Chapter 7 - Faking it till they make it …

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SETH WAS NOT going to hang around and watch his future disappear in front of his eyes. He knew the moment he left his post as gamma, he would turn rogue, and he didn’t care. He wasn’t entirely sure where he was going to go or how he would return, but he was sure he would return and claim what was rightfully his. SIERRA FOUND A way into the castle as a lady’s maid for one of the ladies at court thanks to her mother. They planned it very carefully. She just had to appear in front of the king once, and her mother was convinced he would fall head over heals in love with Sierra. Getting an audience with him, however, was more difficult than they thought it would be. “What the hell are you doing here?” Daniëlla’s voice suddenly hissed beside Sierra and she smiled. “I also live here now. I am a lady’s companion.” Sierra smiled and Daniëlla rolled her eyes, knowing full where there wasn’t such a thing. Sierra probably made it up just to get a way in. She was about to correct her stepsister when the very dear, but very old Viscountess called and Sierra went running. Daniëlla was still fuming when she felt a steel grip clamp around her arm and she wondered for only a moment if that was how the royals hurt people. With her stepmother it was always the slap across her face, and here it was that damn grip around her upper arm. “Smile, sweetheart, or you are going to get the tongues wagging. You wouldn’t want the gossips to think we aren’t in love, would you?” Jared’s voice dripped with sarcasm and Daniëlla plastered her fake smile on her face before turning to look at him. “That’s better. I see your stepsister finally found her way in. I always knew she would. She is tenacious that one. I will have to be on my guard, or she might just steal you away from me.” “Jared, darling!” Anita’s voice shrieked though Daniëlla’s ears, and she didn’t even look in the direction the voice was coming from. She was still flabbergasted by the fact that everyone knew about Anita and Jared, but everyone pretended they didn’t. He disappeared, and she felt as though she could breathe again. Daniëlla tried her best to mingle, but the constant attacks made her very careful of what she said to whom. Jared’s last attack left its mark on her throat and she was forced to wear a scarf to the event. She could hear the whispers as she made her way through the crowd in search of a quiet corner where she could sit and avoid everyone. Some of the people pretended to feel sorry for her, especially after noticing the scarf. Others couldn’t understand why she was still there when the prince was so clearly in love with someone else. She found her quiet corner and breathed a huge sigh of relief when she sat down. There she could spend the rest of the day without being noticed. In the shade away from everyone. They were all very interested in her story, but not her. That much was clear. She looked out at the people dressed in their finest, but all she could see were a bunch of snakes hissing at each other. They were always hissing. Nobody dared to bite. Which made her wonder if any of them had the guts or the teeth. She sighed deeply and was so trapped in her own thoughts that she didn’t even hear or smell him coming. It was only when Cameron sat down beside her that she looked at him with shock and quickly bowed her head. She felt so much like a punching bag that she didn’t have it in her to excuse herself. “Why are you hiding?” He didn’t look at her. “I’m not hiding. It’s too hot to be out there today.” She blatantly lied, but she didn’t give a damn whether he believed her or not. “No, I saw your stepsister earlier, and I also saw how Jared spoke to you. I will speak to him. Which means that you are hiding.” When he looked into her eyes, it felt as though he could see into the depths of her soul and she quickly looked away. “Please, don’t. It will just make things worse.” The words were out before she could help herself, and she noted the frown on his face. “This is an arranged marriage. One he clearly didn’t want. I’m just trying to make it easier for us both to accept.” Daniëlla tried to explain and Cameron nodded, but he didn’t seem convinced. “Did you know?” She frowned, still not looking at him. “About?” He sounded intrigued, and she suddenly wished she hadn’t said anything, but for some reason her mouth kept moving whenever he was around. It was infuriating. “About Jared and the baroness Anita.” Daniëlla sighed and looked at him. The instant she saw the fury in his eyes, she realized that he probably knew, but that there was more to the story. He got up so suddenly that the chair went flying and the people who were nearby looked their way. Cameron stormed off, and although Daniëlla knew she should probably follow him, she didn’t. She physically couldn’t. She was even thinking of running away and starting a new life somewhere, but she also knew that the moment she tried to join another pack, they would inform Cameron, and he would just have her brought back. She was trapped. She wasn’t going anywhere. CAMERON WAS FURIOUS to find out that Jared not only kept on seeing Anita, but he also told Daniëlla about his mistress. Cameron had made his brother swear he would break things off with her, but Jared kept on seeing her. He made Cameron look like a fool. Ignoring a royal order like that. Cameron saw Jared standing next to Anita with some of their other guests, and he stormed right over. “We need to talk, brother.” He softly growled as everyone lowered their heads to acknowledge him. Jared was the first to look up and Cameron could see he was looking for Daniëlla. “NOW!” Cameron growled. He realized as he nearly dragged his brother away from the group of people, that his anger had nothing to do with the fact that his brother was ignoring his commands. His anger had everything to do with the fact that Daniëlla was his fated mate!
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