2049 Words

CHAPTER 6CHARLIE November 28, 2090 Slowly, I pushed the basement door open, stopping it at the halfway point so it wouldn’t creak. The dining room was empty and dishes clanked in the kitchen. I had spent the last several days hiding out in the basement or the library, burying myself in my writing so I wouldn’t have a panic attack thinking about the moment I would have to face Griff. I had no doubt he would come; it was just a matter of time. I felt like a character in an Edgar Allan Poe story, stuck in my own head and spiraling into insanity. Even interacting with people I cared about, people I would have to give up, was too difficult. Rochelle spent most of her time with Todd or resting anyway. Kinley came to check on me and make sure I ate something, and Kat, as far as I could tell, s

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