It Was An Accident

755 Words
The smell of coffee and bacon wakes her up. As she sits up and looks around, she realizes she’s not at home. Confused and worried about what she did last night, Novah rushes to get out of bed but realizes she’s naked. Gasping in shock, she begins to hunt for her clothes. After what seemed like forever, she has found everything but her bra. She begins to cuss herself for being so stupid, when heavy footsteps start coming towards her. Sam turns the corner to his room and sees a panicked Novah looking around the room. He can’t help but smile at her juggling her clothes and the sheet from his bed. “Would you like some help?” Novah turns and lets out a huge sigh of relief. “Oh, Sam, it’s you.” Running her fingers through her hair, she begins to laugh. “You were not who I was expecting, at all.” Curious as to who she was thinking of, he asks, “Who were you expecting? The boogieman?” Laughing he spills the coffee on the floor. Still laughing, he bends down to clean up his mess. “No, not the boogieman. I was thinking of Max.” Novah begins to laugh with him as she turns to get dressed, but realizes she’s the only one laughing. Novah turns to see Sam with a mad look on his face. “Max?! You were thinking of, Max?!” Novah jumped as the echo of his yelling hit her. “I barely remember much after the bar last night and in my defense your bedroom looks like his.” Sam’s face gets even redder. “I don’t want to hear that! I don’t want to hear his name.” Sam runs his fingers through his hair and begins to pace. “Max doesn’t deserve you, Novah!” Novah begins to cry, realizing it was wrong to bring Max up. Sam stops pacing and looks at her crying. He rushes over and pulls her into his arms. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” Kicking himself, Sam feels guilty and kisses the top of her head. “Let me go get you another cup of coffee and we can talk.” Novah nods in agreement and finishes getting dressed. As she’s pulling her pants on, her phone rings. Her jaw almost hits the floor as she reads the caller i.d. “Why is Max calling me?” Slowly she answers and puts the phone to her ear. “Hello? Max?” Nothing but silence from the other end. “Novah? Are you there?” As she’s about to answer him, Sam walks in. Novah turns and can’t take her eyes off him as she answers. “Max, why are you calling me?” She hears Max slam something and it makes her jump. Sam runs over and takes the phone out of her hand. “Were you yelling at her?” Novah reaches for the phone as Sam spins around and hits her in the face with his hand. Max hears the slap and starts to get mad. “Did you just hit her?!” The phone hits the floor and all Max can hear is Novah screaming and crying. “Stop! Please, Sam, stop!” Max hangs up the phone and searches for his keys. His hands are shaking, he's so mad. “I’m going to kill him if she has a mark on her.” Sam falls to the floor next to her and is trying to remove her hands so he can see how bad it is. “Stop! Please, Sam, stop! I’m fine, calm down!” Sam finally removes her hands to see blood in the corner of her mouth and a black eye forming already. His hands fly to the top of his head and he begins to shake. “I’m so sorry, Novah! I didn’t realize you were that close! I feel like s**t!” Sam stands and looks at Novah, with tears in his eyes. “I’m going to go get some ice for you to put on your face, okay?” Novah nods as she picks herself up off the floor, but gets dizzy and falls again. As she hits the floor, Sam is coming around the corner and runs to her. ‘Are you okay?” Before she can answer, a pounding sound comes from downstairs. Sam turns with a frown. “Who could that be?’
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