Chapter 11 - A mate for the king?

1153 Words
“Could you keep my companion company tonight after dinner? I’m a little tired and I don’t want to force the poor thing to go to bed early just because I am going.” The Viscountess smiled sweetly, nearly making Daniëlla barf. She could see where this was all going. “I’m sure she will find company with some of the other young ladies, Viscountess. I actually have a lot …” Cameron frowned. His eyes snapped in Daniëlla’s direction for a moment as the Viscountess interrupted him, and he glared at her. “I’m afraid all the young ladies here are spoken for. All accept, of course, my dear Sierra. I’m sure they would prefer to spend the time with their mates.” The Viscountess fluttered her lashes, making Daniëlla choke and suddenly have to excuse herself before all the food in her mouth ended back up on the table. She could hear voices talking and knew deep down that by the time she returned to the table, the Viscountess would have arranged a date between Cameron and Sierra. That old woman was tenacious. She didn’t care if Cameron was the king. She lived under the impression that her age gave her authority. Cameron did not look happy when Daniëlla returned, but she chose not to give him any more attention. After dinner, she was on her way to her room thinking how incredibly wrong the Viscountess was about young couples wanting to be together when Cameron appeared out of nowhere. “I’m sorry. I just couldn’t get out of it.” He sighed deeply and Daniëlla frowned. “You don’t have to apologize, your majesty. You made it clear that you don’t want me. Honestly, it didn’t surprise me. After my parents died …” Daniëlla stopped talking. She hated sounding like a whiny chick, and she was about to do just that. “I’m betrothed to your brother. I think it would be best if we stayed out of each other’s way.” She sighed, not able to look him in the eye. She knew if she did, she would see the pain she was feeling because they were both denying their bond. “So, we agree that we should keep this as our secret. Besides, as soon as you are mated to my brother, our bond will no longer exist.” He sounded hurt but Daniëlla only nodded. When he left, she walked into her room fully intent on not allowing her tears to fall, but she couldn’t stop them. Her omega had prepared her bath, and although the young woman looked worried, she didn’t ask why the future princess was so unhappy. She left Daniëlla in peace for a while before coming back to help her into her night gown. It was only when she handed her some tea that she couldn’t keep quiet anymore. The beautiful future princess in front of her looked so heartbroken. “Countess, I don’t want to speak out of turn, but are you okay?” She placed her hand over Daniëlla’s hand that was resting on her lap and Daniëlla hesitated. “You can talk to me. I’m here not just as your omega. I’m your friend.” The words meant more to Daniëlla than the omega could ever imagine. To a certain extent, she reminded Daniëlla a little of her mother. A much younger version, but still. Daniëlla’s mother was kind. She always had a smile, even when times got really tough. She always had a kind word, no matter how much she might be hurting. There was something in the young omega’s eyes that told Daniëlla she could trust her, and for the first time in a very long time, she just let all of her emotions out. She told the omega how her stepmother treated her, and what happened with Jared and the baroness, and the more she spoke, the lighter she started to feel. She never imagined that keeping all of that in was weighing her down so damn much. It was as though she could finally breathe for the first time in a very long time. Lifting that weight from her shoulders by simply talking about it. There was one thing she didn’t say, since she had promised Cameron, but after their talk, Daniëlla felt better, and she actually yawned. Daniëlla’s dreams became a roller-coaster ride, but she woke up feeling so much better. When she walked into the dining room for breakfast, she was half expecting everyone to be there, but she was surprised to find that only Cameron and Jared were seated. “Good morning. I’m sorry. Am I late?” She looked confused but when Cameron shook his head, she breathed a sigh of relief. He seemed preoccupied all throughout breakfast, and she wanted to ask, but didn’t dare. After breakfast, the men disappeared and Daniëlla was left on her own again. She had been so busy with all the even arrangements, she didn’t really have much time to explore the castle, and she decided to do that. It was going to be her home after all. Even if she was just the princess and Cameron eventually found a queen, she would always be living there as Jared’s mate. Daniëlla was excited to find the library, which was filled with books she hadn’t read. Even if she read every day for the rest of her life, she would never be able to read everything in that library. Deciding to come back to it, she made her way down the passage and walked into one of the two women she was trying to avoid. “Well, well, well. The little princess. How have you been, sister? Did you see how Cameron gave me attention last night?” Sierra sauntered closer and smiled, making Daniëlla wonder if she ever looked at herself in the mirror when she did that. “I’m happy for you.” Daniëlla was not in the mood for her stepsister, and tried to push past her, but she wouldn’t let her go. “When I become queen, I’m going to make sure that you are banished! No wait! I can have you beheaded and be rid of you forever!” Sierra exclaimed, looking excited. “Where is Seth, Sierra? You do realize that the King has to mate a virgin, don’t you?” Daniëlla’s eyes flashed with pure fury as she glared at her stepsister. She had no idea if that was a thing. She was only guessing, but it was enough to make her stepsister flinch. Daniëlla knew the girl wasn’t brought up as nobility so she wouldn’t know if what Daniëlla told her was true or not. In that moment of weakness, Daniëlla used the opportunity to escape, and she ran straight to her room. It was the only place in the castle where she knew she would be safe.
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