
6483 Words
QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: Dragons mate for life, and they will take no other - Unknown. __________ SUMMARY: Silver Dragons of the Western Dragon Dignity are being targeted by the infamous Dragon Slayers: Harold Potter and Ronald Weasley. Draco, being one of the rare Silver Dragons, is ordered to be housed at the Temple, along with his Mate and his son. Will the attempts of The Circle in safeguarding Draco and his kin be fruitful? ____________ "Mumma, why is there two names for each God?" Scorpius enquired his mother, with soulful grey eyes.  With a gentle smile, Hermione - mother of Scorpius - swiped his long, pale blond hair away, and kissed his forehead. "It is a very long story, Scorpius." When the little two year old stared expectantly with no break in his stride, she sighed. "Long long ago, when the Romans travelled to Greece, they brought in the Pagan Gods and Goddesses of Greece back to their homeland. And, when they did, they changed the names of the Gods and Goddesses to their own language." She explained the never-ending history of the Greeks and the Romans using easy words as much as she could, so that her inquisitive son can understand with his small sized vocabulary. His grey eyes widened comically, making his blond eyebrows to raise into his hairline. "Is it?" Hermione nodded her head to agree to the fact, seriously. A frown appeared on his pale face. "Is it not stealing? Stealing is bad, right Mummy?" Hermione chuckled. "Stealing is bad, my dragon cub. But what the Romans did, wasn't stealing. The other day, when we visited Alexander Zabini, you got yourself familiarized with a new word, is it stealing? No. It is called as learning." "So, if I pick up a new toy from Alex, it is learning, Mummy?" Scorpius asked, with a cheeky grin on his pale face. The little tyke had understood the difference between stealing and learning, but is just teasing his mother, after the little enlightenment he just had. Hermione mock glared at her son. Scorpius smirked cheekily, just like father, as he jumped down from the divan he was just seated and ran away from his mother. A battle cry rang through the walls of the cave, as she sprinted after her son. Sure, it had taken her a few minutes to locate him, as the cave that they were residing in, is quite very big and has lot many chambers. She had never been this pleased that she had cleaned the entire cave in the past days, as it now helped her greatly in making sure that neither her nor her son get hurt in their game. When Hermione first arrived at the cave, she saw the entire place overflowing with treasures; furniture of all sizes and colours; robes and outfits of all colours and materials; jewels of every colour, size and shape imaginable; items of daily use made of precious stones and metals. Statuettes, statues, busts, paintings, tapestries were strewn all over the place. Even though the horde looked like a cyclone had just passed through, she had a fleetingly assumption that the articles were in reality, grouped together. She was right though. Finally spotting her son's jade robes peeking out of the high cherry wooden cabinet embedded with white gemstones, in the Treasure Cove, Hermione sneaked in on her son, hoping to catch him off-guard, even though knowing very well that she couldn't. Thanks to his Dragon heritage. Dragons, being the largest reptiles alive on earth, have very sharp senses. For example, their hearing range is higher than a normal average human. They can hear a person talking for over 50 metres, and a person/creature breathing for over 15 metres. There is a variation here, because of the intensity of the sound waves. If a person is talking, the deep rumble of his/her voice, would be intense than a creature breathing. The same applies to the sense of smell too. The senses of taste and feel are as same as a human being for the Dragons, as they are quite related to humans through the mating. Like this, there are variations in the intensity of the senses of the Dragons which proves to be both advantageous as well as disadvantageous to them. So, it can be concluded from this that Dragons are reptiles with heightened senses that shares the senses of human beings, and take maidens up to breed strong sons for them. "Mummy, you can't catch me!" An excited looking Scorpius exclaimed as he jumped out of the golden cabinet. "Aww, Mummy caught Scorp! Mumma won!" Scorpius threw himself into the arms of his mother, and buried his face in her neck, breathing in her luscious scent of Vanilla, Chamomiles and soap oils. A contented purr escaped his pouty lips, as he scented his mother. Hermione smiled affectionately at him, now being completely used to the Dragon characterstics that her son would display from time to time. As Scorpius is still a cub, he is very much dependent on his mother and the feeling of warmth, safety and love that she provides. The age of 13, that is, 13 years after the 'hatching' is the day when a cub turns into an adult, and stops being dependent on his mother for 'everything'. Even after becoming an adult, many Dragons are seen being quite dependent on their mothers, and as it is the nature playing, it isn't frowned upon in the community. As the mother son duo of Hermione and Scorpius bonded, they almost missed the sound of flapping of wings. But when it did register in their mind, their faces glowed with their eyes shining in admiration and anticipation. A beautiful silver Dragon of about 15 feet in height and 30 feet in size, descended down on the entrance of the apex cave of the mountain, flapping his 20 feet wide wings in the cacophony, against the sharp blows of the wind. This dragon seemed to be unique from the other dragons, and it must be taken quite seriously as dragons are usually unique from each other, even though they belong to the same Faction. He had unique silver scales all over his body, giving him a unearthly look, as his colour clashed mightily with the night sky. Razor sharp spikes of the shiny Platinum colour (consisted of venom that has the capacity of paralysing the victim slowly and painfully) ran from the top of his neck to the tip of his tail. His talons were made from a material that was a perfect combination of silver, steel and aluminum, were as sharp as the day they were first seen, added to his wicked look and demeanour. His silver chest, had white scales running from below his neck to his lower abdomen, was a huge display of battle scars that ran up-down and criss-cross the lengths, providing the on-lookers with an assumption that the said dragon had faced many battles. But what attracted the attention more than the weird colour and spikes, was the huge diamond wreath that sat on the top for his head, giving him a King-like appearance. The diamonds were not small or medium, but were huge. As huge as a piece of coal, and were shining happily whenever they caught a glimpse of light. On the whole, the Dragon was the perfect creation of nature, as he was a specimen of a distinctive blend. He radiated the elegance of a swan, the regality of a lion, the killer instinct of a Tiger, the bloodlust of a vampire, the territoriality of a werewolf and the cunningness of a snake. All the more, he was perfect. Even with all of this beauty and everything, the dragon seemed to be moody. What is the reason? He snorted and blew a torrent of green fire out into the air in frustration. He couldn't understand why the Circle was being such a pain in the arse these days. They seriously didn't want to consider or value any of his opinions when the main topic of the discussion was he, himself. His private brooding session was disturbed by the sound of soft footsteps, that reached his reptilian ears, and instantly calmed him down. Even though he could practically never try being broody or moody or angry in the presences of the two most important people to him in the whole of the earth, he wasn't very sure about this time. His anger and frustration was still on the top, even after their calming scents. Hermione and Scorpius reached the front cavern of the cave within minutes, their faces glowing and their eyes searching for something/someone with interest. And, when the black smoke of transformation hit their line of sight, their grins only widened, if that was possible. A stunning man of about 6 feet 5 inches came into the view, as naked as the day he was born, with unnatural pale blond hair and startling grey eyes. His face sculpted by the Gods themselves, was harsh, angular, aristocratic and elegant. The only thing that seemed to unnerve his facial beauty was the scar extending from the side of his left ear to the juncture where his neck meets the shoulder. He was pale, muscular and lithe, glowing vividly in the midst of the darkness during the nighttime. His arms were long, lean and adequately built, enough to crush a person to death, but at the same time enough to make gentle love. The plains of his muscular chest represented the rocky stairs of the mountain, and his firm torso were as beautiful as the Greek God Adonis'. His powerful organ of love lay nestled snugly in between the stray strands of platinum blond, adding additional beauty to his suave. His long, lean, powerful legs were made for fighting battles, as they made the on-lookers awestruck by the force and intensity of his powers. He was a beauty. A sight to behold. "Daddy!" Scorpius launched himself onto his father, once the blond man shrugged casually into his robe. While, Draco did catch hold of his son mid-air, he still wasn't in the mood to play with his son. To the other dragons, Draco is always considered 'unreadable', as he usually doesn't showcase any emotions of his to the world, a trait that he had picked up from his father. But Hermione can read like him like a open book. Scorpius too, can read his father, due to his intense admiration for the man. Instantly, the duo knew that there was something wrong with him. They could literally see, hell, feel the frustration rolling off of him in waves in large quantities, nonetheless. Placing his son back on the ground, Draco patted his hair, and walked inside the cave, leaving his son and wife bewildered behind him. Scorpius was the evidence for 'crestfallen face' as the little boy had his eyes focussed on the ground with utter sadness and disappointment displayed on his pale face. Hermione's eyes softened. Picking up her son, and settling him on her hip, she tipped his chin. "Daddy just had a long day today, and he's very tired, Scorp. I'm sure Daddy will talk to you once he washes up." "Promise?" Scorpius asked, nuzzling his button nose against his mother's. "Promise. Now be a good dragon cub and go wash up, whilst I make the dinner." Hermione said gently, as she kissed his forehead. "Will do, Mummy!" The little two years old ran away, with his robe bellowing behind him. Shaking her head at her son, Hermione followed after her Dragon in the direction he had used. Draco was found sitting on the Grecian velvet overstuffed loveseat, with his head on his hands, in the Front Chambers. His posture was as tense as a soldier in the battlefield, searching for undetected harms. Sculpted shoulders were as stiff as rocks, fists clenching and unclenching in vexation. The evening wind only seemed to irate him further, as it made his hair fly here and there in all directions. Approaching him meticulously, she placed a tentative hand on his shoulder. He tensed for a second, before relaxing considerably. Hermione squealed as he pulled her next to him, crushing her to his large body. Draco grimaced as he realised that he has been learning these petty things such as hugs, cuddles from his Mate. He had never been the one to want to have physical contact, like the weak humans. Dragons don't cuddle. But, it seems that a cuddle is what is in need now. "Draco." Hermione whispered, her warm brown eyes filled with concern for him. Draco swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing more than necessary. He didn't know how to tell this news to her. He certainly didn't want to scare her, but she ought to know this, as it wouldn't do anyone any good, if she was ignorant of this. Draco looked up from the rich white Persian Carpet that covered the best part of the floor, and onto the face of his Mate. Oh, how beautiful she is. Immediately, his attention shifted from the matter at hand to her beauty. The intricate tendrils of her dark caramel and honey coloured hair woven with little flowers, was braided like the mythical Greek Goddesses, cascaded down her shoulders ethereally. Rosy pale cheeks with high cheekbones glowed, when the hearth's golden light originating from the glowing fire, grazed the fine contours delicately. The labyrinth of beautiful toffee brown eyes, mixed with amber and green reflecting concern for him, twinkled human-like, adding additional pulchritude to her already sumptuous beauty. The main allure was her lips. Full, plump, pink lips can make any male aroused in a minute's time was what that attracted everyone's attention to her. Aside from her bodily beauty, her kind heart and even kinder soul made her irresistible and unreachable. She was the Angel that has descended from the Heaven, to make men fall in love with her, grace the lives of the humans with her presence and promote world peace amongst all kinds of living beings. And, she was his. She was perfect. The exquisite perfection to his inexplicable perfection. Unable to help himself, he scented her neck, inhaling her lavisious scent to calm himself. "What has happened, Draco?" She asked her husband softly, as she took hold of his big, warm hand in her dainty ones. The beast inside of him purred as his Mate, held his hand to her bosom unintentionally. He wanted to take her, but he couldn't. Not at the moment, anyways. He let his fingertips graze the fine contours of her soft cheeks delicately, wanting to forget the current problem, even the whole world and lose himself in the depths of his Mate's beauty. But his rationality didn't pave way for the act. To hell with the rationality. His beast purred in contentment. No one will make us leave home. They will be dealt with. Draco growled, and Hermione almost jumped out of her skin, as she didn't expect this sort of response from him. She gripped his bicep unsurely, her eyes full of worry, hesitance and confusion. "There is an issue." He started, his voice was frosty and foreboding, that sent a chilling shiver up her spine. The single word 'issue' sent her human brain haywire, as it wracked and wrecked itself thinking of potential difficulties and their potential solutions. It wouldn't be a surprise, if she collapsed whilst suffering from a panic attack, because she was that much agonized. "Before you go brooding all over this, woman, I will reveal the news to you." Taking a very deep breath, he said scornfully. "The Circle has ordered for us to stay at the Temple, until the two slayers have gone down or broken off from their attempts." The Circle of Dragons is the ruling council formed exclusively for the Dragons, which sets rules and regulations and settles disputes amongst the fellow Dragons. Each area has its own Circle, which acts as the Body of Law and works for the welfare of its subjects. Hermione stepped forward. "Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley?" A low growl escaped his lips at the mention of those names. Especially from his Mate's sweet, delicious lips. He gave a sharp nod, agreeing to her. "You are not hurt by any chance, are you?" She whispered painfully, as her eyes wandered his body, searching for any wounds. Even though she knew that he was unharmed, she couldn't help herself but be concerned for the safety of her husband. Only after finding no evidence of hurt, she cupped the planes of his high cheeks and pressed her forehead against his in the name of comfort, breathing a sigh of relief. "Of course not. Those pricks aren't anywhere near the cave right now. They're at the Florean's Village, according to the sources." He cooed, instantly making Hermione feel better, due to the magical bond that the two shared between them. "With them nowhere in sight, why is there a need to hide? Aren't we safe the way we are? The cave is already magical, and I am more than capable of protecting the two of you. Aside from all this, they are just mere humans, what can they do?" Being a human herself, Hermione knew of the limits and boundaries of being a human. She didn't even take offence at the last part of his rant. The worry for the safety of her husband overrode every other rational thought in her mind. "Draco." She said gently. "I agree with the Circle in this." Draco growled in warning, and Hermione had to cringe at the intensity. "What I mean to say is that it is always good to have additional support, isn't it?" That observation got him thinking. "I know that you are more than capable of protecting Scorpius and I in the face of danger. This case just doesn't concern us, Draco, but our son. His safety is our main priority, isn't it? Just because they are humans doesn't mean, that we should be careless in our ways. I heard that those two were meddling with Batshiba of Gould. We shouldn't take any risks, Draco." Witch Batshiba of Gould is renowned for practicing Black Magic all over the West. A merciless, deranged woman who has the habit of killing magical creatures for sacrificing and displaying them in her home as if though they were medallions of honour. He scowled, grey eyes sparkling with embitterment and jaw clenched tightly. "I understand your reasons, Hermione. But, is there an ultimate need to leave the cave, where we are completely safe and seek refugee at the Temple, where the warriors couldn't even hold off a Dragon?" Hermione chuckled, as understanding dawned her. Her Dragon most certainly was floored, but he was hesitant to go back to the Temple due to the previous events that had taken place. The Temple is a sacred place devoted to the worship of the Dragon Gods and is maintained by the Circle of Dragons. The Temple is situated at the apex of the highest mountain of the country, where the first ray of sunlight and the moonlight reaches the ground, according to the ancient scriptures. It has a large gathering chambers, with dining chambers, the chambers of the Gods and the courtyard. Aligned with the courtyard is the open grounds, which acts as the Amphitheatre. "I cannot seem to forget the incidents that happened at the Temple. I almost lost you twice and both Scorpius' and your safety was challenged. I don't want that to happen again." He whispered harshly, and to her bewilderment, hugged her possessively. He had never been the one to hug her, as Dragons don't hug. But it seems as if though his human side was learning from the other humans that he has seen over time, during the visits to the Human Villages in order to pick up on new informations and news. Draco's mind flashed the incidents which made him hate visiting the Temple anymore. The first incident was during his 'Prime Time'. 'Prime Time' or ' The Prime' is a time when the female of a newly mated Dragon is displayed in the Amphitheatre of (in) the Temple in front of the entire Dragon population of the land, for getting claims by the other unmated Dragons. The said newly mated Dragon has to fight against the unmated Dragon and claim his Mate back. If he fails in the battle, he'd have to lose his female to the Dragon that had won over him. The bond that the two shared previously would become dead, as the female is now the Mate of another. As he's a Silver Dragon, and there is no real, stable information about them, their characteristics and powers were not well-defined. Even though Draco's line of ancestors always consists of Silver Dragons, their powers and attributes always differs from one other. So, no one really knew of Draco's powers, and were quite lost. When it was his time for the Prime, Draco was allegedly fed the 'Elixir of Life' which knocked him up instantly. The 'Elixir of Life' is nothing but a colourless magical liquid that would taste the same way the Mate of the Dragon would taste. While Draco was unconscious, Hermione was abducted by the warrior dragons under the direct influence of the Circle, after feeding her 'Ambrosia'. Draco finally snapped back into reality, when he woke up from his comatose-like state a day later. He immediately went into a rampage once he found out about the plans of the Circle. He was at the 'Amphitheatre' instantly, where he was forced to fight about 10 unmated Dragons that had claimed his female. As Hermione was the Princess of the Noble Family, she had many claims than the ordinary maidens who were usually from the working class, who'd usually get only 2 or 3 claims. It was time when, every dragon got to know of Draco's unique jealousy, as he defeated the ten dragons within record time, and claimed his Mate back. The next incident was when Scorpius was 7 days old. After a sacred ritual and the naming ceremony at the Temple, Scorpius was rightfully registered with the Circle and was welcomed into the community with open hands. After the registration, the Dragons were all called in for a meeting with the Circle, leaving the females alone with their respective son's in the large Gathering Chambers. A Green Dragon of the 'Lower-blood race', that had lost his Mate and son during the childbirth, entered the Temple, bewitched and deranged, with ulterior motives of killing (rebellious Dragons and the other Pureblood Dragons) and crowning himself as the King. When Draco and the other Dragons returned to the Gathering Chambers along with the Circle, they saw a sight that instantly sent everyone's nerves overboard. The entire group of females and their sons were held hostage by the deranged Dragon, who had frozen them in their places using Black Magic. But what really made Draco's heart stop was when he finally caught sight of his family. The Dragon had seated himself on a throne (no one knew where that came from), and held Hermione by her hair at his feet, as she clutched a sobbing Scorpius against her chest, shaking in fear. He then went on and on about how he wanted to be a King, and how the process would involve sacrificing a mother and a newly born dragon cub (using Black Magic), and how he decided to sacrifice Hermione and Scorpius. Draco instantly went ballistic, and jumped in, only to be forced to fight against smokey creatures that seemingly won't die or stop. The other Dragons too joined the scrimmage. Hermione, when she caught Draco's eyes, dropped her hand into her robe. Retriving a shiny dagger, she shakily shifted it from her left hand to her right hand, and hugged Scorpius tightly to her body, trying to silence his cries of anguish. With a short cry, she stabbed the dagger into the Dragon's thigh, making him roar out loud in pain. Instantly, he clenched his hands around her neck, choking her. This made him lose his control on the creatures, and that gave the other dragons enough leverage to hurt him. When the Dragon was wounded beyond unconsciousness, they finally let the Healer Dragons heal him, and embraced their mates and sons. Draco still remembered the way Hermione had forgotten all about her noble modesty that she always ranted about and hugged him. In public. Public Display of Affections rarely happens amongst the Dragons, as they creatures are quite conservative and kept in. But, it doesn't mean the affections aren't present. Here, not only Hermione, but many females embraced their Dragons the second the Circle released them from the spell. As everyone understood the seriousness of the situation, they let the matter slide away. Hermione had thrown herself into his arms, burrowing her face into his muscular chest, and letting his strong arms envelop her body, almost crushing her. Between the two of them, Scorpius was nearly squished, as the parents had completely forgotten that he was with them, in their fear. Draco was forced to lead his family to the courtyard, where he managed to calm his Mate and his son by cooing and sweet talking. And, only when Hermione explained him that Scorpius used his magic to get the Dagger, Draco really understood what the hell his Mate was doing with a dagger in her robes. He jerked into reality when Hermione's warm hand pressed against his cheek. "So, are we going to the Temple?" Grunting, Draco shuffled as he answered. "Yes." A simple, straight forward answer with a single word. Hermione released a breath, and took a step backwards, removing herself from his embrace. "Now that all of this is solved, go and talk to Scorpius. He's sad that you didn't give him attention, when you reached home." Draco mock saluted her, making her stick her tongue childishly at him. He growled playfully with a feral grin on his face. Hermione giggled. Just as he clambered up the divan, she interrupted him. "When are we going to the Temple?" "Tonight. Warriors are heading to take us to the Temple." Draco grimaced. Nodding her head thoughtfully, she kissed him gently on his lips, before rushing to the kitchen, where she prepared to get the dinner ready. Shaking his head affectionately at his Mate, Draco decided to join his two years old son in the Hot Springs. His beast purred loudly when he saw his son, swimming in the Cave's natural Hot Springs system. Draco's cave has always made his friends jealous, due to the various natural facilities it already had. One of those natural facilities is the Hot Springs System. The springs waterway was intersected into two, as it entered the Cave melting from the Glacier of the mountains: the left side is of about 6 feet deep, and the right side with about 4 feet deep. "Daddy." Scorpius said, with less enthusiasm as he waved boyishly from the waters, not bothering to stop with his swimming session. Draco immediately felt guilty for ignoring his own son. Discarding his robe, he stalked towards his son with determination. And, he smiled lightly when Scorpius gazed at his big, looming figure with confusion. Without another word, he plucked his son from the bath, and settled his little body next to his large one on the left side of the Springs, on the small steps. When Scorpius understood what was going to happen, shifted his attention to the water, as if though it was the most interesting thing in the whole of the world. Draco instantly purred to pacify his son, knowing that he wasn't very good with words when it comes to comforting like the humans. Acting to his instinct, the two years old lad snuggled into his father's warmth, his little arms coming to wrap around his father's built torso, as he buried his face into the older Dragon's side. Rubbing his son's shoulders and back soothingly, Draco lifted his son and settled him, so that his arm was below Scorpius' bottom to support him, and the little lad could hold onto his shoulders for support. "Scorpius, I've to tell you about..." Hermione, after cooking the food in the medium sized hearth in the Dining Chambers, served the dishes in gold platters and gold china bowls and set it on the silver dining table that has emeralds embedded on the edges, with the carvings of Elephants, Gods and Goddesses of India imprinted on the glass top. Her mother had chided her when she decidedly learnt the art of cooking. Cookery was always treated as a common skill and was meant to be learnt by the working class or common people, and not the nobles. But, Hermione was grateful that she didn't listen to her mother concerning this, as Draco doesn't know how to cook, and raw meat isn't always good for health as the alternative. After inspecting and cataloging whether everything that is in need for the dinner was kept ready, Hermione made her way over to the Bathing chambers, with the ultimate motive of dragging her husband and son to the dining table. Even before she could reach the Bathing Chambers, Draco and Scorpius entered her line of sight, wearing identical (but of different size) eye popping cerulean blue robes with white Dragon embroiders, laughing happily. Hermione's eyes softened lovingly, as she gazed at the father son pair. It always makes her heart soar whenever she sees them together. It didn't really matter where/when she sees them together; the pair might be discussing about day-to-day events; or taking lessons; or, bathing; or, eating; or, swimming; or flying; or, just playing; it always makes her heart swell with pride and love for the two of them. "Mumma, Daddy says we are going to Temple!" An excited Scorpius exclaimed, as he swung his little arms around her neck, and grinned hugely. Draco and Hermione chuckled at their son's enthusiasm. "Yes. But for now, dinner first." The trio soon reached the Dining Chambers where steaming food was awaiting their attentions. "It's delicious." Draco commented, as he savoured the lamb stew with vigour. Scorpius nodded his head eagerly, as he slurped down the liquid from his bowl. "Delicious, Mummy!" "Thank you, Scorp." Hermione chuckled, as the family devoured their dinner with ardour. At the end of an hour, the trio were full in their stomachs, and could not take any food further. As Scorpius settled on the white ottoman seat with a 'Primer' comfortably, Draco and Hermione set to pack their sacks and trunks with clothes and all other necessary items that they might need once they reach the Temple. Just as they finished with the packing, and settled tiredly on the midnight blue Egyptian Sofa that has Sarcophaguses and other Egyptian idols embedded on the sides and on the arm rest, they heard the flapping of wings. Not just one, but many. The warriors. Draco jumped onto his feet, his lips curled in a snarl, his grey eyes hardening with purpose, his fist clenching in his side, as Hermione watched worriedly. Dragons, in their nature, are possessive, intelligent and beautiful. They are renowned for their world class jealousy and sense of belongingness. Usually, whenever a Dragon visits the horde of another Dragon without permission, it would usually end badly. Even though the warriors had received permission from Draco, to visit his horde, Hermione knew that his usual jealousy is his attribute. It makes him, who he is. She twined her hand with his, and gave it a sharp tug. When he glanced back at her, she shook her head as no, and Draco had to close his eyes tightly to stop with his angry, unapproachable demeanour. Only after checking whether Draco had calmed down, she turned to check on Scorpius. The two years old's grey eyes were darkening as the second passed. If the Primer he held was a living being, it would've been dead by now, as he maintained a choking hold on the said book. Wordlessly, Hermione pulled her son into her arms, and placed a kiss on his forehead, as her hand rubbed his shoulders and ran through his silky hair. Scorpius, in her embrace, relaxed completely, and nearly fell asleep, if not for the warrior dragons that just landed on the entrance of the cave with simultaneous 'thump's. The faction hurried to the entrance, with Draco bringing the trunks and sacks that were magicked to become small in size, while Hermione held an half-asleep Scorpius in her arms. The warrior Dragons bowed low with their necks bared, showing their respect to the Faction, before pulling themselves up, and shifting into their human forms. Hermione averted her eyes as the Dragons transformed into beautiful naked men, and Draco bit back a growl, as he saw the blush covering his Mate's cheeks. "The Circle is expecting you by dawn, my lord." One of them, with brown hair and green eyes, said. When Draco nodded his head, the men transformed into their Dragon forms, and prepared for the flight, by flapping their wings testily. The blond man shrugged his robe off, and caught the eyes of his Mate, who was staring at him with admiration and lust. Giving her a feral grin, he transformed into his Dragon form. Expertly, Draco took Hermione in his arms, who had little Scorpius asleep in her arms. Making sure that his Faction was comfortably settled in his arms, he gave a loud squawk before taking off from the ground. One of the warriors, flew in front of Draco, and the other flew behind him, so that Draco was completely safe from the two directions. Many hours later, through frozen fingers and toes, Hermione finally breathed a sigh of relief as the familiar mountain in which the Temple was laced came into view. Throughout the long ride, Scorpius had managed to sleep, much to her relief, as the tyke is always hyped whenever they go flying, and holding him one place is very difficult, without plummeting to the death. Just as the moon was about to descend down the sky, the Dragons descended the Temple. Draco placed Hermione on the floor, who instantly stretched her legs and arms nobly. Black smoke simultaneously erupted from the three Dragons, who turned into their human forms, and haphazardly shrugged into their robes. "Are you alright, love?" Draco asked, as he shifted a still asleep Scorpius into his arms, and gave his wife a assessing look. Noticing her teeth chattering lightly, he offered with a wink. "We'll warm up by the hearth after I finish my talk with the Circle, Mate." Knowing that Draco was actually making s****l innuendos, Hermione discreetly elbowed him on the ribs, making him chuckle silently. Scorpius awoke with a small yawn, as he stretched his limbs adorably without even the realisation of where he was.   "Good morning, Scorp." Draco's voice finally brought him out of his sleepy state, and the two years old blinked twice before looking around in confusion. Then, everything clicked in his mind. "We are at the Temple! Temple!" He exclaimed loudly, making a few Priests that passed by the way, to chuckle at his hyper. "Yes, we are the Temple, Scorpius. After we wash up, you can go with Daddy and meet the Circle." Hermione said, which only managed to raise his eagerness up by a few notches, as he started fiddling with his robes anxiously. "We'll show to you where you'd be staying at the Temple, my Lords, Lady. Please follow us." Saying so, the warriors that had escorted the Faction to the Temple, showed them the Personal Quarters of the Priests, where already a Chamber was made ready for their arrival. "This is where you'll be staying, my Lords, Lady. We'll be outside waiting for you while you freshen up." The Chamber was obviously quite a large one, but not to the level of their cave, with little furniture furnishing the place. A large wooden bed, two couches, two ottomans, a few pillows and side pillows, two cabinets and a chest of drawers was all that it had. Hermione instantly set to work, by arranging the furniture in the most appealing way, unpacking their belongings, and choosing robes for her husband and son, while the two blond men began washing up. "Stay in here until we come back, Hermione. I don't want you to stay alone without company." Draco said seriously, as he combed his hair neatly and helped Scorpius with his robes and hair. Her men were both wearing identical emerald green robes with silver serpent embroidered on it, looking as beautiful as ever. Nodding her head, she saw them off, before deciding to have a bath and enjoy the Hot Springs at the Temple. After a long relaxing bath, she wore her silky Jade robes which has white flower like designs embroidered on them, and brushed her hair using her ivory hairbrush. Just as she concluded that she was presentable, Draco and Scorpius entered the chamber with identical happy grins on their faces. "What has happened to the two of you?" She asked curiously, as her blond men crushed her in a hug in happiness. "The two slayers went off track. The Witch gave them a wrong potion that managed to almost kill them. Unfortunately, the two aren't dead, but have lost all their memory, as the potion meddled with their brains." Draco exclaimed happily, as he twirled his wife lovingly. "What!" Hermione was sure flabbergasted. "Yes, they don't even remember anything about us! They won't be able to harm any of us! And, all the more, we don't have to stay at the Temple anymore!" He affirmed, laughing loudly. "I'm so happy!" Hermione squealed as she pulled her Faction into a hug, not even trying to hide the impish grin that prevailed on her beautiful face. ____________ FACT FILE 1. Dignity - Blood status. There are three Blood statuses in the Dragon Kingdom. Pureblood Dragons, Half blood Dragons and Lowblood Dragons. 2. Faction - Family or kin. 3. Pureblood Dragon - Dragons that have Magic in their veins. They are at the Top tier in the Dragon system of Hierarchy. 4. Lowblood Dragon - Dragons that learn/acquire magic rather than inheriting magic from their father. They are in the lower level of the Dragon system of Hierarchy. 5. Half blood Dragons - Dragons that are the result of a Lowblood Dragon mating the Mate of a Pureblood Dragon. They are the middle level of the Dragon System of Hierarchy, as they have small amount of Magic in their veins too. 6. Amphitheatre - It is an open-air venue used for entertainment, performances, and sports. __________
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