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CHAPTER 17ROCHELLE December 11, 2090 “That has to be the place.” Max pointed to the last run-down house on a dead-end street. The truck crunched over the gravel road directly in front of the house, and I put it in park. We had left Maibe just after midnight, but thick fog and a missed turn had almost doubled the expected three-and-a-half-hour trip. Fortunately, Max’s extra fuel had meant we didn’t get stranded. After turning off the engine, I leaned back in my seat and let my muscles relax. “Todd was right about the bad weather. Remind me to never drive in the fog again.” I had spoken to Todd on the phone twice when I snuck away between playing board games and watching movies with my family. Both times he begged me to tell Kinley instead of looking for Keppler myself. I had insisted Max

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