Chapter 10 - The games people play.

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Sadly, now that Sierra was living in the castle as the Viscountess’s companion, Daniëlla had two women to keep an eye on. To make things worse, Cameron agreed that the damn baroness Anita could stay as long as Jared stayed away from her. Daniëlla could only guess that Cameron agreed because the woman was, according to rumour, Jared’s fated mate. That thought made Daniëlla’s mind drift to the fact that she was the king’s fated mate. She was Cameron’s fated mate, and it was clear he didn’t intend on claiming her. She wondered if things were different. If she wasn’t already betrothed to his brother. Would he have claimed her? She was noble born. She just wasn’t a princess and the king usually only married a princess. Daniëlla sighed deeply as she walked into her office to find it filled with all the noble women who each had their opinion of what she should do for each event. In the runup to the wedding, there were a couple of events that had to take place to cement Daniëlla’s new position in their society. Social events to show everyone she was worthy. Or at least, that was how she saw it. She might have seen things differently if she was Jared’s fated mate. “I wouldn’t pick those boring colours. Jared likes vibrant colours. You are going to bore him quickly.” Anita appeared beside Daniëlla while she was paging through the colour swatches for the engagement party. “What do you want?” Daniëlla sighed, not interested in entertaining whatever Anita had to say. She wasn’t going to be baited into another fight. “I want Jared. He is mine.” Anita hissed and Daniëlla kept ignoring her. Daniëlla already figured out what kind of game Anita was playing, and she wasn’t going to fall for it. “Oh, darling! You have to tell us. What did you think of our twins when you arrived here the first time?” The Viscountess’s voice carried over everyone else’s, and they all suddenly became very quiet. Daniëlla sighed before turning around to look at all the ladies who were looking at her. “Well, Viscountess, you know that I had already met them when I was younger. If you are looking for juicy gossip, I’m afraid you are going to have to look elsewhere since, as you know, I’m the Countess.” Daniëlla shrugged. “I’ve been moving in these circles since the day I was born.” “But where have you been the past couple of years, darling? I mean, none of us saw you. We only ever saw your mother. Isn’t she the countess?” Some of the women snickered while the Viscountess smiled and Daniëlla rolled her eyes. “Do you ladies need a lesson in hereditary titles? My mother was the countess. My stepmother tried to claim the title after my father’s death, but it was given to me. Now, if you will all excuse me. I have a lot to do, and I don’t have time for the gossip. I have arranged that tea and snacks be served in the garden.” Daniëlla pointed at the door, and she could see that none of the ladies were very happy that they were all being dismissed like that. She didn’t care. She could only take so much. Especially since it was clear that none of them were there to help. She did learn one thing. The Viscountess wasn’t the kind old lady everyone made her out to be. She couldn’t be if she was so clearly friends with Daniëlla’s stepmother. “The king will hear about this.” Daniëlla heard the Viscountess tell Sierra, who was smiling and she rolled her eyes. She could say something, but that would open up a can of worms she just couldn’t deal with at the moment. Daniëlla spent most of the day going through the arrangements of the engagement party, since it was basically the only event she could arrange completely on her own. All the others were dictated by royal protocol but for some reason, royals from generations past, thought the female should have a say in one event. She didn’t join the royals for lunch and requested to be excused. She was relieved when Cameron agreed, and she could just carry on with what she was doing. She had to rush to her room, later in the day, to get ready in time for dinner though. As she walked into the dining room, she noted that everyone was there. She wondered only for a moment if she had forgotten an event or something, but thankfully, Cameron arrived soon after her, and he explained to everyone that he felt the need that all of them should have dinner together. All throughout dinner, Daniëlla tried not to make eye contact with anyone. It was bad enough that she had to spend the evening with a room full of people who thought they could look down on her. She just didn’t feel like getting locked in a conversation with one of the ladies again. “Your majesty, I thought I would mention that the future princess is apparently capable of arranging the engagement on her own.” The Viscountess’s words made Daniëlla look up and glare at her. Why did they always have to try and humiliate her publicly?! “Oh? Is that true, Daniëlla?” Cameron looked amused and Daniëlla was forced into a corner. Either she told him that these women were bullying her, or she found another excuse. “It’s mostly royal protocol that has been set up already. I thought the ladies would enjoy a day in the fresh air more.” Daniëlla smiled sweetly. “I mean, why would I force them all to sit there looking at colour swatches with me all day when they could be outside having some fun.” The Viscountess’s eyes widened slightly before turning into slits that were shooting darts at Daniëlla “Well, how thoughtful of you.” Cameron smiled. “And you are right. Even those colour things are limited to the royal colours. I can’t see why we have to get involved with any of the event arrangements when everyone already knows what we do and how it should be done.” Cameron laughed and some of the tension in the air eased a little as Daniëlla nodded. “Your majesty.” The Viscountess’s mouth pursed so tightly, it suddenly looked like a prune and almost made Daniëlla laugh. “Could you please do this old woman a favour?” The old woman fluttered her eyes as though that would have any effect on Cameron. “Of course, what is it?” Cameron smiled, but Daniëlla noted that it didn’t reflect in his beautiful green eyes.
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