Boggart Influenza

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QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: The worst thing about being a parent is that you can't stop the world from hurting your child. OU CAN ONLY EASE THE PAIN - UNKNOWN. NOTE: THIS IS A SNIPPET FROM 'HOGWARTS REUNION', BUT A FEW CHANGES ARE ADDED. ENJOY! _________ Lord Draco Lucius Malfoy, his wife - Lady Hermione Jean Malfoy née Granger - and their youngest son, Young Master Regulus Casio Malfoy (6 years old) were at England for a week. The reason for their little visit was to attend Scorpius Draco Malfoy's Parents-Teachers Conference. Initially, the Malfoys had been wary of sending their son to Hogwarts, especially Draco, who didn't want his son to be judged - or, on a higher note, bullied - because of his actions in past. Even though, he had done so many positive things to counter the bad image that he had painted of himself during the pre-war times, he knew (being a Slytherin and all) that people hold grudges. Especially the so-called Gryffindors. Plus, he didn't want to hurt his wife's feelings. But, after having had an in-depth study about the current situation of Hogwarts, they finally agreed to let their son attend the said centuries old school. Even though no school in the whole of the world could compete Hogwarts in terms of magnificence, none of the two could forget the horrible circumstances they were made to face during their times. Hogwarts would've been a enjoyable place, if there was no Voldemort terrorising the entire country, but Draco and Hermione were one of the many unlucky ones that got stuck in a time where Voldemort was at his peak. Adding to it, it's not like there aren't any good Magical schools in Australia, it's just that no school could give the exposure that Hogwarts provided. So, Scorpius Malfoy, the Young lord/Heir of/to the Malfoy Family was sent to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with his parents still permanently residing in Australia. Draco and Hermione were quite concerned over the distance, you see, but that was soon cleared off when Hogwarts decided to connect the Fireplace in the Deputy Headmaster/Headmistress room to both the National and the International floo network. Aside from the technicalities, the fact that only fully qualified, educated and professional teachers are currently occupying the positions of the teaching staff of Hogwarts, eased the worries of the youthful couple. It was made mandatory that every teacher must have a Masters at Healing or Duelling. The teachers also had to undergo three levels of tests, before finally being accepted into the school. At present, there are more than five teachers for each subject to teach the students. Only after analysing every single minute little detail, and making sure only the best is provided to their son, the famous couple finally let their offspring attend Hogwarts. Right now, Hermione found herself sitting on her bed, with Regulus' head on her lap, as she brushed the sweaty platinum blond hair away from his forehead. "Mummy?" Regulus whispered, his innocent baby voice was now hoarse and throaty after sobbing for literally half an hour. "Yes, baby?" "When will Daddy be here? I wanna see Daddy." He whimpered, rubbing his eyes. She instantly knew that there was something wrong with her son. Regulus never had been this scared before, well, he had, but that was a long time back. He looked so scared, that he was visibly shaking. And ever since he woke up from his bad dream, he'd been asking for his father and older brother, all the while hugging his mother tightly. Hermione smiled gently as she leaned down and placed a lingering kiss on his little forehead. "Daddy will be here soon, baby. Don't worry. Close your eyes and sleep. Mummy will look after you." She reassured her little one, hoping to settle his nerves. The reassurance from his Mummy, settled little Regulus' nerves down considerably. And, he closed his eyes after a few minutes, trying to push away the horrible images of his Daddy that he had just seen in his nightmare. For ten long minutes, Hermione sat in silence, just watching her son sleep. To the outer world, she looked like she was just staring into space silently, but her mind was whirling around, sprouting out different things that she had planned for her Report. Since the Malfoys arrived at the New Malfoy Manor (Wiltshire), just yesterday, Hermione spent the entire day unpacking; having a long meeting with the House elves; taking care of Regulus; finishing the Report for her latest sensational project; brainstorming new ideas to add to her upcoming projects. By afternoon, she had 'accidentally' gained a good headache. Her plan for the day actually consisted of taking care of her son, finishing her report and brainstorming for her projects only. What messed up her daily calendar was her husband and the temper tantrum that he had thrown, insisting that he wouldn't let her work, which only encouraged her son join him. When Hermione had finally complied into the wishes of her Wizards, she had lost her battle, and was forced to witness their victory dance - a combination of a chicken dance and of a person who was having a seizure. Her disappointment instantly evaporated into thin air, when she saw them dancing around silly like, and soon her amusement turned her in. In a few minutes, Hermione joined them, making it a full blown goofing session. But their joy soon came to an end, when Draco received a call from his secretary that a very popular foreign client, Ajax Constantine, had arranged for a sudden meeting. Since, Mr. Constantine was a very important and trusted client, Draco was forced to attend the meeting. He was not happy with the intrusion, but left to his office after giving out promises of making up to them later. Even though he wanted to spend the entire day with his wife and youngest son, he knew that Hermione would kill him if he absconded a important meeting for Quality time with his family. It's not that Draco hates his work, in fact, it's exactly the opposite. He loves his work, but he loves his family more than that. The only reason why Draco agreed to attend the meeting was because of the offer that his wife had put up. She had seductively whispered the offer into his ears, before he left for work, that includes less clothing, less words and more action, which had him hella anticipating for the near future. After two long hours had passed, it was time for Regulus' nap. Hermione had tucked her energetic son in his bed and had headed to the master bedroom to take a nap for herself, as she was bored beyond wits and her mind drew a complete blank when she tried pondering new ideas. One hour later, Reggie woke up with a bloodcurdling scream, waking up Hermione in the process, who instantly ran to her son, trying to calm him down. Regulus wouldn't confess what he had seen, but continued sobbing, holding his mother tightly, almost choking her. Hermione was bewildered by this, as it's been years since anyone in the family had had a nightmare that she had forgotten how worse it was. But, she instantly turned into her protective mother mode and took her son to the master bedroom. When little Reggie was all cleaned up, Hermione cuddled up to her sobbing son, whose sobs decreased to whimpers after few minutes of hearing his mother talk sweet nothings to him. Hermione paused her hand's movement when she heard the familiar ping of a fire call. Her eyes instantly swivelled over to the fireplace that was situated in the north side of the suite, where fire magically appeared and the familiar face of Neville Longbottom, the Herbology Professor of Hogwarts and Head Teacher of Gryffindor, came into view. A confused smile broke out in her face, as she dislodged her son's head from her lap and made her way over to the fireplace to greet her friend. Neville, on the other hand, smiled apologetically. Hermione noticed that he appeared to be in a hurry and practically chewed out the words, that managed to throw her to the wolves. "It's Scorpius!" It's a very known fact that Scorpius is the most mischievous little lad as he is just like his father. So, him getting into trouble is not a sudden occurrence, as he's been in trouble so many times, with so many people. What really was the highlight was the scared look on Neville's face, which immediately told Hermione that her son was in a very big pile of s**t. And he was hurt. "What happened to Scorp, Neville?" Hermione whispered, her hands had instinctively clasped together in fear for her son's safety, health and well being. "He collapsed. About 15 other students have also collapsed due to some illness, and the Ministry is quarantining the school. Come to Hogwarts soon!" He had slurred out words in a rush, and the fire call ended with another ping. Hermione wanted to believe that she had apparently heard the Head Teacher of Gryffindor wrong, but her consciousness told her that she had heard him right. The single thought sent her heart into a frenzy. Her entire body shook, and finally her legs gave out underneath her weight. "Mumma? Is Scorp alright?" Regulus whispered shakily as he reached his mother's huddled form on the floor. The desperation in his innocent voice brought Hermione out of her fear, as she jumped onto her legs and scooped the 6 years old into her arms. "Debbie!" She called as she plopped Reggie onto the bed as she magically packed a duffel bag with a few necessary items. A young looking female elf, wearing plain emerald green dress with black cropped knit shrug, popped into the room. Her big wide eyes scrunching up in confusion as she tried to figure out what was making the perfect Lady Malfoy behave like this. "Pop over to Draco's office and inform him that Scorpius had collapsed. Also, include that Reggie and I are heading over to Hogwarts, where we need him immediately!" Hermione ordered, and Debbie's eyes widened in realisation and she popped away without any delay. After packing everything that they might need, Hermione flooed over to the Deputy Headmistress Room in Hogwarts, along with Regulus, who had clutched onto his Welsh Green Dragon toy and his mother's hand in fright. Unsurprisingly, there was no sign of the Deputy Headmaster, Professor Filius Flitwick, in his room. Corresponding to the situation, they hadn't expected something else other than this. Dusting the soot off of their clothes, the Malfoys threw open the doors to the room and pushed past everyone in the incredibly packed corridor, ignoring the looks that the audience sent their way. To the on-lookers, the Malfoys stood out from the others, not just because of the fact that they were running like crazy, but of the fact that they had the unique air of power, authority and knowledge around them. This air was not only around Hermione, even little Regulus was surrounded by it. At the mere age of six, he was very knowledgeable, due to being tremendously doted on by his smart parents, wise grandparents and intelligent big brother. Hermione and Reggie burst into the Hospital wing huffing heavily. It was clear to anyone that they hadn't expected the entire wing to be so crowded, because the two Malfoys jerked at the sight, and instantaneously slipped on their emotionless face masks. Hermione remembered Neville mentioning the fact that only fiftee students had collapsed, but here, she saw every bed in the infirmary to be occupied. The air was filled with the sounds of students painfully coughing, crying out in pain, the parents and the teachers trying to reassure the children. She felt nauseated. A medi-witch who was standing at the door, quickly waved her wand at them, with a pop the Malfoys were now wearing sterilised face masks and sterilised robes that are provided for the visitors of the patients who are suffering from contagious illnesses. "Wash your hands here, please." Another medi-witch with brunette hair said, as she pointed to the basin where there already was a queue of visitors who were wearing the same sterilised robes and masks provided by the Medi-Witch. Hermione and Regulus soon joined the queue and were made to wait for another fifteen minutes, before finally getting their chance. Hermione first washed her hands using the hand wash liquid, then with the disinfectant and then with the hand sanitiser, and helped Reggie do the same. Peering over the crowd, the ex-Gryffindor searched for her oldest son, hoping to find him in this impending chaos. When she finally caught a glimpse of her son's platinum blonde hair in the midst of the beds, she felt her breath being knocked out of her chest. "Scorpius!" She cried, even though her voice was muffled by the mask, as she saw him lying unconscious on the small, lumpy hospital bed wearing the standard hospital clothes: a basic quality white loose t-shirt and white pants, with a oxygen mask strapped onto his face. What attracted her attention more than the basic quality clothes that her son was seen to be wearing, was that he looked more paler than usual and his heartbeat was erratic. He seemed to be sweating, shuffling around in his bed and mumbling incoherent words under his breath. A trait that he had gotten from his father. Draco, whenever experiences a bad dream or a nightmare, would often vocalise his experience in his unconscious or sleeping state. Her heart clenched at the sight of her dragon cub like this. Not even for a single second, she had expected her son to be in such a condition, and it killed her to see him like this. Scorpius moaned lightly and continued muttering words, which reached the ears of the ones around him as a mush because of the mask strapped onto his face. The children of the Slytherins along with James and Albus Potter jumped up, when they heard the voice of the Lady Malfoy. "Aunt Mia!" They had cried out before hugging her in a group hug. They too were wearing the robes and masks provided by the medi-witch, and for a few moments, Hermione was quite confused as to figure out who was who. The on-lookers threw them weird glances, but no one dared to speak up, as they were either caught up with their children or were feeling cowardly to do so. "It's alright, shush, I'm here." She reassured them, as one by one the First and Second year Gryffindors and Slytherins pulled away from her and sitting in their respective chairs that were placed around the bed. Hermione hadn't expected to see Headmistress McGonagall head her way, but when she did, the Lady Malfoy slipped on her expressionless Malfoy face mask, even though she was wearing the medi-mask. "Headmistress McGonagall. As a parent to your student, may I know what is happening here?" Sure, the previous Transfiguration Teacher was surprised by this 'business-like' conversation, but when she noticed the 'Malfoy Face', she immediately understood what was happening. Family. Not many knew of this, but wherever Family is concerned, no one, and I mean no one can compare to the Malfoys. Not even the Weasleys. To the Malfoys, family comes first and anyone who says otherwise have always been dealt with. "Mr. Malfoy is tested to be suffering from the Boggart Influenza." Minerva said, with a expressionless look on her face. Hermione's jaw literally slackened at the words that exited the lips of the Headmistress. Boggart Influenza is a terrible magical disease, which targets magic-users. It affects the lungs, just like the influenza virus would. It uses the fear of a person to its advantages, just like a Boggart. So, the Boggart Influenza affects a person by slipping him/her into a magically induced sleep where the person gets to face his/her fears for a continuous period. It also makes the person experience prolonged coughs, which would further dry up the respiratory tract, making it possible for epidemics. This disease is air-borne, so it spreads whenever the patient coughs or sneezes - in this case coughing is more prevalent - and comes into contact with someone else who isn't a victim of the disease yet. "No." A choked sob had escaped her lips, as she backed away from the Head Teacher. Her eyes instantly watered and she felt her world collapsing. She swivelled her head to her son, who now was shaking quietly and whimpering. His innocent face showing pain and fear. "The other students were tested to be having the same illness. The Ministry is doing what it can. I advise you to send Messrs Zabini, Notts, Puceys and Potters to their homes." Headmistress had said, before stalking away to help the other professors. Hermione fell onto the chair next to Scorpius and took hold of his rapidly paling hand in hers, giving her son a lingering kiss on his forehead. "Oh baby." "I'm so sorry, Scorp. I can't believe this has happened to you." She couldn't understand why her son of all had to beget and suffer from this terrible illness. "Don't worry, Mummy's here along with Reggie. Daddy's on his way to see you, baby." Hermione whispered into Scorpius' ears, and she relaxed when she felt her son calm down considerably at her words. Sitting next to her on the chair was Reggie, who was now in his mother's embrace, holding his brother's hand in his. "Why is Scorp still not awake, Mummy?" Regulus questioned his mother in confusion. His innocent, unblemished mind couldn't understand why his older brother was asleep, even after their mother had cried. Regulus knew that Scorpius would do anything for Hermione, because he's just like him; adding to it, Draco, Scorpius and Regulus hate it when Hermione cries, it makes their hearts break, so little Reggie couldn't understand why his brother was making his mother cry. "Scorpius is put to sleep magically because he has a fever, baby. He'll wake up soon enough." Hermione answered to her son's question with all honesty that she could muster. Sure, she hadn't lied to her son about the first part, but the last part was... Regulus snuggled up to his Mommy, wrapping his little arms around her neck, as he buried his headways sideways on her shoulder and focussed his gaze on his older brother. Hermione had to bite her lip to keep in her tears and sobs, and not lose it again. It's not that she cared about the public more, but because of the fact that she noticed the First and Second year Gryffindors and Slytherins' scared expressions when they saw her breakdown. She knew better than to scare the little pre-teens. "Scorp had nightmares all through the night and kept waking up screaming for you, Uncle Draco and Reggie. He took a calming drought from Professor Flint to help him sleep at night. Today when we were on our way to Charms, he had a very bad coughing fit and then collapsed all of a sudden. Just after he fell, a few more Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws too collapsed." Julian, best friend of her oldest son, added wanting to be helpful. From everyone's posture, constant fiddling, Hermione could very well say that the kids were very affected by this incident. "Poor sod. Can't believe he has it. There is a saying that the children suffer the results of the actions of their parents, and this is the first time, I see it come true." A familiar voice sneered from behind her, and even without turning back, Hermione knew who it was. The faces of James and Albus scrunched up in disgust, at the mere voice. Ginny Weasley (she's not a Potter anymore), stood there looking every bit like the cheap tart she is, wearing a skin-tight nude coloured dress and killer heels, which was not at all appropriate for the occasion. She sent a dazzling smile (in her mind, but to everyone, it looked like she was suffering from constipation) at her sons and greeted them. "Oh darlings, you are well, because your parents are good and did nothing wrong. Unlike, some people here." The last part was directed at Hermione. Hermione, controlling the ulterior urge to rip the red head of Ginny away from her body, drawled (just like a Malfoy). "Oh is it so? That explains why your children are living with your ex-husband, and favour 'some people' more than their very own mother. There is a saying that children are god-sent messengers and never favour bad people. This is my first time seeing a saying come true. Oh joy." Ginny's face instantly contorted into a nasty shade of purple, and before she could explode, Lavender appeared out of nowhere and pulled the red-headed witch away. Turning to James and Albus, Hermione apologised to them. "I'm sorry, boys. But, I'm not going let her insult my family. You know, you're family too." The Potter heirs smiled at their favourite Aunt, who was just like a Mother to them, in everything but blood, confirming her that they don't think of her any less due to her remark. Not wanting to upset or scar the kids, she settled for another subject. "Now, why don't you all go get your bags packed? I'll drop you lot off at your homes." At her words, the kids hesitantly nodded their heads, and Hermione felt pride surge through her, when they all glanced at Scorpius worriedly. "It's okay, Scorp will be fine. This is a contagious illness, so it's not advisable for you to stay here. What will happen if any of you catches onto it? It will be bad. Now go and get your bags packed." Her tone literally gave no room for further argument, leaving the Slytherins and the Gryffindors not much choice. With a final hug, they stood up from their chairs sluggishly, and walked away. Hermione, turned to little Reggie, who was perched on a chair next to his big brother, looking at him with soulful eyes. "Stay with Scorp, okay baby? I'll be back in a moment." Hermione told her son and pecked his cheek, before rushing off in the direction that the Slytherins took, leaving her youngest son to watch over his brother. In a few minutes, the Hospital wing was more packed than it was before, and many a times, she had to push her way through to catch onto the kids. What Hermione didn't understand was the fact that why there were so many people in the Hospital wing. Sure, she could understand the reason behind this was the fact that the children are hurt, but she wasn't sure whether they understood that this insistent crowd would only suffocate and NOT help the patients further. "Professor Flint!" She called for Professor Marcus Flint, the Head Teacher of Slytherin and the Potions Professor, when she caught sight of him, talking to a parent. Hearing his name being called, the handsome Professor made his way over to Hermione. "Mrs. Malfoy, what can I do?" Hermione smiled tightly at her Slytherin friend. "Can you do me a favour?" "Anything for you, Mia." He said, with a grin on his face. "Can you get these people out of this place? It's not helping the students to recuperate or the parents or Healers to assist the students." Hermione huffed, crossing her arms. To her surprise, Marcus nodded his head and bid goodbye as he strode away to McGonagall, and murmured something into her ears. Within a few minutes after the announcement by the Headmistress, the entire Infirmary was empty except for the twenty sick students and their family, the medi-witches, medi-wizards, Healers and Professors. Making sure that her sons were still seated in the same place, Hermione rushed out of the Hospital Wing, looking out for the Slytherins and Gryffindors. It was practically insane to search the corridors for the pre-teens who would've obviously left for their Dorms, but there was something inside of her telling her that they were out here and not in their rooms. "Boys!" She called for them, when she caught sight of them, sulking off to their respective common rooms. They instantly stopped and turned around to glance at her, expectantly. "Wait, I'll ask someone to help you." She informed them and just then they saw a group of Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Year boys from all houses mixed in one, strolling in the corridors. The group of seniors were discussing seriously about something that Hermione managed to NOT pick up. When the group finally realised that the beautiful Lady Malfoy was heading over to them, they instantly straightened up their clothes and hair. "Would you do me a favour?" Hermione asked, knowing very well that the teenagers were checking her out, after lowering her mask. But this was not the time to play flirty-flirty with them to make her husband jealous, so she returned to the business, slipping on her emotionless face mask. The teens openly admired her slim, perfect hourglass figure, not minding the fact that she was already married, that too to Lord Draco Malfoy, and had already mothered two kids. The outfit that she was wearing would've looked plain on another witch, but Hermione totally rocked the style. She was wearing a white tank top; a short navy blue skirt, that highlighted her incredibly long, sexy legs. She had paired them with an expensive navy blue cropped shrug and navy blue converse. The only jewellery that she seemed to wear was a simple, yet, expensive diamond chain and earrings set, that suited her astoundingly. The lad that was close to her, smiled charmingly at her. "Anything for you, m'lady." He even bowed low to prove his fact. "They are heading to the Dungeons and the Gryffindor Tower to pack their bags. It would be a great favour if you'd accompany them." She said, rushing through the words, already missing her sons. It's just been a few minutes, and she was already aching for her son and to be closer to him. The boys chorused with smug looks on their faces, not noticing the eye roll that she sent them. "It will be a pleasure to help you." "It would be my pleasure, if you lot would stop ogling at my wife." A familiar voice retorted coldly, freezing the group of teens in their places. Hermione whirled around to see her husband, in his work clothes: a midnight blue suit with black button down shirt. "Draco." She whispered, in a broken voice. Draco's attention immediately snapped over to his wife, when he heard her speak with so much heartbreak. What had happened that made his feisty wife sound so broken? Did something really wrong happen? In a flash, Draco had Hermione enveloped in his strong, firm embrace. And, Hermione pressed her face into her husband's chest, on the verge of breaking down again. "Oh, Draco. Scorp.. I can't believe it! Scorpius.." "Shhh, my love. What's happened to Scorpius? Is he alright?" Draco whispered to his wife, hoping to calm her down, as it wouldn't do anyone, especially Scorp, Reggie and him, any good if she breaks down and turns on the waterworks. "He has Boggart... Boggart Influenza! Boggart Influenza, Draco! How will our baby face that?! He's so small." Hermione ranted, making Draco's heart nearly stop. He knew what a Boggart Influenza is. "Are-are you sure, love?" Draco questioned his wife shakily, cupping her cheeks and making her face him. To look into his eyes. "He didn't do any wrong! We, I, shouldn't have let him come to Hogwarts, if I didn't, then Scorpius wouldn't be like this." Hermione ranted again, her brown eyes filled with tears and anger and.. hopelessness. Draco pulled her into a tight hug, letting her cry into his chest and him into her hair and shoulders. _________ "Mummy! Daddy!" Regulus cried as he saw his Mommy and Daddy walking towards him, with their hands entwined with each other's. Julian, and the other friends of Scorpius were dropped off at their respective homes by Draco and Hermione, who had explained about Scorpius' current condition to their friends in simple sentences. The ex-Slytherins were very supportive of their friends, they had vowed to help the Malfoys in any way possible and visit the mischievous lad often. Draco smiled tightly as he sat down next to his youngest son on the chair and hugged him, to show his support. "Did you watch over Scorp, Reggie?" Hermione questioned her son, as she took hold of Scorpius' hand in hers and placed a lingering kiss on his palm. Just before Regulus could answer, Scorpius pried open his eyes and looked around confusedly. "It's alright, Scorp. Don't stress yourself. Take your own time, we're not going anywhere." Draco told his oldest son, who looked quite surprised to find his entire family bar his grandparents sitting next to him on the chairs. "Dad?" Scorpius mouthed mutely with a panicked look on his face, and turned to his mother. "Mom? I-I.." he tried mouthing, but he couldn't get the words past his throat to question his family. "It's alright baby, this is not permanent. Just take deep breaths and relax, we're not going anywhere. We love you, okay?" Hermione encouraged her son, and when she felt him completely relax on the mattress, she knew that her son was going to be alright. Aside from that, she also noticed the relived look that he seemed to sporting after hearing the last part, confirmed her suspicions about her son's nightmares. Ever since, Scorpius knew of his father's past, he'd been worried that Draco would go dark. Scorpius even had had many talks with his mother concerning this, even though he's still a mere Second Year student. Hermione knew of Scorpius' insecurities and helped him along with Draco, who'd proved to be a great father every time. Draco smiled encouragingly at Scorpius and pushed his hair away from his forehead. "Rest, son. We love you." Hermione knew how hard Draco felt to manage and his emotions to the world. All throughout his childhood, he'd been taught to keep his emotions under check, and now he's battling with his emotions, because of his upbringings. At first, it was hard for Draco to be all feely-feely even with his sons, but now he can cope up quite well. Hearing the desired words from his father had Scorpius, close his eyes and fell asleep almost immediately. He knew from this on, that whatever happens, they'd face it together as a family. Who knew that a single sentence from his father would the beacon that Scorpius Draco Malfoy needed to win his battle against the infamous, indestructible Boggart Influenza?
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