9. Under my skin

1322 Words
“Hey jensen, you getting out?” He yelled. I opened my car door and hopped out of the car. “Sh stop yelling someone might call the cops” I whispered. He walked over to the hood of his car and leaned on it. “You and cops what’s up with that? scared to get in trouble?” He teased. I walked over and leaned on the hood of the car with him “If you must know I worry a lot about everything okay?” I said. “So you’re a p***y” He turned his head and stared at me. I made eye contact with him and looked away. “No, I just don’t like getting in trouble especially since i’m 18.” I said. He laughed “I’m just messing around jensen” He said. I rolled my eyes “So why are we out here?” I asked. “Glad you asked” He smiled “Follow me” He leaned off the car and started walking toward a dark path. I followed him and stayed close. The woods have always creeped me out, not really the woods but what could be in them. “You okay? you’re quiet” He said as he jumped over a tree branch. “Huh? Oh yeah i’m fine.” I replied confidently. I climbed over the tree branch and continued following him. We walked for about 10 minutes until we reached a clearing. There was a giant lake it’s like it came out of nowhere. “It’s beautiful” I stared in amazement. The moonlight shimmered off of the rippling water. He held out his hand “Come on then” He smiled as I grabbed his hand he led me over to the clearing where a big rock was sitting in front of the lake. He jumped up onto the rock and held down his hand to help pull me up. “Thank you” I said quietly. He sat down next to me. “You’re welcome jensen” He smiled. “Why do you always call me jensen” I asked annoyed. He looked out at the lake “Because it’s your last name dummy” He laughed. “Okay but why not just call me El? I don’t walk around calling you Gray” “Wanna know the truth?” He asked. “That’s kind of why I asked you” I rebutted. “Whatever smart ass, the truth is that everybody calls you el, nobody calls you jensen” He smiled and turned his head toward me. That’s kind of sweet I thought to myself. I smiled “That’s a good enough answer I guess” I giggled. “I’m not a sappy person so don’t go expecting me to be sweet now just because we’re kinda cool” He laughed. “Don’t worry, I know” I said with a smug smile. I looked out at the lake and listened to the water being blown by the wind. We sat there in silence for a few seconds. “Hey ash?” I said. “What’s up” He said while looking at the sky. “Why did you bring me out here? I mean you acted like it was urgent” I said. He turned to look at me as if he was admiring me. “This is my comfort place, I found it when I was 13 and have been coming here ever since” He smiled. “Oh I get it now, so this is where you bring the girls you want to hook up with huh?” I joked. He got serious and cleared his throat “No, actually i’ve never brought anyone here.. until now” He looked in my eyes. I looked away and felt butterflies in my stomach “Really? I’m sorry for saying that Ash I just-“ He cut me off “Hey, stop gettin all sappy on me. Don’t worry about it. I get it I seem like a dude who’s f****d multiple women” He laughed. “Not saying I haven’t but-“ He dragged out his sentence and I playfully hit his arm. He laughed and turned his head back toward the lake. I stared at his features. God i’m such a creep. His jawline was so sharp it looked like it could cut glass, I noticed he has a tattoo behind his ear running down his neck. “What does that say?” I asked. “Hmm?” He turned to look at me. “Your neck tat” I said. “Ah that one, it says grateful” He smiled. “Why did you get it?” I asked “Well, I don’t really know honestly. Not all of my tattoos have meaning but I guess for a simple answer I just got it because i’m grateful for what I have, I’ve had a good life” He smiled. I hummed at his response “Hm, I like it” I smiled and looked back out at the lake. “Hey you never answered my question, why did you decide to bring me out here?” I asked. “I just wanted to hang out, is that okay?” He smiled “Yeah, it is.. I hate to admit but, it’s been kind of nice hanging out with you Ash, I like this side of you way better” I said. Honestly I still can’t believe i’m saying that.. But i’ve felt so happy these past 2 days besides everything that happened with Braxton.. I can’t believe he’s getting under my skin. “Harsh, but fair” He laughed. “Oh yeah how was hanging with Braxton? She still hate me?” He smiled. My eyes widened a bit.. Actually it’s quite the opposite and I guess it always has been but i’m not going to tell him that. I will let him judge that situation himself. “It was uh, odd.. We aren’t really speaking right now” I said He turned to me “Why? Cat fight?” He laughed “Shut up, no it wasn’t a cat fight. But I went over to her house to hang out and she looked like a completely different person I didn’t even recognize her..” I said with my head down. “What do you mean?” He asked “Well, tomorrow she’s trying out for cheer which is a shocker in itself because we’ve always hated Brianna and anyone on the cheer team.. So I was surprised she wanted to be around them” I said. “Yeah Brianna is a b***h” He laughed “Didn’t you two date?” I asked “We did worst mistake of my life” He smiled “Anyways continue” He said “Well, I could get over her wanting to be on the cheer squad but when I say she looked completely different I mean like short skirt, tiny tube top and heavy jewelry and heavy makeup, she looked like she was trying to be apart of their group..” I said “Yeah, Brianna has a way of sucking people in especially girls and trying to change them to fit her standard so as much as it sucks to hear that’s probably what’s happening.. She promises these girls popularity and male attention and all of a sudden bam that girl is just another one of her slaves.. It’s sad honestly ” He said. “I’m just amazed that Brax would change so quickly, I don’t want to surround myself with that so I told her to snap out of it and she knows where I am if she needs me” I said. “i’m sorry El, that’s shitty.. But on the bright side I guess you don’t have to worry about being friends with me after all” He smiled.
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