6. Hormones

1472 Words
I took a deep breath. “Anyways.. It all started with the move” One hour later… I had just poured my whole heart out to my worst enemy… why do I not feel bad about it? “Damn, El i’m so sorry I had no idea..” He said sincerely “You have nothing to apologize for, it isn’t your fault my life sucks, s**t happens right?” I laughed it off. He put his hand on my knee and once again made direct eye contact with me. “El, you don’t have to be strong around me, okay?” I felt like crying after hearing those words, I just told him my whole life story and he listened and he seems upset as well.. I’ve always tried to be strong for my mom.. I’m not very good at letting out my emotions either. Before I knew it I had tears running down my face, I couldn’t hold them back anymore. Ashton brought his thumb to my cheek and wiped away my tear. He pulled me into his chest and I was ingulfed in the amazing scent of his cologne “It’ll be okay, just let it out” He rubbed my back and let me cry into his chest as I squeezed his shirt. I backed away and started giggling a bit “I never thought i’d be crying in front of you, i’d usually run away and cry after you bullied me” I wiped my tears and took a deep breath. “I think i’m okay now” I said. I looked up and noticed a saddened expression on his face. “El, i’ve been terrible to you i’m so sorry.. i’m really sorry.” He said. My eyes widened and I couldn’t believe what was coming out of his mouth “I-It’s okay” I replied. “No it’s not” He said “And If I could go back in time and just be your friend instead I would’ve” He said. I smiled “Thank you Ashton, , but let’s just drop it we’re cool right?” I asked “Yeah I think so” He smiled. I’m not gonna jump into his arms and trust him just because he let me cry to him and hugged me. Boys are always finding new ways to get a girl into bed and i guarantee this was one of them. I heard my text tone. “Oh just give me one sec sorry” I pulled it out and checked it was a text from Brax. “Hey babe, spill the tea about this dinner party” “Oh hi, well it’s um..” I texted back nervously brax never liked Ashton and she’s my best friend so I don’t want her to think something weird is going on. “OMG El, just tell me stop being lame” She texted I took a deep breath “It’s Ashton..” I sent it and my heart stopped for a second. “Ashton!? As in Ashton Gray?!?” She replied. “Yes..” I texted. “I’m so sorry girl, are you okay? Anyways do you wanna come over tomorrow? It’s pretty important.” She replied. I sighed with relief thank god I dodged a bullet. “Yes of course, ily” I replied and put my phone away I sat back down on the bed and Ashton was chuckling “Your boyfriend mad at you?” He said with a smirk. Now this is his way of asking if i’m seeing anyone. “No, it was Braxton. You know I don’t have a boyfriend” I said. “Ohhh so instead of your boyfriend being mad at you, you have a best friend who absolutely hates my guts that’s mad you’re with me right now?” He asked. I rolled my eyes “It’s your fault if she hates you Ash” I said. “Well, i’m really happy you opened up to me today, and I hope it helped you some” He said changing the subject. “Actually it really helped a lot thank you for listening..” I replied while scratching the back of my neck. “I don’t mind at all, oh by the way my number is in your phone now” He smirked. My eyes widened “What the hell? How?” I looked in my contacts and there it was.. “I added it when you weren’t paying attention” he chuckled I rolled my eyes “Of course you did” “Doesn’t seem like you have a problem with it if you aren’t deleting it” He said smugly with a shrug. I rolled my eyes and playfully smacked his leg “Oh hush.” My phone beeped again and I sighed taking it out of my pocket. “Wow, aren’t you miss popular” He teased. I gave him an annoyed side eye and checked my phone it was my mom asking if I was ready to leave. I texted her back and put my phone away. I stood up and stretched “That was my mom she’s ready to leave” I said. He smiled “Alright i’ll walk you down.” He walked ahead of me and opened his bedroom door for me letting me go out first. It’s so weird seeing him this way.. I walked out and walked next to him down the hallway. When we walked down the stairs they were all standing by the door talking. I stood next to my mom. “Oh sweetie there you are, did you have fun?” She smiled. I looked at Ashton “It was alright” I smiled. He smiled and looked at the ground. “Well, Linda. We will def be in touch darling” Mrs. Gray said with a smile. “Thank you all again for having us! I’m so excited we’re neighbors now. Our old neighbors were kind of.. loud” My mom said. “We’ll have to get together again sometime” Mr. Gray stated. “Definitely! I’ll see you tomorrow Mr. Gray. And Mrs. Gray, Ashton it was a pleasure to meet you both!” My mom said and waved goodbye. I waved and we both walked out. Back at the house… I walked into my room slouching my shoulders “I’m so tired” I sighed I changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed. I was ready to pass out until I heard my text tone go off. “Ughhh” I grabbed my phone and checked the text. It was from Ashton.. “Hey..” He said. “What’s up?” I replied “Nothing much.. Just layin in bed and I couldn’t help but think about you so I decided to text” He said. I felt my face heat up, there is no way I can have these feelings about my enemy this is ridiculous.. Keep your guard up El remember boys just want to f**k. That doesn’t mean I can’t mess with him though. I laughed to myself “Oh really now?” I replied with a winking emoji. “Yup, just layin in bed all aloneeee” He said. God I knew it, he does just want to get in my pants.. “Ashton Gray If I didn’t know any better i’d say you’re insinuating something.” I replied “What, no not at all, unrelated what are you doing tomorrow after seeing Braxton?” He replied “Hm, I don’t know I have a pretty busy schedule” I said. “Aw damn, well I was gonna ask if you maybe wanted to hang out” He said. Today really wasn’t all that bad.. But I don’t want Brax to find out i’m kinda cool with him. I’m definitely not letting him in that easy and i’m not sleeping with him ever. “I guess I could make room in my schedule” I said “You better” he replied. My mind instantly drifted to dirty thoughts I tried to shoo them away. I hate hormones. “Or else what?” I replied daringly. “You don’t want to find out, goodnight El” He said with a wink emoji. I felt butterflies in my stomach at his last text and slapped myself mentally. Why am I like this.. I set my phone down on the nightstand and shoved my face in my pillow letting out a scream. I layed on my back and stared at my ceiling. He is not going to get to me, I won’t let it happen. Does he turn me on? Possibly. But regardless i’m better then this.. I closed my eyes and tried thinking about something else eventually drifting off into sleep.
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