Chapter 5 - "Mate!"

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“Seth, son of gamma warrior Carl of the third battalion!” A voice echoed through the enormous and extravagantly decorated room as the doorman announced him. He stepped forward and bowed, waiting for the royals to speak. “Welcome Seth. What can we do for you today?” Amusement danced in the eyes of the king and Seth noticed that neither the prince nor Daniëlla were there! Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that she wasn’t there to refute his claim! “I am here to claim back my mate, your majesty.” Seth tried his best to sound heartbroken but was failing miserably. “Oh? Have you lost her? That is very neglectful of you.” The echoing laughter pushed Seth’s fury up into his throat and nearly strangled him, but he fought back and gritted his teeth. “No, your majesty. As a matter of fact, she was stolen from me. You see …” His eyes caught a glimpse of movement behind the king and out came Prince Jared accompanied by a smiling Daniëlla, forcing Seth’s fury to boil over. “That is her, your majesty! The woman clinging to your brother! She promised herself to me, you see. We are engaged. We were engaged before they even met! We were going to elope when she turned her back on me for someone of higher rank!” As Seth shouted, the laughter died down. A deep frown formed on the king’s forehead and for a moment something flashed in the king’s eyes. “He is lying, your majesty!” Daniëlla squared her shoulders, making no move to let go of Jared. She smelled something, and it sparked something deep inside her, but she was so nervous about faking her happiness that she couldn't focus properly on what she else she might be feeling. “He is the guilty party here. I won’t embarrass him by sharing his dirty laundry here in court, but I never promised I would marry him! To prove it to you, I will reject him and if I show no signs of pain, you will know that I am telling you the truth.” Daniëlla raised one brow, challenging the king. Their eyes met, and it struck her right in the gut, but she didn't say a word. She couldn't! She knew better than to challenge someone, but she couldn’t help herself. She was fighting for her own survival in a snake pit! The king nodded and Daniëlla stepped forward. “I, Daniëlla, future countess of Etrosia, reject you, Seth. Do you accept?” Daniëlla breathed a huge sigh of relief when she felt no pain. She had taken the biggest gamble of her entire life, knowing that Seth broke her heart. Seth’s eyes flew from her to the king, who was now smiling again! “It seems the lady is telling the truth and you are the liar. Do you accept her rejection?” The king didn't seem to feel what she was feeling. Seth had no other choice. He said the words, but they felt empty, and he stormed out of the castle vowing to return. He would get her back. No matter how. He would make Daniëlla his! Daniëlla felt the change in the air the moment she returned to Jared’s side. She couldn't look at the king. Her emotions were running wild and he looked so damn calm. The moment they all left the throne room, Jared slammed her back up against the wall. He seemed furious and even a little humiliated. “I knew you were too good to be true!” He growled, making her shiver slightly as fear flooded her entire body. She had nobody left! If Jared turned on her now. She had nobody left to protect her or to fight for her! “I didn’t do anything wrong. I proved that, didn’t I?” She tried to defend herself, but it was as if Jared had suddenly become a different person! He wouldn’t listen. “We will be married, but it will be in name only! I will never love you. You will only share my bed until you produce an heir!” He reiterated his words from before. In the distance, she noted Baroness Anita, and the little that remained of her broken heart was shattered when Jared walked up to Anita and passionately kissed her. Daniëlla knew he would never love her, but she hoped he would at least show her some respect. Daniëlla’s eyes darted back and forth in the passage to see if anyone had seen or heard the encounter or saw the prince making out with someone else, but the passage was empty. So too was her heart! Jared and Anita disappeared around the corner and Daniëlla realized she was trapped in a loveless marriage. She had heard rumours in the past year that the prince had found his one true love. She never thought it would be Anita. She never thought he would marry her and then love Anita. She also didn’t think the rumours were true when her stepmother first told her about the arranged marriage. Now she was facing an awkward and embarrassing situation. Trapped in a loveless marriage, while her husband-to-be made it clear he was no longer interested in her. Boy, he had a short attention span! Were all royals that damn spoiled?! Her mind flooded as she made her way back to her room, which seemed to be the only safe place in the entire world! She was just about to walk in when a hand with a steel grip slammed around her upper arm and whipped her around. "Mate!" His majesty, King Cameron growled. His emerald green eyes glowed luminously in the darkness of the passage. Daniëlla gaped at him, unable to speak before he let her go. "It looks like you get around." He sneered, and she realized that he clearly had the wrong impression of her. Was it even worth it at this stage to try and defend herself? "I don't, your majesty." She lowered her gaze, not wanting him to see the tears in her eyes. "I thought he loved me, but he didn't. He betrayed me by sleeping with my stepsister. I wasn't the one who arranged the marriage to your brother. My stepmother took care of that." Before she could say another word, he whipped around and stormed off. Daniëlla crumbled to the floor in front of her room and the tears just kept coming. She had been rejected by three men. None of them found her worthy of love. She wasn't one who wallowed in self-pity, but after all that, she was beginning to wonder if she would ever find love or if the moon goddess hated her so much she would only send heartache her way.
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