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His face, hands, and neck were covered with scratches and blood, but that did not seem to bother him. His focus was on me, his eyes never leaving mine. "What...? What did Solomon do to you?" I was shivering, black dots had started to appear in front of my eyes. I could not focus on anything anymore. And then I fell back into the darkness, my heart unable to take the pain anymore. ***** "Call Adrain immediately." I heard a man say, "keep it a secret. Make sure no one gets a hint of his disappearance from the sanctuary." "Did you read her memories?" another man asked in a low voice. "I had to. There was no other choice. She had refused to tell me anything. She was terrified when she had woken up. Badly shaken and screaming for Solomon to stop. How could I make her go through the pain of reminiscing all that s**t again?" I opened my eyes, blinking under the light when the men continued, "There is no evidence that her memories are true. Those were just dreams that you saw in her memories, right? How can you be sure they are real?" The voice was of Zeke, I realized. Elijah opened his mouth to answer but then his gaze fell upon me and he instantly rushed over towards me, putting his hand on my cheek gently and caressing. "Do what I said." he ordered without turning his gaze. Zeke's eyes turned towards me, suddenly I could not see any hatred in them for me anymore. But then without saying a word he turned around and walked out of the room. "How are you feeling?" he asked in a gentle tone, "is there any kind of pain?" I shook my head in a no softly. His head dropped upon mine, without putting any pressure. Just resting upon mine. Slowly, his hand caressed my cheek lightly, "You were hiding things from me, Ally. Big things." "I know." I said in a low tone, "I think I have gone mad." He lifted his head up to look into my eyes in shock, "Don't say that. You are fine. You will be fine." I saw him struggling to control his emotions for the first time since I had met him. His eyes were filled with unshed tears that he did not try to hide from me. "You read my memories?" I asked, "how...? How much of it did you see?" His eyes moved to his thumb that was stroking my cheek softly as he whispered, "all of it. Every f*****g dark bit of it." I clenched my eyes shut in pain. I could not even imagine him seeing me or Bella in that condition. But he had endured. I could not say anything, but just to pray and think it will be okay. "I have been having dreams of Bella since the day you and I were last called to the Adramalech." I started telling him, "when I was told to choose freedom or you, I felt like I almost did not have any control over my body anymore. When I had fainted, Bella told me to choose your death if I wanted to keep you alive. And when the time came, I did not even realize what I had done until it was too late and I was no longer here." Elijah listened to me silently. When I stopped talking, he took my hand in his own and kissed it lightly, "why didn't you tell me anything at all? You did not explain even a word to me before leaving. And then for three months you were going through these dreams without understanding why?" "I... I thought I was getting punished for being the reason of your death." my throat felt choked when I tried not to break down completely, "I thought I was going mad. I did not know how to come back to Otherworld, that is why later on I went to find Neil and then got rescued by you." "Ally... you went to the person who sold you to find a way back here?" Elijah's tone held a bit of anger and frustration, his hand clenching upon mine. "I did not have a choice." I sniffled and wiped the tears streaming down my face, "I did not know who else to go to. He was the only one that I knew of to bring me here." He sighed in a low tone and then his hand that was on my cheek wiped off my tears, "I am sorry for being a douche to you." "You don't have to be. I knew it was coming. I should not have believed in a stupid dream so blindly and I should not have left you to die here. I... I acted like a murderer." "That thing is over now though. Don't worry anymore. I am here." I listened to his words when my eyes slowly glided to meet his. It had been so long since I had seen him being this gentle to me. He had been fighting with me since the day we had met again, but now as I felt his touch, my worries seem to be melting in the air. "Am I going mad?" I asked, preparing myself for the worst, "I don't understand what this is but I feel like I am going mad completely." He opened his mouth to respond when suddenly a knock on the door interrupted us. "Adrian is here." Zeke announced as Adrian followed him inside the room. I lifted my body up and sat up straight. I could not even meet his gaze. The things that had happened to Bella were giving me nightmares, how could I face her father? How could I tell him the things that happened to her? "Let's talk outside." Elijah stood up and walked out of the room. Zeke gave me a small nod of acknowledgment before turning around and following Elijah and Adrian out of the room. ***** "Why are we here?" I asked Elijah as he pulled at my hand and led me outside the house the next day. I did not know what had happened between him and Adrian, but by the time he had come back, I had fallen back asleep and did not wake up until this morning. He had made me get dressed and insisted I follow him or he will lift me up and make his way. Caring for my own sanity, I decided to choose the earlier and followed him. We had barely made it past the threshold when we saw a man driving on a kickass black bike, and then stopping by the entrance. The black helmet lifted and I found Ryan grinning up at me while ruffling his sexily messy hair. I almost drooled.
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