Chapter 9 - Bad days, and worse days!

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The first two days after the event, everything in the castle seemed to be a lot calmer. Daniëlla didn’t see Jared and Anita together, and she was shocked to find out that Anita had actually moved out. Her omega excitedly told Daniëlla that the baroness had returned to her estate and nobody knew why. Of course, it was the gossip in the castle, but Daniëlla was never really one to gossip, and she quickly reprimanded her omega. She wanted it made clear that she wouldn’t stand for it. If they could gossip like that when she was there, they could surely gossip about her when she wasn’t. Daniëlla made her way to the dining room for breakfast when she saw the two brothers growling at each other again. She sighed before stepping forward and greeting Cameron first. Things were finally going a little better, and she didn’t want to spoil her good mood because they were growling at each other. The meal was uncomfortable, and Daniëlla breathed a sigh of relief when she could finally leave. She had an appointment with the seamstress, and according to her omega, Jared had arranged a surprise for her as well. Daniëlla knew better than to get excited. The second she walked into the dressing room and heard that voice, she knew exactly what the surprise was. Jared had invited the Viscountess, the Countess and Sierra to join her for the day while she decided on her wedding dress. She was hoping she could make the decision on her own! Between the very prudish ideas of the Viscountess, and her stepmother’s over the top ideas, Daniëlla was fitting dress after dress and none of them were good enough. Sierra just glared at her from time to time and spent the rest of her time indulging in the Champaigne and snacks that were available. Daniëlla finally breathed a sigh of relief when she stepped out from behind the room divider in a dress that she actually liked and everyone gasped. They were all in agreement that the dress was perfect. It was actually a lot similar to that of the previous queen, and she could only guess that was why they were so happy with it. It ballooned out around her legs like all the other gowns and was covered with pure white silk. Sierra threw a comment in Daniëlla’s direction that she couldn’t wear white because she wasn’t a virgin, and she was quickly silenced by the Viscountess. “Never say such things again, girl! Even if she wasn’t! You don’t ever say such things about a royal or even a future royal. You will lose your head because of that! It’s considered treason against the crown to accuse the princess of being impure! Didn’t your mother teach you anything?” The two older women glared at each other and Daniëlla sighed before standing in front of the huge full-length mirrors. She simply loved the high collar of the dress that was covered in pearls and reached out behind her. It told a story that Daniëlla felt was so fitting. On the outside, she might have seemed plain, but inside her was a gem so rare that only the worthy would find it. Once her dress was picked, she left the ladies to find dresses for themselves and escaped to the fresh air of the garden. She was walking along one of the beautifully hidden pathways when she bumped into the one woman, she thought had left the castle. “I hear you were trying on dresses today.” Anita pulled up her nose as though she smelled something really bad. “I heard that you were kicked out of the castle like the dirty sl@t that you are.” Daniëlla smiled brightly and tilted her head to one side feigning innocence. The slap came out of nowhere and Daniëlla cried out. She didn’t mean to, but it was as though all these women had attended the same class in slapping! All of them could really do with some classes in proper manners! Two guards appeared out of nowhere and Daniëlla hadn’t even realized they were there. She had never seen them before, as they rushed to her side and glared at Anita. Daniëlla could see that it was probably intentional. Whoever told them to protect her, didn’t want anyone to know that they were there, and Anita had just committed a far worse sin than Sierra did just moments earlier. The guards grabbed Anita and dragged her off as Daniëlla followed. She knew that this time the baroness would not be able to get out of things that easily. The guards probably saw the exchange between them and would tell Cameron exactly what happened. She was right. They took Anita straight to Cameron’s office and Daniëlla wasn’t surprised to see Jared storming in seconds after they arrived. Anita knew she was in deep trouble, and she probably called him through the pack link the moment she saw the guards. Watching Anita and the guards fight it out was like watching some kind of sporting event. Daniëlla sat on the couch silently listening while Anita tried her best to defend herself. “And what do you have to say for yourself?” Cameron sighed deeply when he turned his attention to Daniëlla. She stood up and straightened the front of her skirt before looking at him. “She slapped me.” Daniëlla wasn’t going to rehash what was said. She was tired and bored of it all. She looked at Jared, who seemed to be in terrible physical pain the moment she told Cameron what happened. Anita was his fated mate, according to Jared. If they hurt her in any way, it was going to physically hurt him. “May I please be excused, your majesty? As you know, I have a lot to do before the wedding.” Daniëlla curtsied and breathed a sigh of relief when Cameron told her she could go. She heard the shouting the moment she left the room and rolled her eyes as she rushed to hide in her own bedroom. It had been an incredibly long day, and she was incredibly tired of feeling as though she continuously had to fight for her survival.
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