A Little Bit of History

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A Little Bit of History Third Person POV After the incident with Ms. Helga, Jaimee was very grateful to Lana and Duchess Lilian for taking care of her during the weekends. Imagine they are her employer but they took care of her like I'm family. The young duke was also there when Jaimee woke up. He asked her what happened, and she had no choice but to tell him everything since he made it seem like he already know. The young duke looked really furious about everything that happened, but she told him that it was nothing and it was just a misunderstanding. Jaimee guessed it made him more infuriated because he walked out on her. But she was also thankful that he came that day. Jaimee was given light chores the whole weekend so she can still rest and recover. Lana and her mother as well as the other house help, were all worried about Jaimee, but she assured them that she's alright. Matt, Farah, Diana and Damon also visited when they learned of what happened. But Jaimee didn't tell them who attacked her and that someone else was there that saved her first, before Lucca arrived. She didn't tell anyone who that person is. When they went back to school, she still feel uneasy walking down the hallway where she was assaulted. The memories of Ms. Helga hitting her is still lingering in her mind. Lana, Matt, Diana and Jaimee are already sitting inside their classroom waiting for their teacher. Jaimee feel really nervous that she still have to face her assailant again, and she's dreading every minute. When the door opened, Jaimee stiffened and closed her eyes tight. "Good morning class." When she heard a different voice, Jaimee opened her eyes and looked up. She was surprised to see a man that looks like he's in his twenties. He was tall, well built, has ginger hair, and he was smiling at the whole class. "You might be wondering who this charming man is, so let me introduce myself. My name is Adam Dryden, and I will be your new History teacher." He introduced himself, still smiling. New history teacher? What happened to Ms. Helga? Jaimee thought. Murmurs of questions was heard from the whole class, and one student raised his hand. "Yes?" "What happened to Ms. Helga?" he asked. The new teacher smirked. "Ms. Helga can no longer attend this class." He answered. "Why?" Another student asked. The new teacher, Adam sighed and looked at his feet. "I am not in liberty to disclose anything about your previous teacher." The new teacher said. He looked up and smiled again, and he began scanning the whole class. But when his gaze fell on Jaimee, his grin widened. "Okay class. Forget about Ms. Helga, and listen to Sir Adam now. Anyway do you have any other questions?" Sir Adam asked. A few girls raised their hands, and sir Adam called one of them. "Are you still single?" The girl named Shelly asked. The new teacher is a pretty good looking lad, no wonder the girls were swooned by his charms. Looking around, Jaimee can see every girl is looking at him with admiration. Heck, even Matt looked smitten by this teacher. Sir Adam smirked and shook his head. "Yes I am. but let's not talk about me. Let's talk about this subject. Since it's history class, let's tackle some history shall we?" Sir Adam started. He went to stand in front of the table and sat on it. "How much do you know about this kingdom's history?" Sir Adam asked. "Ms. Helga started the lesson with the council's background-" The student that answered was cut off by Sir Adam. "Council's background? Why would she start there? Aragon has rich history that needs to be thought to the younger generation." Sir Adam sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Let's talk about where the royal family started." Sir Adam said. The class gasped with what he said. Royal family? Ever since Jaimee was small, all she knew was the council. The royal family is more like a story to her, like a bedtime stories. Opening a topic made Jaimee feel relieved from dread of seeing Ms. Helga again. So she chose to listen to the teacher. "Aragon is a kingdom lead by a king, it has been since the very beginning. The first king is King Arnaldus. But did you know that Aragon was founded by the first Queen." Sir Adam said. A Queen? Now the whole class looked interested. "Arissa Aragon was a kind girl from a small tribe, and actually a hunter. She was the only female hunter in their tribe, but she was the best one. She brought home most meat of large animals, and that all male hunters are jealous of her. Driven by greed and jealousy, the hunters of her tribe plotted something against her." Sir Adam started explaining. "In one hunting spree, they ambushed her. They took all her weapons and they let her be mauled by mountain lions. They just left her there to die. Unbeknownst to them, she is also a witch. With the last of her strength, she mumbled a spell so she can survive and make her the best hunter to ever lived. But that spell was made by hate and revenge, it is turned into a curse." "A curse that made her stronger, faster, and more powerful than all the males of her tribe. She was brought back from the dead, her body free from any wound, skin pale as the moon, teeth sharped as mountain lions and her eyes are red as blood." "What happened to the nasty male hunters?" Jaimee heard Matt asked. Sir Adam smirked. "Arissa Aragon went back to their tribe in the middle of the night, with just one thought. To see those who wronged her covered in blood and mauled to death. She attacked them like a wild mountain lion that attacked her. When she tasted their blood, she felt stronger and more powerful that she wanted more blood." "Her mind was now clouded with bloodlust that she ended up killing her whole tribe. When the bloodlust subsided, and saw what happened to her tribe, she was either fulfilled nor saddened. She felt fulfilled that she had her revenge, saddened that she was now alone." Sir Adam explained.. "What happened next?" Another student asked. "She casted another spell, more like a curse that her tribe will rise again like her. The very first vampire coven started with her tribe. At first they tried to live with animal blood, but it wasn't satisfying enough. But when Arissa hunted off their lands, she ended up in another tribe's territory. Driven by her hunger, she ended up killing everyone in that tribe. But just after a few minutes, everyone she killed was brought back to life and turned into what she is." Sir Adam answered. "So they turned every human they came across?" Jaimee heard Lana asked, and sir Adam nodded. "They are all feral, that only think of their hunger unlike Arissa. So she casted another spell making her creation think like their human self, but still has that monster side. They turned every human they see, taking over the whole land. Surviving humans either fled the other lands or took refuge in the mountains. That was the start that all of Arissa's creation are more organized, and they think of her as their leader." "Since they have taken over the whole land, it was now called Aragon, named after their maker. As their leader, their Queen, Arissa made sure her creations will still function like humans, and organized. Over time, Arissa noticed that they never seem to grow old. They still looked like how they were before they were turned." Sir Adam paused. "And when all of them are more human than monster, Arissa found a way for their kind and humans to co-exist in one territory." He added. "That is when procreation started. At first, they can only procreate with humans, that was until Arissa gave birth to a baby boy who's father is a vampire. That baby was King Arnaldus." "Sir, are you saying that those from Arissa's line are the purest blood?" Another student asked. Sir Adam grinned and clapped his hands. "Yes! Very good! That is where the classification of bloodline started!" Sir Adam exclaimed. "Only those who came from Arissa's blood line has the purest genes of a vampire. Those who were born under Arissa's bloodline, with both vampire parents are considered royalties. While those who were born with both vampire parents, but did not came from Arissa's blood line, are now considered purebloods. But of course it wasn't forever like that. Some under the royal bloodlines, procreated with humans which made them damphyrs. And those purebloods who mated with humans are halflings." Sir Adam explained. The whole class looked really interested that they began jotting down key facts on their notebooks. "Anyone knows the different kingdoms?" He asked again. Hands are in the air again, and this time the new teacher called in Lana. "Outside Aragon, other creatures settled and claimed the lands together with humans. There's the Nighthowl Lycanthrope kingdom, which is the nearest in our kingdom from the east. The Harred or Shifter kingdom, that is right next to us from the west. The Poseirus or the Mers kingdom which was under the waters. Avila Kingdom of the Avians who lies at the top of highest mountains. Odaelia or the Fae kingdom in the protected forest, and the land of magic, Ashworth Kingdom." Lana answered. "Very good. A young duchess indeed know the map." Sir Adam said. Jaimee turned to her friend who was pouting. "During the reign of King Armeio the first, royalties, and some purebloods developed their affinities. An ability or gift of wether to control or create, and sometimes see or hear. But the first vampire to ever have an affinity is Queen Arissa, for being a witch." Sir Adam paused and began to take small steps around. "The vampire classifications of which are royalties, purebloods, damphyrs and halflings, are the only ones written in most books. But did you know that there was a fifth one?" Sir Adam asked, and again it caught everyone's interest. "What do you call an offspring between different species?" Sir Adam asked. Hands are all in the air, hoping to be called to answer. Sir Adam's gaze fell on Diana and called her to answer. "A hybrid." Diana said. Sir Adam clapped his hands like a seal. "Very good! A hybrid indeed!" Sir Adam exclaimed. "When Armeio the second was young lad, he went on a journey. You know the usual road trip kind of thing. Since his father's council is bugging him to get married, he left the kingdom to find himself. But during that trip, he did not just found himself, but he also found himself a best friend and love." He paused. "Prince Armeio, befriended a young sorcerer named Helios during his trip. The two were like two peas in a pod. Helios then took the prince to where he is from. The prince then found himself in Ashworth Kingdom, where its people are humans with special abilities. Sorcerers, witches, warlocks, casters, wizards, name it, they have it. Turns out Helios is the youngest prince of Ashworth Kingdom." "Prince Armeio was presented to the royal family, but his eyes were glued towards the young sorceress who's like a little spitfire. That sorceress was princess Helena, Helios' older sister. Prince Armeio and Princess Helena despite of their constant bickering, fell for each other. The two of them are so in love that they decided to get married. The Ashworth king, agreed to marry off his daughter to a vampire prince when he saw how happy she was." "Since Helena and Helios are not next in line to the throne, they were free to leave Ashworth to go to Aragon with Armeio. But when they arrived at Aragon, the king and his council are surprised to see their prince with people from Ashworth. They are against their union for Helena was not a royal nor a pureblood vampire. But being a headstrong sorceress, she didn't back down and fought them to be prince Armeio's wife." "When king Armeio the first died and Prince Armeio the second ascended to the throne, he made Helena his legal wife and Queen despite the council's protests." Sir Adam narrated. The female students were all smiling, loving how the love story of the previous king went. "What happened next?" One student asked. "They did live happily ever after. Queen Helena gave birth to a princess, with hair white as snow, and eyes dark as the night. Princess Jimena was the first vampire to be born from a vampire royalty and sorceress royalty. Unfortunately, the Queen died a few months after giving birth due to some complications. King Armeio the second raised his precious princess on his own, and ruled the kingdom at the same time" "Sir, can you tell us more about this princess?" Another student asked. Sir Adam smiled. "Princess Jimena grew up to be smart and cunning like her father, and beautiful and powerful like her mother. Suitors from different families lined up to win her heart. None of them able to win her for she knew what their true intentions. She didn't even let them to get close to her or alone with her. She doesn't even go out much, but her heart goes to her people. Wether it be vampire or human, she sees them as equal. Like her father, she has a lot of plans for Aragon, for it to flourish." Sir Adam explained. "She must be really beautiful. She sounds perfect." Jaimee heard Lana mumbled. Sir Adam suddenly frowned. "But then, tragedy struck. Assassins broke inside the palace, and killed the king and princess." Sir Adam said and everyone gasped. "Why would they do that?" One student asked. "Yeah, they seemed to be good to their people." Another one said. "How did they die?" Jaimee found herself asking the question. Sir Adam stared at her before he answered. "The assassins cut of their heads. It was in the morning when their dead bodies were found. Several servants and guards were also found dead on the hallway. The king's headless body was found inside his chamber, near the balcony. And inside the princess' chamber they found her headless body, drained of blood because of several stab wounds." There were gasps heard. "Why didn't the princess fought for her life? I thought you said she was powerful." Diana asked. Sir Adam sighed and shook his head. "That is something I cannot answer. There were no witnesses that can tell what really happened that night." He answered. The whole class was silent. "Then the council rose to the top, and made Aragon miserable." Jaimee mumbled. Everyone looked at her. Her eyes widened when she realized they must have heard her, so she bowed her head avoiding their gaze. The new teacher, chuckled at his student's sharp tongue. "She has a point there anyway" He said. Then the bell rang and Jaimee, grabbed her bag and shot up from her seat, and ran out of the room. Her friends quickly followed her, and Adam internally chuckled looking at his new students retreating backs. 'Oh this is going to be so much fun.' Adam thought.
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