1859 Words

CHAPTER 13CHARLIE December 8, 2090 Kat giggled as we raced around the temporary ice skating rink as fast as we could, swerving in and out to avoid other skaters. Her gloved hand gripped mine, the icy air brushed my face, and my only worry was keeping my balance. It was bottled freedom, pure joy, and minutes ticking by too fast. Kat took my other hand and we spun to a stop a few feet from where Max stood in the trampled snow. He raised one arm in the air. “Thirty seconds. That’s a new record.” “I told you we could do it.” Another couple raced past us, and Kat pulled me closer to the snowy border. “I wish we could have a holiday festival every Friday.” I hated that I was about to ruin that for her. We had built a snowman with Audrie, enjoyed hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls with Emma an

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