around his waist and he bent down and gave me a kiss. It was a promise for later. "Lea in the morning we need to discuss a few things. You have been gone for some time and we have freed many rogue packs. That is a discussion for tomorrow tough, tonight we party and have a good time.      All in all the party was so much fun. We drank, laughed, played games, and even went for a dip in the pond. I ran around with the pups some and even let my lycan out so the pups could play with her. They were a bit wary of the silver first but Ryker came over and explained to them that it was harmless to anyone I deem it to be. They one by one touched it and when they knew it wouldn't hurt them they took turns riding my lycan. Ryker also let his lycan out to play with the children as well. When it hit midnight and the pups were in bed the rest of us transformed and we went for a run. A run for the unity of the pack and the kingdom. Even the other fae that came, my allies went for a run as well. Some were able to keep up like the demons, angels, vamps, and fairies. The rest were able to catch rides. The ride was amazing, I no longer had to hide my true form. Ryker running by my side, we let out a howl to the moon in union and the pack followed in behind us. It was a most beautiful sound, made my level of hope sore through the night air.

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