The Bad Boy

655 Words
Sam walks Novah over to a black motorcycle. She looks at it and laughs. Sam turns to look at her curiously. “What’s so funny?” Novah shakes her head, still laughing. “You are such a cliche.” Sam doesn’t understand her thinking. So, he asks her while handing her his extra helmet. “What do you mean?” Novah takes the helmet as she wipes the tears off her face from laughing. “Your looks make you seem like a bad boy and then you lead me to a black motorcycle.” Sam finally gets it and begins to laugh with her. Sam climbs on first and starts it with ease. He then turns to her and pats the space behind him. She takes a deep breath, reaches up to brace herself with his shoulder and climbs on. “Hold on.” he says, as he guns it and they take off towards downtown. Novah wraps her arms around his waist very tightly. She can feel him laughing under her hands, as he gives it more gas and flies faster down the street. Finally, they pull up in front of an old factory that was turned into apartments. Thinking to herself, she couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips. Sam turned the motorcycle off and turned to look at her. “What’s so funny?”  he asks with a chuckle and those sexy dimples. Putting her hands on her hips, she looks at him and smiles. “You really are the complete bad boy package, aren’t you?” Sam just shakes his head laughing. He sticks his hand out giving her the time to decide if she really wanted to continue things. Taking a deep breath, she takes his hand and follows him up metal stairs to a steel door. Sam takes out a huge ring of keys and unlocks the door.  It’s completely dark inside but Sam walks her into the dark and flips a switch. It takes a moment for her eyes to adjust, but when they do she is surprised. The way it was designed meant the whole building was his. She frowned and turned to him with a confused look on her face. “I bought the whole building. I was going to make it into a bunch of apartments but turned it into my own personal condo.” Novah couldn’t help but be impressed.  “So does that mean you're rich?” Sam laughed. “Not really. When my parents died, I was left quite a bit of money.” Sam looks around, and smiles. “They wanted to make sure I lived a comfortable life as I got older. So, I saved it and added to it with my jobs over the years.” She nodded in amazement. “So when I moved here, instead of looking at the condos in the big skyscrapers, I made my own.” Sam walked back to her and reached for her hand to pull her closer. Instead, she jumped into his arms and began where they left off at the bar. Sam catches her and wraps his arms under her to cup her ass. Novah moans into his mouth.  Breathlessly, Sam pulls back and looks at her. “Do you want to go upstairs?” Novah, still breathing hard, nods. Preparing to get down, Sam tightens his grip and carries her up two flights of stairs to a huge bedroom. In the center of the room was a huge, metal, four poster bed. Sam continued and carried her towards the bed. Slowly, he lowers down to sit on the edge of the bed and begins to take her shoes off her feet. Watching him, Novah begins to unbutton her shirt but his big hands stop her. “Please, Novah, let me? I want to take my time and do this right.” Novah nodded, feeling so vulnerable but excited.
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