Hades Beauford

2200 Words
Jaimee After that History class with the new teacher, I gained a lot of knowledge about this kingdom. Who would've known that this kingdom was created from a woman's grieve and revenge. Greed and envy drove those hunters to kill Arissa, and pain and revenge drove Arissa to turn everyone to what they are right now. What really caught my attention was the story about the last king, King Armeio the second. How he defied the council and married the love of his life, Helena. But I am saddened that the queen didn't lived long enough to see the fall of her king and her daughter. "I think it was cruel that they kill the king and princess just like that." I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Farah spoke. We are in the cafeteria for our lunch, and they are relaying what we we learned in History to Farah and Damon. "I agree with you. I think it's only here in Aragon where people have the nerve to kill their King." Damon said. "You guys are from Harred, right. How is it like there?" Matt asked Damon. "Well for one, we don't treat humans like slaves. Yes we do have human servants, workers, but they can hold their head high. They are equal." Damon said. "Yeah. I have been to Ashworth one time, and you can tell that every person in that kingdom is respected. Magical or non magical." Diana added. Lana scoffed. "I am ashamed of this kingdom." Lana grumbled. "According to a journal I read back in the Falicier manor, this kingdom was once prosperous and festive. But since the king and princess was killed, it turned into a sad fortress." Farah said. What Farah said caught everyone's attention. "Journal? What journal?" Lana asked. "I just found it in their library when I was cleaning. It looks really old and expensive. Like it belonged to-" Lana cut her off. "A royalty." We all looked at Lana. "My dad once told us that when the king and princess was killed, the council acquired all their belongings in the palace. Every paintings, statues, books and jewels." Lana explained. "If that's the case, it just made the council the number one suspect for the death of the last royals." Damon said. Matt scoffed. "Of course their the suspects. They benefited the most when the royals were gone. But since they are all greedy assholes, they can't appoint one king. They all wanted to rule." Matt said. "This kingdom is more messed up than we first thought." Diana said. "Anyway, did you notice our new History teacher? He's hot and charming at the same time. I call dibs." Matt said, and it made me and Lana roll our eyes. "He is indeed good looking. But I don't like red heads." Diana said. "Is he more attractive that the young duke?" Farah asked. Matt pretended like he's thinking. "Lucca is handsome without a doubt, and his domineering aura is a plus. While Sir Adam is charming as fuck." Matt explained. "But what do you think happened to Ms. Helga?" Damon asked. "Whatever happened to her, I don't care. She's a master bitch." Lana sneered, then she looked at me and sighed. I remembered that I did not tell them that it was Ms. Helga that attacked me. Only the young duke knows. Of course that man seems to know everything. While everyone was talking about our hot new teacher, my eyes suddenly fell on Hades who was seated on the table, three tables from us. He was looking at me intently. And the way he was looking at me was like he's inspecting me. When he let out what looked like a sigh of relief, he stood up and left the cafeteria. Then I remembered something that I needed to confirm with him. "Guys, I have to go. I need to go to the library." I told my friends. "Why?" Matt asked. "Research." I said, and stood up but Lana grabbed my hand. "Please don't get into trouble, don't get hurt and mostly don't you dare die." Lana warned. I smiled at her and patted the top of her head. "Of course." I said, and left the cafeteria. Then I walked through the quiet hallway that will lead me towards the back of the school building. As I remembered correctly, it is the way that lead towards the old shack where Hades brought me before. And I perfectly remember, that shack was like his safe haven. A few more minutes of walk and I am finally standing in front of the old shack, but there is no sign of Hades. "What are you doing here?" Or so I thought. I gasped and turned around. I'm surprised to see Hades standing there glaring at me. "I will repeat my question once again. What are you doing here?" He asked. I cleared my throat. "I came to talk to you." I told him. Hades furrowed his eyebrows. "As far as I remember, we have nothing to talk about." He said, glaring at me. I stared back at him, not backing down. "Where is Ms. Helga?" I asked. He arched his eyebrow. "How would I know where that teacher be?" He asked. I took a deep breath and looked at him. "I know it was you Hades. I know you were the one that saved me from Ms. Helga." I said. Hades looked at me, before letting out a humorless laugh. "Look Jaimee." He paused. He knows my name, I thought. "I don't know what your issue with Ms. Helga, but I can assure you it wasn't me that you think you saw that day." He said. "I'm pretty sure it was you." I said. Hades rolled his eyes. "I am telling you it's not me. I did helped you once with Vera's minions but that was it. It was not me who pulled Ms. Helga off you. Besides, why would a teacher beat the crap out of you? I'm sure it was Lucca Ramiro whom you saw, since he's pretty much lurking around where ever you are." Hades said. I glared at him. "I did not mention that Ms. Helga was beating the crap out of me." I said. Hades paused, and clenched his jaw. "My memory is perfectly fine. I saw you that day. You pulled Ms. Helga off me and held her by her throat." I sneered. Hades scoffed. "Why are you really asking me? What do you want to know?" Hades asked. "Why did you help me again? Are you bored again? Where did you take Ms. Helga?" I asked back. Hades ran his finger through his silky black hair. "I don't know where she is, and that's the truth." Hades answered. "Why did you help me again?" I asked. Hades smirked. "Didn't I tell you that I am fascinated by you?" Hades said, taking a step towards me. Standing this close to Hades, suddenly made me feel nervous. "Why is your heart beating so fast? Do I make you nervous? Are you scared?" Hades asked leaning towards me. I gulped when his face is just a few inches away from mine, that I can feel my cheeks heat up. Hades and I stayed like that, just staring at each other. But when there was a scrunch of dried leaves, I felt Hades wrapped his arm around me and pulled me towards him, and then he angled his body in a protective manner. I think I forgot to breath for a moment when I am pressed to his side. But when Hades hissed, that made me realize that we have company. A few feet from us stood a man with tattered clothes drenched with dried blood. Looking at his pale skin and red empty eyes, I can tell this man is a feral newborn. A human victim that unexpectedly transitioned into a vampire. "When I say go, you ran towards the shack. Go inside, and lock the door." Hades whispered to me. "B-But-" Hades cut me off. "No buts. That one's feral, no mind, and no conscience. It is drawn to your scent and the loud beating of your heart. You'll die if you won't do what I tell you." Hades said, "O-Okay." I stuttered. "Good girl. Now, go!" hades exclaimed. I pulled away from him and ran towards the shack, at the same time the feral dashed towards me, but Hades blocked him. When I get into the shack, I went inside and locked the door as per Hades' instruction. I stepped back from the door, feeling scared. I never have ever encountered a feral vampire before, and this will definitely haunt my dreams. When I saw a hole on the door, I cannot help but take a peek. Through the hole, I watch Hades fought the feral vampire. His precise movements gave him the upper hand, against his opponent. Then Hades held his arm side ways and flicked his wrist, and then thick roots from the ground sprouted and wrapped around the feral's arms. And when Hades closed his fist, the roots pulled both arms from the feral's shoulders. I had to cover my mouth to prevent me from screaming. Seeing something so gory made my stomach flip. I took a several deep breaths before looking back through the hole. This time, I saw the roots wrapping around the feral's whole body slowly. Hades was just standing, watching what is happening, tilting his head as if he's enjoying what is happening. When Hades closed his fist again, the roots wrapped tight and squeezed the body until it burst. Blood and flesh scattered everywhere like rain. For a while, I forgot to breath. I just stared at the scene before me. The ground was now red and the strong scent of blood made me nauseous. I quickly unlocked the door and stepped out of the shack. Hades turned to me, then at the bloody mess he did. "I have no choice." I heard him say. I ignore him and leaned over, and then began emptying my stomach contents. While heaving, I felt a movement behind me and then I felt my hair was pulled out of my face, held them back and a hand began rubbing my back. "I told you to lock yourself in so you won't see any of that." I heard Hades say. I coughed a few more times before Hades handed me his handkerchief. "Don't worry, it's clean." He said. I grunted, and took the handkerchief, and used it to wipe my mouth. Then I stood straight and turned towards Hades. I was about to scold him, but when I saw that he was covered with blood, and bit of flesh is on his hair, I felt nauseous again. I turned back and leaned over and throw up again. I heard Hades chuckle and then I felt him left and enter the shack. When I'm done puking my guts out, I wiped my mouth and that is when Hades came out of the shack wearing clean clothes, and he's also free from any blood, flesh or even its repulsive scent. "Did you clean yourself inside?" I asked him. "Yeah. It seems like you have a weak stomach." He said. "Can you blame me? You just squeezed that man like a grape!" I exclaimed. Hades arched his eyebrow. "Do you prefer that I let him eat you?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "What are you going to do with the remains? And why is there a feral here?" I asked him, not looking at him or at the bloody ground. "That feral was one of the human caretaker of this school. Looks like one vampire feasted on him, but failed to kill him. Thus turning him into a feral. And for the remains, It's already been taken care of." Hades said. I looked at him and he tilted his head towards where he fought the feral. I gulped and slowly looked at the bloody ground, but surprisingly there was no bloody mess on the ground. Instead the ground looked like it was dug up and covered up at the same time. I also can no longer smell the stench of blood in the air. "What happened?" I asked. "As you probably witnessed, my affinity is to control the earth. That includes the ground, the plants and every mineral found underground." He explained. I nodded at him in understanding, then I looked at him. "You saved me again." I said. Hades looked up and stuffed his hands in his jeans back pockets. "You gave me no choice since trouble finds you wherever you go." He said. "Thank you." Hades looked at me. "You are one fascinating human Jaimee Zaragosa. It made me wonder if you really are helpless one or a dumb one." He said, smirking. I scowled at him. "You say one nice thing, and then insult me after. Wow. You are something else Hades Beauford." I said with gritted teeth, but it made Hades laughed out loud. "Don't worry, you got me hooked already. I think I'm going to keep you." Hades started, then he leaned towards me again, our faces inches apart. "I like seeing you all red and bothered. So I'll make sure to keep you safe at all times." Hades added, then he leaned and planted a small kiss on my forehead. One simple kiss on the freaking forehead and here I am turning into a mush. What the heck is wrong with me?
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