Back To Reality

982 Words
Novah slid off the counter a few minutes after Max walked off to get dressed. She felt shattered but she refused to let him see her cry again. So instead she walked to his room and gathered her clothes. Max came out of his closet with a grin. Novah turned and asked, "Would you mind if I used your shower before I left?" Max shook his head. "No, that's fine, babe."  Thinking about their conversation in the kitchen, he added. "You know you don't have to rush off, right?" She nodded. "I know but I probably should. I need to get home and change for work." Max nodded, knowing she was going to go home and cry into a tub of ice cream before work. Novah walked into the bathroom and turned the shower off. He walked back out and said, “No, just take a shower here. I’ll behave.” Novah sighed and turned the shower back on. As she was waiting for the water to warm up, she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked so sad and she knew she wasn't fooling Max. He could always see right through her. She sighed as she pulled a comb from her purse and began to comb her hair. Still looking at herself in the mirror, she noticed the door to the bathroom opening. Max walks in with the most apologetic look she'd ever seen. He looked like he could start to cry at any moment. It made her feel even worse for opening up to him. Max walks up behind her and begins to kiss her shoulder, working his way up to her neck. "Please don't be so sad, No." he said between kisses. Novah felt a shiver run up her spine. It always felt so good when he kissed her. It didn't matter where he kissed her, it always sent a shiver of excitement up her spine. “Max, I really need to take a shower before work. I don’t have time for this.” Novah says breathlessly. Max chuckles into her neck as he nibbles lower to her collar bone and runs a hand down her arms. He smiles even harder feeling the goosebumps and hair standing up. “How about I get in with you to make sure you truly are clean before work?” Novah giggles as Max gives her a pouty look and bats his eye lashes at her. With a sigh, Novah nods her head yes and climbs into the shower. As Max strips his clothes off she begins to wash her hair, thinking that if all else fails at least her hair will be cleaned. Wincing, as the shampoo gets in her eyes, Max climbs in just in time to catch her as she slips. “Woah, No, you ok? Good thing I came in when I did or you would’ve fallen and hit your head.” Novah looks up at him with soap covered eyes and all she can think about is crawling back into bed with her best friend. Max steadies her as she turns to face the shower and gets the shampoo out of her eyes. Max picks up the loofah, pours vanilla scented body wash on it and begins to wash her back. Novah gasps not realizing he was actually going to help her shower but the smell combined with the hot water helped her relax. She couldn’t help but lean into him and close her eyes. Max reached around and began to wash off the front of her. Feeling her shiver under his hand he smiled but kept his promise and behaved himself.  Once she was covered in soap, Max patted her butt and said, “Wash off, No. While I wash up too.” Novah let out a sigh but did what he said and washed off. She couldn’t help but shiver as she used her hands to rub the soap off. All she could think was that it was his hands and she was getting horny again. Out of the blue Max clears his throat, bringing her back to reality and making her blush because he caught her playing with herself in the shower. Max couldn’t stop himself. He let out the loudest laugh anyone has ever heard come from his mouth. Novah playfully punches his arm but laughs with him. “Shut up, Max! Oh my God! I can’t believe you saw that!” shaking her head, still laughing, Novah couldn’t help but blush. She reaches for the certain, but Max grabs her hand. “No, please don’t be upset with me. I’d love to be what you wanted, but I can’t right now.” he looks down and continues. “Can we just enjoy the moments we have at my parties, for now?”  Novah could feel the tears coming but instead forced them back, as she smiled and nodded. “Yeah, that’s enough. For now, anyway. Now I’ve got to go to work.” Novah looks him in the eyes as a tear slips out. “I’ll call you later, okay?” Flinging the shower open she runs out of the room to get dressed. Max puts head under the shower as he begins to cry himself. He really didn’t want to hurt her, don’t get him wrong, she was fine as f**k but he loved her too much to hurt her that way. Novah finally stopped crying long enough to get her clothes on and ran to the front door. She was so embarrassed that Max saw her cry. As she reaches the front door, she hears his bedroom door open. Max is a couple of feet away looking off. His eyes were red and puffy. As she looked harder it hit her, Max had been crying after she left. Shaking her head, she opens the door and runs down the street. 
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