Veela and his Mate

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QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: I'm sorry that I get jealous and over-react. Its inky because that there is a bigger chance of me losing you than you losing me - Unknown. __________ SUMMARY: Draco Malfoy is a descendant of a very rare line of Male Veelas, that can only affect their Mates using their pheromones and no one else. Draco coming nto his Vella Inheritance in the fourth year, finds his Mate in none other than Hermione Granger. Yet, his Veela is to make an appearance,  even though Draco and Hermione have already completed the bond in their sixth year. Is Draco's Veela really dormant or is the Vella just a late bloomer? DATE: 18 October, 1997 SETTING: The Great Hall, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "Oh, come on mate! First, you both are THE relationship goals with you two slobbering over each other, and now the pair of you are the perfect 'trouble in paradise' goals! What the hell is wrong with the two of you?" Blaise Zabini snapped, unable to take the longing looks both Draco and Hermione sent each other when they think that the other wasn't looking. Draco Malfoy grunted as he picked at his food. He couldn't respond to his best mate now that the reason for the spat between him and his Mate was none other than his petty jealousy. The Malfoys may look Aristocratic, with expressionless mask on their faces 24*7 just like any other Pureblood family, but they have this secret trait that no family ever possesses in its genes: Jealousy. That was the same reason why Draco and Hermione had a row. The pair after completing the Mating Bond in the start of the Sixth Year, have become inseparable. More than the inseparability that they showcased in their Fifth Year, when they were just friends. As Draco doesn't have a tolerance for Harry and the Weasleys, especially the latter and thus, couldn't form a bond with any of them and often found himself wishing that if the Weasleys and Harry weren't much important to his Mate, then he wouldn't have to spend time with them; but life is cruel. He tried. Really, really tried connecting with the surrogate family of his Mate. Other than the Weasley Patriarch, the elder 5 Weasley children and the boy-who-lived none of the remaining family members even tried to bond with him. He did all of that for her. For his Mate. And her Happiness. The smile that adorned her exquisitely carved beautiful face was worth a thousand times of being discredited by the Weasleys. Draco had decided that he would make sure that the smile prevails on her face forever and after. He vowed to make it happen. In his defense, he had a few reasons. The first one being the fact that he really didn't like the Weasleys. It was in his blood to hate the redheaded family. The second one is that the Weasley Matriarch didn't like him and didn't have any decency to keep her thoughts to herself. She persistently kept on making snide remarks about him whenever she could, and didn't stop even when they were in public, too. The third and the final reason is that Molly had been planning on getting Hermione and Ron to marry each other. Sure, no one really had guessed this, but it was quite obvious to the human eye. Draco was s**t crazy when he finally uncovered this. Instantly his Veela protectiveness kicked in, and he resolved to keep Hermione away from Ronald at all costs. Even though he knew that it was impossible, he tried without making it look quite obvious. Before the spat, the couple had been every one's envy as they were so much in love. The Professors helped the pair by allotting them the Heads Dorms after making them the Head Students. The couple were always together, attached at each other's hips, had the same classes, schedules, etc and etc. When they were together, they'd usually forget the world and have their complete focus and attention centred on the other. When they were apart, which was very rare, the couple would send each other loving and longing looks, making every other occupant of the place feel as if though they were intruding on a very private moment. They were so in love and never failed to showcase their beautiful relationship to the world. But now... The situation had rotated. They were not attached at each other's hips, they were not sending glances, they were not sitting together, they were not living in the same dorms, heck, they were not even in the talking terms with each other. The argument was terrible. Horrific really. It all started on one beautiful Fall day. Hermione decided that she and Draco had been neglecting their friends, after their mating. She knew how Draco would react to the news, and didn't want to hurt her Veela, by making him assume that she didn't like spending time with him. So like every other adult, Hermione resolved to have a talk with her Veela regarding this. They did talk, but it was more of an argument. Draco couldn't help but feel the familiar feeling of jealousy spread through him when Hermione told him that she wanted to spend time with her friends, as did Draco. He understood why she said that, but his Malfoy jealousy overrode everything else and he started going on and on about how the redheads and the scarhead was more important to her than him. Never the one to let someone insult her friends, Hermione jumped in. Soon, the couple had a big, blazing row which ended with Hermione storming out of the Heads Dorms. She took all of her belongings back to the Gryffindor Tower, and refused to even breathe in his direction. Draco, in his rage, too went to the Dungeons and vowed to kill anyone that would disturb him. The next day everyone were in the shock of their lives when the Veela and his Mate didn't even look at each other. Soon, words spread. The first day of the spat, Draco and Hermione acted as if though the other wasn't even there. They were so rigid. Purposefully ignoring each other. The second day, their rigidity had lessened quite considerably. Even thought they ignored each other, the pair could be spotted looking into the space blindly, deep in thoughts. The third day, they talked to their friends about their argument. But neither made any motion to apologise to each other. The fourth day, they had completely lost their rigidity and stoic expressions. Everyone could see how the two were affected. They had bags underneath their eyes, horrible mood swings, and were losing weight continuously. The fifth day, the pair threw quick glances at each other. The Professors were relieved when they saw the pair looking at each other with regret and longing swimming in their eyes. The sixth day, both the Veela and the Mate would stare at each other not directly, but when the other wasn't paying attention to them. Longing and love was very much evident on that day. Everyone could feel the love swirling in between them. The seventh day, they still haven't talked or touched each other, but acknowledged them. The simmering chemistry and the s****l tension which they possessed during the Fifth Year became very much evident, that everyone gave them space or left the vicinity if the pair were there. Today is the eighth day. The pair have lost their sleep, apettite, have gone down in their studies and were depressed. The longing glances have extended to a longer time, the stubbornness is still prevalent but have lessened considerably. "-Are you even listening to me?" Blaise snapped, a flush spreading from his face to his neck in irritation and over-exertion. Given his skin tone, no one knew how he managed to do that. "Shut up, Zabini!" Draco growled. The ones that were sitting closer to them, moved back in fear of facing the infamous Veela temper. When the couple had started dating, Draco went ballistic whenever a male flirts with his Mate. And, when they bonded, it only turned worse for wear. Cormac McLaggen found himself on the receiving end of the Veela temper after flirting persistently with Hermione, his ex-girlfriend. He was still lying in one of the beds of the Hospital Wing with a few broken ribs, a broken wrist, a twisted ankle, a cracked jaw, two black eyes, and a broken nose. "Whatever. Just don't come sulking to me. I won't help you by any chance. And if you don't have any interest, please exclude me from your so-called plan in order to seduce your Mate. Yet again." Blaise snarled, unable to put up with his best mate's worst mood swings any longer. Draco pouted petulantly. "I'm sorry, Blaise. But the separation is having me in my worst." Truth be told, Draco had missed Hermione so much. Nothing could ever measure the feeling of utter shallowness that enveloped him when she's away from him. He missed her special smiles - that she had reserved only for him. Her patented carefree, head tossed back laughter which escapes her pink lips whenever he makes a good joke. Her hugs which provide warmth and a feeling of security and love that she gives him every second of the day when they part or get together. Her cuddles which they share during every time of the day and night. Her kisses which makes him lose grasp on logic and reality, which makes his heart flutter and his body tingle with magic and love. And, of course, he missed her body. The exquisite beauty which was carved from the world's most richest and silkiest velvet cloth, that was brought down from the gods of Asgard. Of all, he missed Mating her. The feeling that he got when she's lying underneath him, writhing in pleasure and screaming his name out loud to the world, showing everyone that she belonged to him and only him, sent shivers down his body and make him relive all those sweet memories. Oh, how he'd missed being with her. Her presence has the power of changing even the worst of the situations into a bearable one. And, Draco had been grateful to every god out there for having Hermione as his mate. Even though it's been two years since they've been together, there's always been a little voice in the back of his head, telling him that he didn't deserve her. That she deserved someone more than him. Someone that was a very good man with the heart of a warrior, and Draco had discredited it often, nevertheless knowing that it was true after all. Now, during the time that he'd been away from her, the little voice became much prominent and is always making unbearable comments and observations. Like how, that Draco had pushed her too far and that Hermione would leave him since she'd realised how much of a prat and undeserving he is. A wistful sigh escaped his seductive lips, as the little voice clambered back up in his mind and continued it's daily routine. 'It's time she's left you. Might be good with the Weasel too. Merlin knows that even he's brave, none like you.' Blaise's hard features softened, but instantly a smirk slid right in. "Spending too much time at the Lion's Den, stalking the Lioness, aren't we Dragon?" Draco sneered, but didn't comment or contradict the statement. The 'Dragon' comment affected Draco's mood incredibly, as 'Dragon' had been Hermione's nickname for him. Actually, his mother, Narcissa, calls him 'Little Dragon' affectionately, and when the Lady Malfoy had visited the pair, Hermione had picked up on the nickname. For days, Draco had been embarrassed by the sobriquet but evidently became too giddy once he realised that he meant something special to her, as Hermione is known not to use any endearment or accept it, for that matter. Here he goes again.. Hermione. "You do realise that the Weasel is leering at Hermione?" Blaise's deep voice broke Draco from his musings, and once the words sunk in, his molten silver eyes turned waspishly in the Gryffindor Table's direction. True to his words, Ron was found sitting across Hermione, next to Harry. Unlike every other time his attention wasn't focussed on the food, but on Hermione. The turquoise eyes of his arch nemesis, was turning darker by the passing moment, and the undisguised disgusting scent of arousal reached the Veela's nose. Draco's nose flared at the scent and the immediate resolution of disgust forced through him in the form of a sneer. He felt his canines tip down and press against his upper lip, ready to spring into action when in need. 'Mate.. Get away from Weasel.' He sent the message through the bond to his Hermione, hoping that she'd get it and do as told. But felt a block on the other side of the bond. Meaning that Hermione had put up the walls, blocking him out. She'd never blocked him out. Whenever they're taking tests, yes, but other than that, no. His heart clenched in pain. He'd hurt his Mate so much. 'Mate.. Hermione.. Get away from Weasley, he's-he's trying to get you..' He tried sending the message again. And when it hit a barrier at the receiving end, Draco growled. Then he decided to use the instincts to his favour. He closed his eyes and entered the bond through the link, and toyed with the instincts and the Veela Venom that he had pumped into her during the Mating ceremony. He smiled in approval when Hermione scrunched her eyebrows in indifference, and stood up collecting her belongings from the table. In his joy to see that Hermione was actually responding to the instincts, Draco almost missed the confused looks on her friends' faces. Deciding to use the opportunity, to clear the air between him and his Mate, he willed her to go the Head Dorms, where the couple could talk things out privately. Hermione rubbed her forehead in circles as she felt the urge to go to the Head Dorms. Knowing that Draco was behind this, she threw him a quick look. What she didn't expect was him already staring at her, with a heated look. A shiver climbed up her spine at the sight of his familiar hooded molten silver eyes, and a jolt of familiar electricity hit her core. The Veela must've scented her arousal, as his nose flared and his eyes turned completely silver for a minute, before changing back to his normal ones. Draco sent her a curt nod, and butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the anticipation of getting together with her Draco. It could be seen (very obviously) that she had missed him. Just as much as he had missed her. Hermione smiled tightly at Harry, as nervousness hit her full forcedly. She didn't know what to say to her Veela once they meet up in the Dorms. She didn't care what she was supposed to do, but she wanted to get together with Draco. Right now. With a quick smile aimed at Harry, Hermione got down from the table and walked as calmly as she could towards the doors of the Great Hall, knowing that many were burning holes on the back of her head. She didn't even know what had happened, but all of a sudden, she felt warm lips press against her. Instantly Hermione knew that something was wrong with the kiss, as she couldn't feel the tingles that usually accompanies the kiss that she had shared with Draco. And, she couldn't smell his enchanting scent of Green Apples, spearmint toothpaste and expensive cologne, either. Draco smiled appreciatively at the retreating figure of Hermione, admiring her backside cheekily. Oh, how he wanted to go over to her and envelop her in his arms. Soon. Sooner she will be his again. Honestly, Draco didn't know when that Weasel had reached Hermione, but all of a sudden, he forcibly kissed her. Draco saw red. White hot anger and jealousy exploded in his body. A horrible high pitched shriek escaped the Veela's lips, as a pain of some sort spread through him, at the sight of his Mate kissing someone else. The occupants of the Great Hall cringed, closing their ears to block the sound from damaging their sense of hearing. Hermione broke the kiss that she was forced to share with Ron, and stared open-mouthed both at Ron and Draco. What happened next fascinated everyone. A pair of pure black wings grew from Draco's back, tearing his tight fit shirt into shreds, and opened up wide. The wings were feathery and were about 10 feet wide each. His eyes turned completely molten silver, with no evidence of the presence of pupils. His handsome features turned handsomer adding to the feral features. And, they hardened with purpose. Talons erupted from his fingertips, with razor sharp claws. Silver scales appeared all over on his skin, giving him a 'unearthly' look. And, adding to the mix was the sharp canines that gleamed when light caught onto it. "Mate...MINE!" Draco shrieked as he, within a second, reached the pair, and enveloped a willing Hermione in his wings, crushing her tightly to his body. "My treacherous Mate... VEELA WILL SHOW WHO MATE BELONGS TO! MATE BELONGS TO VEELA! MATE IS MINE!" He snarled. Everyone understood what was happening. The much awaited Veela of Draco Malfoy finally made an appearance. Many teachers sunk back in their chairs in relief at the news. No one wanted a Veela whose inner Veela was dormant. It was a tedious job. "Hey, you-" Ron started, but was interrupted by Draco, who shrieked loudly again and raised him by his neck, his legs dangling a few feet above the ground, his arms unsuccessfully raining punches on the ignorant Veela's chest. "DARE, YOU DISGUSTING HUMAN, TOUCH VEELA'S MATE?! YOU BLEED! MATE IS VEELA'S!!" Hermione's eyes widened in fear, and she somehow managed to free her hands, and cupped Draco's cheeks, forcing him to look at her. "Draco, I-" "NOT DRACO, VEELA! DON'T INTERRUPT VEELA, MATE. HUMAN WILL BLEED. VEELA PUNISH HUMAN." No one of the Professors came to aid the redheaded boy, who was turning purple by the moment. They knew that none of them could rescue him, as it was in the law. The law of Magical Creatures state that if someone tries to hurt the Mate of a Veela (or any other creature for that matter) he/she can be killed in the name of honour. Since, Veela's aren't creatures with high blood lust like the Werewolves or Vampires, they don't hurt their opponent fatally. Just a few injuries and the blood of the person, will make the Veela satisfied. Veela sank his talons into Ron's chest, much to the disgust and fear of the entire school population. And, let out a shriek of victory as blood oozed from the redhead's chest. Hermione who saw the scene unfold right in front of her own eyes, felt nauseated and started struggling against her Veela's strong arms. "MATE TRY GET AWAY FROM VEELA? NO! MATE IS MINE!" Veela shrieked. Hermione continued her struggles even after being held tighter than before. He snarled, and closed his eyes in concentration. The erotic scent of love juices, copulation ambushed her. Molten heat pooled at her core, and she closed her legs tightly in anticipation. Her peaks hardened considerably, rubbing against the rough material of her shirt, making her hiss in pain and pleasure. The fang marks on her pulse point sent electricity sparks into her, shivering in pleasure. She felt as if though the world was being compressed into a molecule. An atom, even. All of a sudden, everything else vanished in her eyes and the hypnotising scent of her Veela reached her nose. Eyes rolling into the back of her head, Hermione pushed her body forward wanting to reach her Veela, who will then, escape her from the erotic pain that she is enduring. She wanted the pleasure. She wanted the pain. She wanted both. The Gryffindor Princess jumped onto her Veela, wrapping her legs tightly around his hips, rubbing herself along his length. Veela hissed in pleasure, holding his Mate's beautiful body pressed against his, as his wings rounded up them, hiding her body not letting the audience see what she was offering. The boy-who-supported's unconscious body flew mightily and hit the wall, before crumbling down the floor, where the boy lay motionless like a rag doll. The audience gasped in fear, not knowing what to do. With a sneer to them, Veela rose up in air spreading his enormous wings wide, swiftly flew breaking through the glass of the Great Hall and headed to the Forbidden Forest. Hermione, who was still intoxicated by the Pheromones released by her Veela, was growing impatient. Arching herself against his eager length again, she moaned and mewled loudly as pleasure disguised as hot hot lava spread through her unrestrictedly. "We'll be together soon, Mate." Veela cooed, looking down at his Mate for a minute. Hermione groaned, as she dropped kisses down his neck, and bit his earlobe, pulling the soft flesh in between her teeth. "No... No... Want now.." Unable to deny her, that too when she was so close to him, he plunged two fingers straight into her weeping core, hissing once he did so. Unknowingly clenching her walls around his fingers, Hermione moaned loudly at the pleasure that was racing through her body. When he tried to withdraw his fingers, so that he could thrust into her core again, she clenched her walls so tightly, not wanting him to remove from her. Veela growled at his Mate in warning, before drawing his erotic juice covered fingers out, Hermione cried out, whining in want. Veela smirked before thrusting his long, pale fingers sharply back in. Hermione let out a loud scream in pleasure, that echoed into the still night. Veela smirked again at his ability, and puffed his chest out in pride. "Veela is going to mate you hard, Mate. Going to make sure that Mate will never leave Veela again." He whispered darkly into her ears. The fog that covered her mind, cleared ever-so slightly at the words, and Hermione gasped in panic. "What? Where am I?" And, when she saw herself in Draco, err, Veela's arms, she almost relaxed but her attention shifted to the sight in front of her, as they descended. There stood a cave, well hidden amongst the greenery, in all of its glory. Their nest. During the Sixth Year, Draco started collecting things like books, clothes, furniture etc in the name of 'their nest'. It was then revealed that Male Veelas usually create their own nest, which is where the Mating Bond takes place. "Veela?" Hermione said hesitantly, as Veela assessed the place. The entire cave was divided into three parts. The first cavern was the front room, which was decorated with beautiful translucent curtains that hung at the entrance, and at the medium sized hole that acted as a window. There was a small mahogany wooden cabinet filled with books and movie CD's (muggle); a beautiful over-stuffed couch with two stuffy loveseats; a exquisitely carved wooden coffee table; and a big television set attached to the wall. The second cavern was the bath area. There was a huge Hot Springs, beside the edge were sitting toiletries ranging from soap oils to shampoos and conditioners. The third cavern was located in the most intimate area of the cave. It was a place where both sunlight and moonlight could access, providing a best view to the occupants. It had a huge four poster canopied bed, with midnight blue sheets and beige comforter. There were almost a dozen of side pillows which were in the colours ranging from dark beige to tan, taking up the 1/4th area of the bed. It could be seen that the bed was very comfy and cozy, as it had the air around it. Beside the bed, sat a chest of drawers which contained a few set of clothes of both Draco and Hermione, along with a huge vanity mirror which sat at the south side of the room. With no words, Veela carried his Mate to the bed, slamming his mouth to hers forcefully, ignoring her protests, and grinding his hips against hers. (Use your imagination please, I'm dead tired to ) The two finally collapsed onto the bed, breathing and panting heavily. The sweat slicked bodies of theirs was the evidence that the couple had enjoyed the mating. Veela, who was still on top of his Mate, finally lost his molten silver eyes, which then turned to his normal grey ones, and became Draco again. "Hermione?" Draco whispered languidly. "Hmm?" Hermione finally opened her eyes and looked up at her Veela, taking in his appearance. His platinum blond hair was sticking up in every direction, his lips were red and plump from the intimate kisses that they shared, and he had a flush extending from the roots of his hair to his legs, giving him a ethereal look. He swallowed hard, making his Adam's apple bob. Hermione closed her eyes once more, before opening them again. Apologies stuck at their throats. "I'm sorry." They both said at the same time, and looked at each other in surprise. "You go first." Draco offered. "No, you go first." Hermione shook her head as no. Knowing better than to argue with her when he was here to make amends, Draco nodded his head as nervousness hit him in full force. "Look, Hermione love, I'm very very sorry. It's all my fault, I-" he started, but when Hermione made a motion to interrupt him, he shook his head firmly as no. "- am supposed to take care of you, and I instead hurt you. I'm very sorry, Mia." Gently cupping her cheek in one hand, he let his other hand feel the softness of her skin by brushing it against her other cheek. "I-I want you to know that I love you. I love you so much and I need you every second of my life. I'm sorry that I hurt you, pushed you out of your room, and-and gave you hell for the week. But I'll have you known that I'll do anything to have you back. I do-don't.." His voice cracked heavily, and a tear that slipped from his eye, dropped on her cheek, shocking the pair. Hermione's eyes filled with tears, and she pressed her hand against his cheek, offering him comfort. "I don't want you to go. Will you be there with me?" He looked like a little boy who was asking his mother for a lollipop. "Please?" He begged, and her heart broke into a million little pieces seeing the ever confident boy - no, man - she loved break down. "Of course, I'll be with you. You silly man. I love you, don't I?" Not caring about the tears that were sliding down her own cheeks. Happiness lit up in his face, and he smiled a watery smile at her, before kissing her deeply, showing his appreciation for the words of comfort that she had given him. "You know, this might be not the best apology you ever received, but I-I'm not good with these things." He said, apologetically. Hermione giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and hugged him tightly, losing herself in the warmth that only he provided. "I'm sorry too. You know, I should've said in a more gentle way." She whispered into his neck, as she drew patterns on his pale back. "No-" Draco started, but was interrupted by Hermione. "Let's just say that we both did mistakes here. From now on, we'll tackle situations like these properly. Deal?" And, when Draco nodded his head, she knew that this incident was put in the past now. For half an hour, the couple just lay in the bed, enjoying in the afterglow of their mating in a comfortable silence. "Draco? I know that you wouldn't react in that big manner for petty issues like these. Do you have something that I must know?" Hermione, the ever observant one, asked curled on his chest on the bed. Draco mentally prepared himself to reveal the news to his Mate. "Mrs. Wesley was planning on getting you married to Weasel by the end of the year. Don't know how she'll do it, but I think love Potions are in order." He said bluntly, not wanting to beat around the bush, as stalling only irritates her more. Hermione's eyes widened comically. And, he honestly expected her to rant, but instead she merely dropped her head in shame. "Hey? What's it?" He tipped her chin, wanting to look into her eyes, as her eyes is the most expressive part of her. Her warm toffee eyes were filled with shame and something else he couldn't understand. "I'm sorry you had to find it out. I was hoping that it would settle down at the start of this year, but it didn't." She managed to say, before dropping her head down again. "So, you mean, you know of this? Then, why didn't you tell someone or even Molly herself?" Hurt enveloped his features, but he knew better than to wait for her explanation. "She kept dropping hints of a marriage with Ron to me ever since Harry and Ginny got together at the 5th year. At first, it was quiet thrilling. But after I found you, I knew that the dream that Molly wanted wasn't going to happen, so I kept my space from her. Even after going public, she still kept talking about the wedding, I tried telling her, but she wouldn't do it. I'm sorry you had to get to know of this. I always thought that she would stop with her approaches once she realises how strong we are, but she obviously didn't. She's a good woman, and I don't know why she's doing this." Draco nodded his head, understanding where she was coming from. "I believe that what Molly Weasley needs is a good talk about this, then she'll be alright." Hermione nodded her head, and moved closer to him. "I do believe that the whole Weasley family needs a talk. If they can't accept you, then I'm not going to be with them anymore. We're a package deal. Where you go, I go with you." Draco's jaw slackened at her words, and Hermione closed his mouth with her fingers, all the while giggling. "You-you would do that? Aren't they your family?" "You're my future, Draco. I won't stay silent if someone talks bad of you. It's already my fault that I let the Molly, Ron and Ginny have a go at you, and I'm not ready to have them do the same again." Hermione was his entire world and he loved her so much, with his mother being a close second. Having the two most important people in his life, Draco was assured to be happy forever, but Hermione wasn't like that. With her biological parents dead during an accident, the Weasleys practically adopted her as their own. And, everyone knows about the Weasleys. They are a horde actually with around 10 family members. Growing up she was surrounded by many people, but Draco wasn't like that. Since Lucius usually leaves for work and never often stays home, Narcissa was the only one he had while growing up. So, Draco could cope with two, but Hermione? "Won't you get hurt if they choose to leave you?" Draco asked softly, still shocked by her admission. "I will." She nodded her head, softly. "But I'll manage. If they don't want to accept you, then they are not my well-wishers or family for that matter. My parents were more than okay with you, Draco. They loved you as a son they never had." Draco could only smile lightly as memories of Daniel and Emma Granger filled his mind. They were two most easy going, adventurous at the same time devoted people he'd ever seen in his life, and was in life long debt to them for raising Hermione for the woman she is today. "My parents were there with me for the seventeen years of my life, and the Weasleys? Just seven. It doesn't matter as long as they accept you. And, before you try to say something smart-assed I'll remind you that you are NOT making me choose. I'm doing this because I love you and want only the good for us both." Draco smiled softly, before capturing her arousing lips in a kiss. __________
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