
1013 Words
Finally done with work, Novah logged off of her computer and shut it down for the night. Gathering her things she turns and runs into something hard. Looking up she locks eyes with Sam. “Sorry, Novah, did I scare you?” He smiled so sweetly.  Shaking her head, Novah giggled nervously. “Oh, no you didn’t scare me.” Sam nodded and motioned that he’d follow her to the elevator. Novah noticed Melissa was gone already and frowned. She looked around but didn’t see her. Sam noticed what she was doing. “Are you looking for your friend?” Novah nods with a frown. “She didn’t come tell me she was leaving before me like she normally does.” Sam nodded. “She came to my desk and told me she’d meet us there because she was going to go home and change.” Novah nodded, hoping she came back like she said she would. The elevator door opened and Sam motioned for her to go first. Smiling, she walked in with him following her. She couldn’t help but smile to herself. Sam was such a gentleman. She wasn’t used to that. It felt nice to be treated like a queen for a change. Once again she stepped off the elevator first and felt Sam put his hand on her lower back as they walked out of the building. She had to say something because the silence was screaming at her. “So, Sam, what do you think of city life?” Sam chuckled. “It’s not too bad. It’s a lot more noisy than the country, but I’m slowly getting used to it.” She nodded in agreement as they walked into the bar. Melissa still wasn’t there yet. Sam noticed her mood changed and frowned. “Everything okay, Novah?” She looked up realizing she was pouting. “Yeah, I just hope Melissa is okay. She should be here by now.” Reaching into her purse looking for her phone, she adds. “I’m going to call her and see what she’s doing.” Sam nods as he motions to the bar. Novah nodded in agreement as she dials Melissa’s number After two rings she picks up. “Hey girl. Sorry I’m on my way back. The traffic is insane. I’d say I should be there in 20 minutes.” Novah sighed but nodded, not like she could see her. “Okay, that’s fine. Why didn’t you come tell me you were leaving early?” Melissa laughed. “I told your hottie I was leaving because you were on a call.” Novah nodded realizing how busy she was today. “Okay, but get here.” Melissa was laughing as Novah hung up. Turning towards the bar, she runs into Max. With a gasp, she drops her purse. Max laughs and bends down to pick it up for her. Novah reaches to get it at the same time and they bump heads, making Novah fall on her butt. Max is laughing so loud he’s crying as he reaches for her hand. When she looks up two hands are reaching for her. Max turns to see a handsome guy walking towards Novah, with a look of concern. Sam helps her up and turns to Max with an angry look. “Did you just push her?!” Sam asks as he walks towards Max. Novah quickly puts her hands on Sam’s chest to stop him. “No, no, no. Sam, it’s ok.” She motions to Max. “This is my friend Max. I dropped my purse and we went to pick it up at the same time. Well, when we did we bumped heads and I fell.” Sam began to relax but kept his eyes on Max. Max couldn’t help but smirk at how this new guy was quick to defend her. He stretches his hand out to Sam. “Hi, there. It’s Sam, right? I’m Max.” Sam reached out and took his hand, squeezing it harder than he probably should have. Max winces in pain but doesn’t say anything. “Nice to meet you, Max.” Sam says through his teeth. “How long have you known Novah?” he asks as he drops Max’s hand. Novah begins to look around hoping Melissa would walk in soon to save her. Max starts to tell Sam how they grew up together, when she realizes he’s beginning to talk about his parties. She holds her breath hoping he doesn’t tell him about last night.  Max notices her look of concern and changes the subject. “So, Sam, how do you know Novah?” Sam, sweetly smiles at her, and says, “We work together across the street.” Max nods in approval. “Oh, so this is an after work thing? I’m sorry for interrupting anything. I just noticed Novah and she seemed upset.” Max says while putting his hands up. “I apologize. I’ll let you two get back to relaxing.” Turning to look at Novah, he adds. “I’ll call you later, okay?” Novah nods and turns back to Sam, who hasn’t taken his eyes off Max. “Sam? Are you okay?” Sam clears his throat and looks at Novah with a smile. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” He puts a hand on her arm. “Are you okay? That had to have hurt when you fell.” Novah laughed and nodded. “Yeah, I just feel a little embarrassed.”  Sam laughs with her, as he looks up to see Melissa walking in. “Oh, hey Melissa. Over here.” Melissa turns and rushes over to them, ready to apologize. Novah holds a hand up to stop her. “It’s okay. Don’t start apologizing.” Motioning towards the bar, she adds. “What do you want to drink? I’ll go get it.” Sam shakes his head. “No, I’ll go get it so you two can catch up real fast.” They both smile and nod, as he walks away.
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