Party Time

2111 Words
Her breath caught in her throat as she watched them walk in. The man was tall, tanned and had eyes that burned into your soul. The woman with him was stunning as well; she had long golden hair, legs that could stop traffic and had ice blue eyes that made you feel so vulnerable. She swallowed hard as the couple turned and locked eyes with her. She shook her head to clear her thoughts as she got up to walk over and introduce herself. As she reached them, they stopped and smiled at her. The closer she got the more she could smell them. They smelled like s*x and something sweet, maybe honey or vanilla. She reached her hand out and said, “Hello, I’m Novah.” The man was the first to take her hand. “Hello, my name is Charlie.” He motions to the woman next to him and says, “This is my wife, Sophia.” Sophia takes her hand and smiles. Novah smiles back feeling anxious. “So, what brings you here? Do you know Max?” She asks as she looks towards her best friend still talking to the blonde. Charlie looks at Max with a curious stare. “No, we heard the music, the talking and were just curious.” Sophia nods in agreement. Novah smiles and says, “Max always throws the best parties.” She thinks and adds, “Some of his friends are, shall we say, different from normal couples.” Novah chuckles thinking of Max’s life choices and the last time she got involved with his “fun”. As the moment comes to mind, she begins to feel her face warm as she blushes. Charlie notices her blushing and gets curious as to why. Novah looks up realizing she just got caught having naughty thoughts and blushes even harder. “I was just remembering a time I had at a party like this. I apologize.” She drops her head embarrassed that she still got turned on thinking about that night.  Charlie leans in with a smile and asks, “Will you tell us about it?” Novah blushes again and replies, “I don’t know if I’m comfortable telling two beautiful strangers about that night.” Sophia puts a hand on Novah’s arm, smiles and nods with a pout saying, “Please gorgeous? You couldn’t tell us anything that would surprise us.” She chuckles at her own memory. Novah takes a deep breath and nods agreeing to tell them. “It was about a month ago that I came to one of these parties that Max threw, and I had a few too many drinks that night. Max offered to let me crash on his couch." Novah pointed at the couch, where a couple were making out. "Reluctantly I agreed to stay that night. I mean I always thought he was gay so I was never worried that we’d EVER have s*x or anything, but things changed that night.” Novah pauses blushing and gets turned on again. Taking another breath, she continues. “I stumbled to what I thought was the bathroom door but when I opened it, I quickly realized I was walking into his bedroom and heard noises that made me freeze in my tracks. I see Max with a couple in his bed. I was shocked but I couldn’t tear my eyes off them.” Novah realizes she is breathing heavy recalling the moments heading up to the first-time having s*x with her friend. Licking her lips, she looks up to see Charlie had his arms around his wife, rubbing her stomach and whispering in her ear. Feeling their eyes on her, she starts again. “Max looked up and saw me standing there like an i***t but waves me to come closer. As I am walking over the couple stop and smile at me. Max moves to the edge of the bed and starts to run his hands up the back of my legs to cup my ass. I gasped when I realized his hands were under my skirt as he was kneading my ass one cheek at a time. I couldn’t help but rest my head on top of his because it felt good to be touched.” Novah stops realizing someone has walked up behind her, breathing in her ear. Turning her head, she comes nose to nose with Max who is grinning as he says, “Are you going to introduce me to your new friends, Novah?" Novah swallows hard and nods. "This is Charlie and his wife Sophia." Max grins and asks, "What're we talking about that has you blushing so hard?" Max winks at her as she gulps, "The last time I came to one of your parties." Grinning, Max says, "Well that is the kind of story that deserves privacy. Shall we finish it in a more appropriate place?” Max motions for everyone to follow him. Charlie and Sophia smile and nod walking down the hallway Max motioned to. Max reaches down grabbing her hand and begins to rub circles along her wrist. Novah looks ahead of them and notices Charlie and Sophia are smiling while whispering to each other. Walking down the hall, Novah realizes where Max is leading them and begins to laugh nervously. Max looks at her with a devilish grin and asks, “Are you ready to finish telling this story?” he pauses as he runs a hand up her arm, sending chills down her spine. “Or would you rather show them?” Novah starts to blush again but feels safe enough to lean into him and reply, “Finally, I was beginning to get bored by myself.” Max chuckles, running a finger from her chin down her jaw to slowly wrap his hand around throat. Lightly applying pressure to growl at her and says, “Oh I never intended to leave you alone tonight, kitten.” Novah looks over to see Charlie and Sophia watching them and begins to blush. Charlie leans over and whispers something in Sophia’s ear that makes her smile bigger. A few minutes later they reach Max’s bedroom. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a brass key to unlock the door. As the door opens, the smell of apple pie hits their noses from a candle on the table next to the door. It is an all too familiar smell but there is something else in the air and it smelled exciting.  Once Charlie and Sophia walk through the door, Max walks over, shuts the door and locks it. He turns with a grin on his face and says, “No turning back now.” He then puts the key back in his pocket as he slowly walks to the center of the room where Novah stood. Max grabs Novah’s hand and leads her to the big red bed in the middle of the room. Charlie and Sophia follow them and sit on the bed with a smile. Max leads Novah towards the bed and has her sit down with him still holding her hand. Max chuckles, leans in and whispers in Novah’s ear. “Are you ready to finish the story?” Novah blushes again and replies, “Yes and I can’t wait.” Max smiles as he nibbles her ear. Novah realizes he is beginning to breathe heavily. Novah drops his hand and stands up to stand in front of him. Max slowly runs his hands up the backs of her legs to grab her bare ass and knead them softly. As he plays with her ass, Novah begins to slowly unbutton her top. Max’s eyes are watching her hands as every button is undone. The morning sun beams through the curtains and hits Novah in the face. As she opens her eyes the actions of the night before coming to her as her hand comes to rest on a man’s hand. She looks over and notices Max and a couple she hardly remembers.  Once everything becomes clear she tries to slide off the bed but Max grabs her around her waist and pulls her back and snuggles up with her. Max and Novah begin to cuddle as they drift back to sleep. After what seemed like days, Max wakes with a start, feeling the bed moving. He rolls over to see Sophia and Charlie started to have s*x again. He rolls back and kisses Novah's neck till she wakes up. “Novah, babe, I think we should get up and leave them to do what they do.” Novah sets up on her elbow to look over Max and sees the couple going at it hard. She lays back down as a giggle escapes her mouth. Max laughs too as he begins to slowly and carefully slide off the bed. Novah grabs the extra blanket, wraps it around her and climbs out of bed. Max grabs her hand and leads her out of the room towards the hallway. Novah reaches back and shuts the door.  Sophia stops stroking Charlie’s shaft long enough to see the door close and goes back to what she was doing. Charlie lets out a hiss as he begins to reach the edge. Sophia stops stroking him and climbs on top of him to straddle him. She slowly lowers herself onto his shaft and rides him to the edge. Charlie tenses up as he goes over the edge and Sophia joins him. Max and Novah are sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee as Charlie and Sophia walk into the room. With a smile Max looks up and asks, “Want some coffee?” The couple nods as Novah pulls the cups off the shelf and Max pours the coffee.  Sophia walks up behind Novah and wraps her arms around her waist. “I had fun last night." Novah blushes as she continues. "Would you want to join me and my husband?” Novah laughs and gives Sophia her number. “Call me when you want me to come play.” Sophia leans and gives her a kiss on the lips. Charlie lets out a whistle and wraps an arm around the back of Max’s neck. “That was amazing last night. You really know how to throw the best parties.” Max just chuckles as he remembers last night. After everyone finishes their coffee, Max walks the couple to the door and tells them goodbye. Novah is in the kitchen sitting on the counter, waiting for Max to return. Max can't help but smile at how relaxed she looked sitting on his counter eating a strawberry. "So No, did you have fun last night?" Max asks with a slight chuckle. Novah chuckles and turns to look at him. "Well it was better than watching you with that blonde bimbo." Max bursts out laughing at the tone of jealousy in her voice. "That bimbo was another good friend of mine who needed my help making her ex jealous." Shaking his head and walking up to her he adds, "I'd say it worked because I was with you last night." Novah nodded as she reached for another strawberry. Max grabs her hand to stop her and makes her look at him. "Were you really jealous, No?" Looking up into his eyes, Novah frowned. "Yes, I was." Feeling the tears begin to form, she looks away and adds. "I know we never said we were more than friends, but since the first time we had s*x, I just can't stop thinking about you and who you're with."  Max grabbed her gin and made her look at him again, he regretted it instantly. Novah looked up at him as a tear rolled down her cheek. Max took a deep breath and pulled her into a warm hug. "No, you know I don't think of you as more than a friend I play with on occasions." Sighing he pulled back to look her in the eyes again. "Please don't cry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Novah smiled weakly. "It's ok Max. I knew what I was getting myself into." Wiping her eyes and nose she adds, "I'm a big girl. I'll be okay." Max smiled, Novah was the strongest girl he knew, so the fact that she cried in front of him made his chest hurt. She really did like him and he liked her too, but he was a player. He knew he'd hurt her if he ever let her feelings for him go too far. God how he wished he could be what she wanted.
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