Chapter 6 - Nowhere to hide.

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Daniëlla joined everyone for breakfast the next day after avoiding everyone but her omega the day before. It was her first official appearance as the future princess and it was a total disaster. Her mind was preoccupied as the omega placed a plate in front of her, and she started eating without thinking. All she really wanted to do was to get out of the dining room before anyone even noticed that she was there. Unfortunately, Anita wasn’t there to distract Jared. He didn’t say anything to her and smiled the moment Cameron walked in and softly growled. Daniëlla jumped up instantly and the plate went flying across the table. She was so trapped in her own thoughts that she completely forgot to wait until Cameron started eating. That was the tradition in all packs. Lower ranked wolves waited for the higher ranks to start. “My apologies, your majesty.” Her voice was barely a whisper when Cameron sat down without a word and started eating. He didn’t acknowledge her at all. He didn’t accept her apology. It was as though he was trying to pretend that she didn’t exist. “IF you are going to be the princess, Dani, I suggest you remember protocol.” Jared sighed, raising an amused brow. Daniëlla kept her head down and couldn’t even think about food. She felt so overwhelmed that a knot formed in the back of her throat. Was it even possible that she had gone from bad circumstances to even worse ones? She wasn’t just going to be trapped in a loveless marriage, but after Cameron admitted he was her mate, she now had to spend the rest of her life knowing that and unable to do anything about it. She waited until Cameron was done and left before rushing out of the dining room. Her body betrayed her yet again as tears stung the back of her eyes. She could see her room doors, but as she was about to step through them, that steel grip slammed around her upper arm. Cameron whirled her around with such force, she came to a halt against his firm body. Her hands were resting on his chest, and she could feel the warmth of his skin radiating through the thin material of his shirt. His eyes were filled with emotions, and they shifted so fast that she couldn’t even make out one of them. “This can’t happen. We can’t happen.” His voice was hoarse with hunger. She was feeling it deep inside her, and instantly recognized it. She looked down to avoid his eyes and seeing the reflection of her own raw emotions in them. “Yes, your majesty. Of course. I won’t act on it. I’m betrothed to your brother.” Her voice wavered, and she hated herself for being so damn weak. She heard him sniff the air before he nodded and disappeared. As if his announcement wasn’t bad enough, her day was about to get worse. She had just walked into her room and was leaning against the doors to compose herself when one of the doors behind her burst open with such force that she landed flat on her face. Daniëlla turned around and glared at the second woman who had stolen her happiness. “Well, well, well. I came here to speak to the future princess and found an omega on the floor.” Anita laughed as Daniëlla got up and dusted off her dress. “What do you want?” Daniëlla didn’t have to show any respect towards a Baroness. Anita might be the prince’s mistress, but she would never have the rank and power that came with the title that Daniëlla was about to get. The only way Anita would ever have more power than Daniëlla was if Jared married her. Daniëlla couldn’t see Jared going against the orders of the king. That left Anita with only one option. She had to convince Daniëlla to leave. Thanks to the fact that she had to deal with that i***t stepmother, she was ready. She wasn’t going to leave. She wasn’t going to be chased off. She was going to claim her title and find some semblance of happiness. “I just wanted to tell you that Jared chose me. He doesn’t want you. Cameron is forcing him to be with you.” Anita scanned the beautiful young woman in front of her, but she looked disgusted. “You don’t have to worry. Jared already told me that he loves you. He might want you, but I will be the one who has his children and even if you get pregnant, your children will be known as bastards. Now get out of my room before I call the guards.” Daniëlla stood her ground. She knew it wasn’t worth it to lower herself to Anita’s level, but she was so tired. She was tired of people stealing her happiness. She was tired of others thinking they could tell her what to do. She was just tired, and the words slipped out. Anita looked shocked for only a second before she turned on her heel and stormed out. Daniëlla sighed, knowing full well that Anita was going to run to Jared and tell him everything. At least, she was probably going to make it sound as though Daniëlla was the one who sought her out. Deciding she really didn’t want to be where he could easily find her, she decided to go for a walk in the gardens. The gardens of the castle were fairytale beautiful. It was the completely opposite to the rest of the city. The gardens were clean for one. They were well taken care of and in full bloom. Daniëlla rounded the corner of the maze and bumped right into Cameron for a second time that day. “F@ck! You are everywhere!” He said through clenching teeth and Daniëlla took a step back and mumbled an apology before rushing away. It felt as though the universe was trying to break her! She was so tired, and it felt as if there was just no escape. She walked into the castle still trying to figure out how she ended up in front of Cameron when she heard a loud growl echo down the passage and her heart sank. Jared. He found her. Jared closed the gap between them in record time, and he gripped her upper arm before shoving her up against the wall again. “What did you say to Anita? She’s in my room crying!” He shouted and Daniëlla wished that Cameron would just show up at the right time for once! She knew that nothing she said would help. Jared would never believe her!
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