Forbidden Love

713 Words
SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Secret Love by Little Mix. QUOTE OF THE CHAPTER: There's a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable - Mark Twain. _________ The Gryffindor's Golden girl sat in the warmth that her companion - who also happens to be - the Slytherin Prince, offered her.  The news that a Muggle born and a Pureblood sharing their bodily warmth, would've been a shock to many, but that's the real truth. This truth is far beyond the house unity. It's something else. Something which was deep. Real deep. So deep, that its roots became too strong to even try and control them. They sat in the Room of Requirement, just enjoying each other's company, trying not to let their minds worry about the future. The future is nothing but uncertain. Anything can happen to anyone at any time. It was so uncertain, that people would be too frustrated to even figure it out before the time comes. Her head rested on his muscular chest, as he had her perched on his lap; his pale, long fingers caressed and ran through her silky honey brown hair, making her sigh in unequal intervals.  His steady heartbeat always calmed her down, for some reason. It was a shock to herself, though. But, it was a accomplishment on his side, as he made the - correction - his bookworm to get confused.  This time the RoR was a good sized study room, which had the Slytherin coloured couches, walls, fireplace; Gryffindor coloured bookshelves, tables, floorings and plush side pillows. This somehow comforted the young couple as they found solace not only in each other, but also in their surroundings. It was as if though they were living in their own safe haven, which was away from the prying eyes of the others, and was harm-free. Their very own small world which only contained their love for each other.  Just their love. They were afraid of letting their secret leak. It was as if though, if someone gets to know about it, they might steal it away. They couldn't afford to let that happen to their world.  It was their own world - the one which they built with their own bare hands; the one which means everything to them; the one which always comforts them, even when their family and friends could do nothing.  They are Draco Lucius Malfoy and Hermione Jean Granger, secret friends ever since the end of the third year (after Hermione punched Draco); secret lovers since the fourth year (the Triwizard Tournament). And, now they're in their fifth year. Everything happened so fast, that they never had the time to even process it, but loved it anyways, whole heartedly. By this, all they want to say is that their relationship was not a mistake. It never can be, because something so bad would never feel so good. It was love. True love, which cannot be found in these days. Their relationship was just forbidden.  Forbidden love doesn't mean it's not true.  They're in love.  Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger are in love with each other. Everyone gets their chance, don't they? And, here they wait for their chance. Their chance to prove their love for each other to this world. Their chance to get away from this corrupted world and lead their own. They know, without any hesitation, that their love can withstand anything. Because, it was that strong. Keeping their relationship a secret, had allowed them to master many obstacles thrown before them.  But, they knew, even though their love was strong, it was still forbidden... Hermione could never talk about her caring boyfriend to her family or friends without being shunned by them for fraternising with the enemy and Draco can never even think of discussing about Hermione with his circle. They wouldn't harm him, he was needed too much as the Heir of one of the most Ancient and Noble Houses. But they would surely kill her. He can't have that. He wouldn't let that happen to her.  It would kill him, in return.  She, on the other hand, wouldn't let anything happen to him. Whatever happens they'd always find each other in the end. Because they are meant to be. They will always be.  _________
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