Mother's Love

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QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: There is nothing like the love between a mother and a son - Unknown. _________________ SETTING: The Hogwarts Train. The girls that pass by the compartment sighed in admiration, as they gazed at the hot, hunk species of boys that are seated there. Even though the said compartment housed only 4, those 4 are of the 'many best' that Hogwarts offered. A lad with dirty blond hair - that looked like had been run many times by his hand - and, baby blue eyes - that could melt a girl's heart within a second - sitting near to the entrance, flipped through a famous Quidditch Magazine absentmindedly. From the unique dirty blond hair and unique baby blue eyes, one can guess that the boy is a Pucey. Sure, he's none other than Edward Pucey, son of Adrian Pucey - the world famous Quidditch player - and Pansy Pucey née Parkinson - the world famous model. Next to the window, sat a pale complexioned boy with straight Platinum blond hair - that still glows even after the lights are put off - and caramel brown eyes - that could either make one fall in love or in fear. From platinum blond hair and the pale skin tone, it could be seen that he was a Malfoy. Eros Cepheus Malfoy is the son of Draco Malfoy - CEO of the Malfoy Inc - and Hermione Malfoy née Granger - Senior Undersecretary of the (Britain) Minister of Magic. He was busy playing 'Temple Run' game in his mobile phone, to give attention to anyone. The boy seated opposite to Eros had shaggy brown hair - every girl's brown dreams - and blue eyes - that makes them squeal in utter delight, was Dexter Boot, son of Terry Boot and Parvati Boot née Patil, munching on the sweets from the trolley lady. The last but not the least person that's in the compartment was Gale Obsidian, a transfer student from the Beauxbatons. He had dark raven black hair - that was every lad that wants to be a bad boy's dream - Obsidian black eyes - gives jitters - and, pale complexion, was merely staring out of the window, letting his thoughts astray. Being just 15 years old, they are a few of the most sought out wizards in Hogwarts, and are infamous Heartbreakers. The occupants of the said compartment jumped when a loud ping came out of Eros' phone. "Bloody hell, it scared the s**t outta me!" With a shrug, Eros opened the message, his eyebrows scrunching up like his mother as he read so. Sighing loudly, he jumped onto his feet, now NOT scaring the rest, and stretched his lanky limbs in the air. "What does it say?" Edward asked, lifting his gaze from his magazine to look at his best mate. "It's from Mum. Blaise and Daphne are going out, so Julian is staying at our home for the week." Eros explained, as he tied the loose laces of his shoes without magic. "Okay?" Gale raised his eyebrow in confusion. He couldn't understand why Blaise had asked Hermione to pass on the message to Eros, and not Julian himself. "Blaise couldn't reach Julian's phone, and had asked Mum to help him." Their mouths formed an 'o'. "Can I drop at your house?" Dexter pleaded with mischievousness glinting in his blue eyes. Instantly, Eros realised what the brunette boy was up to, and snapped. "No." "But why?" He whined, almost on the verge of begging his friend. "Because you keep flirting with Mum and eyeing her up!" The blond boy snarled, brown eyes hardening at the mere thought. "It's not my fault that she's total hot! One look from her is enough for me to jack off-" Dexter started, only to panic as he couldn't continue his sentence. Eros had put a 'silencio' on Dex. "Is your Mum as hot as Dex says?" Gale asked, curiously. Sure, he had known of her history as the girl-who-knew, the brightest witch of her age, blah and blah, even had seen some of her pictures back in her teenage years, but he had never met her in person. And, he had to admit that she was hot looking in her teens. Before Eros could snap, Edward answered, quite seriously. "Yes. Hermione is very hot." And, he released Dexter from the spell, nonchalantly as if though it was nothing. "If you see Hermione, then you'll literally fall in lust with her." Dexter exclaimed, only for Eros to roll his eyes at the exaggeration. Sure, his mother is the most beautifulest woman he had ever seen, but he couldn't think of his mother like that. "See, this is why I don't invite him over." Eros retorted, crossing his arms over his (defined) chest. Dexter pouted petulantly, while Edward merely rolled his eyes at the duo. "I see that Dex here is lusting after your mother, but is there a reason for you to act all snappish?" Gale questioned, with hesitation, as he didn't know how the blond boy would react to his question. "Of course yes! He's after my mother! MY MOTHER! The woman that gave birth to me, and is of the same age as his mother!" He exclaimed, his pale hands thrown up in the air with 'duh, man' look on his face. "Okay?" Gale said, it was almost a question. Only after looking into his eyes, Eros realised the problem. Gale has no experience with his parents. "The last time he was at my home, he was always after Mum. Helping her, flirting with her and all other nonsense stuffs. You see, Dad is very territorial, over possessive and jealous. And, Mum always likes to play with these emotions because his reactions and actions are quite hilarious when it concerns with those 3. Dexter was just there for a day. Let's just say I listened in on something that I could've lived without." Gale's eyes widened at the implication. "Yes. I unknowingly listened in on my parents and their kinks." Eros grimaced, shuddering visibly and wildly, while Edward laughed loudly. Gale couldn't help but think. Maybe he would've had these type of silly moments if he had had a family. His w***e of a mother, being filthy rich, always jumped from man to man, leaving Gale without parents' guidance and only the house elves to live with. He hadn't met his father, heck, he doesn't even know the name of his father, for heaven's sake! "I should pass the message to Julian. Be back in a few." Eros said, as he made his way out of he compartment, only for Gale to join him. "I'll come with you. I'm bored." The two made their way, searching compartment after compartment in the Hogwarts Express, for Julian Zabini. On the way, the two passed by Eros' older brother - Theseus Alphard Malfoy - and his best friend - Kian Nott - who nodded their heads at them, in acknowledgement. Finally, they found Julian along with Eros' oldest brother - Regulus Eridanus Malfoy - and a few of their friends. "Wassup, bro?" Regulus asked his brother, surprised. It wasn't a regular occurrence for Eros to met his brothers on train. And, the two times he did, it was all to announce the bad news. With his platinum blond hair, caramel brown eyes, pale skin tone and dazzling smile, Regulus was the most attractive lad in the Seventh Year, followed by Julian Zabini. "Mum wanted me to pass on a message." Eros said, looking pointedly at Julian. This was picked up by Regulus, who raised his eyebrows expectantly. "Blaise and Daphne are going out, so Juls is staying at ours for the week." Julian didn't look surprised by the message, but just excited to spend more time with his best friend. "Yay!" Was all he said, before man-hugging Regulus. Eros and Gale couldn't help but chuckle and roll their eyes at the two Seventh Year Students. They're out of Hogwarts this year, and are about to face the real world, with this kind of personalities and attitudes. "But why did Mum give the message?" Regulus asked. "Cuz, Blaise couldn't reach your BFF's phone, even text him, so he asked Mum to do it. And, lemme tell you something beforehand, oldest brother," Eros stopped, giving a dramatic pause, to gain the attention of everyone. "Mum tried your phone too, but it was busy. You're going to get it when we reach London. Best stay away from Mum." Regulus' eyes widened comically, much to the amusement of the rest of the occupants, who all laughed at the sight of the oldest Malfoy Prince being scared of his mother. Sure, anyone in his position would sure be scared of his mother. Who would want to mess with Hermione Granger (Malfoy), the war heroine? The two 15 year olds leave the place, to get to their own compartment before they reach London. Gale, lost in his thoughts, bumped into a huge, fat-bellied person and fell on his bum from the impact. "Hey, watch where you're going!" "You watch where you are going, Obsidian!" A familiar voice yelled. Looking up, he saw two boys of his age, with black hair and blue eyes, red hair and brown eyes respectively. "We will, if the lot of you don't take up the entire corridor!" Eros snapped, as he helped Gale back on his his feet. True to his words, the two boys were the size of a bear, with fat-bellies. Albus Weasley (ex-Potter) and Hugo Weasley whipped out their wands, just as the Gryffindor prefect, Rose Weasley, appeared into their line sight. "Not again. Boys." She sighed, caught the two by their ears and pulled them out from there, much to the amusement of Eros and Gale, who didn't do anything to keep in their laughter. "Whoa! Did you see their faces? They looked like they were about to pass out or something!" Gale wheezed, leaning against the wall, trying to catch his breath. "Weasels are afraid of big, bad Gryffindork prefect!" Eros laughed. The duo soon got back to their compartment, and shared the incident that they just experienced with their friends, and laughed at the expense of the two Gryffindorks. Time soon passed and they could see the 9 3/4 Platform in their sights. Quickly changing into their clothes, everyone pulled their luggages from the trunk holder and made their way to the doors of the Train. Draco Lucius Malfoy holding his wife closer, apparated to Platform 9 3/4, to pick up his sons, after another very magical year at Hogwarts school of Wizardry and Witchcraft. It never tired him to see his sons in the Slytherin colours, for he, was a former Slytherin himself. But, it never ever tired him to see his wife dressed (especially lingerie) in his house colours, for she is a former Gryffindor, and everyone knows of the centuries old rivalry between the House of Snakes and the House of Lions. "Why do I get a feeling that you aren't doing anything productive by having your 'thinking hard' face on?" His wife's melodious voice brought him back to the reality. Smirking wickedly at Hermione, he tightened his hold on her, crushing her petite soft body against his lithe muscled one. "Why ever not, my sweets?" Her trademark eye roll was the response he got from his feisty wife. Finally getting through the crowd, the couple stood at a place where they'd have easy access to the train doors, and waited for the train to arrive. Usually, the train reached London by 6 without a second late, but today, the train was late by about 5 minutes which was really unusual as the train runs by magic and doesn't stop anywhere in between Hogsmeade Station and London station. Hermione was on the verge of having a panic attack as each second passed, with Draco trying to calm her down, even though he too was worried for his sons. The familiar buzzing of his mobile phone snapped Draco out of his worries. "Draco Malfoy here." He said in a monotone voice. Frowned, when he only heard the static on the caller's end. "Th-Is Dar-red, S-S-S-Sir.." "Dared? Dared Griffins from the Prophet?" Draco asked, his frown deepening as he tried to understand/decipher what the other man was trying to convey. "Hello?" Letting his hand run from his wife's lower back to her waist, he brushed his lips against hers in a gentle kiss. "Be back in a few, love." And, just as he was about to step away, Hermione caught onto his wrist, and pulled him back. "What?" He asked her confusedly. Smiling softly, Hermione raised her fingers to his lips, and brushed the pad of her thumb on the soft skin. "The next time you kiss me in public after I had done my makeup the Muggle way, make sure to wipe your lips off of any lipstick stain." She advised her husband, only then he understood what was happening. With a quick kiss to her cheek, Draco disappeared into the crowd, while Hermione watched him go for a few minutes before shifting her attention to the train track when the speaker announced. "Hogwarts Express 4950 is about to arrive at Platform 9 3/4. Parents please make way for the students. Thank you." Her nerves only seemed to flare when the Hogwarts Express arrived, and the doors opened letting the students exit the said locomotive. She saw many of her sons' friends and classmates exit the train, but not them, and that really didn't make her feel any better. As Eros stepped down from the train, he saw his brothers waiting for him, along with their respective friends. As the two Malfoy brothers saw their youngest brother safely getting out, they pulled their trunks, and craned their necks in search of their parents. "Mum!" Regulus, Theseus and Eros cried in unison, as they took off in the direction in which their mother was standing. The friends of the Malfoy brothers could only shake their heads at the brothers in amusement, while Gale found himself not getting their joke. "Boys!" Hermione felt overwhelmed when her sons appeared in on her line sight, and instantly enveloped her in their infamous group embrace. Ever since they were little, they used to hug her in the 'group hug', thus ensuring that none got left behind. Hermione, like every other mother, had assumed that the 'group hug' wouldn't be happening once her little boys had grown older, but they proved her wrong by greeting her like this every time they see her after long. The Malfoy brothers couldn't help but inhale the sweet scent of (Vanilla and lilacs) of their mother, after a long time. And, couldn't help but lose themselves when their mother ran her hands through their hair, holding them closer to her. Gale's mouth went dry and his eyes pricked when he saw the way the Malfoys were. They didn't seem to mind the piercing looks from the on-lookers, or that many had stopped with their work and were staring at the family. If that was how mother's were, Gale sure had missed one of the most important persons in his life. "You've all grown so much." Hermione mused, as she cupped each of their cheek(s) in her hands, and gazing at them for a long time. "I cannot believe that you've all grown so tall. Now, I feel like a dwarf." Hermione said, making the on-lookers chuckle. True to her words, the Malfoy brothers were taller than their mother. Regulus was about 6 feet 1 inch tall, Theseus was 6 feet tall and Eros was 5 feet 9 inches tall, while Hermione was 5 feet 7 inches tall. "You're not breaking the hearts of any witches, are you?" Hermione asked, her eyebrow raised tautly like a bow. Instantly, the Malfoy brothers smirked in unison, much to the amusement of the others. "Like father, like sons." Hermione mused. "Malfoys are unavailable to peasants, Mum. You know of it." Theseus smirked, puffing his chest out in sync with his brothers. "Oh, don't I know of it." Hermione smirked, as she glanced at Ronald and Lavender Weasely herd their six children out of the train. When the brothers caught onto what their mother was implying, they sneered at the redheads impishly. Ginny Weasley, ex-wife of the boy-who-lived, herded her two sons, James and Albus Weasley, wearing slutty clothes, which made eyes turn. But, not in a good way. "Are they getting any better?" Lady Malfoy questioned her sons with genuine concern. By 'they' she referred to the rivalry between the Weasley (includes ex-potters) children and the Malfoy brothers. "Not much. Uncle Harry is to be pitied for even thinking of marrying someone like that, and losing his sons to that stuck-up b***h. The bloody Weasels are taking too much space." Eros added, in frustration. The boy-who-lived after finally coming into consciousness that his wife (Ginny) was only after his fame, instantly filed for a divorce, which was the first of it's kind in all over the Wizarding world. His wife, being a Pureblood and member of one of the Sacred Twenty Six families, claimed their children - James Sirius Potter and Albus Severus Potter. The MoM obviously supporting the female, gave her the custody for the children, while Harry was given mere visiting rights. When the divorce went sucessful, Ginny changed her name back into her maiden name, and changed the names of her sons from Potters to Weasleys. This move was so shitty that people talked behind her back for years. Even now. Hermione cupped Eros' cheeks, diverting his attention from the Weasleys, to her. "It's going to take us no where talking of what's done, sweetheart." And, placed a kiss on his forehead. "Always knew that I was your favourite." He smirked smugly. Regulus and Theseus slapped his back brotherly. "Ow! Stop hitting me. Mum." He whined, much to the amusement of his brothers, Julian and Gale who all laughed. "You're proving that you're all Mumma's boys." Tracey Goldstein née Davies commented, her voice disguised with longing that no one managed to pick up. "The Malfoys are always Mumma's boys." Hermione retorted, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "As long as you don't forget the binding, everything is well." She added, looking pointedly at her sons who nodded their heads with a sudden bout of seriousness. A Malfoy cannot have s****l relations with anyone besides his wife (as sexist as it may sounds but only male children are born in the Malfoy line), all thanks to a maniac ancestor who wanted to protect the purity of the bloodline and teach his future generations the importance and power of the Malfoy blood. He made sure that no Malfoy can have s*x out of wedlock, as there is the danger of giving birth to a bastard child, thus bringing shame to the family name. He wanted every Malfoy to be truthful to his blood, and NOT have s*x with anyone random. The punishment for the offenders is to become a squib, as harsh I may sounds but it's true. There are stories of a few Malfoys who lost their magical ability and became squibs. "Of course, Mum. We'll never forget that." Theseus agreed. "Oh hey, Hermione." Dexter appeared out of nowhere, pushing past everyone to reach the Lady Malfoy's side. People who knew of Dexter's obsession with Hermione, laughed like banshees. Only now Gale managed to have a good look at the mother of Eros. Just as the boy said, she truly was a goddess. She was wearing an expensive midnight blue sleeveless short dress, which highlighted her cream skin tone. Gale saw that it was her warm, caramel brown eyes, that the Malfoy brothers have inherited. Even with minimal makeup, her beauty seemed to outshine everyone else's. Her expensive white wedges gave her the required height to her petite form, and her caramel loose curls only added to her pulchritude. The multiple rings and the white nail paint gave her a classy look. On the whole, she was a sight for sore eyes. A sight to behold. "Hello, Dex. How's Hogwarts?" Hermione asked politely, with a genuine smile that sweetened her face. Chuckling testily, Dexter ran a hand through his brunette locks. "Same garbage, but different bins." Hermione giggled at his comment, her eyelashes batting against her cheeks softly. "You truly are one in a hundred, Dex. Just as Professor McGonagall says." This made a blush to creep up the brunette boy's cheeks. "Where is Dad, Mum?" Theseus asked, looking around the place for the familiar looking man amongst the crowd. "Oh, you know him, just received a call from Griffins regarding the advertisement of Reggie and Juls. There was static problem, so he's out of the barrier." Hermione explained, her eyes softening at the mention of her husband, instinctively. Regulus and Julian after graduating from Hogwarts, have decided to open up a Club in the Wizarding London which will be a youth hotspot, the first of it's kind. They have already rented out a flat near their club, and the only thing that they have to do is, get the place ready and move in. When the duo had expressed their interests in hospitality type of careers, their parents supported their decision, and helped them as much as much as they could. "Oh, was there any problem, Hermione?" Julian asked, concerned. "I don't know for sure, but Draco left even before Griffins could start a word. I'm sure it's no problem." Hermione said, squeezing his bicep lightly, offering comfort. "I leave you for a few minutes, and find you holding another man, Granger. What are you trying to do?" A deep voice grovelled cheekily, making the Malfoys respond immediately, and they literally jumped from feet to feet in search of the man. Trademark Malfoy Platinum blond haired man with stone cold grey eyes, angular face, with a white scar running from behind his left ear to the tresses down his neck, and lithe muscled body came into the view. Gale had to admit that the man looked quite hot, even for his age, and he could see where the Malfoy brothers got their hair and beauty from. At this point, he was very envious of the Malfoy brothers who had inherited their beauty and brains from their even more beautiful and brainy parents. "How did Hogwarts treat you this year?" Draco asked, as he man-hugged his sons one by one, revelling in the sensations that filled him as he held his sons. "Had quite fun, Dad." Was the standard reply of the brothers and it didn't surprise their parents, who merely raised their eyebrow(s) in sync. Draco, turning his attention to his wife, wrapped an arm around her waist possessively. "What are you up to, my love?" Hermione merely rolled her eyes at her cheeky husband, and burrowed her head into his shoulder, as she gazed at her sons along with Draco. "And, Reggie?" "Yes, Mum?" He asked, quite fearfully, looking at his converse shoes instead of his mother's face. The other Malfoy brothers sniggered and Draco chuckled. "I hope, you have a very, real, good reason why you didn't pick the phone, mate." "Mum, I-I didn't see the phone going up as I was busy discussing with Professor Flint about the-the bloodroot potion and it's twenty five uses." "Bloodroot potion? And it's 25 uses? On the last day of school? After the exams?" Hermione questioned in her infamous rapid fire mode, making the on-lookers to snicker uncontrollably, at the unfortunate Regulus Malfoy. "Mum! You know why I didn't pick up the phone!" Regulus whined, which made everyone to laugh. Once again. "I dunno whether you're all tired or not, but I bloody am, and I'm aching for a good hot bath and sizzling dinner!" Theseus snapped, finally unable to take the stalling any longer. He tried controlling his hunger and the feeling of sweat clinging to him, but couldn't fully ignore it. "Okay, we'll depart before someone decides to eat up me due to a sudden streak of cannibalism in the throes of insatiable hunger." Draco announced dramatically, as he slipped his hand into his wife's hand, giving it a light squeeze. "So, who are all coming with us?" "Us, five with Julian. I think that's it." Eros answered. "Thank Merlin, the Boot kid isn't coming with us." Draco whispered loudly, as a struggling Dexter was pulled by his ear into apparating away from the Malfoys by his mother. Hermione could only giggle. "I don't know why you hate Dex, he's such a sweet kid." "That is why I hate him. You call him 'sweet', and you never called me sweet anytime." Draco complained, a frown on his face, and deepened as his eyebrows furrowed down. "It's because you're not sweet, my handsome husband. You're cute." "MEN are NOT CUTE, Granger. Men are handsome. And, Malfoys are always handsome. Stop calling me cute, for I, can make you regret it." He whispered darkly into her ears, making a shiver climb up her spine. Looking into his seductive, lust darkened grey eyes, Hermione winked at him, mouthing 'later', which gifted her with a passionate kiss. "Gale? Is your mother here yet?" Eros' question brought Gale from his thoughts. And, he looked up to see the entire Malfoy family along with Julian staring at him, expectantly. "I'm sure she'll be here soon. She told me that she was being held up." He lied expertly, even making sure to synchronise his facial expressions to coordinate with the lie, to make it look true. "It doesn't take a genius to find that you're lying, kid. Is your mother here, or do you want to came with us?" Draco asked the boy, who obviously is a friend of his youngest son from the looks of it. The obsidian eyed boy was a master of lying, and Draco had been the same during his childhood due to some circumstances. And, only that he had experienced this before, Draco could really identify that the boy was lying. Gale looked apprehensive. "I'm sure that my mother-" "You can come along with us, Gale. You can call your mother once we reach our place, and I'm very sure that she will understand. Okay?" The calmness in Hermione's voice, made him nod his head instantly. "Okay." With a nod, the Malfoys along with Julian apparated, while Eros side along apparated with Gale. Sure, he'd apparated before, even though it wasn't quite nauseating, side along apparation was. It felt as if though his entire world was being compressed into an atom, and then the process is reversed. When he finally opened his eyes, he was met up with a beautiful sight. He'd seen pictures of the New Malfoy Manor at Lancashire, but this is the first time, he's seeing it with his own eyes, and had to admit that the Manor looked very much expensive, when compared with the Wales Manor that has been his home ever since he was born. His mother would be burning with jealousy if she saw the New Malfoy Manor. Though the Manor was quite small, the property grounds extended till the eyes could go. It was sleek, modern, classy, expensive and at the same time homey. It had a welcoming aura to it, which really surprised Gale, for he didn't expect the Manor to exhibit such attributes. "Hey mate, come along." Eros' voice snapped him back to the reality. With a nod, Gale pulled his trunk as he made his way into the Manor with the youngest Malfoy brother by his side. "The lot of you get freshened up and be back at 7 for dinner. Is it okay?" Hermione asked the boys, who nodded their heads at her. "Good. 'Ros can you please take Gale to the guest room, please?" "Yes, Mum." Eros chorused, and the two fifteen years old boys climbed up the stairs in a fast pace. All the while, Gale couldn't help but be awed by the fantastic decors of the place. "I'm sorry that Dad, er, embarrassed you. It's in his habit to speak before thinking." Eros said, sheepishly. Gale merely off-handed his comment. "I wasn't embarrassed of me. I was embarrassed of my mother. Your father didn't do anything wrong. In fact, I'm grateful that he invited me over. I'm not even sure whether my Mum knows that she's supposed to pick me up or not." At Eros' shocked expression, he continued. "I called to remind her, and she said that she'll be there to pick me up. But, like every other year, she didn't. It doesn't matter." "Of course, it does matter! I wouldn't even dream of returning back home to NOT to see my parents. I can't imagine what you are going through, mate. What I believe your mother needs is a good talk. Maybe, Mum would be able to give her one." Eros chided, horrified by the horrid treatment of a friend of his by his very own mother. "It doesn't matter." Gale said, incessantly. "Now, which way should we go?" Eros pointed to the left corridor, and two make their way over to the guest room. "This is it. Can you make your way down or should I pick you up after your refresh?" The platinum blond boy asked, as the black haired boy admired the room that he is going to use. "I can find my way. Thank you for the offer, though." With a quick nod, the blond boy left the room, leaving Gale to gaze the beige walled room. As said, the room had walls which were in the different hues of beige, with tan plush carpet covering the floor. There was a queen sized bed with chocolate brown comforter, and pure white sheets and half a dozen side pillows of different light brown shades. The window had translucent white curtains, that now let the sunset enter the room, highlighting it perfectly. There was a brown night lamp on the white side table, and there was a door leading to what he assumed to be the bathroom. The bathroom had white marble floors with a jacuzzi tub and a huge vanity mirror with a small television set on the wall opposite to the bathtub. Gale almost drooled at the sight of the jacuzzi, and instantly shed himself of his clothes and jumped into the tub, with the ulterior motive of enjoying the bath. After 45 minutes, he exited the guest room, fully invigorated after the hot bath he had had, wearing a pair of jeans and t-shirt, with converse. His stomach was grumbling with burning hunger, and he was trying very hard not to make it roar out loud. When he finally reached the dining room, he saw the Malfoys (bar Draco) and Julian already seated and having full on conversations with one another. He assumed himself to be late, but then saw Draco to be missing, and the entire table was awaiting his arrival. Taking a deep breath, he took in the Malfoys and the way they were, after he had gaped at the beauty of the dining room. "Sorry, I'm late. Got talking." Draco apologised, as he sat down at the head of the table. The elves served the dishes, and Gale had to admit that the dishes were heavenly. Even more than what he had had in his Manor. "How do you expect your scores to be?" Hermione started, as she looked up at them. Draco chuckled. "They've just arrived, my love. I'm sure that they've all done very well, they're our sons. Just let them be." Hermione narrowed her eyes at her husband. "I'm playing the concerned mother on my part and you, play your part, husband." Regulus, Theseus, Eros, Julian and Gale sniggered at her words. Even without breaking his stride, Draco winked at them. "Mood swings, don't worry." "Dad! Too much information!" The Malfoy brothers groaned, Julian and Gale couldn't help the chuckle that escaped their lips at the sight. Hermione merely rolled her eyes at them, and took a sip of what that he guessed to be a Cranberry juice. "Mum!" The brothers groaned again, much to the amusement of the parents who laughed. "What? It's a part of life." She shrugged her shoulders, and that made him chuckle. Gale couldn't help but feel jealous by the way how the Malfoys behaved so freely with each other. He couldn't help but want a family. A mother, most especially, when he saw Hermione gazing at her sons with complete pride and love whenever possible. Oh, how he wished to be on the reciever's end of a Mother's love. ____________
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