Chapter 4 - A life without love.

1103 Words
Flashback “I don’t know what the hell the two of you have been up to, but it STOPS NOW!” The countess's spit flew so far that Daniëlla thought she was going to have a coronary or something! As the old woman stormed out of the kitchen, Sierra followed her. She was trying to explain. Trying to convince her mother that Seth was the only man she wanted, but the countess was not hearing any of it. Later that morning, as the three of them climbed into the back of the black limousine sent by the castle, Sierra’s red puffy eyes were still clear as day. Daniëlla felt her heart ache one last time as they pulled out of the driveway and her home disappeared from her view for the very last time, but she was full of hope for a better future. The place she used to call home had too many bad memories. There were good ones too, but thinking about them hurt more than it helped, and the time had come for her to start a new chapter in her life. Sierra suddenly turned into a puddle the moment they met Jared, clearly instantly infatuated after only knowing the man for a second! She was about to slip her arm into his when the countess shoved her slightly out of the way and took her place waiting for Daniëlla to walk on the prince’s other side. “Why does she get him? Why can’t I have him?” Sierra complained through their mind link and Daniëlla had to stifle her laughter, causing her to suddenly burst out coughing. “Are you all right?” His concern instantly showed as the prince turned his back on the countess and attended to Daniëlla, which made Sierra’s eyes flare with fury! “I’m fine. I’m sorry. I must have had a frog in my throat.” Daniëlla beamed, purposefully twisting the knife she knew was now squarely planted in Sierra’s fake heart! She wasn’t a spiteful person. She hated hurting people’s feelings and always tried her best to do what was best for others, even if it meant she would be the one suffering in the end, but it was her time now. The prince seemed kind enough and that was good enough for Daniëlla to hope that one day they would be happy. Jared showed them inside and, to Sierra’s utter disappointment, she quickly found out only Daniëlla would be staying behind. The prince excused himself as soon as they were shown to her room, and he had hardly gone before the tantrum started. “He is too handsome for her!” Overly dramatic as always, Sierra flopped onto one of the pristine white couches in the living area. Daniëlla almost told her to get right back up for fear that Sierra’s makeup would somehow rub off on what was clearly very expensive and irreplaceable material! It was clear as day. Sierra became instantly jealous when she met Daniëlla’s future husband, seeing how much more handsome he was than Seth. “Look at this room, mother!” Sierra’s whining pushed through Daniëlla’s thoughts, and she rolled her eyes and made her way to the bathroom. “This should all have been mine! Don’t you want me to be happy!” Sierra carried on. “Maybe if you weren’t so easy, it could have been!” The countess finally spat between gritted teeth. “Come say goodbye, darling! We are leaving!” End of Flashback Daniëlla wondered what Sierra would say if she knew that Prince Jared wasn't the kind and handsome man he pretended to be. If the countess had found a way to smear her daughter off on the prince only to find out he had a mistress, and he wasn't scared of declaring his love for her. Daniëlla rubbed her throat as she made her way to her room feeling as though her entire life had fallen apart for the umpteenth time. Tears stung the back of her eyes as she wondered if she was doomed to live this life without real love. She allowed herself ten minutes to feel sorry for herself, and then forced her body to stop mourning something that was never hers to begin with. She had made a promise and intended on keeping it. Even if Jared made his intentions clear. She was still going to be the princess and his mistress would always be just that. His mistress. She would never be a princess. Daniëlla was used to facing women who wanted what she had and what they couldn't have. She could make this work even if he didn't love her. SETH GLARED AT the picture once more before crumbling the newspaper into a ball and throwing it at the wall. The announcement of the prince’s engagement was in the paper, and normally that would probably have been amazing news. It meant a festival and a wedding. That would mean extra jobs and the possibility of being noticed and promoted. But not for Seth. Not anymore! The image of the picture of Daniëlla and the damn prince smiling happily was burned into his mind. He clenched so hard on his teeth with pure rage that he instantly swore the moment he felt a tooth crack! He had not had one moment’s peace since the day Daniëlla caught him with Sierra, and it felt as if his entire life was slowly crashing down around him. Sierra wouldn’t stop calling, insisting that her mother insisted they get married all the while going around town telling everyone she intended on stealing the prince from Daniëlla. He didn’t care what Sierra was saying to anybody. Literally every person in the kingdom knew what kind of woman she was. Why couldn’t the prince see that? Seth wondered if the rumours could be enough to split up the happy couple, and he grabbed his jacket on the way out. Every second Wednesday of the month, the royal family met with commoners! Today just happened to be that day. He didn’t care if he completely destroyed Daniëlla’s reputation. As long as she took him back. He wanted to be the Earl of Etrosia! He deserved to be the Earl of Etrosia after everything he had to do! His patience grew thin as he waited in line, but he kept his temper in check all the way to the front. If he was going to make his plan work, he had to remain calm. He had to look like a rational man just trying to get back what belonged to him.
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