
6758 Words
QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: It is so great to find that person you want to annoy for the rest of your life in your childhood sweetheart - UNKNOWN. 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ SETTING: The Lestrange Manor, Lancashire, The Great Britain. DATE: 28 August, 1991. "Are you really sure that you have to visit them? Can't you stay here?" Rudolphus Lestrange whined. Yes, you heard me right, Lord of the Lestrange family just whined.  It maybe a shocker to the on-lookers, but the truth is: the Purebloods that usually maintain a stoic façade aren't really emotionless. They are human beings too, just like everyone else, and man in his nature is a very social animal.  The Purebloods from their childhood are taught not to reveal any of their emotions to the outside world, as it would prove to be a Gateway for their enemies to win them over. And, a Pureblood in his element, has at least one enemy. If you have read the previous words properly, then you would've realised that there were these words 'not to reveal any of their emotions to the outside world'. We can understand from this that the Purebloods don't necessarily have to be expressionless and poker faced 24/7. Hermione Sienna Lestrange, a sweet eleven years old girl, rolled her eyes at her father and his over-protective demeanour. "Daddy, this is merely a casual visit. Hopefully, I'll be back before dinner. And, I have already promised to spend the entire day tomorrow with you and Bella." The said 'Bella', a.k.a Bellatrix Lestrange nodded her head agreeing to her step-daughter, who always held a great place in the said older witch's heart. "She's right, Rud. You know there is nothing that can keep those two away. Even if you try, the result will be ugly and we know it. I say, you let her go." Bella elucidated, hoping to get her husband agree to their daughter's plan. She chose to ease her husband into accepting because he is more of a softy than their daughter ever would be. Rudolphus grunted and brooded over the facts laid in front of him. He knew that the words of his wife were true and there was no loophole in his daughter's plan, as it was more of a pre-planned one than a last-minute plan. "Okay, I give in. You can go visit your future in-laws, but tomorrow is here with us. I'll hold you to your promise, sweetheart." He said firmly, making sure that his words don't contain any flaws that would encourage his daughter to cut in on tomorrow. "Of course, you can and thank you, Daddy! I love you!" Hermione squealed and jumped into her father's arms, holding him in a tight embrace. As he was about to respond to the hug, his daughter pulled away from him and placed a lingering kiss on his cheek, before slipping away to the apparation point in the Manor. Rud shared a look with Bella, who just rolled her eyes at her husband, as she parted from him with a long searing kiss and a whispered conversation of how the pair were going to make use of the whole Manor to themselves for the day. Rudolphus loved his daughter to the ends of the world, and he loved his wife just as much. Even though his daughter was a fruit of his union with another Pureblood witch out of wedlock before he was married, his wife had no problems with the little girl. Bella and Hermione instantly hit off in the first meeting, even though the latter was just a one year old blubbering infant, and the former was overcome by the emotions of playing the role of a mother to the latter. Rud was extremely grateful to Bella for loving his daughter as her own. Every day he's thanking every god out there for giving him a great wife, and a great mother to his precious daughter. Just as the pair appeared at the entrance of the Malfoy Manor, they were greeted by the sight of the Malfoys having a peaceful breakfast in the gardens enjoying the scenery, the peace and the calm. Draco Malfoy was the first person to notice them. Instantly he was on his feet and running towards his betrothed. "Mia!" Dressed smartly in a navy blue button down shirt and white trousers, with his platinum blond hair slicked back, young Draco was immaculate looking, just as a Pureblood Prince ought to be. A grin broke out in Hermione's face, as she saw him. "Draco!" She cried, and ran up to him. Her long white skirt seemed to pose a problem, unlike her emerald green top which was the most comfortable top that she owned, but Hermione took no notice of it as she met her betrothed halfway through. The pair of them instantly hugged and kissed each other's cheek(s). "How many times have I told you not to run, Draco?" Lucius tutted, as he made his way from the table, and welcomed his sister-in-law and future daughter-in-law. "Many a times, Father." Draco answered cheekily, as he held his arm out to Hermione, who looped her arm with his, with an identical cheeky smile on her face. "And, how many times have I told you not to run, honey?" Bellatrix reprimanded the girl that was practically her own daughter. "Many a times, Bella." Hermione too answered cheekily. The elders could only shake their heads in amusement as well as annoyance at the pair. They are both very smart and intelligent for their age. At the same time, they are quite pranksters and kind of loose canons. They cannot be well predicted as their pre-teen minds can change in the course of time or the situation. "Are you going to continue your breakfast, Draco?" Narcissa questioned her son, knowing his answer already. Whenever Draco and Hermione are together, they'd usually forget the world and lose themselves in whatever they were doing. Draco merely shook his head as no, as he had already engaged his betrothed in a conversation related to the recent Quidditch match played between the Tutshill Tornadoes and the Puddlemere United. "Did you see how Callie caught the snitch? That was so awesome! He caught the snitch like-" Draco gushed, his grey eyes twinkling like that of the stars on a starry night. "- a seeker!" They finished the sentence in sync with each other, and laughed maniacally like the Quidditch Fanatics they are. If anything that the betrothed pair love it would be Quidditch, books and pranks. They are the perfect Pureblood children ever to grace the earth in their generation. "I still don't know what you see in the Tutshill Tornadoes to support them. I've always been a great Appleby Arrows Fan." Lucius drawled, looking quite pleased with himself. But that soon shattered as he realised what he had done. Draco and Hermione are anything but two goody shoes kind of pre-teens. They are rebels. They don't rebel against everything, but when it comes to their rights. If their rights or opinions or ideals are violated, they get into their favourite rebel mode. Even before the kids could snap at the Lord for badmouthing their favourite Quidditch team, Narcissa interrupted. "Don't get into argument even before it's been an hour. Why don't you go and do whatever you have planned to do?" The last part instantly directed the kids' attention and they skipped away, still holding hands, to the inner gardens of the Manor, leaving the elders to fend for themselves. "Can you believe that they are going to Hogwarts? I can't." Bella mused, shaking her head affectionately at the betrothed pair, before they disappeared from her view around the corner. "Neither can I." Narcissa said, her eyes softening as she came into terms that her little boy wouldn't be her little boy anymore. "I can't wait to see Hogwarts! Oh, it feels like I've been waiting too long!" Hermione gushed as the pair reached the Inner gardens of the Malfoy Manor, and made their ways over to their Green hut. "The feeling is mutual, Mia. Two more days to go." Draco said, as he helped his Mia sit down on one of the garden chairs before sitting down next to her. "Hogwarts, here we come!" They shouted in excitement in unison, making a few pigeons to fly away all of a sudden, crowing all the way in fright. Draco and Hermione stared at each other in shock before convulsing into heaps of laughter. "Even the pigeons are waiting for the day that we would go to Hogwarts so that they could get to ive in peace." Hermione giggled, and Draco could only agree to her wholeheartedly. "It's not our fault that they are around us wherever we are. It's like, Oh, see there are the Dramione, let's go surround them, for they are the most awesomest people of the century!" He tutted, his voice held nothing but pure smugness and his face was the recipient of the genetic infamous Malfoy smirk. " 'Dramione' makes us feel like some sort of power pair, don't you think? It suits us." Hermione chuckled. "It does." He agreed with a grin on his face. _________ SETTING: 9 3/4 Platform, Kings Cross Station, The Great Britain. DATE: 1 September, 1991 "Won't you get cold, sweetheart?" Rudolphus questioned his daughter with his eyebrow raised as he scrutinised the outfit that she was wearing right now. "Nonsense. It's not too cold out here. If it's cold, I've a spare jacket in Mia's bag." Bella tutted, as she kissed the top of her daughter's head and hugged her tightly. "You take care, okay?" Hermione nodded her head. "I'm still not sure." Rud grumbled under his breath, discreetly. Hermione scowled at her father. "Daddy, if I'm too cold then I'll steal Draco's jacket, okay? Or, I'll share Daphne's jacket, if she brings one, that is." Rud contemplated his daughter's word with a nod, while Bella merely rolled her eyes at her husband. "Mia!" A familiar boyish voice called, through the crowd. A grin lit up Hermione's face like no other, as she jumped from foot to foot in search of her betrothed. "Draco!" And, when she finally caught sight of the familiar platinum blond hair amongst the people, she was ready to run over to him. But, a hand that found its way on her shoulder stopped her. Hermione looked up to see her step-mother, who had a stern look on her face. "Don't run, Sweetheart. You'll see him. Just wait for a few minutes." True to Bella's words, Draco appeared into the view, wearing a short sleeved crisp black button down shirt, crisp grey trousers and black boots, with a huge grin on his face. Behind him was Lucius and Narcissa, both had their expressionless masks on their faces, but the Lestranges could see the emotions swirling in their eyes. "Whoa!" Draco said with a bewildered expression on his face when he finally saw his betrothed. She was wearing a sleeveless black top and lace up beige skirt with black boots, which was nothing unusual as she usually wore clothes like these often. Her shoulder length dirty blonde hair was put up in two Dutch braids, her greyish blue eyes were shining happily in excitement and anticipation. But today, all of a sudden, she looked very pretty. She's always been pretty in his eyes, as Draco ever since he's a toddler whenever someone talks of pretty, he'd jump up with Hermione's name at the tip of his tongue, so that he could show it off to people and peasants. But now, she looked all the more very pretty. His jaw literally slackened at the sight before him. "Draco!" Hermione squealed as she hugged her betrothed and placed a lingering kiss on his cheek. Draco simultaneously blushed. Honestly it's been years since Draco had last blushed. The Young Lord Malfoy never blushed as he's never been embarrassed before, but right he's very sure that he wasn't embarrassed. Actually, he was shy right now. "Bloody hell, it's started already." Lucius and Rudolphus cursed at the same time, as they saw Draco watch Hermione like a hawk with his jaw dropped to the ground. His grey eyes had this glint of an adoring look with an awed expression shining through them. Narcissa and Bella just smirked at each other. "He looks like a lovesick idiot." Lucius muttered under his breath, but the other three adults had heard him and they sniggered. "What do you expect of your son, Lucius?" Rudolphus smirked, as he reminisced the golden past. Lucius, being two years older than Narcissa, had danced around her for years, tending to every need and want of hers, and scaring off her potential suitors. Narcissa and Bella swatted their respective husbands on their arms, discreetly. With a yelp, the men scowled at their wives. "What was that for?" "Honestly, the pair of you were the ones that were rushing to get your children betrothed to each other when you saw that they are special, and now when one of them shows signs of puberty, you accuse them of being a love sick i***t. Now, whose fault is that?" Narcissa exasperated and blew a stray strand of her hair away from her face. She had had enough of these muttering idiots of husbands, ruining the memorable moments in the lives of her son and his betrothed. "Play nice children." Bella tutted with a annoying grin on her face, that the three adults wanted to wipe off, but were unable to do so, as she was standing quite distant from them. Lucius scowled, unable to curse the witch that was his sister-in-law. Sure, he loves her as family, but sometimes she can be more than annoying and Lucius would want nothing other than to strangle her. "Are you alright, Draco? You look.. pale?" Hermione questioned the blond boy, completely ignoring the adults who were engaged in a conversation that was nothing but boring. The Malfoy boy nodded his head quickly with a foreign look on his face. "You-you look p-pretty, Mia." Draco stammered, in fact, he actually blurted it out, and instantly dropped his gaze to the ground when he realised what he had just done, and overcame with a bout of shyness. A rich blush appeared on Hermione's cheeks, and she too let her gaze drop to the ground, and kept staring at it as if though it was the most interesting thing on earth. "Thank you." This isn't the first time that Draco had complimented her on being pretty. In fact, he'd done it so many times, in formal gatherings, informal parties or when they were alone, or in middle of a conversation. But, this is the first time he'd stared at her as if though she was the most precious person in whole of the world. It made her spine tingle with something that she couldn't identify. When she finally raised her eyes - after a few minutes - to meet Draco, she realised that he had been staring at her for sometime now. The second their eyes met, electricity swirled, and they broke the eye contact with a blush. "Okay with dancing around, you two. It's time to get going." Rud's voice broke them and they jumped apart with a blush covering their cheeks. The train steamed, signifying that the train is about to depart the station. Without a minute's gap, the mother's pulled their children into their arms to give them their goodbye hugs. "Where is my hug, sweetheart?" Rud asked as he held his arms out to his daughter, who just now broke the hug that she shared with her step-mother. "Daddy!" Hermione cried as she hugged her father tightly, breathing in his warm scent of mint and a unique cologne of his. "I'll see you soon, baby girl." Rudolphus vowed, as he placed a lingering kiss on his daughter's forehead. "Love you, Daddy." Hermione whispered into his ears, as she finally pulled away from his hug. After the remaining hugs were given out, Draco and Hermione pulled their luggages as they walked side-by-side to the train, with their parents behind their steps. "Write letters to us often." Bella instructed the 11 years old children with a stern look on her face. The betrothed pair saluted with a 'Yes Ma'am, Ma'am!'. But the adults knew that they wouldn't. Sure, they'd write to them once the sorting is over to let them know of the House that they were sorted into. But after that, its a 3:1 ratio, that they would. Narcissa added, chastising the pre-teenagers just as her sister did. "Study well and don't let us down." The pair again saluted with a 'Yes, Ma'am, Ma'am!'. Into eleven years of their lives on earth, never once had the betrothed pair embarrassed or let their family down. Thus ending with the men rolling their eyes at the antics of their children and wives. "Take care of yourselves and each other." Bella reminded them, as she straightened the rumple in her daughter's clothes. The pair saluted with a reply of 'Yes, Ma'am, Ma'am!'. As if though Bella had to remind Draco and Hermione to take care of each other. Ever since they were born, the pair were always together. Always inseparable. They might even forget to take care of themselves, but would never forget to take care of the other. It's in their instinct to do so. "And, don't forget to show off to peasants." Lucius and Rudolphus drawled, grinning like Cheshire cats that were just given Christmas Presents. When people are drawling, they are supposed to look bored and not like as if though they had just been awarded the Order of Merlin: First Class for something that they had achieved. But here, it was completely the opposite. Draco and Hermione grinned widely as they replied with a 'Yes Sir, Sir!'. With identical cheeky smiles, they gave one final hug to their parents, before pulling up theirs trunks (on which feather light charms and endless usage charms were placed) into the train. "Theo said he'll save us seats." Draco informed his betrothed, who giggled lightly. "I'm not very sure of that." The said Theo is Theodore Nott Jr, son of Theodore Nott Sr and Elizabeth Nott née Rosier. He is the best friend of Draco, and is betrothed to Daphne Greengrass, who is the best friend of Hermione. All four of them are unstoppable once together. "As if though. Daphne can rein him with one deadly glare. He'll be off like a kitten." Draco drawled, trying to make his Mia laugh again, as he really liked it when she laughed. His plan went on smoothly, as Hermione threw her head back and laughed, all the while, walking beside him, as they searched for their best friends. "But Daphy, I didn't know that you'd save a compartment, I thought that you were okay with my plan!" A familiar boyish voice whined from a compartment nearby. It didn't take Draco and Hermione a few minutes to find out to whom that the voice belonged to. "Theo!" The pair had shouted in excitement as they sprinted to the compartment, almost dropping their trunks in the process. When they reached the compartment, they were met up with the sight of seeing a eleven years old boy with brunette hair and green eyes and a eleven years old girl with blonde hair and icy blue eyes standing in the either sides of the room. "Hey, you two!" Theo shouted as he jumped up from his seat and man-hugged Draco. " 'lo mate!" Just as the boys greeted, the girls hugged each other tightly squealing happily. "Oh Merlin, we're going to Hogwarts!! I can't believe it!" "Good day, lady Mia." Theo said, as he bowed low and kissed the back of Hermione's palm, while Draco did the same to Daphne. "Good day, lady Daphy." The girls rolled their eyes at their companions and shooed them as they plopped down gracefully on the berth of the compartment next to each other. "Now, why was ickle Theo whinin?" Hermione teased the brown haired boy, who made the motion of growling and snapping his teeth at her, like a wolf. "You do remember the plan that Theo was supposed to save us seats as he is likely to be the first person to board the train?" Daphne said, with her hands on the either sides of her. Draco and Hermione nodded their heads in sync with each other. "See? I'm the one that is supposed to save seats, not you, Daphy." Theo hollered, looking quite pleased with himself, as if though he had just won the 'Best Wizard of the Year' award from the Witch Weekly. "What you forgot to mention is that you told me to save seats, as your parents were late, you dumb butt." Daphne exasperated, making Draco and Hermione to laugh out loud and Theo to grumble. "But then I sent a letter to you that you don't have to do that right?!" Theo whined, looking expectantly at Daphne, who was confused beyond wits. "When did that happen?" She questioned her betrothed with a challenging look on her face. "Right about now." Draco and Hermione said in sync with one another, just as a elegant grey owl landed on Daphne's shoulder and showed it's leg to her, where a sheet of parchment was attached. Theo smiled sheepishly, whilst Daphne removed the parchment off the bird and saw a message written by Theo to her which conveyed that he would be the one save the seats. "That's sorted." Hermione said impishly as Theo and Daphne made up by apologising to each other, whilst Draco merely nodded his head, giving his approval to the pair. The train steamed again, for the last time, before moving. The children all gathered at the window seat where they waved for their parents and family, as the train departed away from the station. "So, what is on our agenda?" Draco had questioned the gang, as he threw his trunk on the trunk holder and plopped down next to Theo, taking up the window seat. "The Sorting, obviously." Theo retorted in a 'duh' tone, as he munched on the home-made double chocolate chip muffin with vanilla icing, which was baked by his mother herself; and, handed over the container that holds two batches of the said muffin, to his friends. "Not that, Captain Obvious. We're talking about what we are about to do after the train leaves the country. Don't tell me that we'll reach Hogwarts." Hermione explained as she helped herself to a muffin, and at the last part, she directed her warning look at Theo. "These are good. Beth really did outdo herself this time." She appraised Theo's mother, who is an exceptional baker. "Yep. Especially the molten chocolate that's inside the muffin, surely does wonders to me. How could a delicacy make me feel like this?" Draco mused, as he devoured the muffin in his hand and even had seconds, much to the amusement of the other three. "That's why it's called as a 'delicacy', Drac. Sure you know of it." Hermione teased her betrothed with a amused smile on her face. "Just make sure you don't go sugar-high. No one needs to put up with a sugar-high Draco, who suddenly throws a temper tantrum to see Dragons at the passing minute." Daphne teased, as she pulled up a wizarding novel for pre-teenagers and settled with a muffin. "I do not! It's not fair of you to tease me with something that had happened years ago!" Draco said indignantly, a scowl settled on his face as his friends laughed at him. "Mia?" He pleaded with his betrothed, who was also giggling along with their friends. "I'm sorry, Draco. But you were so high on that day." Hermione started only to be cut off by giggling again as she reminisced the past. "Oh, honestly!" Draco cried and fell back on the seat as his friends continued laughing at him. Three years back, the two pair of the young betrothed had had a picnic at the Nott Manor, where they settled on the Tree House that was located on a huge oak tree. Each of the womenfolk contributed to the kids picnic, by cooking/baking/making something. Narcissa made the Alaskan Salmon as the main course, Bella made the French Fries and Vegetable rolls as the side course, Deidre made the Chicken Soup as the Appetiser and Elizabeth had contributed to the picnic by baking three batches of vanilla cupcakes with chocolate syrup along with extra cream for the Dessert. The lunch was a heavenly affair, and everything went as smooth as a sailor in the middle of a calm sea. But, just as the sea cannot be predicted or gotten under control, the afternoon too went in the same way. Draco, in his addiction to the Dessert, had consumed too many of the cupcakes, which led to him being extremely sugar-high. He had instantly thrown a temper tantrum that they OUGHT to see Dragons. Alive ones at that, and not toys. Why he wished to see/meet Dragons was beyond everyone's knowledge, but Draco being affectionately called as 'Little Dragon' by his parents, had him realise that he had his relatives living in sanctuaries. He then ranted and raved of inhumane treatment of his relatives, and he ordered his father to bring back all of his relatives (cough DRAGONS cough) back home to the Malfoy Manor, where he would share his wing with them. It had taken a few hours for the sugar to finally were off, and at the end of the day, Draco had surely worn out everyone. "Are you lot done laughing like banshees that are affected by the laughing gas? If so, please so remind me, I've got to use the restroom to enjoy too." Draco said dryly, looking every bit bored. "Aww Draco, don't be like that. You know we all love you. It's just that we find your 8 year old self much more enjoyable than you are right now." Hermione cooed at her betrothed, which made Theo and Daphne to gag and Draco to scowl. "Look at the pathetic ones out here." A unfamiliar voice crowed from the door of the compartment, making the four of them to turn around to check who it was. "A Malfoy, a Nott, a Greengrass and a Lestrange. Pathetic. The scums are all residing here." A boy who was around their age, wearing hand-me-down clothes that were stitched too many times for their own good, holding an ugly trunk, a lumpy rat that was stuffed in his breast pocket, with dirty nose stood outside the compartment. He was the one that had crowed horribly. Next to him, stood a boy with fair skin, unmanageable black hair and green eyes with the famous Potter smirk on his face. Dressed in crisp Emerald green shirt with pressed black trousers and black boots, he seemed to be looking down at them, all the while sneering evilly. "Death Eaters are meant to be kissing the arse of Voldemort, and not at Hogwarts, spreading stink." Potter sneered. "Didn't Daddy say you to stay away from the Purebloods, Potter? Sure, he would've known not to cross our paths." Theo retorted, unable to let someone as disgustable as the Potter Heir, insult the Dark Lord. "Didn't your daddy say you to stay away from the Light Side, scum? You'll burn, Nott." The redhead said arrogantly. "Well let's see who you are, freckles. Flaming red hair. Hand-me-downs. Must be a Weasley. Sure, one cannot guess the given name as there's a lot around here." Draco snarled, his face expressions showing disgust and distrust of the red haired boy. The remaining three companions of Draco, knew exactly what was going on. The feud between the Malfoy family and the Weasley family had been going on for years. Decades even. It's in their bloodline to be disgustful and distrustful of each other. "It's much better than being a Death Eater scum, Malfoy!" Weasley shouted, it looked like the red in his hair melted down his body too, as his face began growing red, showing the symptoms of the infamous Weasley temper. Hermione had to hold Draco down, as he was about to jump on his feet and have a go at the boy. "He's not worth it, Draco. You know of it and you're much better than that." Sitting him on the berth, she sat next to him and took hold of his hand, in order to help him control his outburst. Theo let Hermione handle his best mate, as she is the one that can rein the blond boy in, even when his very own parents (Lucius and Narcissa) have failed to. "Yes, Draco, don't listen to him. We all know that we are all scums." Potter horribly imitated Hermione, even going to the measure of holding Ron by his shoulder, just as Hermione is doing to Draco. He didn't know why but felt a surge of jealousy spread through him, as he saw the pretty Lestrange girl comfort Malfoy. He didn't know why he was jealous, as he never had a reason to, through the eleven years of his entire life. "Hey, what's your problem now?" Hermione snapped not liking the way the Potter boy is getting on her nerves. He doesn't know what Draco can do, and she's trying to save him from Draco's wrath, but that black haired boy is doing nothing to save his arse himself. Harry's eyes widened in impression as he saw the fire blazing in her green eyes. This is the same way his mother's eyes would glow whenever his father does something appallable. "Your existence is the problem. Why won't you just die?" The red haired boy snarled, his turquoise blue eyes glowing with the anger, his red hair cackling madly with Magic. "Do NOT talk to Hermione like that, Weaselbee! If anyone has to die, it must be you lot! Your existence is causing problems to the society than us!" Draco snapped, hating the way the boy had just asked his Hermione to die. No one, and I mean no one in the whole of the world, universe even, has the right to talk bad about his Hermione. No one. Potter whispered 'Hermione' under his breath, that no one managed to pick up except for Theo and Daphne, who smirked disguisedly. Hermione sighed, as she face-palmed herself. She was trying to pacify the situation here, but the Weasley boy isn't helping even a bit. Theo and Daphne looked just as exasperated as her. "You little-" the Weasel boy started, but was interrupted by a voice that asked. "What is happening in here?" A fifth year prefect wearing the Gryffindor robes with the air of pompousness around him entered the line sight of them. He too was a fellow Weasley, for he had the flaming red hair, freckles and familiar face structure. "Just setting scums in their places, Percy. Nothing much." Ron said, sneering at the four Pure bloods who were seated inside the compartment. 'Percy' scowled at Ron. "Do not use words like that here, Ronald. I'll have to dock points for that." None of the betrothed pair had expected that. They all knew that the Gryffindors are partial, especially the ones whose family name is Weasley. But this 'Percy' is surely a wonder. "But-but we haven't even been sorted yet!" Ronald spluttered, his face growing red in rage and shame. Percy held his palm up, to stop his brother from spluttering. "I don't care. Now go get sorted yourselves or I'll have to write a letter to Mum of how you're causing troubles at the first day itself." The four had to bite their lips to stop the sniggers that tried escaping. Percy Weasley could be of a great beacon to get back at Ronald. "Now what happened here?" The Gryffindor prefect questioned the four with his eyebrow raised perfectly. "He barged in without permission and started running his bottomless pit of a mouth out. Not stopping with it, he even went to the limit of badmouthing my betrothed." Draco sneered, his pale face getting colour from the blood rushing through his veins to his face at the high emotions he was experiencing. His grip on his Hermione's hand tightened. At the word 'betrothed' Percy, Ron and Harry's jaw slackened. Literally, their jaws dropped open. They knew what will happen if a person insults a betrothed of a Pureblood. Legal action can be taken. Of course, everyone knew of it. "Ronald will apologise to you and your betrothed now, Mr. Malfoy." Percy said, instantly slipping on his emotionless, expressionless façade. Ron's mouth dropped open in shock. "But-but.." he spluttered again, trying to back away, and glanced pleadingly with Harry, who failed to notice him. Ron was stopped by Percy, who bunched his brother's shirt in one hand and pulled him inside the compartment. "Now." He ordered as he crossed his arms across his chest. Ron tried backing away again, but was stopped by the glare that Percy fixated on him. "Sorry, Malfoy, Lestrange." He spat out venomously as if though those words burnt his tongue. "I don't think that it is the traditional way to apologise to the heir and heiress of sacred twenty eight families."  Theo taunted with a sneer on his face, as he crossed his legs and leaned back against the backrest of the berth. Ron glared murderously at him. "Do it the right way, Ronald. Or, you're going to have detention the first day. That too, with Professor McGonagall." Percy warned his brother. Ronald let out a strangled cry, before composing himself, much to the amusement of the four. "Please forgive me, Young Lord Malfoy, for I had insulted your betrothed, Young Heiress Lestrange, and interrupted your time. I, Ronald Bilius Weasley, promise you that I won't do this again by the Decree of the Pureblood Family Law." Ron spat out the words, with a scowl plastered on his face. Draco smirked the infamous trademark Malfoy smirk. "Actually, its Young Lord, Malfoy Heir and Future Lord Malfoy, Heiress Lestrange and Future Lady Malfoy, but that's okay. Make sure you won't do that again, Weasley. It wouldn't take me a second to write to my father about this. And, it wouldn't take him a second to press charges against you. Just imagine what will happen then." Ron and Percy shivered, adding to the amusement of Draco, Hermione, Theo and Daphne, who grinned maniacally. Draco, in his sweeping gaze, caught sight of Potter glancing at his betrothed many times. The Young Lord Malfoy decided that he didn't like the way the Potter boy was staring at his betrothed, so he threw his arm around Hermione's shoulder. Since, she was sitting next to him, and that they both are of the same height helped him very much. Harry didn't seem discouraged by it, as he kept on staring at the pretty girl, who was betrothed to Draco Malfoy already. Draco growled under his breath, and staked his claim by kissing his future wife's cheek lingeringly. Much to the amusement of Theo and Daphne, who are well versed of how Malfoys can be jealous and yet hide it from the on-lookers, who don't know of them. Ron and Harry's jaw hit the floor, and Percy left the compartment in his haste and reminded his brother to get seated in a compartment. Hermione merely was confused by the sudden affection that Draco was pouring on her. Sure, their greetings were always very affectionate, but this kiss was unnecessary as they had already greeted each other before. "Pathetic." with one last crow, the Weasley boy and Potter boy stalked away, leaving the four in hysterics as they laughed and laughed at the misfortune of the Weasleys. _________ SETTING: The Great Hall, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The first year students that just now entered the Great Hall, were very much astonished at the sight that greeted them. The huge hall had four tables, each table representing each House of the Hogwarts: Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Slytherins. The four, consisting of Draco, Hermione, Theo and Daphne, were bat-s**t sure that they were going to be sorted into Slytherin and had already befriended a few older Slytherins, namely Adrian Pucey and Marcus Flint. After the comical sorting hat song, the official much awaited Sorting started. The four hadn't listened to much of the process, as they were entranced by the beauty and magnificence of Hogwarts, and only when one of their own's name came up, they rose from their trances. "Greengrass, Daphne!" Deputy Headmistress McGonall called, and Daphne made her way over to the Sorting hat gracefully. The other three sent her thumbs up, to add on to her confidence. Just as the sorting hat was placed on her head, it shouted. "SLYTHERIN!" The Slytherin table collapsed into a round of applause, as they welcomed their newest student aboard. Daphne discreetly winked at her three friends, and sat next to Tracey Davies. "Lestrange, Hermione!" Deputy Headmistress called, and the hall silenced. Even though not many Purebloods were directly involved with the Dark Lord, everyone knew that the Lestrange family belongs to the the Inner Circle of the Dark Lord in the D.E. army. Even before the hat could be placed on her head, it came up with a shout. "SLYTHERIN!" Again, the Slytherin table convulsed into heaps of applause. This time, it echoed throughout the hall. "Malfoy, Draco!" Draco rose up from his seat, and walked over to the Sorting hat gracefully as a true Malfoy and just before the Hat could be placed on his head, it shouted. "SLYTHERIN!" Again, the Slytherin table applauded for the other Inner Circle family of the Dark Lord's army. The applause was thunderous. Draco walked to his table, where they had already allotted space for him, next to Hermione. Of course, every Pureblood family that is devoted to the Dark Lord, knew of the betrothal between Draco Malfoy and Hermione Lestrange. The Young Lord took his seat like a King, and whispered into his betrothed's ears. "It's going to be seven wonderful years with us ruling the Slytherin Dungeons. Ready for it, my Slytherin Princess?" A smirk on his face told everyone everything that he had just whispered into his future wife's ears, as he held his hand out for her to take. "Of course yes, my Slytherin Prince. It's time to rock everything and everyone." Hermione answered with a smirk of her own, as she gladly took his extended hand in hers. The Slytherins are going to have new rulers. Draco placed a kiss on his Mia's cheek unable to help himself. "You're very pretty, Mia." He managed to say this time without stuttering. But a blush broke out on his face. He'd tried very hard to say it out loud, but when the blush creeped on his face, he didn't drop his gaze like he did at the Platform. Instead he held eye contact with her. Hermione blushed as she gave her future husband's hand a squeeze. "Thank you. I think you are very handsome, Draco." This comment only seemed to add on to his already huge ego, and he puffed up his chest like a proud peacock, unabashedly. "I always knew that you had a big crush on me, Mia. Sure, it's only right for you to crush on me, I know I'm amazing." Hermione chuckled as she shook her head, affectionately at her betrothed. "You're going to be the death of me one day." "Same at you, Mia." The on-lookers who managed to see the scene unfold in front of them, knew better than to interrupt a pair of betrothed. Especially, the ones who are both headed from the Inner Circle of the D.E. army. "Nott Jr, Theodore!" The sorting hat was placed on Theo's head, and it came up with a shout "SLYTHERIN!" Draco, Hermione and Daphne along with the Slytherin table applauded for their new student, who has joined their very extended family. "Wonderful." Theo said, to which the rest three nodded their heads. Together, with the two pair of betrothed in the school, they're going to have everything at their disposal. Draco when he caught Harry's eyes, grinned evilly. _________
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