Happy Mother's Day, Daddy

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QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: No matter what I do to move on from this pain, deep down inside I'll always know that I'll never get to hug my mom again - Unknown. __________ SETTING: The New Malfoy Manor, Lancashire, The Great Britain. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, the heir to the Malfoy family and Empire, son of Lord Draco Lucius Malfoy and grandson of ex-Lord Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, has seen many beautiful, breathless sights on Earth: Expensive hotels, Magnificent Palaces, Ancient Castles, Historical Places, Archaeological Sites, Tallest Buildings, Green Forests, Quidditch stadiums, Exclusive playgrounds, the Malfoy Manor, beautiful Islands, beholding Mountains, etc and etc. But he has never seen his Mommy. And that made his heart clench. He didn't know why he didn't have a Mommy. Everyone in his grade has their Mommy with them, but he never did. It made him glow with jealousy. He didn't understand why everyone else has a Mommy and he didn't. She died when he was one years old. She was actually killed by a bad man named Antonin Dolohov. His grandfather Lucius had told him that Antonin wanted his Mommy for himself, and when she said no, he killed her. His little heart couldn't bear to know that his Mommy was taken away from him, and he asked his grandfather sobbingly, whether that Antonin badman was punished for his bad behaviour. A tight smiling Lucius nodded his head, as his mercury eyes pricked with tears, threatening to fall. Like a true Slytherin, Scorpius listened to the tales of his Mommy, the adventures that she did when she were in her adolescence, hoping that at least that would help him form a picture of her in his mind. It did, but that only flared his ache for his Mommy. He'd heard the tales of her beauty. Caramel curly hair with streaks of honey and mahogany that is so untamed, just like her. Warm caramel brown eyes that could soothe a person and at the same time figuratively kill them when in anger. Ivory skin that glows in sunlight and moonlight. Pure heart that would help a person in need, without hesitation. Full of compassion, love, honesty, kindness, courage and loyalty. She was an Angel. His Daddy had told him. An Angel that made him a better person. An Angel that he couldn't keep with himself forever. Scorpius didn't know how his Mommy had made his Daddy a better person, because he already was a great Daddy. He was a very kind man, with warm body and a even warmer smile. So he continued, ever since he started to understand the world. Listened to the stories of his Mommy, imagining that it was his own Mommy that was telling him those stories herself. He'd cried many times, thrown temper tantrums to see her, but whatever anyone did, he never got to see his Mommy. His Nana Cissa told him that his Daddy loved his Mommy very much, and still does, and that's why her parting had hit him very hard. That is why his Daddy was always at work. He'd innocently asked why Daddy would always be at work if he missed his Mommy. The ex-Lady Malfoy had choked out. "He's very sad that she's not here with him, and that's why he's always at work." Scorpius couldn't understand what his Nana has meant by that. His Daddy was always happy whenever they were together. Only after noticing his father faking smiles, staring into space many a times when he's alone, made him perceive the words of his Nana. His Daddy's room always has tickled his wonderment. Sure, the penthouse that they were living was absolutely grand and elegant, but his Daddy's room was what that fascinated him more. His Daddy's room has a huge sitting room, a large walk in wardrobe and en suite bathroom. Those weren't what that attracted him, as he has the same in his room, too.   The cupboard that was located next to his Daddy's king-sized bed was what that did. It was an ebony wooden cupboard with intricate designs and details embedded on it. It had a silver lock, whose key hung on his Daddy's neck in the form of a simple silver chain. He'd spied on his Daddy when he opened the cupboard, once. Scorpius was awed to see so many Lady clothes; many parchments, papers and notes written in a elegant scrawl; trinkets of both Muggle and Magical types. He saw his Daddy discard a long, velvet lilac nightgown from the hangar and hug it tightly, yet so carefully. Scorpius figured that it belonged to his Mommy, when his Daddy murmured something along the lines of 'Hermione', 'my love' and 'miss you very much'. He wanted to wait till his Daddy had fallen asleep, so that he too can snipe a nightgown away or at least join him in bed, but that went unsuccessful as his Daddy didn't blink his eyes close even for a second, and kept talking of the day's events as if though his Mommy was right there, listening to him. Scorpius returned to his room that night, disappointed. He was surprised and confused when his Nana Cissa told him how his Uncle Harry loved his Mommy, just like his Daddy. His Uncle Harry separated from his mean wife, Ginny, after she confessed that she made him love her by using a love potion. His Daddy had told him that using love potion is very bad and the person would be sent to Azkaban jail as it is very bad to trick someone. Mean Ginny didn't go to Azkaban, but separated from Uncle Harry and took Lily Luna along with her, leaving James Sirius and Albus Severus with Uncle Harry. His Nana told him that Uncle Harry loved his Mommy very much, and still is. James, the oldest of Albus and Scorpius, had talked of his (Scorpius') Mommy. Of how she was loving, welcoming, beautiful and how he loved her more than his own mother, and how he wanted her to be his mother. James, Albus and Scorpius proudly vowed that the three will be brothers forever. This day had been quite weird, for his Daddy, returned home very happily. His eyes were twinkling with genuine happiness and there was a incessant wide smile present on his face. His Daddy had tried covering them, but since Scorpius knew his Daddy so very well, he saw right through the mask. After his Daddy tucked him on his bed, Scorpius waited for an hour before tiptoeing out of his room. He'd guessed that his Daddy would be very much awake, as he saw him looking giddy while leaving his room. And, just as the usual, his Daddy's room door was open slightly. Scorpius slinked into his Daddy's sitting room, and peeked into the bedroom through the little gap. His Daddy, dressed in grey Pajama pants, was standing in the center of the bedroom, with his eyes closed. His palm seemed to have something in it, as it was clenched shut. All of a sudden, a white light filled the room and Scorpius saw a beautiful woman of about the same age as his Daddy, wearing a wavy, lengthy white dress that swirled around her feet. Her long caramel curls were let loose, and they cascaded down her back like streaming waterfalls. Her eyes were of caramel brown, but they held something unworldly that made the little boy shiver. Her face was sculpted beautifully, button nose, high cheeks, perfect pink lips. She was very beautiful. "Hermione." His Daddy's breathy voice, brought Scorpius back to reality. He staggered back in disbelief. His Daddy had told him that his Mommy had gone to the clouds and won't return back. Ever. But here.. Hermione smiled beautifully, and that made Draco's heart clench painfully. "Hermione love, I-I miss you so very much.." The complete love, admiration and adoration that was held in his Daddy's voice and words confirmed him that the woman was truly his Mommy. Scorpius didn't realise that he had pushed open the door or that he had stepped into the bedroom or that his Daddy was shocked to see him. He could only see her. His Mommy. And, even without thinking, he jumped into her arms, hoping that she would hold him, hug him, cuddle him, kiss him. The unsatisfied ache for his Mommy came into life, like a roaring inferno inside of him. But nothing happened like what he had predicted. He went right through her, much to his shock, and was about to fall face-first into the carpet, but was rescued at the right time by his Daddy. "Whoa, Scorp. Be careful." His Daddy's deep voice chided him, and he instantly focussed his mercury eyes on his Mommy, thinking that something wrong had happened. But when he saw her gazing at him worriedly, made him realise something. It was his Mommy's ghost. "M-Mommy?" He whispered. The word felt so, so right in his tongue and he couldn't help the tears that pricked his eyes. "Yes, baby. I'm your Mommy." Hermione said. Her voice nothing short of angelic and pure. A genuine smile on her face persistently stayed, coupled with full adoration, love, pride and something else that he couldn't understand with his 6 years old brain. Scorpius shivered slightly when he heard the 'baby' part. He'd seen the Mommies of his classmates call them endearingly. It always made him feel very jealous. But now, he didn't feel jealous anymore. Because his Mommy too called him 'baby' too. "Am I your baby, Mommy?" He found himself asking, as he burrowed into his father's warm, bare chest. "Of course yes, you're my baby, Scorp." His Mommy answered instantly without hesitation and that made his heart soar. "Even when I'm a hundred years old?" He'd asked. Innocently. With exaggeration, his grey eyes widening. His Mommy and Daddy chuckled in sync. "You'll be my baby even when you're a hundred years old, dragon cub." Mommy said, smiling at him adoringly. "Only Daddy calls me Dragon cub. You call me Dragon cub too, Mommy?" Scorpius asked curiously. "Daddy and Mommy decided on this nickname for you when you were just a baby, Scorp." Draco explained to his 6 years old son, who was meeting his mother for he first time after her parting. "Why did you leave me, Mommy?" This question surprised even him, just as his parents. "Don't you like me?" "Of course not, baby. I love you and Daddy very much. I left because the Angels up here called for me." Hermione said, her brown eyes softening more. "Daddy says that you are an Angel. Angels talk to Angels only. Are you an Angel, Mommy? The ones that live up with in the clouds and reward good children?" Scorpius asked, unable to compress his curiosity any longer. Chuckling softly, Hermione smiled lovingly at her son and husband. "I'm not an Angel, Scorp. I'm the helper of the Angels. I live up in the clouds, but I don't reward as it is the Angels' duty." His mouth formed a comical 'o' at the information dump, much to the amusement of Draco and Hermione who laughed lightly. As Scorpius lost himself in his thoughts, Draco caught Hermione's eyes with his, and couldn't help but let a lone tear slide down his cheek. Words have always been unneeded when they were together. They could have millions and millions of conversations with their eyes itself. Hermione smiled lovingly at him, and he had to bite his bottom lip to stop a sob from escaping his lips. He couldn't stand it. She was so, so close, yet so far from him. Knowing that he couldn't hug her anymore; lose himself when her dainty fingers ran through her hair; kiss her sweetly, slowly and passionately; hold her possessively in his arms; have her curled next to him in his arms after a round of lovemaking, didn't help the matter the least. Sending that he was about to breakdown, Hermione shook her head as no. And, blew him a cheeky kiss and a wink making him laugh. And, so he did. For the first time since she'd parted from him, he'd laughed this full bellied laugh. It confused Scorpius as of why his father was laughing, but nonetheless was happy that his Daddy was enjoying himself. "From now on, there will be none of this crying, am I clear? I'll be watching from the clouds and if I see any of you crying, I'll make sure that you get your trousers burnt by thunder. Okay?" It was clearly a threat, but her voice was very angelic that it didn't suit her. But the Malfoy men knew that she was just pulling their legs, when she nodded her head, assessingly. "It's already late-" she started, but was interrupted by Draco and Scorpius who protested loudly. "-the pair of you have work to do by tomorrow. So, good night, my loves." The two continued protesting but when she shot them a glare, they rushed off, jumping into the King-sized bed together. "Mommy, will you visit us tomorrow?" "I'll be there with my boys every night. Is that okay?" She asked. Scorpius squealed in delight, and Draco shifted the resurrection stone in his hand in testing. With a nod, Hermione blew the two kisses and vanished into thin air with the parting words. "I love the two of you very much, and sweet dreams, sweethearts." "I love you too, Mommy." Scorpius whispered into the air, hoping that his mommy would catch onto his message. Throwing an arm over his son, Draco ruffed Scorpius' hair. "We'll see Mommy tomorrow, mate." Turning in his embrace, Scorpius requested his Daddy. "Daddy, Daddy, can we call Uncle Harry, James and Albus, when we meet Mommy again? They want to meet Mommy too, they love her too." "Of course, but first we should ask Mommy's permission when we see her again. Only then it will work, okay?" "Yes, Daddy." He nodded his head, giddy from all the delight. "Good. Now sleep son." Draco placed Scorpius next to him on the bed, and pulled the comforter over their bodies, covering them from the cool air of the room. "Oh my God, I forgot to say a thing to Mommy." Scorpius sat upright on the bed, pushing away the covers, in shock. "What is it?" Draco asked his son, as he sat next to him, holding his little hand in his big warm ones. "Happy Mother's Day, Daddy." Scorpius said, looking at his Daddy with big, doe grey eyes. Draco admitted that he teared up a little. "Happy Mother's Day to you too son." _________

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