2344 Words

CHAPTER 18CHARLIE December 11, 2090 “We’re here.” Rochelle’s icy hand brushed my face. “We’re home.” I opened my eyes but didn’t lift my head from her shoulder as Max guided the truck into the ice-coated driveway and parked next to Alexander’s vehicle. The last sixty miles of our trip had taken three hours due to the slippery roads. The gas indicator had been on empty for the last hour. “I’ve never been so happy to park in my life.” Max cut the engine, one hand still gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were white. Rochelle nodded and looked longingly at the house where warm light glowed in every window against the dreary gray of the winter afternoon. We all shivered. The heater in the truck barely worked well enough to keep the windshield defrosted, and our clothes wer

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