2155 Words

CHAPTER 19ROCHELLE December 11, 2090 Sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, I watched the wind-driven snow gust past the bay window. Even after taking my time to shower and get dressed, Kinley and Keppler still hadn’t returned from the doctor. “I just got off the phone with Emma.” Kat slipped into the room with a mug in her hand. She’d been splitting her time between making dinner and reassuring me Kinley was more worried than mad. “She’s relieved you’re safe, and she said she would tell Todd you’re home.” “You should have told me. I would have talked to him.” “Here, drink this. You’re still shaking.” Kat handed me the warm mug and sat down beside me. “You can’t talk to Todd right now. He’s grounded for knowing about your plan and not telling anyone. It was pretty impressive when

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