Chapter 12 - Biggest mistake.

1095 Words
CAMERON STORMED INTO HIS OFFICE and was followed by Jared. His brother was trying to convince him to take that damn girl as his mate. The council had been on his a$s for months about finding a mate, and Jared seemed to believe that it was a great idea for the two of them to mate two sisters! “I’m not interested in that woman, Jared! And since when did you start telling me what to do?!” Cameron growled, and his brother took a step back looking a little shocked. “I just thought if you had a woman, you would be happier.” Jared shrugged. “No, you thought if I had a woman, I wouldn’t know that you were still seeing Anita!” Cameron growled, noticing the shock in his brother’s eyes. “Don’t even try to deny it. I told you. If you don’t break things off with her, I am going to banish her.” Cameron sighed. He had hoped that the threat was enough, but it seemed as though his brother wasn’t listening. “Fine! But she is my fated mate, brother. How on earth am I supposed to stay away from her?” Cameron saw the pain in Jared’s eyes, but there was nothing he could do about it. His parents made him promise that he would look after his brother, and he was going to be damned if he let Jared marry a woman like Anita. She was going to suck him dry like a vampire! Cameron had met a lot of women like her in his life where Jared always seemed to just float about. That was one of the reasons why Cameron hadn’t taken a mate yet. He was trying to find one for his brother first. He needed Jared to be settled before he could start to work on his own family. He didn’t want a new bride in the castle with his brother still running around causing problems. He needed stability in the castle. The people were on the verge of a revolt, and the kingdom was going through some really tough times. He needed Jared to settle down, even if it meant he had to give up the love of his life to do it. THE DAYS BECAME like a game of hide and seek. Daniëlla had breakfast with whoever was at the table, and would go on adventures to explore the castle. She found one or two hidden pathways while trying to hide from Sierra and Anita, but unfortunately, they found her once or twice and it was never nice. Both women wanted her gone so that they could get the men they wanted. If it hadn’t been for her omega, she would probably have left the castle already. Daniëlla was hiding behind a couch in the library one afternoon when Anita and Sierra came in and her heart sank. Having to deal with them one at a time was bad enough. She closed her eyes and prayed that they wouldn’t find her, but the second she heard the hesitation in Anita’s voice, she knew she had been found. The usual exchange of insults ensued quickly. Daniëlla could stand her own, she just hated doing it. She hated lowering herself to their level of insult. She had grown used to them by now, so when the slap rang through the air and her cheek started burning, she was stunned. She had told Anita to stay away from Jared and Anita slapped her. “What the hell do you think you are doing?!” Cameron’s voice echoed as his growl shuddered the windows. All three women looked at him with Daniëlla still clutching her cheek. The second he noticed, he rushed over, and he was fuming when he saw the bright red hand print on her cheek. Jared stormed in looking confused. He was torn between the love of his life and his future bride. Cameron was there so he had no choice as he rushed to Daniëlla’s side to ask her what happened, but before she could answer, Cameron did it on her behalf. “I warned you!” Cameron growled at Jared. “Look at what they did!” All hell broke loose as Cameron explained that the was standing right outside and heard everything. Anita and Sierra looked shocked that he had been there the entire time. Cameron really wanted to exile them both, but it wasn’t going to be that easy. He could just say that they insulted the future princess, but he wasn’t in the mood. Cameron and Jared escorted Daniëlla to her room while the guards took the two other women to theirs. Cameron had ordered they stay in their rooms until he decided what to do with them. He was infuriated, and his body was screaming for him to comfort Daniëlla, but she gave him the cold shoulder. He almost smiled when he noted her doing the same with Jared, and he almost breathed a sigh of relief when she chased them both out of her room when her omega arrived. Cameron knew he was being ridiculous, but he had the doctor take a look at her cheek anyway, and he felt as if he breathed for the first time when the doctor told him that Daniëlla was perfectly fine. “I have one concern, your majesty. It seems she is used to such kind of treatment.” The doctor frowned and Cameron felt anger boil up from inside. He met her stepmother a couple of times, and he never liked the woman. Hearing what the doctor had to say about Daniëlla’s reaction while she was being examined infuriated him. He thanked the doctor and was left with his thoughts. Daniëlla’s omega was fussing about her while Daniëlla rolled her eyes. She had never used ice before and, in her mind, this was all very unnecessary. It wasn’t like she was brought up as a soft little princess, and she told her omega as much. By the time Daniëlla had to go to dinner, the mark was gone, and she was ready for whatever the ladies wanted to throw her way. Thankfully, they weren’t invited to the formal dinner, which was one of the betrothal events. It was their punishment for what they did to her. The Viscountess, of course, had to show her fury, but Cameron silenced her instantly. Jared didn’t speak and hardly looked up from his plate. The tension was growing and Daniëlla felt as though she might just choke on it.
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