Series of Murders

1574 Words
Jaimee I have been going to school for a couple of weeks now, and I'm glad I never had a fight with Vera again. But there is still the constant glares and sneers from her, which I ignore. I also never had any run in with Hades. Looks like he's not bored this time. But sometimes, I can see him watching me everytime I would ignore Vera's snide comments, like he is observing me. It's lunch, and I am with my friends in the cafeteria. Damon and Lana are bickering as usual. Something that is very common every day during lunch. Farah is now looking better than she was before. She's also more cheerful now, and she engage herself in our conversations. "Have you guys heard about the news?" Diana asked. "What news?" I asked. "There have been several dead bodies found." Diana answered. I heard Lana sigh. "I heard my brother and father talking about it the other night. They said all the murder victims are the council tax collectors." Lana said. I furrow my eyebrows. "Who would do such thing?" Farah asked no one in particular. "Those tax collectors are mean, and greedy."Lana paused. "Remember when we were out in a bazaar next town? Remember how bad they treat the merchants there?" Lana added. "Yeah. They are mean and ugly. Poor people. " Matt said. Lana leaned forward. "I saw some reports on my father's table. The first murder victim was the one that we saw in the bazaar." Lana paused and looked at me. "It was the guy that slapped you." Lana said. Diana gasped. "You were slapped? Why?" She asked. "That man was beating an old merchant just because he cannot pay the amount of taxes that they wanted. " I said. "Let me guess. You intervened?" Damon asked, and I nodded. "I cannot bear to see the old merchant being beaten black and blue. I reprimanded him, and then he slapped me." I told them. "Who slapped you?" I heard a growl behind me. I looked behind, and I was surprised to see Lucca Ramiro standing there with his tray of food. His eyes were red and obviously angry. He placed his tray on our table and crossed his arms over his chest. "Why am I not informed about this incident?" Lucca asked, then he glared his sister's way. Lana rolled her eyes. "I don't need to report anything to you, sir." Lana answered, Lucca hissed, obviously getting pissed at his own sister. "Uhm, it's no big deal sir." I said. Lucca glared at me. When I flinched, his eyes softened and let out a sigh. "You are under our care Ms. Zaragosa. You're getting hurt is a big deal." He said, then he took his tray and left. I was left dumbfounded looking at his retreating back. "Ass." Lana grumbled. "Why is that teacher acting like that anyway? It's not as if the incident happened in this school for him to act so interested." Damon grumbled. Matt chuckled. "That hottie teacher is non-other than Lana's older brother. The young duke Lucca Ramiro." Matt said. The shifter twins looked dumbfounded. "He looks really concerned with Jaimee." Farah said. When Farah said those words, I immediately felt my cheeks burn. "Yeah. I noticed that too. Is there something going with the two of you? A teacher-student kind of affair?" Diana asked. My eyes widened and shook my head. "Jaimee here has a crush on my brother." Lana teased. "Lana!" I exclaimed, horrified. I looked around for any sign of Lucca afraid that he'll hear what Lana said. Lana and Matt chuckled. "There's nothing wrong with that crush Jaimee. Besides, looks like my brother feels the same." Lana said. I buried my face on my palms to hide my red face, and they just laughed at me. "On the different note, did you know that several human slaves from Vera's house was missing?" Matt said. I lift my head and looked at him. "What do you mean?" I asked. "The council guards came in to our manor the other day. They are asking if we are missing human servants. Apparently, the Falicier house lost most of their human slaves. And they also questioned Farah because she is used to be Vera's human slave." Matt said. "The young ones are the ones that are misssing. Not just the Falicier house, but every noble houses lost young human slaves." Farah explained. "That explains Vera's sour mood then." Diana said. "Wherever those humans are, I'm glad they are out of those hell hole, and I hope they are okay." I said. *************** Third Person POV At the council building, the six councilmen are having their meeting regarding the series of murders. "Six dead bodies in six weeks! It is safe to say it's done by a serial killer! Not to mention the symbol drawn on the bodies! " Council man Rocco exclaimed. Rocco Castel, the member of the council that is famous for his fond of experimenting on different creatures. Being a mad scientist is his affinity. "That's a team of our tax collectors!" Sylvia hissed. "My sister, and I are getting worried. Those tax collectors had our money when they were murdered. Now they are gone, along with our money." Silvanus said. Sylvia and Silvanus Ross, the twin council members. Very famous for their shadow affinity, and their relationship with many vampires, including their incestuous ones. "Should we be alarmed with this?" Deborah asked. Deborah Winters, the slave and black market trader member of the council. "I believe it's just an act of revenge. I heard those tax collectors made a few enemies in every bazaar." Horace said. Horace Beauford, the council leader. A Duke and the king's once trusted advisor. "What about the missing human slaves? Aren't we going to do something about it?!" Valentin Falicier growled. Valentin Falicier, the council member that holds the control over the group of deadly assassins. Horace glared at his friend. "Didn't it occur to you that maybe your slaves ran away? You practically raped each and every human slave in your household." Horace hissed. "They are slaves Horace. They are to please their masters! Aren't you the same? I perfectly remember you raping a few palace helpers before? Not to mention the royal healer which bore you a son!" Valentin growled. Horace slammed his hand on the table. "Enough!" Horace growled, then he took several deep breaths to calm himself. "The guards are dispatched and are investigating the sudden disappearance of your human slaves." Horace paused. "About the murders, they are being investigated too. I believe it's just a simple revenge from the people. We can always replace those useless vampires." He added. Valentin huffed. "If that's the case, then my brother, and I will take our leave." Sylvia said, eyeing her brother. Silvanus stood up and held his hand for his sister, and helped her stand up. "We'll see you around." Silvanus said, and he lead his sister out of the room. ********************* When the night came, the young duke was drinking blood wine in his balcony when he felt that he is no longer alone. "Six bodies." Lucca hissed and took a sip of his blood wine. Then a figure from the shadows shifted and glided near the young duke. "An even number. That's cute." The figure said chuckling. The young duke glared at his unknown visitor. "It's not funny. When will you stop?" He asked. "You know when. " The young duke sighed, and just ignored his visitor. "You are pretty obvious earlier by the way." "What do you mean?" The young duke asked. "You care for the human. Your little flower." The young duke hissed. "Can you stop?" The figure laughed out loud. "You are always so sensitive. That's why I love teasing you." "Shut up." The young duke grumbled. There was a minute of silence. "How are the humans by the way?" "They're good. They are shipped towards the other side of the mountain. Father already built a small village for them." Lucca answered. "The council must be going crazy now. The murders, the missing humans, and there still more to come." The figure said and grabbed the glass of blood wine from the young duke's hand. "Have you found out where the healing ointment was from?" the figure asked, then took a sip of the blood wine. "My informant said the ointment is from Horace's house." The young duke answered. Then the glass suddenly shattered. "Why there?!" "Horace apparently had a son with a royal healer, whom he kept locked in his dungeons." The young duke explained. "And this son is the boy from school, am I right? The boy who's being fascinated by your little flower. What a small world." The figure said then glided back towards the shadows. "I'll keep an eye on that boy." the figure said. "Do what you want with him, I don't care." The young duke paused. "On second thought, stay away from him. I'll take care of him." he said. The figure in the shadows let out a hearty laugh. "Can you sleep for tonight? Enough of the killings. I'm sick and tired of seeing dead bodies for breakfast." The young duke told his visitor. "Well, I don't have any target tonight so yeah. I'm going to sleep soundly." Then, just like that the young duke can no longer feel the presence of his visitor.
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