Chapter 19

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Ryker's point of view Its been almost four years since Lily had left. I talk to her at least once a week on the phone or through our link. In two weeks we will be turning 17 and I am hoping she wont miss this birthday. I find myself thinking about her more and more the last year. Montana and I have gotten closer and she found her mate. Her and the beta's son Josh are mates, who would have thought. Guess I should stop calling him the beta's son, cause he will be my beta soon. I have been keeping myself busy training to be a great alpha with my dad, and josh has been by my side most of the time. Kelly keeps coming onto me saying she thinks we are mates. We are not mates, cause if we were our wolves would have figured it out when we turned 16. I am grateful that I am not mated to her, I don't think I would be able to handle her. I hope my mate is more like Lily, she is perfect in every way possible. As my mind wonders to my amazing best friend, my stomach wonders to food. I make my way down the stairs and to the kitchen. I make myself a little snack, a turkey and cheese sandwich with bread and butter pickles and mayo. I hear the front door open but pay no attention to it, cause its the pack house people are in and out all the time. Walking out of the kitchen to go back up the stairs, I am stopped in my tracks by the intoxicating smell. It is sweet vanilla, chocolate with a hint of lavender. My wolf howls MATE, I look up and my heart skips a few beats. Lily's (Mahila) point of view I am finally home and I can't wait to see my family and friends, but mostly Ryker. I get to door and turn the handle. As the door opens I walk in and stop in my tracks. The intoxicating smell of the forest, mixed with chocolate and mint. My wolf screams MATE, and my heart skips to the sight in front of me. "Ryker, I missed you so much. I cant believe." Before I could finish my sentence he puts his plate down and rushes over to me and pulls me into his big strong arms. Wow this man has been working out and I just want to do things to him. As I am lost in his arms he looks me in the eyes and they are no longer beautiful emerald green. They are black with lust, he puts his hands on either side of my face and crashes his lips onto mine. The kiss was smoking hot, and my lady parts were doing things they never did before. My knees started to give out and I am guessing Ryker figured that out cause he held me up by the waist. He finally pulled away and I instantly missed his lips on mine. He now had m face back in his hands after I got my bearings back, looked me in the eyes "I missed you so much Lily, never leave me again my love." Butterflies is an understatement, I was floating on a cloud. "I am sorry I was gone so long, we ran into a few issues but got through them. I promise I will never leave you again. You are my mate and now I know it, I am so happy its you. I have so much to tell you." As I was saying this in walks an unwanted person. "Did I hear that right, this hoe is your mate. I cant believe this, it should be me." She looked at me and then started walking toward me with her finger pointed at me. "Listen here b***h, he is mine and i'll fight for him, i'll put you in a shallow grave. I told you not to get in my way." She said this as she reached me and her hand went up. I could hear Ryker behind me growling and he was going to jump in but I told him in out like that I got this. As her hand was going to hit my face, I grabbed her hand ans twisted it till I heard a little pop. "You think I will ever listen to a b***h like you, Ryker is my mate and will never be yours. I suggest if you know what is good for you, you will leave now before you have to go to the ER." She was whining from her wrist hurting but still looked at me with disgust. "You think I am afraid of you, you don't scare me one bit." She goes to raise the other hand, as I saw it a smirk crosses my face. I let go of her wrist and let her have a fair chance. She comes at me and one punch to the nose and a loud crunch later she was laying unconscious on the ground. I turned around and smashed my lips back on Rykers and just took all of him in. I then heard someone clear their throats behind us. "Are we interrupting something?' I pull away and with red cheeks I look behind me. "Aunt Jane and Damon I missed yall." I run toward them with my arms wide open and hug them. They both hug me with smiles on their faces. We pull away and they look at me with that what did we walk in on. "So are you going to tell us what we just saw?" My aunt was the first one to speak up. My cheeks flushed and I looked back at Ryker. "We are mates, you were right when you thought we were mated." They both looked at each other and then smiled. "It's about time you figured it out, and got your butt home." I just laughed it off, then went to the side table that Ryker put his plate down and picked it up. "Oh my god I'm so hungry, thank you for making me a sandwich." I said as I bit down into the delicious turkey sandwich. Ryker just snickers and says "Have at it babe, i'll just go make me another one." The way he called me babe made my heart flutter and I wanted to melt right there. "Hey aunt Jane, I'm going to take Ry to the cabin so we can talk and catch up. I want to show him my abilities and what I can do now." As I was saying that more people started coming into the pack house. "oh and by the way I have more guardians, this one over here is Ezekal I call him Zek." I pointed to a dark tanned, bleach blond curly on top pulled into a man bun hair and dark blue eyes. "He is my mermaid guardian, and he can have a stick up his ass at first but he will grow on you." I said with a laugh. "I'm right here you know, I heard ya." Zek said with a bit of a fake scowl on his face. I then point to a little woman with paler skin, pink pixie cut hair and blue eyes. "This here is Tally, my fairy guardian. Over here." I point to woman about 5'9", black long hair, tan skin with pink eyes. She was a leather wearer, "This is Zara my shape shifter guardian." Then there is this handsome fella right over here," As i said the words I hear Ryker growl from the other side of the room. I just slightly smile as I continue. I point to a tall man probably 6'5" slim build, brown hair and brown eyes, with some sexy lips. "This is Desmond, my vamp guardian.I was going to take them to the cabin as well, till the morning. I don't want to cause a ruckus this late." My aunt and Damon introduced them selves while Ryker sat off to the side and just stared at me. "Whats wrong Ry, you don't like my new guardians?" I sent through the link. "No, they got to spend the last four years with you while I got left behind." I walk over to him and put my hand on his face. "Come to the cabin with me, I want to talk to you." He agreed and so we all went, but not through the closet of my aunts room. They have a house of their own how and its just around the corner of the pack house. My aunt showed me where the new portal was and we went. I got everyone settled and then went out to the back patio with Ryker. He was sitting on one of the lounge chairs. "Do you trust me Ry?" He looks over at me like I just said something stupid, "Of course I do, always have." I took his hand and pulled him up, I then took off his shirt and I could feel him shiver under my touch. "What are you doing to me Lily?" He said in a deep husky voice. "Take off your pants and follow me. I took my shirt and shorts off, I was prepared for this so I wore a bikini. I then looked at Ryker to see if he was ready, he had his hands on his button and zipper, his shoes off but just frozen at the spot. He was staring at me with those black lust filled eyes and my body started to warm from him staring at me. I go over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, "Ry sometime tonight would be good." He blinked a few times and then finished and got down to his boxer briefs. OMG now I was frozen, the man has a hug erection and I mean huge. I finally took my eyes away and looked him in the eyes and he was smirking. "Like what you see babe?" I shook the image outta my head and jumped in the pool and he joined me. I then turned him into a merman and he was beautiful. He was an emerald green with blue streaks in his tail. He is taken back but I just wave for him to follow me. I make a portal to a spot I found about a year and a half ago. It is in the middle of no where, a crystal clear water hole with a waterfalls, and a cave behind the falls. When he surfaces I close the portal so we are completely alone.
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