Soul Bond Mates

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QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: We made love even before we laid a finger on each other. We caressed our souls in such a way which no one can fathom... It was true magic - Unknown. __________ NOTE: In this story, the Dark Lord is Tom Marvolo Riddlr Jr himself. He's a Pureblood, but was abused. He didn't make any horcruxes. There is no prophecy. The British Magical World is torn into two sides: The Light and the Dark sides. Each side is trying to lead the society with their own ambitions. SETTING: The Riddle Manor, Birmingham, the Great Britain. DATE: 5 June, 1980 "TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE JUNIOR, WHEN I GET THE BABY OUT OF ME, I'M GOING TO CHOP YOUR d**k OFF, SO THAT YOU WON'T COME NEXT TO ME AGAIN!!" Phoebe Apollonia Riddle née Constantine screamed at top of her lungs, squeezing her husband's hand to the maximum limit, as she pushed again for the fourth time since one hour. Today Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, best friends of Tom and Phoebe Riddle had arrived at the Riddle Manor for a family dinner. It did help the ladies as they both were best friends since birth and were both pregnant at the same time, with the same due date. It also helped the men as they both were best friends and had knocked their wives out on the same week. The ladies driven by their constant mood swings and pregnancy hormones, drove the men mad every passing minute. It was only fair that they spend some quality girls time together, so that they don't tire themselves out, leaving the men to fend for themselves. In the heat of the moment, discussing about their baby(ies) and their plans to the future, Narcissa went into labour. Lucius was literally shaken at the bombshell that was dropped on him when a Riddle family house elf popped in to inform that the Lady Malfoy was going into labor. The Lord Malfoy had damned that the due date was not near and had argued heatedly with the poor house elf, who was forced to listen to his ramblings, much to the amusement of Tom, a.k.a the Dark Lord. Seeing Narcissa scream profanities at her husband and the blood oozing out of her, Phoebe too went into labor, much to the amusement of Lucius, who now sought the required revenge on his best friend. Tom had squabbled with his wife for nearly 10 minutes, before she vowed to hex his balls off if he didn't believe her, forcing him to accept that she was truly in labor pain and was about to give birth to their baby. The two mid wives who were assigned to aid the ladies with the birth of their children, didn't know whether to laugh at the hysterical sight or cringe at the profanities yelled out by the soon-to-be-mothers, who were quite creative with their obscenity rich vocabulary. In reality, Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr tasted the metallic flavour of his own blood when he continued biting his lip, to overcome the pain that his wife was giving him. She had held his hand in a death grip, and was literally breaking the bones, but he couldn't give it a damn as he was about to see his little Princess for the first time. The joy to see his daughter overrode the 'chop off your love meat' comment by his wife, as he was very sure that his wife wouldn't be able to hold him off, if he was persuaded to have his wicked way with her. After all, he's been the most sought out wizard after Grindelwald. "That must really hurt." Lucius Abraxas Malfoy remarked, as he entered the Infirmary, holding a grey bundle in his left arm, whilst his right wrist was bandaged up. Inside the bundle lay a just born baby boy with trademark Malfoy platinum blond hair with the trademark Malfoy grey eyes, and sharp features. He was looking around the place curiously, wearing a grey coloured onesie that had the magical moving picture of a young dragon cub with platinum blond scales and grey eyes. "I see that those Malfoy genes are strong in your son, Lucius." Tom appraised adding to the huge, immeasurable ego of Lucius Malfoy, who smirked his trademark Malfoy smirk. "Of course, we Malfoys are always strong in every department." "Says the one whose wife had broken a wrist of his. The right one at that." Tom snorted. "That's what I told you just now, didn't I? We, Malfoys are strong in every department. From wit to muscle." Lucius boasted, affectionately nuzzling his nose against his son's. The Dark Lord couldn't help the smile that made its way onto his face, as he watched his best friend bond with his newborn son. It was a sight to behold. "I don't think I'd have to be ashamed, as my best friend too is going to face the same fate." The blond man grinned. Tom glared up at his best friend, but just as the Lord had predicted, he felt the symptoms of fracture in his wrist. "Come on, Phoebe! You can do this! 3, 2, 1!!" Lucius encouraged, and at 1, an almighty crunch was heard which then proceeded to echo throughout the room. The Dark Lord's wrist was broken. That too his right wrist. Just like his best friend. Even though they had cast painless charms on their arms, Lucius and Tom ended with broken wrist from their wives. Sure, they'd known that their wives can hold off more than 5 fully grown wizards off on their own in a duel, it still managed to throw them off loop when their womenfolk broke their wrists even after using so many complex charms to prevent them. Tom squeezed his eyes, as he felt the world go round and round, but he maintained his balance, and stood upright. Even with painless charms, he couldn't hold in the pain, and his mind all of sudden decided to question itself about what would've happened if he had forgotten to cast the charm. "I suggested an alternative way, your graces. But none of you were accepting it. I knew something like this would happen. Poor you, now the pair of you have to go out with slings, what will the public think?" The old, ancient mid-wife mused, as she sipped her burning hot tea and flipped the page on the Witch Weekly Magazine. "Am I dreaming or is she reading Witch Weekly? At the age of 250? That too when she's been summoned here to assist the women?" Lucius frowned. Tom managed a weak grin at his best friend's words. In his arms, the Malfoy boy twisted as he pushed his little body in the direction of Phoebe, who was still whimpering in pain and waiting for her final contractions to hit her. "Whoa! Little Dragon, where are you headed to?" Lucius asked his son, who continued trying to waddle his way over to Phoebe. Tom raised a brow at the antics of the newborn, but dismissed it away. The Malfoy heir gurgled - but no sound was heard from his little pink lips - and continued trying to get closer to Phoebe. Lucius picking up that his son wants to be closer to Lady Riddle, walked over to her and settled on a chair next to the bed that she was occupying. "Your son's going to be a carbon copy of you, Lucius." Phoebe commented weakly, as she gazed adoringly at the blond boy with bleary eyes. She smiled at him, when he glanced at her face. Lucius puffed up his chest at the compliment like a peacock. "It is expected of a Malfoy to look just like his father. In this way, he'd carry his name, family's name along with his father' name. I'm sure my son is no exception. He's going to be the perfect Malfoy the world has seen." An adoring smile graced the grey eyed man's handsome face, as he gazed at his son. Feeling as if though intruding on a private moment, both Tom and Phoebe retreated their attentions away from the father and son pair, with their minds and hearts already aching for their daughter's arrival into their world. Tom smiled in anticipation. If the moment that Lucius shared with his son is what pregnancy is going to offer the father, then, he was absolutely ready. He was ready to hold his daughter in his arms, talk to her all day, spoil her rotten, teach her everything that he knows and much more, love her to the ends of the world, protect her from the entire world, even - if he dare say - single handedly. "Now what, Draco?" Lord Malfoy questioned his just born son, who gurgled again and tried reaching for Phoebe's stomach with renewed energy, after he had rested on his father's chest. The adults in the room focussed their attention on little Draco Lucius Malfoy, who placed his small hand on Phoebe's pregnant stomach. A pale golden yellow light appeared out of nowhere and enveloped Little Draco and Phoebe's stomach, where the daughter of Tom and Phoebe resided. Everyone watched gobsmacked, as the light finally faded away after a few minutes. "Soul bond." The old Mid-wife whispered, disbelievingly. Her face and voice didn't betray the surprise and shock that she felt at the sight and news. With a loud cry, Phoebe pushed her baby out successfully. "AAAHHH!" But she did take notice that when the baby was pulled out of her body, it didn't pain her. Not even a single ounce. She fell back on the bed utterly spent and let go of her husband's broken wrist in the process. "WAAAHHH! WAAAHHH!!" A baby's loud cry rang throughout the room. The mid-wife smiled as she bent down and collected the baby in her arms. She then cast the 'scourgify' charm on the baby, before wrapping the new born in a fluffy blue towel and handed the baby over to her ecstatic father. Tom carefully took his daughter in his left arm, and gazed lovingly at her small, fragile form. She had her mother's glowing cream skin tone with her father's curly dark caramel hair. The Dark Lord couldn't see his daughter's eyes, but he was very sure that she'd have her mother's eyes, as it was only fair for the child to have something of both the father and the mother. She had a cute button nose with full lips and natural blush covering the best part of her cheeks. Her features were sharp as himself, and not blunt like her mother. She was a carbon copy of himself, and he could point out many features of hers that corresponds to him. All the more, the daughter of Tom and Phoebe looked utterly, perfectly, unreservedly beautiful. She was so beautiful that the Dark Lord himself couldn't control the sigh of adore that escaped his lips, much to the amusement of his best mate. The Mid-wife hastily cut the umbilical cord off of the newborn, snapping him from his thoughts. He'd threatened, tortured, killed and framed so many wizards and witches that had crossed his path throughout his life of 27 years, and never once he had felt pain in the behalf of another person - aside from his family, that includes his wife, his best friend and his wife, of course - but now, he couldn't hold in the face at the sight of the umbilical cord being cut off. "Do you have to cut it like that, old bat? Couldn't you have been more gentle?" The Dark Lord demanded of the Mid-wife, who merely rolled her eyes at him and muttered something about 'fathers and their bloody daughters' under her breath. Thankfully, no one caught on her words. Tom's initial euphoria hadn't settled down even after the sickening scene. This was perceived by everyone as they were forced to witness and hear his excited cry. "Phoebe honey, we've got our daughter!" This stopped his daughter from crying, and she finally opened her eyes to look up at the person that disturbed her very own private feast. Sea blue eyes met toffee brown eyes. She had her mother's beautiful eyes, just as he had predicted. In an instant, Tom's grin widened with love and adoration he felt for his daughter. His daughter. His very own flesh. The product of his union with his wife. The fruit of the love that they both had for each other. "Welcome to our world, sweetheart." "Hermione Delphini Riddle." Phoebe said into her daughter's ears, once she was presented with her baby by her husband. Hermione titled her head to the side as she studied her mother for a few moments, before moving her gaze to the Platinum blond boy lying in his father's arms. As if though sensing that her gaze was on him, Draco squirmed in Lucius' arms wanting to see Hermione. Lucius understanding his son's motive, stood up from his chair and presented his son to the Dark Princess. When the two babies were closer to each other, they instantly reached their hand(s) up to touch each other's. Everyone saw in fascination when their pink, baby fingers touched the other's, a bright golden light enveloped the pair. Lucius and Phoebe who were holding the kids had to squeeze close their eyes to avoid losing their eyesight along with Tom. Narcissa and her Mid-wife, who had just entered the room after witnessing the golden light which was emitted earlier, were in for the shock of their lives as they witnessed the Soul Bond of two newborn babies. "What in the world is happening in here?" Narcissa gasped out as the light disappeared into thin air and the pair of the babies closed their eyes, falling asleep almost immediately after the stress they had undergone to form their bond. "A soul bond between Draco and Hermione, Narcissa." Tom said in an awed voice. Narcissa and her mid-wife simultaneously gasped out loud. "A-A soul bond?" Narcissa gasped in a bewildered voice. A soul bond is the most purest form of magic, where two souls and their magic are bonded together. This can only happen when the two souls are parts of a same soul, which is very rare in whole of the world. Sure, a few cases of soul bonds were recorded, but many were kept in because of they didn't want to have any trouble. Since, soul bond is the purest form of magic, it creates magic whose power and concentration is much more greater than magic from non-soul bonded magic users. Because of this many try to misuse the power produced by the soul bonded, thus many resolve to keep in rather than announcing it to the world. "Magic at his purest form. Elemental." Lucius said, impressed with what had happened. Then, he glanced down at his son, who was still holding Hermione's hand, as he snored away. "We cannot let anyone know of this. We're keeping this a secret." Phoebe vowed, as she clutched her daughter to her chest, shielding her from invisible danger. Knowing how much people could exploit the news once it's get out, she resolved that the only way to keep their kids safe is to keep the soul bond a secret. Even though they are the Dark Family, and no one would even think of messing with them, one could never guess. "Yes. Especially if the Order gets to know of it, there will be a sure war. And, the children's lives will be in danger." Tom affirmed. Even though he wanted to shout out loud to the world that his daughter had formed a soul bond with his best friend's son, he knew not to do that. He knew the danger that will lurk around the kids. "Okay with all the talk. Now what do we do? There isn't much information about Soul bonds anywhere. We have to find out someone who knows of this." Narcissa paced floor in a obvious attempt to think of something that would help them, right now. "I don't think you have to pace, my dear. I do know a few about Soul bonds." The mid-wife that was assigned for Narcissa, said. At that second, everyone's gaze focussed on her. That too, hungrily. I mean, the four new parents in the room stared at her hungrily. Suppressing a shudder that tried to make its way through her spine, she nodded her head tightly, and closed her eyes instinctually, when a pop was heard behind her, as the entire room shook lightly. After a minutes, she opened her eyes to see the Lord Riddle and Lord Malfoy sitting on a master couch, with no presence of the Ladies, the newborns and the other mid-wife. From what she could guess was that the Lady Riddle and Lady Malfoy had decided to rest after their labor, and had taken their children away. The other mid-wife must've been dismissed. She also had a faint idea that the Lords must've done something to make sure that the ancient woman doesn't blurt away the soul bond news to someone. "Explain." The gravelly voice of the Dark Lord snapped her back to the reality. Throughout the labor, she had completely forgotten that she was in the presence of the Dark Family and the Malfoy Family, but now from the glint in the Dark Lord's eyes, she knew that she won't be in trouble if she assisted them in the way they required. "The sign of the bond being established is when the first physical contact is initiated. This will result in a golden glow covering the bond-mates, who will be bonded to each other. There are about 4 stages in the soul bond. The stage which was completed now is the bond establishment stage. The very first stage." She elucidated to the Dark Wizards, who were staring back at her with stoic expressions on their faces. "What's the second stage?" Lucius questioned. "It's the Bond Growth stage. In this stage, the bond-mates would be put to sleep for 48 full hours immediately after the first stage, so that their magic could be used to strengthen the soul link." The mid-wife said. "Is soul link like the ordinary bond link or different from it?" Tom asked, with curiosity burning in his normally expressionless face. "No. A bond link is the link between two or more bond mates that share a magical bond. This bond link only corresponds to the Familiar bonding. But, a soul link is a magically invisible thread like link that connects the bond-mates to each other. Through this link, emotions could be shared. Thoughts cannot be. Only emotions, like one bond-mate would just know what the other is feeling. They wouldn't know why they were feeling that particular emotion, they would just know. It's like a void in the back of their heads, telling them that their bond-mate is, for example, happy right now." "Magic can be shared between the mates through the link?" Lucius questioned in anticipation. If the two babies can share their magic through the link, then they would be the weapon to destroy the Light side. But, it would also mean that the children would be safe from danger, if they could share their magic. "I don't know as if it was never tried before. Your children can try it once they're about 10 years old, as it's the time when their bond matures, and their magic stops growing." "At 10 their magic stops growing?" Tom asked the mid-wife in dubiety. "What will happen if the other children's magic is much powerful than theirs? I mean, it's a belief that the Magic produced by soul bond-mates is always powerful and cleaner than any other, right?" "Their Magic at the age of 10 would be equal to the Magic of a 17 years of fully grown wizard/witch. It wouldn't matter as their full potential can be unlocked only as they age, so there will be no worry. Though their magic stops growing at the age of 10, they'll be able to do things which can be done by a 11 years old wizard/witch at their 11 years old, but their magic will be purer and cleaner." The mid-wife explained. "What is the third stage?" Tom questioned the mid-wife, he already had a headache forming, and he wanted to do nothing other than to go to sleep, with his wife and daughter wrapped in his arms. But, by the happenings right now, he and his wife would have to abscond their daughter, as she was now asleep with her bond-mate, who will be her husband and their future son-in-law. "Bond Marking stage. At this stage, after the bond stabilises and is up and about running, the bond-mates will have to mark each other, so that their bond is given a security. In the bond growth stage, the bond-mates will have to sleep together, like a sleepover, at least once in two weeks to rejuvenate the link that they share. In the bond markings stage, after the marking, it's not necessary for the mates to rejuvenate their link periodically, as their bond is now secure." "What do you mean by 'marking'? Does the process involve magic or biting like the Werewolves, Vampires and Veelas?" Lucius asked. "Overcome by their ever growing love for each other, they must kiss, as lips is the pathway of souls, it is the way that souls use to communicate with each other, and seal the bond. All they have to do is kiss, while their focus will be lost in the kiss, the on-lookers will be able to see the same golden glow that enveloped the pair when the bond was formed. This is the bond marking stage." "At which age would it be appreciable for them to kiss, I mean, mark?" Tom questioned sceptically. "At the age of 10, as it is time in which their bond matures and their magic stops growing." The mid-wife answered instantaneously. "They have to snog each other at 10?" Lucius and Tom screeched in sync, grimacing heavily. Their ruckus had awoken the newborns, who were in the room right next to the room that they were seated, instantly started wailing at the intrusion. Throwing a sheepish glance at their wives, who appeared at the door with deadly glares on their faces, now took their children in their arms so that they could be fed, the children wailed louder once they were away from each other. The mid-wife seemingly understanding the problem, escorted the two ladies into another room, where she advised the Ladies to sit closer to each other when they nurse their babies, so that it wouldn't hurt the mates to be away from each other. "This will what happen if they don't rejuvenate their bonds regularly. As the link is fully rather not seated, it would send distress signs to the mates which would be in the form of electric currents attacking them in sporadic order." Only then the men realised what they had done. They had hurt their children. Newborn ones at that. The ladies soon returned with their respective babies clutched to their chests into the room, walking rather closer to each other, as they placed the little ones in a big, comfortable crib. The newborns instantly gravitated towards each other as an instinctual move and settled down to sleep, with both of them as close as possible to each other. The mothers smiled adoringly at the children and placed a huge kiss on both their little heads, before joining their husbands on the couch. The Lords then proceeded to apologise guilty to their wives, for hurting their children, which was met with a dismissive wave and a deadly warning to not to do so in the future anymore. "Please explain the Fourth stage, Madame." Lucius requested, which was more of an order that the mid-wife was more than okay to follow or respond. A rich blush appeared on the mid-wife's cheek, which rose the eyebrows of the four. "This stage is the bond consummation stage. This stage must be over before 17, as 17 is the age when the Wizards and witches mature physically, emotionally, mentally and magically. The consummation can be done in between the age of 10 to 17 without any restriction. The main highlight is that the consummation is compulsory, and failure to do will result in the bond becoming unstable and finally will lead to destruction, and thus the death of the bond-mates as their souls are twined in this type of bond." The four adults sat with their respective jaws hitting the floor. They really hadn't expected to this type of stage in the soul bonding process. At least, there weren't any inhumane and disgusting sacrifices required as in the Dark arts. "The consummation will be in private right?" Lucius questioned. With a huff, the rest of the four pelted him. ___________ SETTING: The Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, The Great Britain. DATE: 15 October, 1990. "I just realised something." 10 years old Draco Malfoy said as he pulled aside the sheets of his bed and made himself comfortable. "What is that?" Hermione Riddle, of 10 years, c****d her eyebrow at her companion. "Our friends are real dumb. I mean like, they are as dumb as a troll who cannot swing his club to sod off the insects." Draco exclaimed, his hands wild up in the air. Hermione couldn't help but release the giggle that threatened to escape her pink lips. "Did you perceive that just now? I've known it for years, and have always been under the impression that you know it, just like me and had decided not to comment about it than necessary." Draco's jaw slackened. "You knew all this time? Why didn't you tell me?" "Why should I tell you, Draco. I mean, you've been smart enough to always pick up on sensitive things like these." Hermione retorted, with a playful glint on her eyes, which went unnoticed by the blond boy sitting next to her. "You know what, Theo just implied that the relationship we share is nothing but platonic. I mean who thinks that?" Draco blew a strand of hair away from his forehead, in exasperation. At Hermione's shocked look, he continued his rant. "This was his explanation. Someone had told him that your paternal grandfather, Tom Riddle Sr, after splitting from your paternal grandmother, Merope Gaunt, apparently married my grandmother, Carina Malfoy née Rosier. By their marriage, my father came into existence, then me and you. This with proof, tells us that we, Draco Malfoy and Hermione Riddle are in fact siblings, as our fathers would be step-brothers, and we would be step-siblings." Silence prevailed in the air in the Tree house of the Riddle Manor. Hermione's loud, carefree laughter broke the silence in the atmosphere, as she tumbled down on the king-sized four posted canopied bed. Draco couldn't help but laugh along with her. "What is he? A cat? Even Crookshanks has more brains than he could in this lifetime!" Hermione exclaimed. Crookshanks is her very intelligent, wise familiar, a part cat and part kneazle mix. He might look as if though the Knight Bus had smashed into his face, but he is wise nonetheless. According to Hermione, he is the most handsomest male all across the world. Much to the disappointment of Tom (her father), Lucius and Draco. "True that." Draco agreed wholeheartedly. Sometimes, he too, just like Hermione, has heart-to-heart conversations with the cat, regarding his cat treats and sometimes about his playtime. Draco laid down next to his Mia and pulled the emerald green-silver-black sheets onto him, contrasting his pale skin tone, and sighed. "Our relationship is not platonic. I know that for sure. It's anything but platonic." Hermione retorted. "Of course yes. Almost everyone doesn't know of this." Draco put emphasise on everyone to make sure that Hermione understood his point. Turning to her side, Hermione faced Draco and placed a hand on his cheek, cupping his aristocratic elegant jaw. "I want to kiss you." Draco whispered, his voice full of longing, love and something else that neither of them could identify at their age. His stormy grey eyes turned into molten silver as he stared into the sea blue eyes of Hermione which then became electric blue due to the intense emotions that were swirling in them. Hermione took a deep breath. "Then kiss me." It was neither a request, nor a demand. It was all about acceptance. Slowly, the pair leaned down and captured each other's lips in a embrace that meant everything for them. Neither of the pre-teens noticed when the golden light enveloped them. They didn't notice even when they were lifted off the bed into the air. They didn't even realise that they were air-borne for about 15 minutes. The kiss that they shared, talked everything about how much the other meant to them. Draco's arms had somehow managed to wrap around Hermione's waist, whilst she had her arms around his neck. The newly marked bond-mates slowly flew down onto the bed, where they instantly fell asleep, collapsed in each others arms. One could enquire about the presence of the Dark Lord-Dark Lady and Lucius-Narcissa pair. The way how the two sets of parents were happy, shocked and very intrigued of the bond-mates, obviously made anyone that knew of this to assume that the parents will be present for every stage in the process of soul bonding of the pair. But, it was not so. The two couples have gone to attend a Death Eater Meeting secretly. Even though it was known all over the British Magical World that Tom Riddle was the Dark Lord and Lucius was his Deputy, no one ever had a clue to how catch the four on act. Whenever a Death Eater raid takes place, where Tom and Lucius (sometimes along with Phoebe and Narcissa) participate in the field, they make sure that there were no clues left behind making it impossible for the Order to pin the Dark. The untimely deaths of James and Lily Potter back in 1981 seemed to pose a problem, as the Order had sworn in that it was Tom who had unabashedly murdered the Lord and Lady Potter. Even though people thought that it was true, no one had any proof or witness to press any charges against the Dark Lord. Tom had his own reasons though, the Potters held a very delicate piece of information that could very possibly lead to a war, kill his daughter and her bond-mate. Somehow, Lily Potter had gotten hold of the information that Hermione and Draco are soul bonded. Immediately, she had conveyed it to her husband, James, who was very conflicted with the information. James Potter, the Pureblood in the relationship, knew of how a Pureblood would feel. It's a well known fact that a Pureblood would pluck out his intestines with his bare hands rather put his/her offspring at danger. As a father himself, James understood the hesitance that Tom Riddle had in announcing the world about the soul bond of his daughter. He tried explaining the same to his wife, Lily, but due to her very intense, blind loyalty to Albus Dumbledore, she had argued with him. In the end, the couple had a blazing row and were in the verge of getting a divorce. James fell out of love with Lily, once he realised how brainwashed she was. He, like every other Pureblood and Gryffindor, didn't give up. He tried changing her mind so many times, before he gave up. Literally. The girl that he had fell in love with, was dead, when she turned her wand on him and said the fatal words that no one would've ever expected the good girl Lily Potter to say. That too to her very own husband. Avada Kedavra. James Potter was found dead when Tom and Lucius entered the Potter cottage in the Godric's Hollow. They were surprised, shocked really, but when they saw a mad (like mad mad, not angry mad) Lily holding a weeping Harry in her arms, they knew that they had to do something. As fathers themselves, Tom and Lucius, perceived from Harry's cries, fidgets and the look on his eyes that the poor 15 months old was terrified. Not because of something/someone he had seen. But of his own mother. The two wizards tried calming down the mad woman so that she wouldn't hurt Harry. But she was beyond intervention. She couldn't be saved. Tom and Lucius knew that the second, she turned her wand on Harry. They had to act fast. So, they killed her using wandless magic. Then, the cleared off their magic signatures, reset the wards, and even pacified little Harry who went to sleep instantaneously. They also made sure that the Order knew of the deaths of the Potters by sending in their most trustworthy Death Eater, Severus Snape, to inform this to the Order. The Order was under the belief that Snape could be trusted, but what they forgot to notice was that the said Slytherin was a downright Dark Wizard, as he always dabbles with Dark Arts and has high blood lust than any other. The Light Side had assumed him to be not married. They were too much ignorant to notice the ring on his left finger or the grin on his face whenever he departs from their HQ, and have never tried to read his mind using legilimency even though they are very capable of doing the act. They were blindly believing him. And, that was what made them much more weaker than anyone could've expected them to be. They never used any of their contacts to check him over or spy him. If they had, they've would've known that he was already married secretly to a British-Pakistani Pureblood witch, Azrelia Yusuflai. And, is a strict follower of the Dark Family. The Order immediately knew that the Dark Side was in fact responsible for the deaths, but they had no proof. Even though Snape narrated the entire incident, leaving about the soul bond (as he too wasn't informed of it), the so-called Light Side didn't believe him. They didn't believe that the Dark Lord and the Malfoy Lord could be so kind. Thus, the Dark Side still continued in its quest of separating the Magical world from the Muggle World, while the Order continued to oppose everything that the Dark did. This is the sweet history of the Dark Side in the British Magical World. The peace in tree house that is located in the Riddle Manor, was disturbed by the flicker of the energy that spread through the wards in the grounds. Since, there were no other occupants, other than the two sleeping pre-teens, the flicker was ignored. But not purposefully. Again the wards flickered, the House elves that reside at the Riddle Manor even though were connected to the wards, couldn't feel a thing. There was a massive crack that resonated throughout the grounds, and a whole lot of wizards dressed in robes appeared, under the Tree House, armed with their wands ready to attack anyone. The leader of the bunch, dressed in ridiculous violet dress robes with crescent moon spectacles sitting on his nose, nodded his head in the way a wise grandfather would. The bunch, cackling madly in cacophony, formed a queue as they climbed up the steps of the tree house, while a few managed to climb up using the robes that were connected to the floor of the tree house at the top, some walked hesitantly up the wooden, slippery slide to reach the top. The Leader smiled, all the while his eyes twinkling, as he apparated himself to the top of the tree. With a crack, he disappeared away. When the last bunch finally managed to the apex, they saw their ring master already waiting for them with an encouraging smile on his face. They were awed to see him work so fast, so they followed him like a lost puppy inside the house. Once inside, the Order instead of doing what they came for, started checking out the place. The Tree House was constructed craftily and with much in mind. There was a medium sized front room, where sat a expensive wooden dining table for two. A comfortable black couch with silver and emerald green side pillows sat facing the bay window of the house, whose curtains were translucent black and white. The room had a huge bookshelf which contained many books meant for pre-teens starting from novels to text books to practice books, etc and etc. There was a chest of drawers which contained the Wizarding board games, such as: The Wizarding Chess, The Wizarding Monopoly, Exploding Snap, etc. Leaving the room, they saw another for which was the kitchen space as it had so many good: fruits, cookies, munchies, juices, etc all placed under the statis charm. The Order obviously wasn't fed it seems, as the lot obliterated the entire food stock within a few minutes. The Leader again smiled encouragingly at his servants. When the finally reached the last room in the tree house, they breathed a sigh of relief as they saw the two kids knocked out asleep. The room was very Slytherin-ish, well the entire Tree House was, but here were many symbols talking of the house. There was the Slytherin crest on the wall, behind the king size, canopy bed which had the emerald green-silver-black sheets and housed the two pre-teens. The door handle, window handles and everything were in the shape of snakes curling around. The translucent black valence that hung over the bed proved to a annoyance to the lot. Alastor Moody, with constant vigilance on use, finally ripped it away when it managed to hide his line sight of vision. The sound immediately woke up the pre-teens, who jumped into a protective stance over each other. "Order?" Draco snarled, his arms fully around his bond-mate, covering her small frame behind him, even though he too was small just like her. The Leader smiled his grandfather smile hoping that the pre-teens would believe him. But the smile only aggravated them. He nodded his head at the lot, who instantly pounced on the kids. Not one or two. But the entire lot of 25. Somehow finally separating Hermione from Draco, and restraining the two with magical shackles, the Order apparated away, leaving both the bond-mates to spasm in pain as electric currents shot through them due to the separation. "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Obviously none of the Order member was wise enough to check what was happening to the girl or the boy. The just assumed them to be crying from fear. "HERMIONE!!" When the Order reached their HQ, the girl was still spasming in pain. Dumbledore tied the girl to a chair, which increased the intensity of the pain as she couldn't move. "Draco.. Draco.. I-I.. Draco.." With another grandfather smile, Dumbledore left the room in which the Dark Princess was held hostage, with his cloak bellowing behind him. He soon fell asleep peacefully in his personal quarters, even before his head could touch the pillow. Not knowing the limits the Dark would cross to reunite with their Princess. He had them waiting. All of it. ____________ SETTING: The Riddle Manor, Birmingham, The Great Britain. DATE: 1 November, 1990. "I found it!" An excited Lucius exclaimed as he jumped up and down, nothing like the aristocratic man he is in the lime light. The other occupants of the study room at the Malfoy Manor, jumped up at the words. "You found Mia, father?" Draco asked hopefully. His big grey eyes wide with hope, longing and love. "Actually, quite close it." Lucius commented, as he laid the large parchment he was holding in his hands on the glass table top in front of them. As a Governor of Hogwarts, he too has enough right to acquire with the student list when in need. "Look at this." He pointed to one of the names that was in the parchment. Hermione Granger. Hermione Granger. "I swear this is it. I've always known that the Order is dumb, but not this dumb!" Draco retorted. His heart soaring at the fact that his Mia was found and was about to be reunited with him and their family. Narcissa placed a comforting, yet, calm hand on her son's shoulder to hold him down. "Draco honey, don't jump into conclusions soon, and get your hopes up. I mean it in a good way." Draco slumped in his seat in obvious frustration. Tom smiled reassuringly at the blond boy, who had practically become his own son after being bonded to his daughter. "I know how it feels, Draco. It's the same for every one of us. She'll be with us even before you know it." Draco nodded his head, sadly. "I hope so." Phoebe smiled encouragingly at him. "We know so." _____________ SETTING: The Florean's Frotescue, Diagon Alley. DATE: 10 November, 1990. "If you continue doing that, you'll wear a hole in the carpet, Draco." Lucius commented, as he sipped a smoothie sitting in the bench. The said Draco scowled at his father, and plopped down next to him on the uncomfortable bench. Then, started tapping his foot impatiently. Lucius rolled his eyes at his son's impatience, and threw a exasperated look at Narcissa, who was chatting quietly with Phoebe. His molten silver eyes assessed the store in which they were all seated. The other customers who were present, kept on throwing gazed and curious glances at the Dark Family, as if though expecting them to pull some Dark Arts Stunts to kill the on-lookers or something. 'Peasants. Always so desperate. Desperate to live. Desperate to die. Desperate to do anything.' Lucius sneered at them, making the whole lot to jump and turn to their businesses. The bench shook visibly as Draco continued his tapping, which evidently got on Lucius' nerve. "Will you stop the tapping? Why are you so impatient?" Draco raised a perfect platinum blond eyebrow at his father. "If so, then why are you fiddling with your robes, Father?" Lucius flushed colorfully at being caught by his son. Phoebe and Narcissa giggled silently at the father-son pair. "If Tom and Mia are one of a kind, then Lucius and Draco are one of a kind." Phoebe sniggered, along with Narcissa, making the father-son duo to raise eyebrows at the ladies. The atmosphere in the store changed tremendously when Tom entered the line of sight of the audience. His black robes bellowing behind him, giving him a eerie look. His brown eyes wandered the place for a second, before zeroing on his family. A nod of his head, had the four jump up from their respective seats and rush to him in their expressionless way. "Tom." Phoebe said breathlessly, searching for her estranged daughter, but seeing no sign of her, assumed the worst. "Is she...?" Narcissa let the sentence hanging, as she didn't want to be the one to say those words and break the heart of her family. Draco's fear came into life. Hermione was not there. He felt his heart break into a million little pieces. His bond mate was nowhere to be found. Where are you, Mia? Ever since Hermione was kidnapped, Tom and Lucius had extended their influence and had searched for their Princess all over the Wizarding World. Even going to the extent of searching the other countries' Magical societies. But their search had been futile. In their hastiness, they had completely over-ridden the fact that the Order had always been quite in touch with the Muggle world. Only when the name list of the 1st year students came up in Hogwarts, and Lucius had acquired it, they started investigating every one of the Muggle-born students. The Dark knew that while Hermione might've been placed in the Muggle world, it would be impossible to hide her magical abilities. They could use spells to hide her identity, even her magical signature, but not her magic. No spell/curse/jinx/hex in the world can hide one's magic. Can take away one's magic, but nothing can hide one's magic. "Here." Tom said in monosyllabic tone, and moved a step to the side, and presented the girl behind his back to his family. The girl was about 11 years old, was of the same height as Draco. She had brown frizzy hair, brown eyes and fair skin. But what attracted the attention was her high cheekbones, face structure and her sharp features which coordinated with Tom. "Hermione!" Phoebe exclaimed in utter delight, and crushed the little girl in her arms in a tight embrace. Hermione squirmed uncomfortably at first, but eventually melted into the hug. Her heart soared into the sky, as she felt the feeling of coming home after a long time. Tom and Lucius ushered the family from the shop to the alley between the stores for privacy. "I don't want to sound rude, but who, um, are you all?" Hermione asked, confused. "Right." Phoebe let go of her estranged daughter instantly, and slipped on her stoic mask. "It's time that we take the matters back home." Tom said. ____________ "Dad? Mum?" Hermione whispered in utter disbelief, as the events of the past 10 years rushed into her mind, like water leaking out of a hole in the dam. "Oh sweetheart, we've missed you." Phoebe said, as she hugged her daughter finally. Tears soiled her expensive blue dress, but she cared less, because her daughter had just returned home. And, she couldn't be more happier. Hermione couldn't believe that the foolish, dumb Order could separate her from her family and change her entire identity. She certainly hadn't expected this from them. Tom bit his lip to control the tears that threatened to make an appearance, and joined his wife and daughter's hug. The Malfoys eyes shone with unshed tears as they gazed at the other half of their family with happy hearts. Who knew that the disappearance of one single person could ruin the happiness of a family? The Dark Family for that matter. "I've missed you too, Dad." Tom smiled hugely as he placed a lingering kiss on his daughter's forehead and hugged her tightly, crushing her little form in his huge form. "We love you, Princess." And, after hugging the elder Malfoys, Hermione caught Draco's familiar grey eyes in a smoldering eye contact. "Mia." Draco whispered, his heart, mind, body and soul finally confirming that his mate was now with him, once he lost himself in the depths of her sea blue eyes. "Draco." Hermione took a step towards the blond boy. Within a second, they both flung their arms around each other, greedily holding the other against their body. A very, very, very bright golden glow enveloped the pair, who defied gravity as their feet left the ground and were bout 10 feet above the ground, but neither were paying attention enough to notice that they were air-borne. The adults who had closed their eyes from the blinding light, gasped when the pair flew slowly down, straight onto the couch, and fell asleep immediately in a tangle of tired limbs. That was when something shimmering in the two 11 year olds right wrists. Tattoos to be exact. A moving tattoo of a dragon with platinum blond scales and grey eyes covering the best part of her wrist. With a light touch, the dragon that was previously curled into a ball, uncurled itself and blew a torrent green fire, which startled the parents quite a bit. A moving tattoo of a great star covered his wrist. The star, with external stimulation, let out a round of fire, as it flew up the whole length to his elbow before returning back to its original place. "We should thank the gods for finally getting them together." Narcissa commented. "We do. But for the sacrifice part, we can take the Order." Phoebe sneered. "Yep. Never liked the stupid dunderheads anyway." Lucius smirked. Tom rolled his eyes. "We couldn't tell." He said sarcastically. "The Order is not going to know what hit them." __________
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