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QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: I'd do anything to cuddle up to your chest while you sleep holding me close. __________ The war heroine, Hermione Granger (now, Malfoy) lay on her bed alongside with her husband, Draco Malfoy. It was shock to everyone when Draco and Hermione had announced the news that they're going to get married. There were series of shockwaves across the community. Shock number one was the fact that Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy accepted her - a muggle born as their daughter-in-law, the very first time, Draco had invited her over to the newly reconstructed Malfoy Manor for Lunch with his parents. They loved her instantly, are still loving her. The next shock was that Ronald Weasley, the 1/3 of the Golden Trio, was very furious with the news. He'd already been sour with the fact that he and Hermione didn't work out, even for two weeks.  And, when Granger had announced that she was going to get married to his archenemy and childhood bully, he went rampage.  Shock number three was that when the couple revealed the fact that they had eyes on each other ever since they were in their fourth year. They had said, in one of the newspaper interview: "It was an instant attraction; like smouldering eye contact; heart beating drastically and butterflies fluttering; It was such a nice feeling. And at last, before we could even comprehend what was going on we fell in love." Everyone accepted their relationship, and are happy for them. They deserve it. If anyone deserves it, it only can be Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger (Malfoy). Now, in the bleak of dawn, Draco moved closer to his wife, bringing her closer to him. It seemed that his wife is the only source of his comfort, other than his parents and so-called friends. Plus, he can't go cuddle with his father. His father would hex him if his son (Draco) of 26 years tried to cuddle with him in bed or anywhere else. His wife's silky negligee was a lullaby to him, and her sweet scent of vanilla and lilacs were only adding to increase the level of the comfort that he found in her. She's not like how she looked back in her school days, before her puberty. She had turned out to be a beautiful woman that ever man wanted as his wife; and Draco was very happy to find his wife in his childhood sweetheart. He was convinced that no one can share his life. He was hard to break. But, Hermione did. She helped him out of his miseries, depression and insecurities by just being her. In reality, Draco felt his wife stir, and turn to face him. Her face buried itself in his chest, and he brought his arms over her body to hold his wife closer to him. To hold his solace in his arms. "You know I can never get tired of waking up like this." He chuckled sleepily. His voice still hoarse and husky from sleep. His platinum blond hair in a messy style. He had a serious case of bed hair, unlike his wife. He wore just a silky boxer shorts since it was Autumn and the climate was getting hotter by any day. He was wondering how in the world that his wife is able to let her hair loose, wear a negligee and hide completely under the thick, heavy comforter; while he lay on top of the comforter in just his boxers and is already sweating. She just nodded her head, sleepily. "Uh-huh." was the only response he got from his Mrs. Malfoy. It was a nickname for his wife. He likes to call her as 'Mrs. Malfoy' because it makes him realise that it was reality and not some of his dreams. "Mrs. Malfoy do you mind if we spent the entire day cuddling?" He questioned her as he brought her in to his arms, and buried his face in her soft, honey brown ringlets, losing himself in the scent of her lilac shampoo and conditioner. "No!" She shot up on the bed, and when she realised that it was only dawn and her husband had fooled her, she wasn't too happy about it. Grumbling heavily, she pulled her pillow over to her husband's chest and fell on top of him, making sure to hit his face with her hair. Draco laughed at Hermione's actions, and only pulled her closer. "What happened to you, ferret?" She whispered, sleepily. Her voice sounded nothing short of an Angel in his opinion. "Do I need a permission to cuddle with my wife, my beautiful bookworm? Ouch, this world is a very cruel place." He said dramatically, earning a slap to his chest, from his wife. "Sure, it is." "You know that you look like a fallen Angel even if your hair looks like a Lion's mane that wasn't washed for many years?" He said with a goofy grin on his face. His voice held the goofiness that was evident in his face, too. "You've gone barmy." She said, now half awake due to his constant talking, and caressing which broke any rational thought in her mind. "Nope, I haven't. And, you know what? You're going to cuddle with me in our bed for the whole day. Coz, I've already sent a permission letter to the ministry requesting two days off for you." He said with a smirk worthy of himself and his family. She slapped his chest again, a little more fiercely. "Why d'you do that?!" She yelled as her pillow was thrown away from his chest and as he pulled her face to his chest, and held her struggling form to his. His hand sneakily slipped away and slapped her rear, which caused a sort of gasp and squeal to escape from her plump, soft, pink lips. "MALFOY!!" He laughed at his wife, and gave her another slap to the same place. Again, another squeal/gasp escaped her lips. "If you're going to do that once more, I'm going to make you sleep on the floor." She threatened her husband. "You know if someone else other than me was here when you threatened me, they would've actually peed their pants. Lucky you, that only I'm here." He chuckled, mainly focussing on making his wife frustrated, which in turn only makes her stay at home - because Hermione has this habit of not going to work when she's truly pissed off. "As if though. It was you that almost peed your trousers when I glared, the other day." She snorted, blowing a tuft of hair that fell on her face, away. "Oh, please. If I remember correctly, you sent your keep-away-if-you-need-your-family-jewels-intact glare at me when I poured that stupid-I mean-delicious vintage wine in that man's pockets when he wasn't aware. Of course, I need my jewels, what would I do without it?" He protested loudly, even going to the extent of explaining his actions to his wife. "Malfoy-" she started, but was interrupted by Draco. "You will be unsatisfied without my 9 inch organ of love inside of you, my love." Hermione merely rolled her eyes at him. And, when she saw a silver glint in his startling grey eyes, she formulated a plan in her mind. "Oh, is it so?" "Yep. You remember those patented moans, the back scratches?" He puffed his chest out in pride. "I seem to have a short time memory, why don't you try and remind me? The last thing I remember is having a glorious s*x with Ron." She taunted, her husband growled loudly at the mention of her having s*x with her ex-boyfriend. "You're mine, Granger." He growled, as he rolled on top of her, taking claim of her lips in a bruising kiss, while his hips bucked against hers in animalistic speed. "Mine! Only mine!" Hermione moaned loudly as his calloused hand cupped her breasts sensually and pinched the peaks through her see-through negligee. "You're my wife, Granger. You belong with me. You belong to me, and if you even think of that Weasel for one second, I'll-" he whispered darkly into her ear, as he bit down on her earlobe seductively. Without even giving her a chance to respond, he tore her nightdress away from her sexy body, and entered her, not even taking time to check whether she was ready for him, as he was already very sure that she was very very ready for him. Hermione screamed in pleasure. "Draco!" Draco could only smirk, as he pulled back fully only to thrust back in forcefully, tearing another moan from her. "Mine, Hermione." He growled. "Say it. You're mine." Hermione mewled as his hand rubbed her clit roughly, pinching and pulling at it. "N-Need more persuasion." She managed to say between her breaths. That only turned him harder, if that was possible. Flipping her over, he pulled out completely, and settled her on her elbows and knees, so that her pert arse was up in the air. With a animalistic growl, he thrust inside of her, hissing in pleasure once he did so. His hand bunched up her hair, while his other hand tightened it's grip on her hip, that she was sure to leave finger marks of his hand size, the following morning. Rolling his hips thoroughly, he pulled her upper body against his, one hand cupping her breast, while he peppered kisses on her neck. "Whaddya say, Granger?" She whimpered incoherently as pleasure raced through her body, making her toes curl. She could feel the familiar coil building up inside her body. "DRACO!" She screamed, as the coil snapped and floods of pleasure escaped her. Following her closely, her husband too roared out his release, and together the pair fell onto the bed in a heap. "Mine. Mine. You're mine. Only mine." Draco seemed to be chanting into her ears, even though he needed a breather. "What do you say now, Mrs. Malfoy?" Draco asked, breathlessly. "Well, I'm sure you're quite amazing." Hermione said, giggling as he nuzzled her neck and shoulders affectionately. "If you want this for next two days, you can stay at home." Draco offered, as he lay next to her, pulling his wife's petite body into his strong arms. Finally, she said, thinking for quite a while, even though she knew her final answer. "Okay, we can stay at home and cuddle." "You know, my love, I love it when you give up to me." He said, laughing fake sadistically, which earned him a pillow slap on his face. ____________
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