Chapter 5

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Speaking clearly, and using his Alpha voice, Gavin called for the attention of everyone present. He glared at the four McLeod family members and the council member that attacked Ellie. He wanted to tear those five apart, limb from limb, and feed them to the wolves. Jet snickered inside his head, reminding Gavin that he wasn't a cannibal, and neither were the rest of the supernaturals. "How dare you attack your Alpha! How dare you attack my mate! This is the last time you will ever have the opportunity to be in her presence." Gavin roared at the five traitors. Holding up the report sent from the head guard at the isolation unit, Gavin's voice boomed out informing everyone present of its contents. "As you are all aware, our pack has outlawed the use of spells to force others to obey the commands of the spell caster. This is especially applicable when it comes to evil intentions of the spell caster. You all, as members of this pack, were made aware of the consequences of breaking this law. The punishment is ten years in the cells." A concerted gasp filled the venue as the five in cuff realized the seriousness of their crimes. "However," Gavin continued. "Should the purpose and intent of the spell be to cause bodily harm or death to anyone, the punishment automatically means death for the spell caster, and any co-conspirators. You all witnessed council member Thomas attempt to physically harm Alpha Ellie." Murmurs of agreement could be heard from the pack members. Waves of anger flowed from them towards the five conspirators. The pack love Ellie. Not just as their alpha, but as a trusted and valued pack member. The pack was fully aware of everything she had gone through because of Gabriel Savage and his wickedness. As a result, the pack members were extremely protective of her. The ideas she had regarding how the pack was run, and how those ideas were implemented had resulted in a feeling of freedom and self-rule never experienced before in the supernatural world. That just served to strengthen the loyalty to Ellie, Gavin, and the pack leadership as a whole. Any threat against Ellie was seen as a threat against the pack. That was something they wouldn't allow. Gavin continued. "Earlier, before the meeting began, Ellie and her "girls" placed a perimeter around the venue that would prevent any individual, spelled or under vampire fog, from crossing into the venue. There were twenty pack members unable to cross the barrier. They were immediately placed in silver cuffs and taken to the secure holding facility where the identity of the spell caster, and their plan, was determined. Those twenty pack members have all been given the antidote, and after observation, will be cleared to return to their homes and families." "All twenty revealed that the spell casters were the four McLeod's standing before you. Councilor Thomas is the chosen mate of Gabriella McLeod. His participation in today's fiasco was completely voluntary. As such, he is subject to the same punishment as the ones who cast the spells. The purpose of their actions? Revenge for what they considered the wrongful death of Emily McLeod and her parents." "Guards, take the prisoners to the cells. The sentence of death will be carried out tomorrow at noon in front of the whole pack." Then, looking at Ellie's protection detail, Gavin gave the command that every remaining family member of the McLeods be rounded up and taken to the secure holding facility for questioning by Ellie and King Paxton Royal. One way or the other, the scourge of the McLeods will be dealt with. Gavin would keep his promise to protect Ellie, even at the cost of his own life. He would not fail to keep his promise. The meeting over, the pack members dispersed to their own pursuits. Ellie instructed the council's recording secretary to prepare a letter denying the human's request for access to the pack's private land. Of course, it would be worded in human world language, but the meaning would be clear. No meant no. The land would remain private, with no outside access allowed. Ellie would need to strengthen the shield, while arranging for the physical perimeter walls to be increased in height to ensure they couldn't be scaled, or penetrated in any way. Duties completed for the day, Gavin and I made our way back to the pack house in time for the late sitting for the evening meal. I insisted Gavin take his seat while I loaded up his plate with healthy food choices. Tonight's main entrée was chicken parm, a favorite of mine and Gavin's. Adding plenty of steamed veggies to both plates, I then made my way back to the alpha table, placing the plate of food in front of Gavin, kissing his temple before seating myself. The topic of conversation around the table and throughout the dining hall centered on the events at the meeting. Much to my surprise, a young member of the McLeod family approached us to express her sincere apologies for the actions of her relatives. She was a cousin, who, like Emma, had been mistreated by her family members. Scarlett McLeod was a young witch and wolf hybrid. Her birth parents had been fated mates who died in an accident when Scarlett was three. Her McLeod grandparents had taken her in as her mother's family lived in another pack. The McLeod's were not thrilled their 'pure' witch bloodline had been mixed with another species, and, as a result, had treated Scarlett poorly. Unfortunately, the mistreatment wasn't discovered until two years ago. At that point, I had Scarlett move into the pack house and put under my protection. Emma and Scarlett were the only two McLeod family members who didn't need to be questioned regarding their loyalty. They had both proven through their actions that they were fully loyal to me and Gavin as Alphas, and to the Blood Moon Hybrid pack. "Scarlett, thank you for your apology. But you have nothing to apologize for. The actions of your relatives do not reflect upon you. Their actions were a result of choices they made. Their punishment will be a direct result of their choices and actions. You never need to apologize for a situation over which you have no control. Now come, join us for your evening meal. Emma and Wallace will be here shortly, and would love to see you." I was quick to reassure Scarlett of her value in the pack. She was still anxious about her place in the pack, especially after years of emotional neglect and abuse. My goal was to help her build her confidence and belief in herself, just as I had done with Emma. The pack members present in the dining hall seemed to be pleased with how we handled the situation with Scarlett. In the last number of years, pack members had gone from the blind belief that every parent treated their children as much loved and wanted family members, to realizing that wasn't always the case. So now, while not being nosy busybodies, they are more observant for signs of neglect and abuse. They were more educated about how abuse seemed to follow family lines simply because it was a learned behavior. A child raised in an abusive or neglectful home, when they become adults, is more likely to abuse their own children. It was a vicious cycle that took a huge amount of effort and determination to break. The pack leadership, and King Paxton, and Queen Lena worked hard to ensure the pack had the needed medical and mental health professionals within the pack to deal with the physical and mental well-being of the pack members. The pack only became stronger and larger, as many supernaturals who were mistreated in their birth pack flocked to join the Blood Moon Hybrid pack. They were assured they would be accepted and treated as valued members of the pack. A number of pack members had come to them after being banished from their own packs due to not receiving, or losing, their supernatural being. Some had been rejected by their fated mates, while others rejected their mates for valid reasons. None of that mattered in the Blood Moon Hybrid pack. As long as the supernatural human person was willing to pledge their loyalty to the pack, and the pack's leadership, they were accepted and integrated into the pack. After all, a being's worth is not based on a reputation, which is only what others think of them. But the worth was based on the character of the being. Who they are on a personal level, their beliefs, their values, their integrity, their heart. I lef my gaze drift around the dining hall, taking time to appreciate each individual pack member. I knew in my heart I was blessed to be a part of this amazing group of supernatural beings.
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