1456 Words

CHAPTER 14ROCHELLE December 8, 2090 “I’m fine, Rochelle.” Kinley picked up her open text book from the couch cushion as I covered her with a blanket. “If I’m just sitting here, I might as well accomplish something.” “You’re shivering.” I closed the book and placed it on the coffee table. “And you’re supposed to be resting. Do you want me to make you another cup of tea?” I had spent the evening coaxing Kinley and Todd to swallow chicken noodle soup and stirring honey into tea. “Studying makes me feel better.” Kinley looked at the book, too far away for her to reach. “I hope I did okay on my test today. If I failed . . .” “I’m sure you aced it. Now, stop worrying and close your eyes.” I kissed her forehead and returned to my armchair pulled up next to Todd’s chair. He sat with the side

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