Chapter 20

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Lily's (Maliha) point of view     I look up at Ryker and see that he has a look of confusion and disbelief. I take his hand and get his attention. " This place is beautiful isn't it. I come here when I need time to myself, I have never brought anyone here before." With a smile on my face I also tell him, "We are completely alone here." As I said that his lips captured mine in a deep but sensual kiss. His hands work their way from my shoulders to my hips. I can't control my hands either, as my body is heating up my hands move all over his back.      His tight bulging tight muscles under my hands, his soft silky skin, and his sent. It was all sending me over board, I had to pull away before it went to far. We are both breathing hard when we pull away, you would think we just got done running a marathon. "Whats wrong Lily, do you want to wait?" I sighed and put my head down. I had to tell him some things but I was afraid of his reaction. Looking up and with a wave of my hand Ryker and I were back to our human selves. Taking his hand and getting out of the water I tell him as we walk "Follow me, I have a few things we need to discuss before anything else."      I lead him to the waterfalls and we walk through it and into the cave. Through out the many times I have been here, I have fixed up the cave to my liking. As we get to the back wall there. I turn back to see Ryker's confused face, "Watch" I said with a smile on my face. To the left side of me at the floor was a stone that stuck out just a hair farther then the rest. I put my foot to it and pushed it in and heard a small click. The wall opened up right in front of me and i grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. Inside was a huge room with a big ceiling fan in the middle of the ceiling. The walls are the natural dark gray cave color, I have a huge circular shaped bed in the middle of the room and off to the right side is a sitting area with a large black suede couch, and two white leather arm chairs. The bed has large dark wooden post that lead up to a canopy. The blanket was a soft red comforter, and black canopy.     I lead Ryker to the couch and sit down, he sits next to me and we face each other. I grab both of his hands and look in his eyes. "I have to explain a few things to you, and you can decide if you still want me or if you want to reject me." His eyes grow ten fold and he tightens his grip on me. "I would never reject you Lily, how can you ever think that. I love you and have for a long time." I put my hand up to get him to stop talking for a min. He is hesitant but does any ways. "I know Ry but please just bare with me, I have learned a lot while I was gone." "Ok" is all he said as he leaned back.     Taking in a deep breath I prepare for what to say. "Ok so first thing is first, you will have to give up your claim to being alpha." I glance at him and see he has a look of anger and hurt on his face. "What do you mean, I have to choose you or being the alpha I have trained my whole life for." Putting his hand on his forehead and hanging his head down he continues. "This isn't fair, I love you so much, but I also care about my pack immensely." I take his hand and grab his attention.     Looking him in the eyes "Hey you do know who I am right, I am to be queen of all fae. Therefore that would mean you being my mate, you will be king. I know its hard and not what you wanted but you will still be able to help your pack." On that he looks up with a glow in his eyes. "I didn't think of that, Wow I am not sure if I will make a good king." I smile at him and tell him. "No you wont make a good king." He looks at me with a bit of a hurt expression, "You will make a great king Ry, I have no doubt about that." He smiled at that and even blushed a little bit.     "Now please let me finish everything before you ask anymore questions." He nods his head in agreement. So with a smile I continue, " So not only will you be king, but you will become a hybrid also. Once we complete the mating process, with my blood it will unlock some of the abilities. I am not sure which ones or all or maybe none. For sure you will no longer be a wolf, but your wolf will transform into a lycan. After our 17th birthday in a few days I will get my angel and demon, if I am to get them that is. At the party is when I am reveling who I truly am. I will also have some of my fae allies at the party. When all this is done we will have a pack meeting where I will ask the pack if they will become the new royal pack.     Being the royal pack means that they will move to the kingdom, and protect the castle. We will also have a ceremony where we will mix our blood with the ceremony punch and the pack will drink from it. They will also all become lycans and some might also obtain other abilities as well." I take in a deep breath as I look into Rykers amazing green eyes and see he is taking it all in.     I look down at my fiddling fingers and back up again, my stomach is in knots. I am afraid this is all to much for him and he will reject me. As I am about to speak, he grabs my face and plants his lips softly onto mine. I pull back a bit and ask him, "are you going to reject me Ry, I wont hate you if you do." I didn't realize I was crying until he wiped a tear from my cheek with his thumb. He looked deep into my eyes and said. "I Ryker Black," My heart was beating so fast and I felt like I was going to vomit, he is rejecting me. I look down and get ready for the heart break. "I Ryker Black will never reject you Maliha Novack. I will always love you and protect you no matter what. Maliha Novack, will you accept me Ryker Black to be your mate for the rest of your life?"      I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding, and I start to cry. This time it was they were happy tears, "Of course Ry, I will accept you now and forever. I thought, never mind come here." I said as I pulled him to me and hugged him. He tightened his hold on me and then pulled back. He looked into my eyes and said. "Are you ready, are you ready to be mine completely?" His eyes were black with lust. all I could do is shake my head, I was so ready. He stands up and grabs my hand and helps me up. He leads me over to the bed. Smashing my lips to his, he accepts and takes control. I have my hands in his sandy silky blond hair and tug on it a little it. He growls his sexy growl and I start to get wet and my stomach is in so many really good knots.      My hands make their way down to the rim of his shirt and pull it up over his head. I pull back and just stare at his ripped body, His abs are so tight and smooth. He didn't have a six pack, his was more of a eight pack and I was drooling. I couldn't resist my hands made their way to his abs and just rubbed on them. "Oh baby how you have grown." He smiled his sexy smile and came over to me. "I want to be with you fully Maliha, I love Lily but give me you." I knew what he was asking and I changed into my natural form. Rykers eyes just went huge.
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