Chapter 6

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Emma and Wallace entered the dining hall, hand in hand. They had been mates for almost two years now, and were expecting their first child in March. While many fated mate couples had a child within the first year of their mateship, Emma wanted to wait until she had completed her fashion design courses, and became established in her field. Emma excelled in her course, and won several prestigious awards. Then she and Wallace returned to the pack, and we backed her in expanding the shop she still owned. She designed special occasion dresses for both supernaturals and the human population. She had a second shop in the city of Glasgow, which is where she conducted all contact with the human world. Here in the pack, we kept her busy with the contract work designing the kevlar suits for all pack members. Much to everyone's joy, Wallace displayed an acute head for business. He often joked that he wasn't just another pretty warrior, he had a mind too. He became the driving force behind building the manufacturing facility for the mass production of the suits. And he set up another division that focused on making the dresses Emma designed. At last count, the facility employed over two hundred and fifty pack members. Emma gave Scarlett a hug as the three of them filled their plates at the buffet, then returned to sit with Gavin and me. We spent a pleasant hour just chatting about their plans for the upcoming holiday season. Emma had designed a dress for me to wear at the upcoming winter solstice ball. Thankfully, it was still six weeks away, as there was still so much planning to do for it. I was a bit nervous about it, as the newly crowned Dragon King would be attending along with his adult son. Rumor had it the son was still unmated and looking for his mate. We had a lot of dragons in our pack, either full dragons, or hybrids. Perhaps he would find his mate here. You just never know. We had just finished our meal when I received a mind-link from Pa letting me know Ma was in active labor, and he was taking her to the pack hospital. I excused Gavin and myself, and we headed up to the alpha floor to assist with the care of my siblings. Jaxon was now eight, Sophie was six, and Fergus was two. Ma swore this was her last pregnancy as she felt four young children, and one who was an adult, was more than enough to keep them busy for the next twenty years or so. The thought flitted through my mind, that even if Gavin and I were never blessed with a child of our own, the pack, and the supernatural throne would never be in danger. The true heirs to the pack were the children of Ma and Pa. Basically, I was just filling in until one of them came of age. As for the throne, according to the Moon Goddess, I could still take that back from Pa until such a time, Jaxon was of age, and ready and willing to take on the responsibility. That wasn't something I wanted to do, but if a situation arose where I felt it was a necessity, I wouldn't hesitate to do so. I couldn't imagine what that situation would be, other than Pa's death, but he was strong and healthy, and the supernatural world was experiencing a peace that hadn't been seen since the rule of the first supernatural king. So that scenario was extremely unlikely. But one thing I have learned in my almost twenty-three years of life is that you have to expect the unexpected, and to never, ever say never. Because things happen whether you want them to or not. We had plans in place for various contingencies, and felt we had prepared for every imaginable eventuality. Little did I know, as Gavin and I made our way upstairs, that soon the unimaginable would force my hand. Jaxon and Sophie ran to greet us with hugs and kisses. Jaxon dragged Gavin off to play a game of trouble, while Sophie claimed me, pulling me to the couch, so I could read a story to her and Fergus. Sophie pressed up close to my side as Fergus climbed into my lap, reaching up his pudgy little hand to pat my cheek. "Wead," he demanded in his sweet little boy voice. "Wead dwagons." I chuckled to myself, and opened the book Sophie put in my hands. All three children loved the book 'How To Train Your Dragon', and had me read it every time I came for a visit. Jaxon and Sophie would laugh like crazy, as they knew how I trained their dragons. But it was such good fun because the day after reading a chapter to them, they tried some of the antics we had read about. But I made sure they always knew the right way for a dragon to behave. This time it didn't take long for Ma to deliver a fair-sized boy. Pa linked us that Finlay Arran Royal arrived safe and healthy. Both Ma and Finlay were doing well. I chuckled at how few of the family had gathered in the suite this time around. Lily and Callum were putting the finishing touches to the new nursery, while Uncle George and my protection team were at the secure holding facility questioning the McLeods, and the town council member. Aunt Anna had popped in and was in the kitchen preparing a bedtime snack for the children. Pa's parents, Sean and Sophie Royal, his sister Amanda and her daughter Amelia were in Nova Scotia with Amelia's husband, Andrew. Andrew had been asked by the supernatural council to consider taking his rightful position as Alpha to the Savage Moon wolf pack in Nova Scotia. Under a lot of pressure from the council, Andrew agreed to visit the pack for a couple of months, but with the proviso that if he wasn't comfortable there, he would relinquish all claim to the pack, and return to Scotland. He requested that his mate's mother and grandparents accompany him, as he fully trusted their counsel. He and Amelia's family had been in Nova Scotia for the past month. Gavin and I had already decided that if Andrew chose to return to Scotland, and the Blood Moon Hybrid Pack, that we would offer him the position of Beta. Uncle George's sons, Eric and Aiden were our Betas, but even with the 'town council' style of managing the pack, we needed a third Beta. The pack was growing daily, and the Beta duties were overwhelming. We tried to ensure everyone had a good work/life balance, as it made for happier and healthier pack members. Once the three children were bathed, and tucked in bed for the night, Aunt Anna went to her suite, and Gavin and I went to the guest bedroom to settle in for the night. We had no doubt my three siblings would have us up at the c***k of dawn looking for breakfast! I mind-linked Ma to see how she was doing. She let me know she was feeling fine, and that she, Pa, and Finlay would be home late afternoon tomorrow. I wished her goodnight, and cut the link. Gavin and I snuggled together discussing the days events. "You know, we are going to have to postpone carrying out the sentence for the McLeods." I sighed. I so wanted to get that dealt with, but Pa, as the king, was required to conduct a formal trial. They had planned to murder a member of the royal family, who was also the pack Alpha. There would be no escaping the death penalty for any of them, but an example had to be made, and the laws had to be followed. "Mmmm," was Gavin's response. "Whether the sentence is carried out tomorrow, or two days from now won't change the verdict. It just means our guards will have to be more vigilant in doing their jobs. I will end them myself, if it means protecting you!" I moved closer to him to press a good night kiss to his lips. That kiss turned heated, and I felt my core tighten in anticipation. Our need for each other burned hot, fueling the desire building between us. Soon we were lost in each others arms, our hands caressing each others skin, lips searing open-mouthed kisses trailing down our bodies, heightening the pleasure found in each others arms. Gavin rolled me on my back and knelt between my thighs. Leaning forward, he thrust his manhood into my soaking wet core. I could feel him stretch me to the limits as he slowly withdrew, then thrust forward again in a rhythm as old as time. I met his thrusts with my own, culminating in ecstacy as we climaxed together, moaning each others names.
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