A Different Story

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QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: I WANT TO LIVE IN WHATEVER ALTERNATE UNIVERSE THAT ALLOWS ME TO HAVE YOU WITHOUT ANY CONSEQUENCES - UNKNOWN. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ SETTING: The Granger Manor, Wiltshire, The Great Britain. DATE: 25 August, 1991 HERMIONE'S POV: 'Ugh, why are they so infuriating?! Why can't I just stay home and read books or prepare for my school or do some productive work instead of going to that stupid ball?!' I wanted to punch something. I wanted to kick the door, and punch the wall, throw a temper tantrum, but I couldn't do that.. I can't do that.. (Because I'm already doing that.. Temper tantrum..) 'Ladies are supposed to be calm, collected, lovely, virtuous.. They should always dress up in nice, lovely looking clothes, especially the Pureblood Women.. We, Pureblood women, should be the picture of beauty, elegance, nobility, class and quality. We should always be on the spotlight, because of who we are, because of which background we come from, because of our class, because of our blood status..' My mother's words echoed in my mind, making no effect other than to steam me up more. Blood status?! Isn't that ludicrous?! What does Blood status has to do with dressing up like a clingy, whiny rich brat, that are way too spoiled by their parents for their own good?! 'Why can't women be themselves? Why can't they do whatever they want other than to take care of the bloody household? Why can't they work at the Ministry or something? Is something wrong in here? We're all the same.. We're all human beings.. But, what makes a woman lesser than a man of the same age and characteristic? What makes us women different from the men?!' I remembered screaming at my mother. What makes a woman lesser to a man?! Have they all forgotten that a woman was created from a man's rib and not his feet? 'Young lady, I have no answer for your questions. We've been following the same tradition for more than thousand years and no one has ever questioned this. Then, why do you care?' My mother said patiently. I had had a feeling that I was ticking her off, but I didn't care. At that moment, I only wanted answers to my million galleon worth questions. If you don't know the answer to my questions, shouldn't you too be questioning the society, the traditions, the rules, just like me?! 'Up to your room. I don't care what happens, but we are going to the ball that is being held at the Malfoy Manor at six today! You will be ready, and that's final!' Was the last sentence I heard before I stormed off, well, as much as I could in my ankle length, annoying dress. Ugh! Infuriating is the understatement of the century! "Milady, I don't think it's too much that they ask.. You're going just for a ball and nothing else.. You'll be fine.. Just manage for a few hours.." A familiar voice advices, and I saw in fascination as all of my anger died out. I turned to the source and found Zorya, wearing her uniform: a pretty white dress (that ended at her ankles) and a black sleeveless vest with the house of Granger crest on her breast pocket. "Thank you, Zorya. Without you, I won't be here.." I said, as I hugged the house elf, who happens to be my best friend. "Milady, no need for all that.. First, I'll run you a hot bath, which will cool you off in the process, then, we'll get you ready for the ball.." She said sweetly, smiling at me. I smiled back at her.. She always knows what to tell.. It's really hard to be angry or sad or remorse in her energetic, enthusiastic, positive presence.. She has that type of effect on me. True to her words, an hour long hot bath had cooled me off mysteriously.. Eventually, we chose a nice dress for me, from my miles of walk-in-wardrobe. Zorya is a one in a million. She knows everything. Starting from managing the household, to cooking, to dressing, to gardening, to makeup, to hairdressing, etc. It's also because the Grangers have a school for the house elves in our grounds. It's teaches them how to behave, talk, help their masters. This system is what makes me love about my family. My family is the first to introduce this system of education for the house elves. It not only teaches the elves to how to behave or carry themselves, but also gives the, their rights and identity. If a person/elf is educated (completing their studies) in the Magical World, then they have the right to be considered as an adult, which gives them many opportunities. Anyways, when I was about to start on my make-up, she quickly swatted my hands away, and she started on my make up. First doing my hair, followed by my face, and then I wore my dress. A knock resonated at my door, and I believed in Zorya's work so that I didn't even look at the mirror, before opening the door. There stood my Mother, wearing a expensive looking royal blue ball gown. And, when her eyes met me, her jaw dropped to the ground. Her eyes went as wide as saucers. Instantaneously her palm covered her mouth. Instead of feeling all self-conscious or even checking my face or hair or dress, I stared back dead in her eyes. "If I'm going to come to the ball, then I'm coming just like this. I don't care what people think or some shit." I waspishly told her, as much as a eleven year old could muster. She didn't even think of correcting me, or maybe, she must've chose to ignore it, because she just... SQUEALED AT ME!! The reaction I expected from her was never this.. I expected her to talk to me about how in going to stain the family's bloody name or something. She was actually squealing happily at me (since she wasn't making any noise, she actually looked like a retard... I know a bad word to call the woman who gave birth to me, but I'm still resentful.) Her squeals broke me from my train of thoughts, as I dashed back into my room, and looked at myself in the bendy length mirror.. Oh my Merlin, I look this... Beautiful?! "Zorya, please call Lord Granger over here. Tell him that I request his presence in Miss Hermione's room.." She told my best friend, who bowed her head courteously before apparating with a pop. My mother hugged me, when she finally broke away from her eyes that were actually, adoringly studying me. However, I really didn't expect this. So, I just awkwardly hugged her, rubbing her back lightly. She pulled away from me softly, and cupped my cheek lightly, and placed a soft, motherly kiss on my forehead. As much as I hate to admit it right now in my high emotions, but still I have longed for her motherly embrace. Due to her work, or her position and status as the Lady Granger, or her managing the household, she never gets to spend time with me. Or, well, you could say, she never spends time with me. Also adding to the fact, that I was living in the Muggle World ever since my birth, but still even during that times, I've known that I was a Pureblood. (Just a few months back we had come to the Magical world) It was due to my parents persistence that I should know my birth status, blood status, etc. When I had questioned them that if they want me to NOT befriend the Muggle borns, whilst staying in the Muggle World - they told me that they (my parents and I) are here for a undercover work to find out the weaknesses of the Muggles, so that they (Muggles) could be easily taken down by the Dark Lord. Anyways, her expensive scent of lavender was exhilarating, and her embrace was so.. Warm. I had missed it so much. The tension of unfamiliar coiling swirled up in my insides. And, that was the last straw before my dams opens up. A choked sob escaped my lips and the treacherous process continued. Sobs after sobs escaped from me. And, that was answered with soft, swift, sweet words from my mother, followed by the tightening of her grip on me. "I'm sorry for my behaviour, baby girl. We are not supposed to question anything. It would bring bad name not only for our family, but also you and the future generations in the process.. You may feel rebel-like right now, I was like that in my pre-teens too.. But, now look at me, I'm the Lady Granger, wife of Lord Daniel Xenophilous Granger, and the mother of Hermione Jean Granger, also the Lady of the Ancient and Noble house of Granger. I've come to embrace the reality, honey.. That, the way our mind works during our teenage years won't be able to be competent enough to suit our lives really.. I understand your position, and I'm willing to help you, love.. Don't cry, please..." She said in a soft voice, that had got me right there. "I'm sorry for throwing a tantrum, mother. I-I was just stressed.. I'm really sorry for doing that.. I regret hurting you.. I'm so sorry.." I whispered, which was answered by being pulled away from the hug lightly, so that my mother could kiss my forehead. "It's okay, baby girl.. Aw, your make up is ruined.. I'll help you out.." She said, and drew her wand almost instantly, performing a spell that was called as 'Reparo' which let out a wisp of blue from the end of the said wand. Like any other child, I'm too intrigued by magic. I'm, what in muggle terms, you call as a 'freak', because I'm so obsessed with the characteristics, features of magic that I have already read the half of the huge library in the Granger Manor. My father had decided that it was the right time to enter my room, which made both my mother and I to snap our heads in his direction. For a mid thirty year old man, he looked too handsome. My father is known for his handsome looks, features and money all through the Magical World, followed by my mother, who was known for her brains, and beauty. My father sported a well expensive tailored suit that complemented his brown hair and green eyes, as well as his olive skin tone and a robe that had the Granger family crest on his left breast pocket. "Well, what are my ladies up to?" He smirked, which made Mom and I to giggle at him. Leaning down, he kissed my forehead and Mother's lips, before turning to glance at us. Scrutinising our outfits, make up and hair. "You do have inherited our good looks, honey.. We're sure to get at least 10 courting proposals tonight.. I should be ready to face all that.. Oh, joy..." He muttered, which made both Mom and I to giggle again. Maybe, the ball isn't that bad.. .. .. But that doesn't mean, I won't choose my opinion.. I would choose my books over anything.. __________ The carriage in which my parents were seated came to a halt first, followed by mine. My nerves extinguished at the sight of the Malfoy Manor, which was decorated to host the ball for today. A helper (must be a half blood) opened the door to the carriage, and my father first got down from the carriage, lending a hand to my mother, who took it and threw him a look of thanks. Then, another helper opened the door to my carriage. He looked nice, wearing a butler suit with the Malfoy house crest on his left breast pocket, with the badge 'Helper' stuck to his robes. His eyes were a shade of blue I've never seen, and it seemed to never stay on a place, as he let his eyes rake my body. I bit back the urge to roll my eyes at him. I may look like I'm naive, but no.. Because of all this courting proposals, I've got to know about a few things.. about everything. He held his hand out to me, and I took it quietly, as he helped me down. "Welcome to the Malfoy Manor, milady.." He said sweetly, as he placed a kiss on the back of my glove covered palm. I gave him a small smile, as I walked towards my parents, as gracefully as I could. My mother gave me a knowing look, whereas my father exasperated. "We didn't even enter the ball, and you have already attracted everyone's attention..." Only at his words, I realised that everyone were staring at me. Some were staring at me as if though I had jumped from the sky like a fallen Angel, while some looked like they had this.. Insatiable desire that only I.. Can sate.. Ugh! Ew! Whilst, some were smiling hugely at me, as if though they welcomed me with open arms. Together, my family and I walked towards the vestibule, and one of the helpers pushed open the great oak door for us, to reveal the huge room which was hosting the magical ball. The ball room was decorated grandly. The grandeur of the place was so.. Exhilarating and it simply took my breath away. The grand staircase was decorated with the banners of the Malfoy family crest. Then every nook and corner of the place was decorated with the Pureblood family crests and of course, it was of the Pureblood families taste. Only when my muse for the place stopped, I realised that everyone had silenced the second our feet touched the expensive carpet of the gala. "Everyone please do welcome the Lord, Lady and Miss Granger of the Ancient and Noble house of Granger!" An unknown voice said, and everyone applauded as we entered. The huge expensive green carpet was laid perpendicular to the stage, and I saw few people standing on the stage, looking very happy for themselves. And, they descended the stage through the stairs, as they walked towards us. Only when they were a few feet away from us, I saw them completely. A man about my father's age, having extremely clean platinum blonde hair that was put in a pony tail, and shining grey eyes, wore an expensive robe that had the Malfoy's family crest, walked toward us. His arm entwined with a lady of my mother's age. She wore an expensive ball gown with precious stones studded on them, her face was a grandeur of facade, as her black and platinum blonde hair was put in a amazing hair up-do. Next to her was a lad of.. Maybe, thirteen years old? He wore an expensive green tailored robe with the Malfoy family crest on his left pocket. He was the perfect carbon-copy of his father. His grey eyes were.. Different.. Not the good one.. He had an arrogant smirk on his face, which left me frowning. Next to him was a lad of.. Maybe eleven or twelve years? Yes.. He wore another expensive robe of green with the Malfoy crest on his pocket. He too, was a perfect carbon-copy of his father. But, I had a feeling that his character takes just after his mother, since he was genuinely happy. His grey eyes were twinkling as he took in the surroundings.. It made me happy, mysteriously. "Ah, Dan... It's wonderful meeting you again after a long time. How're you?" Lord Malfoy said happily, and my father chuckled. "As much wonderful as you can in the Muggle World.." That made everyone laugh, expect for me... No, wait for another person too.. The second son of Lord Malfoy. Wait, aren't Malfoys supposed to have only one son? It may sound absurd, but that's a actually a tradition for the Malfoy family. The child of an Malfoy would only be a son. The Malfoy family are known to have only child per se, with that too being a boy. Two children in the Malfoy family is.. Unheard of. My mother and Lady Malfoy hugging each other and doing this 'cheek kissing' practice, broke me from my thoughts. "How are you Cissi? I hope you're doing good.." Lady Malfoy smiled at my mother. "Of course, I'm doing good, Jean.. The question is how are you after the Muggle World?" My mother chuckled. "Loving the Magical world.. I almost went bonkers without seeing the wizards and the witches..." They shared a small laugh, and turned to me. I mean, like EVERYONE. My parents and the Malfoys, along with everyone in the hall. My father smiled and introduced me. "Meet my daughter, Miss Hermione Granger everyone.." And, murmurs filled the air almost immediately. "Ah the infamous lady that the whole Magical world is talking about.. Pleasure meeting you, milady.." Lord Malfoy said, as he bent to my height and placed a small kiss on the back of my palm. I blushed instantly at his comment, and said. "The pleasure is all mine, Lord Malfoy.." And, he chuckled at my answer. Lady Malfoy hugged me, and kissed my cheek, saying. "What I've heard is true after all, she takes after both of your looks..." I blushed instinctively and hugged her back. "Milady, please do meet my son and the heir to the Malfoy family - Lucas Armand Malfoy" Lucius introduced me to his eldest son, who smirked very smug and proud of himself. I immediately took a dislike for him. He held my hands in his, and placed a long kiss on my hand. "Pleased to meet you, milady. How'd you do this fine evening?" I smiled at him forcedly and said, softly and sweetly. "I must take all the pleasure to meet you, Mister Malfoy. I'm very good, and I must formally thank you for inviting us for your Royal Annual Ball.." He merely just waved off-handedly. "That's nothing, my lady.. It was all for you, I personally requested my father to sent you a personal invitation from me, when I heard that you shifted back to the Magical World permanently, so it must be me, who should thank you for accepting my invitation.." A blush formed my face at his soft, kinder, flirty words. Everyone laughed at the little exchange, and indulged in their adult conversations. And, only when the eldest son of the Malfoy excused himself to catch up a drink, I had the opportunity to analyse the youngest son, who looked too happy for himself. He caught my eyes, and moved forward to speak to me. "Nice meeting you, milady.. Do you mind some drinks?" He said as he placed a small kiss on the back of my palm, and a blush covered my face as I said. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mister Malfoy.. Yes, if I may.." He smiled at me, and his beautiful grey eyes shone and I had this.. Utter happiness.. Blooming inside of me, as I saw him smile.. Genuinely. "Please do let me escort you, milady.." He said softly and held his arm out to me, and I entwined my arm with his, graciously as I let him guide me through the crowd of people to the Refreshment counter. He helped me sit onto the chair, and he himself sat down next to me. And, together we turned to the house elves that was minding and monitoring the stall. "What would you like to have, milady?" His familiar voice questioned me and I answered with a smile of mischief. "I'd like to have pumpkin juice, dear sir.." He smiled smugly at me, and turned to one of the house elves. "Would you mind sending us two pumpkin juices please, Dobby?" His soft, kind tone made me look at him in a 'light' I've never seen people in. He didn't sound like the one of the Pureblood brats, but he sounded truly genuine.. The small hours elf that was dressed in a green dress with a vest on top of it with the Malfoy house crest, nodded her head. "Of course yes, Little Master Malfoy. Dobby is give you and Misstress Granger pumpkin juice." I think he must've caught my look, because he frowned. "Did I say some thing that offended you, Miss Granger? I truly never meant it.. It's never my intention.. I hope, you forgive me.." He said worriedly, as if though he was afraid that I'd lash out at him. Why is he even apologising? He didn't even do anything bad. "No, no, no, Mister Malfoy.. I'm not offended by your actions or words or by anything.. I'm merely intrigued that you just had a nice conversation with the house elf, because it's not a everyday scene that I see Pureblood heirs talk nicely to their house elves.. I'm merely fascinated by that.." I told him honestly. And, he looked quite taken aback by my words. "So you're not offended by any means?" He questioned me again, trying to believe his eyes and ears. "Of course, I'm not offended, Mister Malfoy.. I'm not that of a short fuse.." I joked and he gave me his award winning smiles. "Oh! Too much shine, I'm blinded, I can't seen anything.." I dramatised as I hid my face with my hands. I was answered by a care-free laugh, and hands that pulled my hands down, softly. "You're such a joy, Miss Granger. And, please call me Draco, if you'd like to.. Mister Malfoy sounds too formal.." "Only if you call me as Hermione.. Miss Granger makes me feel like you're my teacher, or worse, as if though I'm old.." I joked again, and he laughed again. "Okay, of course.. So, Hermione I'd like to know more about you, since you're a little bundle of joy and happiness.. Please do enlighten and shower me with your happiness.." He dramatised, the back of his hand going over to his forehead. I giggled at him, and twirled a strand of my hair as I pondered on my answer. "Well, Draco, I spend most of my time reading books, both Muggle and Magical; attending my daily coaching classes; talking with my best friend who is actually my house elf, etc.." "You have Muggle books?" He asked me looking desperate, as his hands furiously fidgeted with his robes. I nodded my head at him hesitantly, not knowing where this conversation is headed. "Can you tell me how they are? I mean, like the writing styles, the genres, the famous best sellers you've read and posses? I love books too.. I have to attend my daily coaching classes too, and I'm good friends with almost every one of our house elves.." My eyes widened in surprise at his words. My parents actually find me having muggle books as a shame, but this lad, who is one of the heirs to one of the richest Pureblood family wants to know about the Muggles. Oh, the irony. "Their writing style is far good, if you ask my opinion. I susi ally read the muggle books for leisure. They have written a few genres of books on Werewolves, Vampires, Magical beasts, unicorns, etc.. And, if say that I was more tha surprised to know that they had reached the finale.. It's because the description they gave, suited completely correct with the beasts in the Magical world..." "Is it?!" He asked me in complete bewilderment. And, quickly thanked Winky as he handed me my glass of pumpkin juice. I sipped the drink and relished in the taste of it. "Yes of course. At first I didn't believe it too.. I mean, I thought that for a second, that it was just a figment of imagination, but no.. The facts that they're laid out was in sync with the real facts of the Magical world" His curiosity only peaked at my words. "What's your favourite Muggle book, Hermione? I have only read this book 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The lion, the witch and the wardrobe' only once when I was away in the Diagon Alley.." That immediately spiked my attention more. "You've read the Chronicles of Narnia first part? I have the whole series, and maybe I could lend you them.." I told him, and his eyes sparkled at my words. "Thank you so much, Hermione.. Thank you so much.." I giggled at him and took another sip of my drink. "My favourite book is 'Absolutely normal choas' by Sharon Creech.. It was a nice book that it was a bestsellers in few places.." He nodded his head, and looked like he was bout to say something, when a helper appeared out of nowhere and said. "Shall I help you off your robe, Milady?" He was good looking, wearing his uniform with his hair slicked back with gel. "Thank you, please.." I said, and he helped out of my coat. "Do you wish for something else, milady?" He questioned me, and I saw Draco smile, smug and smirk at me, all together. "Nothing, thank you for asking though.." I told him, praying to the God that he'd get my intentions. "Enjoy your stay, milady.." He said, and placed a kiss on the back of my palm, before leaving me alone. "Phew! What's with them and not taking my intentions into considering?" I sighed making Draco laugh at me. "Hey don't laugh at me! I don't find it even a itty bit funny because everywhere I go there seems to be someone who always won't take no for an answer... It's very irritating, you know.." I told him, exasperatedly. "Maybe I do understand you.. I mean, everywhere we go, some girl would pull me aside and question me everything about Lucas, my older brother, even though he hardly acts like it.." Draco said, and I felt very sorry for him. "Aw! Did little Draco's ego burst like a bubble?" I cooed and saw in fascination as he faux-glared at me. I giggled as his cute nose scrunched up during his glaring session, making him look adorable like a cute little teddy bear. "I'd ever like think that I have an ego, but the one Lucas has is more huger than anything in this world..." He said, disdainfully. I frowned again. "I've come to a conclusion that your probably hate your brother.." "Hate is a very strong word, I'd like to quote... But, what I feel towards him is more than that.. I despise him.." He breathed out, his eyes turned silver due to the strong emotions, that he is undergoing right now. "Oh, err, I'm sorry for invading your personal space, Draco.. I didn't mean to.." I said, sincerely apologising for my actions. And, he seemed pretty taken aback by my comment. "What? No, no, no.. I'm perfectly alright with this.. I mean, you didn't invade my personal space or something.. This is the first time someone has talked to me in all these years, and I just got carried away... I'm sorry.." He lowered his head low, as he apologised to me truthfully. I shook my head at him, disagreeing to him. "No, no, don't apologise to me.. It's not your fault.. This is the first time that someone has had a long, happy conversation aside from my elf friend. I got carried away too. My mother usually tells me that I've got a big mouth and is a chatter box once my favourite topic comes into the conversation.." I told him honestly not caring that I just revealed the fact to him, that my mother calls me a 'chatter box'. He chuckled. "My mother tells that too.. It's not our fault right? I mean, if we're going to talk about a topic that we've been researching on, it's pretty tough to control our mouths from spewing out facts, right?" I nodded my head eagerly at him. "This is the first time, I'm meeting someone who has the same mental disorder as me..." I joked, not the first part, but the 'disorder' part. He laughed, agreeing to me. "At least now we're on the same plane.." He said. I didn't know what has happened to me. I'm never the usual free type. I'm usually reserved and conservative. But, Draco has had this ability to open me up. It was instinctual that the conversation felt really natural to me. "I think that time has come for you to dance with the men, honey.." My mother appeared out of nowhere and announced. I sighed in annoyance whereas Draco looked too happy for himself. "Good luck, Mione.." He said, and I slapped his arm lightly. He faux-glared at me and shoved his tongue at me. "Real mature.." I teased him, as I shoved my tongue back at him. He chuckled and sipped his drink again. Soon enough, I danced with almost as many men as I could within the time limit of 6 hours, and I even danced with Lucas and Draco too sometime during my dances with the unmarried men who were interested in courting me. Finally, after so many hours spent in the ball, my family and I left the place with greetings from the Malfoys. And, Draco's eyes glittered when they fell on me. With hope. __________ 
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