Could It Be Love

1016 Words
Novah walks into work still wiping the tears off her face. She looks around hoping no one sees how puffy her eyes are as she walks calmly to the ladies room. She makes a dash to the mirror to do her makeup and to, hopefully, cover up the redness on her face. While trying to make herself look better the door opens and in walks her friend Melissa. Melissa stops, puts her hands on her hips and walks over to Novah. “What’s wrong with you? I figured you’d be hung over from last night, ready to tell me how many guys you slept with, but instead you look upset.”  Novah couldn’t help but giggle at her friend. She looked up into the mirror and began to cry again. Melissa quickly wrapped her arms around her friend to comfort her. “Max’s feelings for me are still the same.” Novah sniffled. “I can’t believe I’m falling for my best friend!” she turns to look at her friend and says, “What do I do, Melissa? I can’t stop thinking about him but he was so sweet that it just makes me love him more!” Melissa shook her head feeling pity for her friend. “I honestly don’t know, girl.” Melissa gets an idea and smiles. “I do know that the hot new guy is here today. Maybe he can help take your mind off Max.” Novah can’t help but begin to laugh. Her and Melissa almost fainted at the sight of the new guy. He wasn’t as hot as Max, but man those eyes could stop anyone’s heart. His name was Sam and no one thought it fit his looks. He looked more like a Jason or Stephan.  After laughing together, Novah finishes her makeup and walks out with her friend in tow. Melissa is still rambling on about Sam as they reach the elevator. When the door opens, they come face to face with Sam, who smiles at both of them. Novah can feel her face get hot as she begins to blush. Quietly they both step inside and try to stop their giggles. Novah shook her head at herself and her friend for acting like school girls with a crush. Sam turns to them, with a smile and opens his mouth to speak, as the door opens to their floor. Novah quickly rushes out and walks to her desk. The hum of the other workers on their phones was so relaxing to her. It made her feel like a worker bee for the queen.  As she puts her stuff in a drawer, she can’t help but feel like someone is staring at her. She turns to see Sam across the aisle from her smiling and staring at her. She half heartedly waves and smiles back. Sam must have thought that was a que to come over, because he gets out of his chair and walks towards her with an amazing dimple popping smile. “Hey Novah. How was your night last night?” Novah blushes and looks down. “It was okay, I guess.” looking up she adds. “How was your night?” Sam’s smile went away. “It was pathetic. I heated up a microwave dinner, ate alone and watched Netflix. The only company I had was my dog, Tank, and I think a mouse behind my fridge.” Novah put her hand on his arm to comfort him. “I’m sorry Sam.” He smiled and nodded. “It’s okay. I just moved into the city a couple weeks ago, so I don’t have any friends yet.” Novah had an idea. “Why don’t you come out with me and my friend, Melissa, tonight? We’re going out for a few drinks after work.” Sam’s eyes lit up and a huge smile formed on his face. “That sounds fun. Where should I meet you?” Novah motioned out the window. “Across the street is a bar called Shutter. It’s a hip-hop bar, but the drinks are pretty cheap.” Sam nods as he keeps smiling at her. “Okay, that sounds like a date.” Realizing what he just said he begins to panic. “Well not a date, because we’re not dating. It’s more of an after work hookup.” He smacks himself in the forehead. “I mean, not a hookup.” Novah laughs. “I knew what you meant, Sam. It’s really okay.” They both laugh as he walks away shaking his head and mumbling to himself.  All of a sudden Melissa is at her side with a shocked look on her face. “Did you just ask Sam out?” Novah giggled at her friend’s face. “No, I invited him to have drinks with us tonight.” Melissa’s face fell in disappointment. “Oh, well damn. Me and Sara were watching and had a bet going that you were asking him out.” Melissa turned to look at Sara, who is laughing so hard she’s snorting. Novah can’t do anything but shake her head at the situation. “Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but he was telling me how he has no friends and I felt bad for him. I didn’t think you’d mind if he tagged along tonight.” Melissa shook her head. “No, I don’t mind at all. Maybe he’ll take you home tonight.” she said as she elbowed Novah in the ribs and winked at her. Novah playfully pushed her friend away as she sat in her chair. “You’re so embarrassing. Go to your desk and get to work. I’ll see you later, okay?” Melssia winked at her as she turned to walk back to her desk. Novah laughed and shook her head thinking about what she said. Could that be why Sam was stumbling over his words? Did he really like her? She shook the thought out of her head as she logged into her computer and prepared for a long day of work
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