8. It’s forbidden

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*Ashton* My dad knocked on my door “Come in” I yelled He walked in “You wanted to see me son?” “Yeah, so uh dad you know El right?” I asked while rubbing the back of my neck. “Ah yes Linda’s daughter very nice girl, why are you bringing this up?” He said. “Well, El and I were hanging out in my room and I could barely contain myself around her.. Her blood smelled so sweet.” I said. He put his finger to his chin like he was thinking. “I know i’m usually really good at controlling myself but it’s so hard around her..” I said “Ashton.. You better not be developing feelings for this girl. She is a human it is forbidden.” He said. “Dad, i’ve always had feelings for her.. It’s not just about her blood.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I don’t want to hear another word about her do you understand me? Stay away from her I mean it.” He said with his arms crossed. I sighed “I understand..” “Good, now get some sleep you have school tomorrow.” He walked out of my room. “f**k” I yelled I layed down in bed and looked at the ceiling. “f**k that” I mumbled. I can’t stay away from her I just have to not let her know what I am.. I picked up my phone the clock read 2 am. I wonder if she’s awake. I texted her “What are you doing right now?” And set my phone on my chest. I heard my text tone I picked up my phone and stared at it. “Well, I was enjoying a peaceful sleep” She replied “Damn, as sorry as I am I need you to be ready in 20 minutes.” I said “It’s 2 am, why would I get out of my bed when I have school tomorrow. And how can I trust you?” She replied I laughed to myself. “Well, I guess you’ll just have to come find out why.” I said. “You’re so annoying” she replied. “I try, see you in 20” I said “Whatever” She replied *Ella* I sighed and sat up. Why the hell did I just agree to him. I swear he uses mind control, I can’t get Brax’s words out of my head I thought she hated him but now she likes him? And why does it piss me off that she likes him? I thought it was just because we are best friends but now I think i’m jealous.. ugh I don’t know anymore. I stood up and quietly threw on some sweatpants and a baggie hoodie. I looked in the mirror and whispered to myself. “You‘ve got this El, you are hot and you are worthy.” I’m losing my mind… My text tone went off, when I checked the name Ashton appeared with the words I’m here. I texted him i’m coming and quietly opened my bedroom door. I snuck down the stairs and opened the front door shutting it as quiet as possible. I looked at the car he was in. It was an all blacked out dodge charger hell cat. It was so nice.. I walked over and opened the passenger side door sliding into his car. It instantly smelt like his cologne. “Hey” He smiled “Hi, nice car” I smiled back. “Thanks, It’s one of my prized possessions” He said. “Boys and their cars” I rolled my eyes and giggled. “Hey girls have makeup and fashion MEN not boys thank you have nice cars” He teased. “I guess you have a point” I laughed. I looked over at him he was wearing an all black t-shirt that was a little tighter on him his arm muscles looked like they were ready to rip the shirt.. He had tattoos on both arms… El.. you are such a perv. “If you could stop drooling over me we could get going” He flirted “Oh shut up, you wish I was drooling over you now drive the car lover boy” I teased. “Yes m’am, I like it when you take charge” He said with a smile. I looked at his smile and noticed his canines kinda looked like vampire fangs. There goes another turn on his teeth were all so white and straight. “Oh you have those cool teeth” I said. He gave me a funny look “what do you mean cool teeth?” He laughed “You know how some people are born with the canines a little sharper and it looks like vampire fangs” I said. “Oh, yeah. You know you’re a weirdo.” He laughed I playfully slapped his arm my cheeks flushed red with embarrassment “Never mind just drive” I said. “It’s cute” He smiled and put it in reverse to back out of my driveway. He shifted it to drive and we sped down the road. “Slow down! what if we get pulled over” I yelled while grabbing the handle. “Don’t be so lame” He laughed and went faster. “You are such an asshole” I yelled. Finally 20 minutes later he pulled into an abandoned looking gravel parking lot. “Where the hell are we?” I looked out of the windshield and noticed we were surrounded by woods. He put it in park. “This is my favorite place, it’s really relaxing. Come on let’s go” He got out of the car. Great this is where I get murdered.. honestly that’s what I get for agreeing to go with someone who i’ve hated since 9th grade.
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