Tiger Malfoy

867 Words
QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: Whoever said that money can't buy happiness, forgot about little puppies '- Unknown. __________ "No, Scorp, we're NOT having a dog." "But, Mummy, please! He will be a good boy!" "Would you be? You wouldn't!" "No, Mummy. We both will be good boys. I even chose a name for him: Tiger Malfoy." "You don't name a dog as Tiger, baby." "But, he likes my name for him. He's already family." "And, we don't add our family name to our pets, baby." "But why is that? Grandpa Lucius, Gramma Cissa, Daddy, you and me have the same last name because we are family. And, Tiger is family too!" "Scorpius -" "Mummy, I want him! See he looks so handsome. He will be a perfect Malfoy pet." "Pets are cute, baby." "No, Tiger is a man. So, he's NOT cute. He's handsome like the Handsome Trio!" "Dogs are not men and women. They are males and females." "We give respect to us right? Then why are you calling dogs as male and female? You should call them man and lady or, you should call everyone as male and female, Mummy. This is not fair!" "Baby, it's-" "You fight for House Elves, right? Why don't you fight for dogs too?" "Baby, it's because dogs have many people helping them. But that is not so with House Elves." "If so many are helping dogs, then why was a dog dead on the road?" "Someone had run over the dog, baby. We gave him a funeral, right?" "I d-don't want anyone to run over dogs." "Oh baby, it's something we cannot control. It's beyond our capability. We cannot save every dog that is out there. Stop crying, baby." "But why?! Why can't we s-save dogs? Daddy, Grandpa, Gramma and you always help me with magic. Why can't we help dogs too? I don't want dogs to die!" "T-That's difficult, dragon cub. When you get older you'll realise that you have to let go." "Mummy, are you crying?" "Hm? N-No, I'm alright. It's just the dust." "Mummy, you are crying! I don't want you crying!" "I'm not crying, baby. I'm alright." "No, you are lying. Tell me the truth, Mummy. Or, I'll tell Daddy that you are crying!" "You will do no such thing, Scorpius Draco Malfoy!" "Tell me the truth, Mummy. Why are you crying? I don't want you to cry." "I-I had a cute little puppy when I was 5 years old." "You did?" "Yeah. I named her Maya. She was a very cute fluffy white dog. We didn't know her breed or neither thought of getting to know. She was my best friend. She'd wake me up in the early morning, and then we go for a long walk. Only after giving her food, I'll have my breakfast. She'd drop me at school, and return home. In the afternoon she'll be back to pick me up. We were the best of friends. I never had a friend before, Maya was the one for me." "What happened then? Where is Maya?" "She was run over by a truck. I was one to see the d-dead body. My screams woke up the whole neighbourhood and when they saw that the just a dog they went to sleep. My dad buried her in the nearby cementry. I couldn't sleep or eat or do anything for one whole month. That is when my parents brought me many books. Only after I got older I realised that there are some things that you shouldn't hold on to. It'll give you more pain. If you let go of it.. You won't feel the pain that intensely anymore.." "Can we go see Maya?" "Sure baby, when we visit Grandpa Dan and Gramma Em." "Can I have Tiger now?" "But, you wont know how to handle him." "I'll learn, Mummy! Please, please!" "Okay, okay, you can have him." ___________ *Bow wow! Wow wow! Woof!* "What is that noise?" "Thankfully, you're here. It's your little mate." "What did he do?" "Just wait and see." "Wha-Hey, what is a dog doing in here? He has a collar too: Tiger. Who names a dog as 'Tiger'?." "The 1/3rd of your Handsome Trio!" "Scorpius?" "Tiger? Hey, you come here-Hey, Daddy!" "Did you buy a dog?" "Don't call him that, Daddy. His name is Tiger. You can call him with nicknames too. Mummy calls him 'Tiggy'." "Tiggy? What in the world does that mean?!" "Ask your son about it." "Tiggy is Tiger's nickname, Daddy. You should kiss him and welcome him to the family." "Kiss a dog?! I'm not doing that!" "Don't call him that, Daddy. He doesn't like it when people call him that. He's a Malfoy. Tiger Malfoy. And-" "You named him as Tiger Malfoy?! Oh come on!" "Yes, Daddy?" "Not that!" "Tiger likes you Daddy!" "Oh, get that thing off of me!" "Tiger give Daddy a kiss." " *Grumble* Stop! Stop that!" "EW! DO NOT KISS ME WITH THAT MOUTH, DRACO!" "Oh, come on. Give a man some break!" "Tiger?" *Woof* "Come on, let's go!" *Woof Woof* "Tiger... Tiger.. Tiger Malfoy! Where did you get that little tyke of yours from?" "Eh, from you remember!" _________
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