2483 Words

CHAPTER 5ROCHELLE November 26, 2090 Why didn’t my dad give the pendant to Audrie? Did he not trust her or had he just run out of time? Had he trusted Eric Bennett, Molly’s father, or did he suspect his betrayal? Was he just trying to help his friend, and had I fallen into the same trap with Molly? These thoughts tormented me as I sat next to Todd’s hospital bed. He’d been asleep when I arrived. After Kinley took Emma, Todd’s older sister, to get lunch, I sat alone, listening to the beeping medical equipment and watching snowflakes drift outside the window. Todd was getting better, but he spent more time asleep than awake. The day before, we’d talked for about an hour before he was exhausted. He had verified Molly’s story that his train was raided in Kansas and he’d been in a Defiance w

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