Pick One

1108 Words
Melissa can’t help but notice Novah looks the way she did this morning. Frowning, she puts a hand on her arm. “Are you okay? You look like you’re about to burst into a puddle of tears.” Novah looked her in the eyes, tears already forming. “You just missed Max meeting Sam.” A tear rolls down her cheek, which she quickly wipes away. “Seeing him almost did me in, Melissa.” Taking a deep breath, she turned her head to look at Sam. “I’m thankful Sam was there or I probably would’ve left with him.” Melissa shook her head, not knowing what to do or say to help. She looked at Sam and then back at Novah, thinking of what to do. Then she had an idea. “Okay, so you need a distraction, right?” Novah nods, scared of what her friend is thinking. Melissa’s smile grows bigger. “I’m going to go home.” Before Novah can protest, she puts a hand up. “Wait! Before you begin to pout, hear me out.” Novah nods with a sigh. “Okay, so like I said, I’m going to go home and let you two hang out. Just relax and go with the flow, girl. You’re hot and so is he.” Winking, she stands up just as Sam walks over with three beers. Sam frowns, looking from Melissa to Novah. “What’s going on? Are you leaving, Melissa?” Melissa nods. “Yeah, my neighbor called and needs my help with her daughter.” Faking a frown, she adds. “I’m sorry guys. Next time though, okay?” Novah quietly giggles, watching her friend fake being upset. Sam nods and waves goodbye. Once he turns away from her, Melissa winks at her and blows her a kiss. Novah laughs and waves at her. She really is a good friend. She doesn’t know what she’d do without her. “So, Novah, what should we talk about?” Novah turns her attention back to Sam. She can’t stop staring into his eyes and Sam laughs. He hands her a beer, lightly touching her hand. Novah gets a chill down her spine. She was surprised how her body reacted to his touch. Normally, that only happens with Max. Blushing, she thinks of what to say to break the ice. “I know you said you don’t have any friends here, but do you have a girlfriend back home?” Hearing how that sounded, she quickly back tracks. “I’m so sorry. That was so nosey.” Sam puts his hand on her hand and smiles. “It’s okay, really. I don’t mind.” Novah lets out a sigh of relief. Sam chuckles, revealing his dimples again. Those things were going to be the death of her. She laughed with him, while he took the stool right next to her and sat down. “No, Novah, I don’t have a girlfriend.” Frowning he continues. “I’ve never found the right girl, I guess.” Novah frowns with him, feeling guilty that she made him sad. “I know the feeling. I’ve never found the right guy.” With a sigh she looks up at Max.  Sam notices her look away towards her friend, Max, and he feels a pinch of jealousy come over him. “Can I ask you a personal question, Novah?” She looks back, nervous about what he’s going to ask, but she nods and takes a drink of her beer. “Is there something going on between you and Max?”  Novah takes a deep breath, afraid that was what he was going to ask her. “Honestly, I don’t know. We’ve hooked up a few times but he doesn’t feel what I feel.” She looks up to see Sam frowning. “With that being said,” she reaches and grabs his hand. “I do have a huge crush on you.” Sam’s frown quickly disappears. “You do?” Novah nods, feeling nervous again. She can’t believe she just told him that. Sam let’s go of her hand, puts his finger under her chin and makes her look at him. “I have a crush on you too, Novah. I mean who wouldn’t?” Novah blushes while looking into his sexy eyes. Sam leans in closer and her breath hitches, knowing what’s about to happen. Instead of waiting, she leans in and kisses him.  His lips are so soft but warm and demanding. As he kisses her back, she can feel him wrap his arms around her and pull her closer. Before she knows it, they’re both standing there making out. The kiss gets deeper and deeper. She doesn’t want to stop, but she can feel people watching them. After what seems like hours, she pulls away and looks around. The only person looking at them is Max. She frowned, not understanding the look on his face. Sam notices her stare, and looks to see Max looking at him. Sam smiles to himself, after noticing Max’s hands are in fists at his side.  Sam puts a hand on the small of her back again, drawing her attention back to him. “Do you want to go somewhere a little more private?” Novah turns to look at Max, takes a deep breath and turns back to Sam. She can’t believe she’s doing this, but she remembers what Melissa told her to do. Nodding, she smiles back at him. “Yes, I would.” Sam nods, and helps her grab her things. As they reach the door, a hand grabs her arm. She already knows who it is before she turns. Turning to look into his eyes, Max’s face is red and his eyes have tears in them. “Novah, please? Don’t leave with him, No.” Sam clears his throat, getting her and Max’s attention.  Novah looks back and pulls her arm away. “You made it very clear this morning, Max. You don’t feel how I feel.” Feeling the tears coming, she continues. “So I refuse to wait forever for you to love me the same way.” Novah clears her throat and summons the rest of her courage. “Good night, Max” she says, as she turns away from him and walks out with Sam. Max looks up to see Sam smiling at him and wink, just as the door closes in his face. Max’s face turns bright red with anger. He summons every ounce of strength to stop him from following them and beating the crap out of her co-worker.
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