Chapter 18

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Lily's (Mahila) point of view I saw the confused look on my aunts face as I said those words. I just blurted it out without explaining. "I'm just meaning for a little bit. I am coming into my abilities and I never know when they are going to come in. I don't want to risk anyone seeing anything yet, and if I just up and get an ability in the middle of a crowded room, or in school, people will see and know. Besides this will give me a chance to get out there and see the world and know some of my people. I want to visit the mermaids, the vamps an demons, the fairies, angels, and the witches. I cant only get to know the warewolves it's not very fair." I say this while I fiddle with my hands, like I always do when i'm nervous. My aunt looks at me with a mixed emotion in her eyes. "I see your point, but now is not a good time, I will be having the baby at any time now. I can't just up and leave for a trip around the world until the baby is at least 2." I saw the sadness in her eyes, she thinks she is letting me down. I reach out and grab her hand, "I know Auntie. That's why I was thinking Jazzel and Mick could go with me, also I will be getting a new guardian soon." I heard Damon growl before he said in an angered voice. "No way am I letting you outta my sight, you are staying here until we can all go." My auntie put her hand on Damon's shoulder to calm him down. "I will wait till the baby is born before I leave." I look up at Damon and hope he will understand what I am about to say. "I know you are my guardian, but you need to take care of your family, and I have to go and take care of my kingdom. It will also look to suspicious if we all go together. The three of us will be able to blend in better if it's just us. This is something I need to do as future queen, I have been thinking a lot about this." I tried not to but I started to cry a little bit. After out conversation, Damon still was not ok with it. I put my faith in my aunt to get him to come around. I now had to tell Ryker and Montana my plans and the first one was going to be so hard. I got back to the cabin and changed into some dry cloths and put up my wet hair. With my head down, trying to figure out the best way to break the news to my best friend. I get to his door and knock a couple times. Ryker opens the door and as it closed he pulled me into a tight bear hug. "Please don't leave me, i'll do anything." I pulled out of the hug confused, how does he know? As I look at him in his beautiful emerald eyes, I see he is crying. "How do you know bout that, I was coming to tell you now." He looks down with almost an embarrassed look on his face. "I didn't quit leave the cabin, I went inside and used my wolf hearing to hear what you were talking about. I'm sorry but I was worried something was wrong and you didn't want me to know." I smiled at him "It's ok, I was gana tell you anyways. At least I don't have t explain why I need to do this to you. You know why I need to do this, and besides you will be so busy training to become alpha that you wont notice I'm gone to much." I tried to lighten up the mood a little bit, but that didn't work. he grabbed my hands and held them as he looked into my eyes. "I love you Lily, please don't go." Tears fell from his eyes. "I love you to Ryker, but I have to do this. It will only be for few years, but i'll be back home in no time." Before anything else could be said I felt his lips on mine, I didn't pull away nor did I know what to do. I guess I kind of stood there like a deer in head lights. He pulled back and hugged me again, as I was in his arms he whispered in my ear. "I will always love you, talk to me every day and be safe. Please come back to me." So the next month went by pretty quick and Montana took the news a little bit better then Ryker did but not much. I was in the pack clinic waiting out side of nursery to see my baby niece. Finally Damon comes over to the window and shows her off to everyone, with the biggest smile on his face. I have never seen him so happy before. She was beautiful with a head full of black hair, olive skin, and a cute little nose.We end up going into the room about 30 mins after that to see Auntie Jane, Damon, and the new addition. "What are you going to name her?" I asked as I got closer to her. " Well Lily, we were thinking about letting you help us with that." I give her a look that must have been of shock and confusion cause my auntie just started to laugh along with Damon. "You have been a big part of our lives, and she will be like a little sister to you. We thought you might have a few ideas." I just smiled as I thought of names. "How about Rose, or Shamri, or maybe River." I think all of these names are pretty. They both look at me and agreed with the same name. "I like River, maybe River Rose. Yes that's beautiful." I didn't think it possible but my smile got bigger. "I really like that, it's perfect. The night was awesome, I held River a lot and just fell in love with her. Ryker and his parents came and seen her as well. It was two weeks later when I decided that me, Jaz and Mick should take off on our trip. Ryker was avoiding me a little bit, I know he is hurt but he needs to realize I have a kingdom I will need to run in the future. He has a pack he is training for and I need to train for my kingdom. I wont lie my heart is breaking to, I will miss him so much. Me, Mick, and Jaz are standing in the doorway saying our goodbyes. "I will miss you so much auntie and Damon, please don't let River forget me." I say as I give them hugs. I tell ahpha Thane and luna Shyan goodbye also. Montana take care of Ryker for me please. He is mad at me know but I hope he will get over that soon." Giving her a hug and then pull away. "I will be back before you know it." We get out the door and walk to the car. As I open the door to the gray outlander sport I am pulled back into someones arms. As I turn around I see it is Ryker and he has been crying. I pull him into a bear hug and tell him, "I will miss you the most. I will be back before you know it, I promise." "I will wait for you, I promise." He whispered in my ear. He then kissed my cheek and lingered there for a few seconds, again with the butterflies. We got on the car and took off on our adventure. We were going to the oceans first, I needed to meet the mermaids. My auntie marked the map to all of the allie fae to the kingdom, and also the places that my family came from. So somewhere around the Alantic ocean was my mermaid relatives. I'm going there to meet them andto let them know what is going on so they can train and help us. So I thought that is what was going to happen anyways, boy was I wrong. As we got to the spot where we were suppose to go I look over at Mick and Jaz. "Are you two ready for your swimming legs?" Crossing his arms over his chest, "And exactly how are we suppose to do that, we are lycans not mermaids." I just giggled a little bit, my auntie showed me how to do this before I left. I put my hand in the water and scooped some water in it. I swished the water around a little and it had a blue glow to it so I threw it on Mick. "What are you doing, I still have my cloths on. These are all." That's all he got out before his legs turned into a big flipper and his was still on. "What the heck, how did that happen?" I just giggle and with a smile I tell him, "This will last 72 hours before I have to do it again. Are you ready Jaz?" She smiled and was excited as she said yes. I got them both turned, Jazz was a beautiful red pink mermaid with pink seashells as her bra. Mick was a bright green with no shirt on, and again I was a baby blue with my own seashells. As we swim down we get to the gates, but what we found was unbelieveable. The gates were smashed and broken, and beyond were a underwater city that you could tell was once beautiful. Now it is dark and dead, there was no life to been seen anywhere. We got to the palace, or what was left of it anyways. There were holes in the ceiling and pillars were smashed. I could only think of one thing to do. "Auntie Jane, I don't know what happened, and I don't know what to do?" I sent her the images of what I have seen and she replied. "Oh sweetie, it looks like the rogue king has fund a way to get to them as well. I am so sorry, if any of them survived your mother told me that they had a plan if they ever came under attack and couldn't win. They would go to the Bermuda Triangle, so try there next." After our conversation I was trying to figure out how to get there, I have never been so I cant open a portal. As Bermuda Triangle kept crossing my mind, my hands started to glow light blue. Not knowing what to do I opened them up and a portal had appeared. I looked back at Mick and Jaz and said " Well it's worth a shot, right."
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