2. Enemies

1004 Words
1 hour later~ I was standing by my locker pretending to look busy so nobody would talk to me. I had about 10 minutes until my next class but Braxton didn’t take english with me so I had to go alone. She ran up to me out of breath and almost knocked me over. “Brax what the hell is wrong with you” I asked. She put her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath as she held up her pointer finger telling me to hold on. I raised my brow and stared at her like she was crazy. “I’m so upset” She stood upright and stared at me. I’ve hardly ever seen Brax mad at anyone. “Why? What happened” I asked. “I went and tried out for cheer” She looked away from me while she was saying it because she knew i’d be upset by it. “Why would you want to do cheer? You really want to deal with Brianna and her little puppets?” I crossed my arms. “Ella it isn’t about that, I’ve always wanted to do cheer and you know for a fact I hate those bitches. But I worked my ass off to be perfect for the try outs” She said. “Okay? So what’s going on?” I asked confused. “Brianna said that i’m not good enough to make the squad” She used her fingers for quotations. “Which is ridiculous because I totally am” Her words became muffled as I stared behind her. “Right Ella?” She said. “Ella hello are you even listening?” My arms were crossed and I just know you could tell I was annoyed by the look on my face. “Earth to Ella” She waved her hands in front of my face. She gave up and looked in the direction I was looking in. And what she saw is Ashton Gray standing there talking to his little friend Nash Wallace. She turned back to me and crossed her arms “Are you serious right now?” She asked angerily. I looked at her “i’m sorry I just really can’t stand him.” She threw her hands up “Why do you even care about him?” My eyes widened and I uncrossed my arms “I don’t” I said. I overheard Nash saying “Alright man i’ll see you in class then” Followed by Ashton “Sounds good” Nash walked away and I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked over and noticed someone was staring and that someone was Ashton, I know what you’re thinking. Why does this random guy bother you so much. Well he isn’t random Ashton has bullied me relentlessly since 9th grade for just about anything he could. My height was always the main target. He bothers me more than anyone else in the world. He has piercing light blue eyes and the best way I could describe his hair is jet black like his soul and a little fluffy. His sides are always shaved shorter than the top. And he has a distinct scar on his right eye. It starts at the top of his eye brow goes through his brow and ends under his eye. He’s looking at us” I said to brax under my breath. She turned and put her hands around her mouth to be dramatic as she yelled “Hey Gray! don’t you have anything else to look at?” I face palmed as she crossed her arms. He winked “Bye Jensen” He walked away. Brax turned back toward me and sighed “He just flat out ignored me” I opened my locker to grab my english book. “He’s a nobody to us anyways, so who cares?” “How are my two favorite girls today?” I heard a familiar voice. As I closed my locker I noticed Liam standing next to brax. She turned and jumped excitedly “Liam!” He giggled. “Hey liam” I waved. He put his finger to his chin “Hey did I just see Ashton Gray causing problems with you two?” I shrugged “It was nothing we can’t handle, I mean he has been bullying me since like 9th grade Liam” He pointed like he was scolding his kid “That does not make it okay Ella” Brax nodded in agreement. I forgot to mention Liam in the beginning but somehow Brax and I picked him up along the way and it’s been the three of us since I wanna say 5th grade? It’s hard to keep track honestly. He’s a pretty simple guy though he has this beanie that he literally never takes off. Not even kidding it’s worn with swim trunks too. He has blonde hair the only part of it I ever see is the little swooped up front pieces that stick out from under his beanie though. He’s also a total nerd and is in charge of the photography club for the school. I heard the bell ring signaling it was time for my English class. “Well that’s me, I love you both please behave.” I started walking away as I heard them both in unison saying. “No promises!” I didn’t mind English class but my teacher is a b***h. I opened the door and everyone’s eyes were on me. “Miss. Jensen, you’re late.” Mrs. Chester said with her arms crossed “I’m sorry Mrs. Chester it won’t happen again” I said sarcastically. “Have a seat” She angerily uncrossed her arms. I looked over to my normal seat and what do you know Ashton was sitting in the chair next to my empty one he winked at me. What an asshole I sighed. “You’ve got to be kidding me” I said under my breath
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