Chapter 7

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I woke up in Gavin's arms, my back to his front, with barely a hairsbreadth between us. I wriggled my way out of his arms, my need to use the bathroom overriding any concern about waking him up. Thank goodness this guest room had an ensuite bathroom, as I could faintly hear the sounds of Jaxon and Sophie giggling as they watched early morning cartoons. Ma often complained about how those two would be up at least an hour before she wanted to get up. Thankfully, they were well-behaved children who were willing and able to amuse themselves for a few minutes without getting into trouble. By the time I finished in the bathroom, having taken a very quick shower, Gavin was awake, and ogling me as I left the bathroom. Honestly, that man is insatiable. Thanks to the Goddess. "Come on, my love. Time to get up and look after the littles." I said as I kissed Gavin good morning. I still use that term when referring to children. Though Jaxon would always comment that I soon wouldn't be able to use the term when referring to him. And he wasn't wrong. Being alpha-blooded meant he was bigger and stronger than most boys his age. The bloodlines of the lycan and dragon certainly contributed too. He was extremely smart and had already started learning about the politics of the supernatural world, as well as the various species, and their history. Sophie was also taking part in these classes as she, too, needed to learn everything about our world. According to the Moon Goddess, Sophie would play a significant role in the future of our continued peaceful existence. Putting those thoughts aside, I left Gavin to finish getting ready for the day and I went to see what my siblings were up to. To my surprise, Lily and Callum were both there. Yes, Lily is their Nanny, but I didn't expect her for another hour. "You two are early this morning." Though I was thankful they were as the coffee was already made. Yeah. "What gives?" "Paxton mind-linked us and asked if we could come early. Apparently, the Supernatural Council arranged a surprise visit and is bringing the Dragon King and his son. They have something they wish to discuss with Paxton, as well as you and Gavin. They are supposed to be here by noon." I looked at the wall clock and noted it was just seven a.m.. Five hours for me and Gavin to complete our morning schedule and get ready for our visitors. That meant I would still have time to do our dragon's flight training for the day. I was excited about that as Jaxon and Sophie were progressing in their skills nicely. Gavin joined us and after greeting Lily and Callum, giving a morning fist-bump to Jaxon and Sophie, and planting a kiss on my lips, he grabbed a cup of coffee and sat at the table with us to discuss the plans for the day. When I informed him of the expected visitors, he frowned. "You don't seem happy about this, my love. Is there something I should be concerned about?" I asked Gavin quietly. His eyes flicked to Lily and Callum before deciding her could answer me in their presence. "I didn't want to worry you, but a couple of the Supernatural Council members have been gossiping about our failure to produce a child within the first year of our mating. They have also been suggesting that now you have a mate, that you take your rightful place on the throne." My mouth dropped open in shock, before I snapped it shut in a sudden burst of anger. "It's none of their damn business as to why we haven't yet produced offspring. That is a private matter between you and I. I hope you told them that. Nosy bastards!" "Ellie, I told them that we were taking our time, so we could enjoy our time together after being apart for so long. I also told them the choice of when we had children was ours, and that they needed to keep their noses out of our bedroom. I thought that would be the end of it. I hope to the Goddess they are not coming here today to try to interfere." Ellie could feel her girls stirring in anger. Especially Dragon Jade who had smoke puffing from her nostrils in anger. The 'girls' were very protective of her and Gavin's relationship. They loved him and Jet, just as Gavin and Jet loved them. They were not worried about offspring in the least. As far as they were concerned, if it happened it happened, but if a child wasn't in the cards for them, so be it. "Don't worry, my love. If that is what they are here to discuss, I will shut them down, and fast. Whether or not we have a child is in the hands of the Moon Goddess, not the Supernatural Council. And if they think otherwise, they had better think again. I will not allow anyone to dictate to us how we should live our lives." Ellie's voice held a power that spread throughout the room. She may have turned the throne and some power over to Pa, but that didn't mean she was stripped of her royal power. If anything, that power had grown since her mating with Gavin. The two of them together were an unstoppable pair. A pair that had the blessing of the Moon Goddess. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself and the 'girls'. "Let's finish breakfast, then we will proceed with our normal morning schedule. Jaxon and Sophie? Can you two please be ready for flight training in the arena at ten? We will spend only an hour today as Gavin and I have a meeting we will need to prepare for after that." Jaxon and Sophie said they would be ready and already there as they had the 'littles' combat training with Jason at nine. Jaxon mind-linked to me, "Sister, Sophie and I will stand with you and Gavin if the council tries to pull anything. The Goddess has ordained Gavin as your true fated mate. We won't let them force anything upon you." 'Oh, dear Goddess.' I thought to myself. What does Jaxon know that I don't? What is the council going to try to pull? Have they learned nothing from the past? Have they forgotten what happens when they try to circumvent the Goddess's plans? "Gavin?" I mind-linked to my mate. "No matter what goes down in the meeting today, please keep calm and don't respond in any way. I have a feeling that a plot is afoot, and I will not stand for it. We will handle this as a committed family unit. Are you okay with that?" Gavin reached out and took my hand in his, raising it to his lips and placing a feather-light kiss on my ring finger. "We are one now, my love. No one and nothing will come between us." My heart swelled with love for this wonderful man beside me. He has shown me, and my 'girls' how much he loves us every day since we found each other again in the Golden Moon Hybrid Pack. We finished our breakfast, and left the three children in the capable and loving hands of Lily and Callum. Gavin and I had to spend a couple of hours in the pack office looking after a never-ending stream of paperwork. Say what you will, running a pack was demanding, even with the new form of government we had implemented. The various departments dealt with the day-to-day mundane details, but in the end, the buck really does stop on the Alpha's desk. So much had to be reviewed and approved before being implemented. And Gavin and I took our 'jobs' seriously. We read every piece of paper that crossed our desks thoroughly. It was too easy for something to slip through the cracks if you didn't pay attention. Three months ago, we discovered one of the new employees in our accounting department was trying to siphon pack funds into his own account. He was fired immediately and placed in the cells for a minimum of twelve months. No surprise to us, but the employee was related to the McLeod family currently occupying a cell in the secure holding area. That family was a constant thorn in our sides, and interfered with Gavin and me constantly. Gavin was right. No one, and nothing would come between us. I would utterly destroy anyone who tried to interfere in my mate bond with Gavin, and his wolf Jet. I didn't care who it was. If they tried to come between us, they would feel my wrath, and the wrath of my supernatural girls. I could sense they were gearing up for a fight. And it was one that we would win. Or we would die trying.
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