Another Murder

3614 Words
(Warning: Some scene might be a little bit too much and gory to some readers. Read at your own risk.) ************************************* Jaimee I am the kind of person that loves to learn and I enjoy going to school. But Vera and some of the vampire teachers are making it hard for me. Everyday, Vera and her minions would do silly pranks on me. It didn't bother me much since I'm used to it since I grew up in an orphanage. But when they include Farah and the Diana, it angers me that they would hurt and humiliate innocent people just because they are my friends. So here we are in the girls comfort room, washing off the paint that the b***h squad poured on us. Lana came as soon as she found out. "I swear that b***h going to get it one of these days!" Lana snarled, while helping me wash off the paint on my hair. Farah was crying while scrubbing off the paint on her face, and Diana was fuming. "I'm sorry girls." I said. They all looked at me, and I looked down on my feet. "What are you sorry for? You didn't do this!"Lana exclaimed. Diana sighed and walked towards me, cupping my cheek. "It's not your fault. You are a victim in this childish game." Diana said. "It's my fault. If you did not save me that day, you wouldn't be in Vera's hit list." Farah said between sobs. "Oh shush. It's none of your fault! It's Vera's! That vicious little snake!" Lana exclaimed. Then we heard a knock on the door. "Hey! It's me, Matt. I brought you guys clothes!" We heard Matt's voice from the other side of the door. Lana rolled her eyes and went to open the door. Matt immediately came in and his eyes softened when he saw us. "Aw my girls. What have they done to you?" Matt asked, then he turned to Lana. "Damon is pissed as f**k outside." He said. Diana closed her eyes and sighed. "Damon is not a fan of this kinds of things." Diana said. "Change for my sake please. I can't look at that paint ruined clothes you are all wearing." Matt said and gave us the clothes. We nodded went towards the cubicles to change. ********************* After changing, we went out the girls comfort room. We are greeted with Damon's worried face. He immediately checked his sister for any injury. "This is the first and last time, that b***h will do this to you. I promised to keep you safe, but I failed this time. I promise we'll get even the next time they tried to pull such stupid act." Damon sneered. Damon's love for his sister is very admirable, also the fury in his eyes made me feel sorry for the recipient of that fury. From what I read in books, shifters are very vengeful creatures. When you hurt their family, expect a shifter's fury in the highest level. After Damon made sure that we are alright, he and Farah went to their classes. While the rest of us walked towards our class. Unfortunately for me, this class is where our teacher is a pompous vampire that thinks so highly of herself. A proud supporter of the council, and obviously a human hater. The class already started when we got there. Since I was the last one to enter the room, her sneer was directed to me. "Can't a human tell time?" Ms. Helga Scott, the vampire teacher sneered at me. The class snickered. "I'm sorry ma'am." I said. "Sorry? You should be sorry. You are a waste of space in this class. Why are you even here?" She asked. "I am here to learn ma'am. I'm sorry for being late-" I was cut off when Lana cleared her throat. "With all due respect ma'am, but why are you only scolding her? Matt and I are also late. Why aren't you scolding us too?" Lana asked. Ms. Helga smirked. "You are a young duchess Ms. Ramiro. Being around this vermin will only drag your noble family to the ground." She said with her hideous grin. Lana and Matt gaped at her. "Are you of noble blood Ms. Helga?" Matt asked. Ms. Helga frowned and answered. "No." "Then how does a regular turned vampire talk so highly of herself? You are once a human if I am not mistaken. So that means you are a vermin yourself." Matt said glaring at her way. I rarely see Matt angry, but when a person insult humans in front of him you will surely see a different side of Matt. Why? Because his beloved mother, the late Baroness was a human. Ms. Helga was lost for words. She glared my way and hissed. "Take your seat." She sneered. I lowered my head and went towards my chair. ***************** The class went on and I just focused on the lesson itself, ignoring Ms. Helga's glares. When the day was done, Lana and I are just waiting for our ride home but I remembered the books I left in my locker. "Hey I'm just going to get some books in my locker." I told Lana. Lana groaned. "Why do you have to be so forgetful?" She asked. I chuckled. "I'll be quick as a bunny." I told her and ran back inside the school building. The school corridor is now quiet and not one student lingering around. I went to my locker, unlocking it immediately. I was grabbing my books when I was suddenly pulled away, and I was then thrown on the floor. I groaned and looked up, only to see Ms. Helga glaring down on me. "Ms. Helga-" She cut me off. "Shut up!" She growled, and I flinched. "You filthy human have the nerve to humiliate me in front of my class!" "I-I didn't do anything!" She stepped forward and slapped my cheek hard. "You filthy vermin have no right to hang around nobles! You are a pest!" She hissed and began slapping me again. "Being a human is the lowest kind of creature!" She paused. "Yes, I was a human once and I hated it! Turning me into a vampire is the best thing that ever happened to me! Looking at you, a meek, useless human around noble vampire infuriate me!" She continued. "W-Why?" I asked when she stopped assaulting me. "Why? You asked why? I worked hard to elevate my place in this society, but you! You prance around nobles it made me sick!" She snarled and continued to attack me. My body is in pain from all the beating Ms. Helga has been giving me. She lets out a crackle whenever I would grunt. But then her attacks suddenly disappeared. I looked up only to see Ms. Helga being held by her throat. I blinked twice, and see the guy holding Ms. Helga, have dark hair and wearing black clothes. The guy turned his head slightly, and that's all it takes for me to know who it is. The one holding Ms. Helga was Hades. I tried to stand but the pain is just too much for me to handle, that my vision started to blur. And the last thing I see before my eyes gave out was Lucca's worried face. ********************** Lucca I was on my way out of the school building when I saw my sister standing alone by the building's entrance. I furrowed my eyebrows and approached her. "Lana, what are you doing here alone?" I asked her. "Waiting for the car, duh." My sassy sister answered. "Why are you alone?" I asked again. "Matt and Farah left early, as well as the shifter siblings." Lana said. I looked around and turned back to her. "Where is Jaimee?" I asked. "She just went in to get her books inside her locker." "How long has she been inside?" "More than ten minutes I think." I hissed. "It only takes five minutes or less to take something from the locker!" I hissed. Realization hit my sister that she frantically looked around. "s**t. Where is she?" "Language Lana." I paused when I saw Lana's car approaching. "Your car is coming. Stay inside, and I will look for Jaimee inside." I told her. "B-But-" I cut her off. "Just do as I say!" I snarled. Lana nodded and then I turned to our chauffeur who just got out of the car. "Stay with my sister. Protect her at all cost." I ordered. "Yes, my lord." The chauffeur said and led my sister inside the car. Once I know my sister is safe inside the car, I ran back inside the school building. I frantically looked around, but no sign of Jaimee. When my ears picked up a sound painful grunts, I ran towards where it is coming from. When I turned left towards the row of lockers, I saw Jaimee lying on the floor half conscious. "Jaimee!" I yelled and went towards her. Her eyes were slowly closing when I got to her and cradled her in my arms. I looked at her skin and saw several bruises and some scratches. I internally cursed looking at her state. "Jaimee!" I looked up to see my sister running towards us. "I thought I told you to stay in the f*****g car!" I growled. "I'm worried okay! What happened to her?!" She growled back. "Looks like someone attacked her." I paused. "Take her stuff." I told Lana as I carried Jaimee bridal style. Lana took all her stuff on the floor and we walked out the building. The chauffeur immediately opened the car's passenger door when he saw us. I placed Jaimee inside, and Lana followed in. "I'll follow." I told her, and she nodded. When their car was far enough, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened my eyes when I felt my mind connected to some people. 'Sweep through the school corridor, find any trace as to who dare attack Jaimee.' I said in my mind. 'Someone attacked the human?' 'Who would dare attack your human my lord?' I pinched the bridge of my nose, getting annoyed at their stupid inquiries. 'That's why I am telling you to find any traces!' I growled. 'We get it. No need to go ape on us, my lord.' 'We'll get back to you as soon as possible, my lord' When I can no longer feel their presence in my head, I gritted my teeth and hope that they will be able to find the suspect. I ran my fingers through my hair and went towards my car. ******************** Third Person POV The vampire teacher named Helga did not expect that someone would interrupt her from beating up the human. Lucky for her, she managed to escaped the man who held her by her throat, when they heard someone approaching. She managed to ran away from the school building, going through different routes, run around so her scent is all over the place. And then she went home and hid inside her house. She is still furious with the human girl. If they weren't interrupted she might have sucked the human dry, and torn her to pieces. She went up to her room and took a long warm bath to clean herself. She has traces of the human girl's blood and it made her hungry and furious at the same time. So she spent hours scrubbing off those traces. It was dark outside, apparently late at night when she decided to went down from her room. She grabbed a cold bottle of beer from her kitchen, and on the process of opening it when she heard a knock. "Who is it?" She asked. "Just open the damn door!" She heard a female's voice from the other side of the door. Helga placed the bottle on top of the table and went towards her front door. She unlock her door and pulled it open to reveal her visitor. Non other than Vera Falicier. "What took you so long to open the god damn door?!" Vera asked and went inside. Helga rolled her eyes and closed the door. "What happened?" Vera asked. "Someone came." She answered. Vera furrowed her eyebrows. "What? So the b***h is still alive? Who was it?" Vera asked. Helga smirked. "Hades Beauford." Vera snarled and slapped Helga hard. "Why are you so careless! Why would you let Hades interrupt?!" Vera snarled. Helga held her stinging cheek and glared Vera's way. "I am no match with him. He's a pureblood, a son of the council leader. Besides, weren't you suppose to keep your boyfriend in tight leash?" Helga sneered. Vera hissed. "You insolent fool!" Vera growled and slapped Helga again, then she grabbed her by her face. "Need I remind you that I made you what you are now! I am your master and you have no right to talk back at me!!" Vera snarled and pushed Helga on the floor. "You are not yet done with that human." Vera hissed and pulled the door open, and slamming it close behind her. "Oh yes I am not yet done with that vermin." Helga mumbled. But as soon as she utter those words, her window suddenly opened on it's own, wind blew the pages of the magazine on top of her coffee table, figurines are knocked off and shattered on the ground. "What the f**k?!" Helga hissed and rushed to close the window. While she was busy closing the window and picking the shattered pieces of her figurines, she didn't notice a shadow glided around her house. When she turned around, she was surprised to see a figure wearing a black hooded cloak. The figure hissed before it grabbed Helga by her neck and threw her towards the wall. Helga immediately stood up and hissed at her attacker, barring her fangs. But her attacker just tilted its head like it's making fun of her. "Who are you?!" Helga asked but her attacker ignored her and just looked around. When Helga thought her attacker was not paying attention, she attacked. But to her surprise, she was stopped midway with an unseen force. Then she was thrown to the wall again. The hooded attacker began to walk around the living room as if it's looking for something. Its movements shown frustration over something. When it noticed Helga getting up, the attacker grabbed two decorative daggers and threw it towards Helga. The daggers hit Helga's shoulders, with so much force used. Helga got pinned on the wall with the daggers, that she cried in pain trying to free herself but it was no use. Her attacker slowly approach her. "What do you want from me?! I have the council behind me! Whoever you are, I will make sure you will die!!" Helga growled. Her attacker titled its head again, like its enjoying Helga's little rant. Then in a blink of an eye, the hooded attacker was standing so close to her. When Helga saw a no ending darkness under the hood, she finally felt fear. Her attacker stepped back and without any warning, it slapped Helga's cheek. It was harder than how Vera slapped her earlier. When she thought that was it, she was wrong. She was slapped several times, and scratched several times. When her attacker finally stepped back, Helga was bruised and bloody. She was a crying mess. But he attacker seems to be enjoying seeing her like that, helpless and broken. "Please, stop." Helga begged. Her attacker ignored her, and just stared at her. Then it held out its gloved hand and a chainsaw magically appeared. When the hooded attacker turned on the chainsaw, Helga was terrified that she began screaming. Helga's house was quite far from her other neighbors that her screams cannot be heard by anyone. The attacker carefully approached Helga who was screaming bloody murder. When the attacker used the chainsaw to cut Helga's left arm, her hysteric, painful screams were louder than earlier. Her attacker punched her hard on her mouth that her lips busted as few of her teeth broke. She still continued to cry out loud, that her attacker got annoyed and proceed to cut off her right arm. Blood sprayed on the wall like fresh red paint. "P-Please, stop.." Helga begged, as her wails turned soft sobs. Her attacker ignored her pleas and waved the chainsaw and began cutting her abdomen. Blood sprayed, bits of flesh and other organs splattering on the floor, the walls and the attacker's black cloak. When Helga's lower half fell off, her intestines dangled from her gut, and her cries died down. Her face was stained by her tears and blood, her eyes looked empty, as her breathing began to slowdown. Her attacker titled its head and in one swift move of the chainsaw, Helga's head rolled down the floor. Her eyes still open, staring at her attacker who cut her to pieces. When the chainsaw disappeared out of thin air, it was replaced by paintbrush, soaked with what looks like white paint. Then the attacker began gliding the paintbrush on Helga's chest, and a circle with X in it was now written. When the attacker was done, it took a step back and admire the beautiful creation before disappearing in a puff of smoke. ************************ Lucca The whole manor was in chaos when we came in yesterday with the unconscious Jaimee in my arms. I spent the whole night waiting for any news of who attacked Jaimee, but still nothing. Lana was worried sick about her, as well as my mother, who took care of Jaimee in her room. Like me, father is also waiting for the news. The next day after breakfast, my father called me to his office. "Any news?" He asked. "Nothing yet father." I answered. "How was Jaimee? You were with her all night." "She looks better. Mother used the healing ointment." I paused. "How did you know I was with her?" I asked him. My father took a sip of his coffee and leaned back on his chair. "I have eyes in this manor Lucca. I see everything." His only response. Then I suddenly felt something, and began looking around my father's office. The windows opened and in a blink of an eye, four hooded figure appeared, and they bowed in front of my father and I. "Took you long enough. Have you found the suspect?" I hissed. "Geez, my lord. We haven't even had breakfast." One of them said. "It took us all night to pick up a scent and find it." Another one said. "The girl is pretty much beaten up. Have you found the one responsible or not?" My father asked. "Yes my lord. We caught the scent from the school hallway. It took us all night to follow that scent because it seems to be all over the place. At dawn we finally pin pointed where it is." The tallest from the hooded figures said. "We located the scent in a house quite far from other houses, just right outside the forest." The other hooded figure said. "Well, who is it? Is he in the dungeons now?!" I asked. "Its a she my lord." My father and I looked at each other before looking back at the four hooded figure. "Who is then?" I asked with gritted teeth. "She's a teacher from school my lord. I believe her name was Helga Scott." One of them said. I balled my fist and cursed. "You know her son?" My father asked. "Yes. She's one of Jaimee and Lana's teachers. Turned vampire, council supporter, and according to Lana, Helga Scott has an unexplainable hatred towards humans." I explained. My father hummed and nodded his head, then he turned towards the four hooded figures standing in front of us. "Where is she now?" My father asked them. For a while, the four of them looked hesitant. Until one of them stepped forward and took a brown envelope from inside his cloak and gave it to my father. My father grabbed it and took out its contents. When his eyebrows furrowed, he turned to the four hooded figures. "You should've brought her here! Down in the dungeons!" My father snarled. I walked towards my father's desk and grabbed the contents of the brown envelope. They were photos, and looking at each photo made my eyes widened. In the photos are images of Helga Scott's body. Her bloody mutilated body, that is cut off to pieces. "When we got in the house, that is what we saw. Looks like someone got to her before we did." Another one of the four hooded figures said. "Of course someone got to her before you did! Like always!" I exclaimed. Father sighed. "Go back there, and investigate further about this woman. Why would she attack Jaimee? I need every little detail." Father said. "Yes, my lord." They said in unison, before bowing down and disappearing. "Can you believe this father? Another murder! God I just had my freaking breakfast!" I exclaimed and threw the photos on the floor. Then I began pacing around. "Get your act together Lucca! We both know this is not going to be last bloody murder you'll see in the f*****g morning!" Father exclaimed, and I stopped pacing. "It's all so childish." I grumbled. "It's an art." He said. I looked at my father like he grew another head. "An art? Really? God, I need fresh air." I said and went out of the office not bothering to say anything to my father. Bloody murder in the morning. Bloody great.
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