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QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: The best feeling in the world is when the person you like, likes you back- Unknown.  ___________ SETTING: The New Malfoy Manor, Lancashire, The Great Britain. "Hey, Granger?" "Yes, Malfoy?" "I have a question for you." "What is it?" "Do you like me or like-like me?" "Is this conversation suitable for pillow talk?" "Just answer the question, Granger." "You know I'm a Malfoy for about 2 years already. You can't call me 'Granger' forever." "I'll call my wife whatever I want, who are you to say? My wife likes it when I call her by her maiden name." "Your wife loves it even more if you call her a Malfoy, as she's is one." "I know of it, don't I?" "I see that you are pushing your luck, Malfoy. Yet again." "Do you know that that are many, hundreds even, that are ready to kill to take your place?" "I'll kill them before they even try to." "Jealous much, are we?" "Jealous? Me? Oh, please." "Then, what is it called as, if it's not jealousy, oh the brightest witch of our age?" "Jealousy is what that overcame you when the Deputy Auror flirted and eyed me up at the Quidditch Stadium, the other day." "That isn't jealous, that's just marking my territory!" "Marking your territory? What are you, a dog?" "I'll have you known that I'm not a dog, but a human. A Malfoy, at that." "So what are you gonna do?" "Stop changing the subject. You're jealous, aren't you? Admit it, Granger. You're jealous. Don't worry, I'm not interested in anyone besides you. If I had known that you were the jealous type, I would've tried to boost your jealousy by-" "Don't you dare complete that sentence if you don't want to have s*x for a week, sleep alone for two weeks, and not be closer to me for the rest of the month, Draco Lucius Malfoy." "..." "I thought so." "..." "Peace and Calm, finally." "..." "Ahh.. the bed's so warm, and the comforter is much warmer. The room is so cold. Who knew that Autumn could be this cold?" ".. H-How can You-You?" "How can I what, Malfoy?" "How can you ban s*x, order me to NOT sleep next to you, and me-me to stay away from you? How could you do this? I thought you were kind, compassionate and loving not downright cruel and vicious." "Did you just call me 'downright cruel and vicious'?" "Yes, I did. I did that because you are being completely difficult by banning me away from you! How could you say that? Even, think of something so impossible? Everyone in the whole lot of the world, even Universe, knows that I can never stay away from you and it hurts my pride to know that you are uneducated of it." "I would very much kiss you, if I wasn't mad at you right now, Malfoy." "If you can't do it, then I'll do it." "No, Malfoy. I'm still mad at you." "I'm sure I can change that, Granger." "Honestly? We've been married for 2 bloody years, Malfoy. You keep calling me Granger, Granger, why can't you call me by my first name?" "I'm just teasing you, Hermione love." "I knew it." "Oh, did you? But it didn't look like you did, as you were on the verge of begging me to call you by your given name, my love." "I love it when you call me that." "Of course you do. Now, stop changing the subject matter. We started off somewhere and ended somewhere completely off the course." "Yes. Now what's the question, again?" "Just say it, love. No one will listen in on us, and don't act all innocent, I can see right through you." "You are incorrigible!" "I know that you love it. Just tell me, do you like me or like-like me?" "Draco, I love you. And, you know of it." "Of course, I do. And, you know that I love you forever and ever. That you are my entire world and that I would do anything and everything to make you smile that patented heart soaring smile that you reserve only for me, blah and blah. Now, tell me." "Tell you what?" "Ugh, how many times do I have to explain it to you, Granger?" "It is you that asked me a question, right? It's your own bloody responsibility to explain it further to me without any further ado to make me NOT change my mind." "Enough with all those empty threats, Granger. Do you like me or like-like me? Just tell me fast." "Ugh, I like-like you, Malfoy." "I knew it." "Are you satisfied now?" "Yep." "Makes my heart soar to know that I was of use." "You are obviously useful, wife of mine." "Thank you for making me realise it, ferret." "Your welcome, my lioness." "Idiot." "I heard you say something incoherent under your breath, wifey. Care to enlighten me?" "Oh, I was thinking about how good, caring, wonderful, jealous-less, unsuspecting man, you are, my husband." "Even I know that you're lying, Hermione. Is it your indirect way of telling me that I'm an i***t?" "Draco, this the most direct-est way one could call someone an idiot." "Oh." ___________
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